Wow, no one seems to have any faith in my skills. '^ ^
No one's going to die. I'm a sugar person...
However, a plot is not interesting without a trial or chapter...unless I decide on an epilogue...not likely...what do you think?


" Look out!"

Sakura swam frantically as the shadow descended on them. Suddenly, she felt more than saw the hull hit the water. There was a suspenseful three seconds of silence, then suddenly a shock wave towered over her head.

" Sakura!"

She felt her body lurching beneath the great wave, and suddenly she was lifted ten feet in the air. No sooner up, then her stomach jolted into her throat as she was sucked under, feeling the water gripping her face and tightening her chest. The cold water jabbed her like a dagger, and her brain began to protest. Little spots of light danced in front of her eyes, and it was a long time passed before her senses came back to her. She tried to swim towards the surface, but her muscles felt sluggish, and the gown she wore seemed to stick to her like glue. Kicking off the last shoe that managed to survive this encounter, she pushed upwards desperately, her lungs brimming to exhale. Air! With a great gasp like a surfacing dolphin, she looked around, first blurrily, then with a frantic panic.

" Syaoran? Syaoran?! SYAORAN!"

Sakura swam a few feet here, then back, then forward, aimless wandering about looking for the boy that had saved her time and time again. Each time she saw a surfacing struggling head she swam towards it, but each time it was never whom she sought.


Suddenly, she felt a hand fall on her shoulder, and she turned around expectantly.

" Syaoran?"

But, the face that met her, though reassuring, drowned her expectations.

" Eriol!"
" Sakura. Come on. We should find something to float on. You don't have a water vest."
" Weren't you with Tomoyo?"
" I was. But, while they were loading the boat, there was a slight brawl over a seat, and I fell overboard. I swam away, and right about then I saw the boat give a great shudder."
" Have you seen Syaoran?"
" No. You're the first familiar face." He spat out some water, treading gently.
" I need to find him. We were separated when the boat fell."

Eriol's face fell.

" I do not have high hopes for his survival. The water here is frigid, and if he were caught beneath the boat's hull..."

Eriol left his sentence hanging, but its horrible implication struck Sakura full force.

" No..."

She gazed out at the endless blue. There were so many people there. Surely he must have survived...


Three hours passed, and Sakura's entire body had long since gone numb from her feet down. Eriol had found a small wrecked hull plating, and both of them were resting uncomfortably on that. Eriol started to let go of the makeshift raft, a gentlemanly gesture, but Sakura stopped him.

" Don't you dare. What would Tomoyo say?"

She herself had contemplated the idea of letting him stay on the makeshift raft, but it seemed pointless

" Syaoran..."

Another hour passed, and she could feel her life slipping slowly away. It frightened her to the point where she kept close tabs on Eriol. His health was no better than hers, but they were both fighting to stay alive. Her mind closed out the horror of seeing frozen figures around her, floating serenely like manakins from a department store window.
Just as her mind was beginning to dim out, she heard a shrill whistle. It was coming from behind her. She reached shakily towards Eriol.

" Eriol..ERIOL!"

At first he didn't stir, and she was afraid he'd passed away just as the man had. But, slowly he murmured, and she shook harder.


The sound of paddles breaking water heartened her. She let out a hoarse cry, which she heard answered. The sound of rowing grew, and she did her best to wake Eriol. No sooner, and strong arms pulled her out of the water, followed by her nearly paralyzed companion. He choked a little as they poured warm cognac down his throat, and she gratefully accepted some. Slowly, the boat moved once more among the many corpses, searching with a light for survivors. Sakura realized that her fists were still balled up, and tried to unfold the fingers so she could hold the canteen more properly. Something clattered to her side, and she realized that she was still holding whatever it was she'd picked up as defense. Looking down, Sakura was surprised to see it was her locket. Inside, was a tiny picture of Syaoran.


" That's a very pretty locket."
" Yes, Ms. Kinomoto gave it to me."
" But, it's so empty."
" I haven't found a picture to put in it."

Syaoran frowned, then smiled, reaching into his pocket. Carefully, he began to tear away at something in his hand. Reaching for the locket, he hesitated.

" May I?"

He fumbled with it for a moment, before returning it to her open like a book.

" There. Something to remember me by."


Sakura cried as she held the tiny portrait, the only remnant of Syaoran that she had.


The day after the crash, the search continued, only this time for bodies. The California was the first ship to arrive. Sakura was one of the first few passengers to receive medical care, along with Eriol. Everyday afterward, she'd sat staring at the passengers disembarking from the row boats. But, he never came. Syaoran's face was visibly absent from the crowd. Soon, the boats carried, not survivors, but bodies, and Sakura neglected to see those, for fear she would find him there. As she sat now, on the deck, looking at the locket, Tomoyo and Eriol watched from a distance. Eriol's legs were still healing, and he had a rather interesting black cane to help him walk.

" Do you think she'll ever heal?"
" I don't know."

They parted silently.

Sakura continued to stare at the picture, her mind wandering back to her first few days of knowing him. Suddenly, tears spilled down her face, and in an angry gesture, she stood up. Raising her hand, she readied herself to throw the locket into the sea, carrying away the memory of he whom she loved...forever...

But, as she raised her hand, she found she couldn't raise it any further...something was holding her back...her guilt?...her conscience?...

" I hope you don't intend to cast all your possessions into the sea. Else we'll be paupers before we're wed."

Sakura lowered her shaking hand, feeling slim fingers squeeze hers reassuringly. Was she dreaming? Slowly, with small breaths, she turned around. Could it be?

" Even the seas could not dissolve your beauty." He whispered.


Sakura threw her arms around his neck, pushing him back a few steps. Her tears dotted his already seasalted blazer and shirt, and her little cries of relief and woe were muffled against the neck of his coat. He murmured soothingly, brushing a hand across her hair. Finally, the inane babble of relief blurred into joyful weeping, as her body shook. Slowly, he raised her face to his, and she gazed at him solemnly.

" What's wrong?" He said after a moment.
" I-"

She bit her lip. Could she bear to lose him again? Could her trodden heart take another beating?

" You're what?" He said, pulling her close in concern.
" I'm not a Lady's daughter." She whispered.

She closed her eyes, expecting a rebuke, shock, disbelief. Instead, she heard his light relieved laughter.

" Is that all..."

She felt two feather kisses on her brow, and opening her eyes, felt one more just above her lips.

" But-" He looked at her as she protested," I have no money. I have nothing."
" You don't need money to be a lady's daughter." He said softly, " You have a heart of gold. That's why I love you."

She was speechless as he leaned down and kissed her again...for there were no more words to say.