Demons cut fleas and eat souls, but humans need someone to feel smiling.


"Zoro... Do you believe that future will be kind to us and make us be what we want to be?"

Zoro smiled and looked on to the sky.

"No Luffy. This word will try to kill us so many times that you can't even count them." He said and yawned.

"We have seen so many times how much we are hated and still we can only be what we are."

Luffy sighed and looked the sky too but his eyes where more shining than Zoros.

"Maybe you are right… But still I can't stop hoping that some day they will accept us the way we are."

"You are too naïve my friend. They will just hate us if we do something."

"Why we would have to do something? Why they are not coming to us?" Luffy asked sadly and turned his eyes to look at the sea what was glowing a little. He loved the sea and ecpecially in this time of day and year. It was so peace full and seemed to call him in some way.

The sun had disapierd a long time ago and there was no one but them in here on the beach.

"Why everyone are saying that I am naïve?" Luffy asked a little more quietly that he had spoken and played with his hair.

Zoro smiled a little and tapped Luffys arm.

"You just hope too much. You are always thinking too optimistic and it's not always good to do so… We both know what you have gone through because you have been only thinking good of everyone and everything…"

"Yeah… But I am who I am…"

"I know Luffy. I am too."

"And that's why we are friends right?"

Zoro nodded and messed up Luffys hair a little.

"You are hopeless... but I think that I am too."

Luffy blinked. "Why?"

"Because I want you to stay that way always."

Luffy blinked again but then smiled so wide that Zoro have to smile wider too. Luffys joy was just so easily seizing.

"Why? Why you don't want me to change?"

"Because you are the best in that way... And I feel that if you ever change... You would leave me..." Zoro said and his smile turned a little sad like his eyes but the sadness was washed away when Luffy hug him.

"I will never leave you..." Luffy said in serious tone and his grip on Zoro get stronger.

Zoro could only respond to that bu hugging Luffy just as tightly.

"And I hope that you will never leave me either Zoro..."

"Why?" Zoro whispered quietly.

"Because if you do... I think that I will lose my reasons to smile..."
