Titanic Grand
By Hippoclymae_66

Disclaimer: I keep forgetting to put these up. I DO NOT own CCS, ( though I kind of wish I did ~_^) I'm going to be writing stories off and on, as my family is moving, so I'll have limited access to the net ( luckily, my dad's a business person, so no worries...) Anyhow, enjoy the story. Oh, yeah. This has nothing to do with the Movie no matter how much....

One more thing. This is a complete AU environment, merely for the pleasure of the readers and myself. I've changed the names of all the guests aboard for my story, as a precaution. Since I wasn't there, and since I didn't know the people aboard, I couldn't rightfully write about their personalities. So, don't flame me, please...Other then that enjoy the fic.

Table of Contents -
Just giving a classier look to my fics. It's also for the reader's benefit, so that they only have to remember what chapter name they were on and just flip there without hassle. If you don't like the idea, tell me. I'll be updating this as I go. I won't put this on every page, just so you know. It's really a hassle for the reader. Just this first page.

Chapter 1 - We Meet The Guests Who Interest Us The Most
Chapter 2 - Launch of The Great Ship
Chapter 3 - The Banquet of Honor
Chapter 4 - A Heart-stopping Meeting
Chapter 5 - Beginning of a Mystery and a Quaint Cafe
Chapter 6 - Sunday, April 14, 1912 ~new~ (updated 10-13)
Chapter 7 - Till Death Do We Part: In That Case No Worries ~new~ (updated 12-07)
Chapter 1 - We Meet The Guests Who Interest Us The Most

Ms. Winterspeggin couldn't exactly say she was not pleased with the accommodations. On the contrary, flabbergasted fit her description, more or less. I mean, sure, she was the richest woman in a three county radius, but still...to think she'd been invited...no...requested by the owner himself, to be an honored guest aboard the great R.M.S Titanic. Why, she could have just fainted!
Never mind that she wasn't the only one, there could be more then 1000 people going. The main thing was that she was one of them!

" Oh, I really must pack, there are so many things I have to do....'Kura?!"

A timid girl of about 15 entered Ms. Winterspeggin's room. She held a goose plume feather duster in her right hand. Wearing the traditional black dress, with white apron, she walked cautiously towards her Mistress.

" Yes, Ma'am?"
" Come, we're going on a trip."
" Ma'am, you're not referring to the Titanic, are you?"

'Kura had seen the tickets on the table top as she dusted. Her mistress rarely traveled, so this was a much talked about event in the household. She knew that her Mistress would be taking along some of the servitude to help her, but it never occurred that she would be one of them.

" Yes, of course, silly dear. What else would I be referring to?"

'Kura hesitated before her mistress. She wasn't worried about her Mistress's health - Ms. Winterspeggin wasn't old, on the contrary, she probably was only in her early 20's. And it wasn't like 'Kura was ungrateful for the offer, goodness knows, that wasn't it.

" I just feel inadequate for this trip." 'Kura said, pronouncing each syllable carefully as she'd been taught.
" Don't be silly, dove, you're the best attendant I've had, and for a trip like this I want only the best."
" But, I..."
" And, you are the best, 'Kura!"

'Kura smiled shyly. She owed a great deal to Ms. Winterspeggin. The woman was very brave: even after her husband had passed away, she continued to run the company alone, and had prospered. Many people thought she was foolish, or an airhead, but 'Kura knew better.

" But, if it makes you feel better I could have one of the other maids along too..."
" Oh, would you?"
" Oh, yes! You know, Jerryl and I never had a chance to have children..." Ms. Winterspeggin smiled softly.

Suddenly, her face grew warm, and she crinkled her nose childishly at 'Kura.

" But, you've been so much like a daughter to me, that I don't know what I'd do without you!"

She smiled fondly at 'Kura, sighing as she saw hidden resemblances between 'Kura and her passed husband: The brown hair, and deep green eyes. Suddenly, seeing the worry on 'Kura's face, Carrie Winterspeggin grinned girlishly, and suddenly turned rather matter-of-fact.

