A/N: Alright, I've been wondering if I was going to do this or not, and finally decided that I wanted to. Note, this is almost like a sequel to "Behind the scenes of Spiral" that I posted, and then most likely deleted a few days back, so if you haven't read it, don't worry about it. It's never going to be posted again. Also take note that this fic is a product of boredom and lack of sleep, so enjoy.
She makes her way onto the stage, greeted by the sudden burst of applause from the audience watching her. Nervously, she glances back to her manager, who gives her a thumbs up from behind the velvet curtain offstage, and she continues forward. She is the one and only Sayoko Shirinagitani. Her eyes scan the crowd before her, hoping to pick out a few familiar faces, but no one grabs her attention. She hopes Kei is at home with her grandfather, watching her show.
Yes, she's a newbie celebrity with her own talk show.
Emo with Sayoko.
Only god knows where her manager came up with the crack title.
Her wardrobe was just as bad. Just before the show, she had been taken and forcefully dressed in dark, almost gothic style clothes from Hot Topic, and dolled with black eyeshadow, mascara, and lipstick, that make the men in the crowd go ballistic. Her Grandfather was probably having seizures by now.
After one last glance to the crowd, she found a seat on a plush chair onstage and looked into the camera. "Welcome to Emo with Sayoko. Today we've brought in a very special guest, who'll hopefully give us a glimpse into his emo life. Please welcome Kanone Hilbert."
The Kanone fans in the audience screamed like mad and burst into tears as their beloved sauntered onto the stage with a slight swing to his hips. Once he sat down, Sayoko began the interview. "Well, Kanone. How have you been?" she smiled, fighting the urge to get up and run like hell.
A soft laugh settled upon the brunette's lips at the question. "Horny." he replied, as Sayoko's eyes widened.
"E-excuse me?"
"I believe I said I'm horny, dear. Didn't you hear me the first time?"
"I...I did, but..." Sayoko blushed nervously. "Are you always...?"
"Oh, yes." Kanone chuckled. "It's one of the reasons why I'm emo. I feel no one truly understands why I'm like this, or can help me with it. It's also because I'm a mean and violent bastard to the little Narumi fella. I can't help it. Just looking at him makes me wanna slice his head open. God, he's such a little pansy, and it's all because he's nothing like his sonofabitch brother. Both the bastards are better off dead." he explained.
"Um, alright." Sayoko scooted away from the madman. "Do you take any form of medication for this?"
"I used to, but when i killed my psychiatrist, I quit, and resorted to trying to kill little Narumi. I find that held relieve some of the stress." he smiled, proceeding to tell his story. "One time, I had him trapped in an abandoned warehouse, with Madoka as a hostage, and..."
"Ok, onto our next guest." Sayoko watched at her manager escorted Kanone offstage. "Now, we have Eyes Rutherford." she watched as the pianist stepped up and found a seat. "May I just say, you're looking really hot today, Mr. Rutherford?" she asked.
"I know." The Brit. Replied, as he brushed his hair over his shoulder. "I try..." he added.
"Are all Brits. As hot as you?" The blonde moved closer to the boy.
"They try to be, but they're nowhere near my perfection. Even my twin brother, Eriol can't surpass my sexy, hot, emo-ness. I'm a God, love, and don't you forget it." he stated.
Eriol stood up from his seat in the audience. "You're a fraud, you bastard! I'm twice as good-looking than you!" he screamed.
"In your dreams, baby brother." Rutherford sighed.
Sauoko shook her head. "So why are you here today?"
Because I'm emo" Eyes replied.
"Well, I know that, but what makes you that way?"
"No one understands who I really am. Everyone just sees my music, or a pretty face and a hot body. I'm a Blade Child, damnit! I kill people! Don't love me!" he screamed, earning screams of admiration from the crowd.
"Any questions from the audience?" Sayoko turned to the people as a dozen or more raised their hands.
"Yes, you in the back." she nodded.
Tohru Honda stood up. "If I hug you, what kind of animal would you turn into?" she smiled.
"I'd become an albino tiger. I like them because they're beautiful, but also deadly and can rip a grown man's head off" Eyes said.
"But Kisa's already a tiger!" Tohru whined. "There can't be two tigers in the fucking Chinese zodiac!" the brunette cussed and flipped over her chair in a fit of anger, hitting Eriol in the head and giving him a concussion.
Sayoko sighed as the crowd gasped. "We'll be right back after these messages."
Commercial: Buttsex. Barney and teletubbies singing as they make out. Children and parents burning out their eyes. Mass suicides and cow slaughters. The death rate goes up dramatically, and the government sends out cheese to calm the rioting. Bush sets fire to his underwear.
A/N: Stay tuned for chapter two. Flames and reviews are welcome.