Worlds Apart Chapter One: First Impression, Worst Impression

Disclaimer: I do not own Card captor Sakura. Although one mission in my life is to own it. XD Until I come up with at least 10million dollars.

A hand appeared out of nowhere, hitting at the alarm clock that was ringing loudly. A sigh came from the bed covers and it moved. Then a face popped out from the blanket. The emerald eyes blinked sleepily, and her tousled chestnut brown hair. She walked to the mirror and her reflection looked back at her.

"Good Morning," she murmured to herself.

She changed out of her nightclothes and stepped into the shower.

Down stairs, the young teenager's father was preparing breakfast. Her brother was sitting at the table. The house seemed to be full of life. Somehow the absence of a motherly figure did not seem to bother them.

"Sakura!" the father yelled. "Please hurry up!"

There was a thump upstairs as the girl named Sakura rushed to finish dressing.

"Ok Dad!" she yelled as she pulled a sweater over her head.

Her brother smirked and waited for her to come down. She ran down the stairs making a thump thump noise. She quickly said a good morning to her father and eldest brother and sat down to eat.

"Once a monster," started the brother. "Always a monster."

Sakura almost choked on her food.

"That AGAIN!?" She yelled angrily.

Her brother just chuckled.


Her best friend Tomoyo came up to her.

"Did you know we have a new transfer student today?" asked Tomoyo.

Sakura blinked at her for a while, before the words sank in. Then she looked a little puzzled.

"Really?" she asked excitedly.

Tomoyo just smiled and nodded.

Sakura bugged Tomoyo about the new person, but Tomoyo just kept on laughing and shaking her head. She didn't want to let one little thing to leak out. Tomoyo was keeping her silence.

During homeroom, Sakura was still asking Tomoyo when a new guy with brown hair walked into the class room. Tomoyo nodded her head towards the newcomer, seeing her nod. Sakura turned her head towards the guy. She gasped.

"Man," she murmured, "He's pretty cute."

Tomoyo suddenly giggled and looked at Sakura.

"You're going to say that for him to hear?" asked Tomoyo.

Sakura went red on the face and turned away from Tomoyo.

The boy had a wealthy class person look on him. He had just moved from China to Japan, and was displeased with his mother's choice. He didn't want to be stuck at this rotten school. His old one was just fine. His old school was a classy and very fashionable school. Not like here, his mind thought bitterly. His cold eyes scanned the room. Oh look, a part of his brain said scornfully, some of the girls already seems to be in love with me. He pretended he didn't see it. His girlfriend Meiling was no way like those girls. She was a person in the same class as him.

The teacher had finished speaking about something. It was his turn to introduce himself. Bowing to the class, he pasted a fake smile on his mouth and said, "Konnichiwa! I'm Syaoran Li from Hong Kong."

A lot of the girls sighed when they heard that name. Ha! He thought as he saw their facial expression. They seem to have fallen for me. He's mental face sneered at those girls, as they stared at him wistfully. Sigh, he thought, this would be one hell of a day. He sat next to a girl, who he didn't bother remember her name.

Sakura looked at the boy who just sat next to her. She wanted to all about him, but it would seem impossible with that face of his. It was arrogant and filled with pride. He would be hard to get to. She'll need Tomoyo's help. Tomoyo looked like she'll have connection to those type of people. She took a piece of paper and wrote,


You know that guy sitting next to you? He seems like he's more of your class then mine.

She quickly folded the piece of paper and passed it over to Tomoyo. Tomoyo took the paper and read it. The teacher noticed Tomoyo with the piece of paper in her hand. Walking over to her, the teacher leaned over Tomoyo.

"Is that more interesting then my class?" she asked.

Tomoyo jumped and gulped then she smiled, "No, the note is very boring compared to your class, Watanuki-sensei."

The teacher smiled, "Then good, would you mind reading that note out loud?"

Sakura gulped and started to kind of sweat, but Tomoyo just saved her and Sakura the trouble, by scrunching up the paper and stuffing it in her mouth.

"You see, Watanuki-sense," she said slowly, "I was just too hungry, so I'm sorry if I ate it."

Watanuki-sensei just smiled thoughtfully, "So, you think you'll have enough energy to serve detention with me?"

Tomoyo went pale but she just nodded and quietly murmured okay. Sakura felt guilty about it, but, she can't do anything about it. She sat there feeling miserable and feeling down. She needed time to think of an escape plan for Tomoyo.

During Lunchtime, she sat by herself in the cafeteria, all her other friends had meetings and club activities to do. She spotted Syaoran sitting by himself. Feeling that it would be her chance. She walked up to him.

"Hi!" she said cheerfully.

Syaoran just looked at her and shrugged.

He's not making this any easier! She thought impatiently.

"How are you today?" she tried again.

He just kept on ignoring her.

"Ok…" she said uncertainly now, "Are you enjoying your day here so far?"

Syaoran lost his cool and slowly placed his lunch on his tray.

"I was enjoying it," he said coolly, "Until, you came along and made a song and dance about it."

Sakura looked deeply offended and turned around and walked back to her table.

"Sorry, if I was trying to be nice." She said angrily.

"I don't need your apology." Muttered Syaoran.

Walking back angrily to her table, she sat there and ate by herself.

Whee I finished it! THE first chapter. Please review if you want me to continue this!