" Now, you go choose one, a friend preferably, and we'll head out to the wharf immediately! On the way, I'm going to go get you some nice new clothes."
" Why?" It seemed strange. Wouldn't her clothes do?
" Nonsense!" Carrie seemed to have read her maid's mind," You'll need ravishing new dresses and gowns if you're to accompany me!"
" But, Miss, I'm just accompanying to help aren't I? There's no need for such things..."
" 'Kura, silly dear, you really thought I was bringing you along as a servant?"
" Well, yes, I don't see any other reason..."
" 'Kura, the owner provided me with three tickets. It would be silly of a woman like me to be traveling alone on such a lovely ship with only two servants, you must understand. I'm taking you along more as companions."
" Oh, really, you don't have to."
" 'Kura. After all this, I'm tired of having you just as a servant. It gets rather lonely. On this trip, you're my surrogate daughter, and I intend to spoil you and your friend rotten."
" Really, Ms. Winterspeggin, that's entirely unnecessary."
" If you must see it in THAT sense then think of it as just reward for loyally staying by my side."

'Kura took this to mind. The other's in the household would certainly give her a good tongue lashing for passing up such a wonderful opportunity. That was that then. She was going. But, if she was to go...

" Actually, if its all right, I don't want dresses. Could you just provide the material?"
" Whatever for, gosling?"
" Well, the person I have in mind, is an excellent seamstress..."


" Ohhhh!!!!!" Tomoyo squealed with glee as she and 'Kura dusted the banisters.
" Calm down. You're feathering my apron!" Tomoyo looked down and blushed to see she was dusting 'Kura.

As she returned to the mirror and table she'd been doing, she continued to squeal and smile and giggle.

" Oh, this will be soooooooooo great! I'm finally going to be able to show you off in some great outfits! You'll be tres jolie! No, more then tres jolie! You'll be tres belle! Tres tres tres belle!" The French accent that had been almost un-noticeable before bloomed forth once more.

'Kura found herself cringing and smiling at the same time at her friend's jubilant behavior. Suddenly, she heard a small sound like a wind chime. The silver bell! The Mistress kept one with her when she needed someone's assistance. Careful not to trip and fall, she gracefully raced up the stairs.

Carrie was busy rummaging through her jewelry box, muttering something beneath her breath, when she recognized the diffident knock at her door. It opened a peek, and Carrie motioned.

" Come in, come in, 'Kura, you're just the person I need."

'Kura closed the door behind her, and walked up apprehensively, only to gasp as Carrie Winterspeggin presented her with a tiny golden locket.

" I think it would look lovely with whatever gowns, Ms. Tomoyo makes for you." Ms. Winterspeggin smiled.
" Oh, I couldn't take this, it would..."
" ...insult me a great deal if you didn't." She laughed. She reached out and handed another one out.
" And we mustn't forget Ms. Tomoyo. She needs to look lovely as well."

Carrie got up from her bed, and walked over to 'Kura, her red hair was in a neat bun on her head, and she wore a lovely casual day gown, a style that 'Kura admired a great deal.

" Now, We can't exactly have your name as 'Kura...no that will never do. And we also must give you a surname. No Lady is fit without her name being as elegant as her face...I suppose I'll have to drop Winterspegging from the list...makes me sound old..."

Ms. Winterspeggin laughed as 'Kura argued otherwise, 'Kura was always prone to protesting anything negative her mistress said about herself.

" So, we'll just use my maiden name for this trip. I suppose, since my husband passed away, Ms. Winterspeggin isn't very appropriate. So, from now on, I will be Ms. Carrie Kinomoto, and you are my surrogate daughter, Sakura Kinomoto."

Sakura smiled, no one had used her full first name in quite some time.

" Thank you, Ms. Kinomoto." Sakura experimented using her name," I'll never be able to thank you enough."
" You're smile's enough thanks, deary. And..." Ms. Kinomoto's smile is warm," I hope to someday see your children."

Sakura blushed. She stuttered bashfully.

