A/N: I know I took forever to get this chapter up! I'm sorry. I haven't been home to write all week really because of spring break. I really hope you guys liked the story and will read my new story once I start to get it written and posted. Lots of Love!

Putnam's Daughter

Chapter Eighteen

Clearing the Air

(Rei's POV)

"What do you want to talk about?" Pogue asked with a sigh closing his door as I sat curling my legs underneath me on the black dish chair next to his bed with my arms crossed over my chest.

"I wanted to know why you've been avoiding me."

"Gee, let's see, why would I avoid you? Hmm, for starters you didn't trust me enough to tell me what the hell was going on, secondly, you hide from all of us that you know us from before your grandmother was sick, when she was friends with Reid's grandmother, and on top of that you obviously like me to some degree considering your actions earlier tonight, whether or not it's completely physical is questionable, but still you won't give me a chance at all to prove to you what a loyal boyfriend I really could be to you. So, tell me, why I wouldn't avoid you, Rei?" he hissed after sitting on his bed

I saw red. No one and I mean no one, had the right to talk to me like I was stupid and cruel for making what would ultimately be right choices. I stood up in front of him and began defending my self saying:

"You are such an ass, you know that? I've only just gotten to know you guys, really know you guys, in the last two weeks. Who the hell automatically trusts people they don't know very well? I didn't hide knowing you guys from childhood, I just didn't flaunt it because I didn't think it mattered that much in the grand scheme of things, and that you probably didn't even remember me. As for not giving you a chance to be my boyfriend, can you really blame me for not wanting a relationship that given the circumstances from my point of view probably wouldn't survive time and distance? I honestly thought I would be leaving town by now, but by some miracle Caleb, Reid, and Tyler have accepted me as a sister, and I'm not leaving, now or anytime real soon. Did it ever occur to you that the main reason I said no to being with you was because I didn't want you or me to get hurt since I was planning on leaving soon? Huh did you ever think about that at all, Pogue?"

"So, you're staying, now that your staying you'll give me a chance to be your boyfriend?"

"I never said that, incase you didn't notice this conversation isn't going very well for you."

"Really, it's not? I thought this was going perfect for me because you're so pleased with my response to your choices," he snapped sarcastically in anger.

"Your attitude isn't helping your plight in any way, shape, or form either"

"Who said I still wanted to convince you to be with me?"

"No, body, but the way you're talking sure fooled me. Since that's how you feel, I'll leave," I choked holding back tears that had been building slowly over the course of our argument before turning away from him.

He stood up, grabbing my wrist, and turning me back around towards him before I could take one step towards the door. He moved his hands to my cheeks, our bodies close to each other, his thumbs gently caressing my face.

"I'm sorry. I got angry at you. I don't want you to leave, that's the last thing I want. I'm just frustrated with my own stupidity, and I'm letting pride get in my way," he whispered.

He bent down and gently pressed his lips to my forehead, then my nose, before chastely and sweetly kissing my lips.

"Are we okay?" he whispered after pulling away.

"Yeah," I hoarsely responded.

I wrapped my arms around his bare waist and he moved his around me so that his hands were resting on my back, snuggling close to each other. We held each other close for a few moments enjoying the peace and comfort of the moment, until tension began to build in the silence. After the tension increased to an almost uncomfortable level Pogue relieved it.

"So, do you think we could give the boyfriend/girlfriend thing a try?" he asked after a few minutes.

"Certainly," I answered smiling up at him, my heart leaping for joy in my chest.

He smiled down at me before kissing my forehead once again.

Being a relatively average teenage girl with hormones and mood swings with a shirtless Adonis type guy in front of her, holding her, I couldn't help smiling up at him after he kissed my forehead and pulling his head back down to mine, kissing him fully on the lips.

Pogue kissed me back, and deepened the kiss by pressing his tongue to my lips, which I opened. We explored each others mouths, our tongues brushing against each other in a slow seductive dance.

When we pulled away to breath he laid down on his bed, pulling at my hand to lie next to him. I laid next to him with my head on his shoulder and my arm across his bare stomach, and his hand on the arm opposite of my body held my hand laying on his stomach, while his other arm was draped across my waist.

He sweetly kissed my lips again, then lightly squeezed my waist in sort of hug.

"Good night, Rei."

"Night, Pogue"

We fell asleep in each others arms, not really caring that in nine hours Caleb would come in with Reid and Tyler in tow, waking us up rudely then making fun of us for two hours, when Sarah arrives and forces them to stop teasing us. Despite the teasing, we'll know everyone is happy we're together. But like I said, for now we're totally content to just peacefully sleep in each others arms until we wake.