Disclaimer: This fic is based off of actual events in the Shaman King anime, but I highly doubt Ren would actually think these thoughts...

Thanks. Enjoy. This is, as a matter of fact, my first fic that wasn't a crackfic. xD Sorry if I don't get the mood right...I'm not used to this type of writing...


How Far Would You Go?

How Far Would You Go To Save A Loved One?

He's about to die. My friend, my companion.

My Ainu baka. My Boroboro.

Who I've known for so long.

How Far Can I Go?

How far can I go to save him? I have to save him. I won't let him die. Not here, not now, not ever.

I'll have to go as far as I can go.

As Far As I Can Go.

How far is that? I can't stand and watch.

There's only one thing left to do.

The only way I can help.

I have to go far as I can go.

How Far Will I Go?

In an instant. Silently, quickly. Without a word. I intercept.

This is what I can do. How far I will go.

My hands on my weapon, my Horohoro behind me.

I can't hold out much longer. It's too much for me to withstand.

I'm not strong enough.

How Far Did I Go?

How far did I go?

Is this the best I can do?

Shock, horror. Another one descends upon me, swiftly. Like a deadly hawk.

There's nothing I can do to change the course of the wind.

He comes, raising the blade. Then it flies down faster than I can see.

My eyes are wide. Excruciating pain.

And now, I'm falling. Falling through the air. I imagine that I'm flying, like an angel.

A guardian angel.

His guardian angel.

How Much Farther Can I Go?

And now I hit the ground.

Sickening crunch. I can feel every bone in my body shattering, my heart shattering, my life shattering.

So much pain. My blood. It's everywhere.

This is it for me.

One Last Step To Go.

One last look. I must have one last look.

Of the boy.

Of the boy I suffer for.

Of the boy I'm in pain for.

Of the boy that I'm dying for.

He screams my name, he won't believe.

That he will never se me again.

That I will never see him again.

My eyes are closing. The pain is overwhelming.

I struggle. I fight. I fail.

As Far As I Could Go.

This is as far as I can go.

For my friend, my companion, my Ainu baka, my Boroboro.

My Horohoro.

I'm slipping. He's fading. One last goodbye. I just want to say one last goodbye.

Death won't allow me to carry out my final wish.

No one can beat Death in his tragic game.

They try to save me.

They can't beat him. No one can.

I've done it.

I've tried.

And I've saved him at the cost of my own life. A reasonable sum Death demands of me.

And I pay him the price.

This is it.

Everything is white.

Nothing left to see. Nothing left to do.

Nothing left to live.

And then everything disappears.

I Can Go No Further.


As you all know, Ren was eventually ressurected. Hurrah! But not in my fic. (

Which is why it's FICTION.

OK. Thanks for bearing with me.

Leave a review, telling me what I need to improve on, and please check out my other fics.