" Oh, I d-don't really think anyone would like me..."
" Don't be silly, Sakura. You're a beautiful young girl, and I'm sure someone will have their eye on you."

Charles Baxley sighed as he checked his gold pocket watch. The stiff blue uniform he wore was very uncomfortable in this unusual heat, not to mention the crowds. There were camera men fighting for spots, and police men forming lines around to keep people from sneaking aboard. So many well-wishers gathered at the docks, and most smelled like they hadn't bathed in weeks. He held his breath, and flipped through his clipboard once again. There were only 4 more reservations that hadn't shown up. And it looked like one of them was showing up now. He sighed in relief as a black open-hood carriage pulled up, drawn by two lovely white horses. Odd, most people simply drove their automobiles up and parked them in the ship's lot, but there were some, romantics mostly, who still prefered the old travel methods. A woman stepped out, and he felt another intake of breath. She had lovely red hair, that was done up in a bun, and wore a casual, nonetheless, beautiful gown, of a light floral pattern. Behind her, two children, no more then 14 maybe 15 years of age were laughing, each wearing a somewhat Sunday floral dress with large brimmed hats.
As they walked up the ramp to the ship, Charles shook himself free of his reverie, and he calmly addressed the woman and two girls.

" Good day to you, ma'am." He inclined his head respectfully, before continuing," What room?"
" First class, Kinomoto please."
" Oh, I'm sorry, there is no Kinomoto listed here."
" Oh! Beg your pardon. I am registered as a Ms. Winterspeggin."
" Ah. Yes, I see. Your husband is not with you on this trip?"
" Oh, no, he passed away several months ago."
" Beg your pardon! I didn't know!"
" It's all right. Could you please change my registration?"
" Of course. It says here you were provided with two other tickets."
" My two travel companions. Sakura Kinomoto, my daughter, and her companion, Ms. Tomoyo Daidouji."
" Ah, yes. First class. Ms. Kinomoto is it now? And Ms. Sakura Kinomoto, Tomoyo Daidouji. Suite 81/83 'B' Deck. Welcome, to the R.M.S Titanic. Enjoy your stay."
" I'm sure we will." She smiled an award winner, before gracefully continuing up the deck.

Charles Baxley turned back around, and saw another carriage pulling up after the Kinomoto's had pulled away. A boy got out, along with a fiery ebony haired beauty on his arm. A taller couple, most likely the parents, began to walk slowly up the gangplank. When they'd stopped, the boy spoke.

" First Class, Reservation under Li."
" Let me see. Ah, yes. First Class. Shy-ao-ran Li?"
" Li Syaoran, sir."
" Pardon me," Baxley mumbled apologetically," Li Syaoran."

The parents acknowledged his apology with a nod.

" Yes, Li Syaoran, you have Suite 63/66 'B' Deck. Come with me."

Mr. Baxley continued up the gang plank, only to hear a cry of surprise.
" But! There must be some mistake!" Mei-Ling cried out, " I'm suppose to be sharing a suite with Syaoran."
" Miss!" Charles Baxley was shocked," You aren't on the roster."
" But, I should be!!!" Meilin fussed, when suddenly a hand rested on her shoulder.

One of the Elders spoke.

" Mei-Ling. The path you are chosen to take, is not the same as his. Though he is not meant to walk the path alone, his partner is not you. He will find that partner, and when he does, he will know. We can not interfere, only support."

Mei-Ling was silent, and she turned tear filled eyes on Syaoran's retreating back, and the luggage boarding with him.

" Oh, poo."

Charles Baxley returned to his post as soon as Li Syaoran was aboard. The other two reservations never did show up. Waiting as long as he could, Charles Baxley finally signaled for the walkway ramp to be moved and returned inside so that the ship could be launched. Little did he realize, that those 38 other families would be only a group out of so few people who would live through this terrible time...

This is a rewrite of the original, I added a few details, changed a few things. I want it to be as authentic as possible, disregarding the people who were actually on board. The only real people I'll mention are the owner of the White Star Line, and maybe the Captain.
So, Read and Review, I'd like to know what you think of it.