I Don't Know You Anymore!!

Summary: Sango, what's wrong with you? Why are you acting so strangely? (Not that I don't like this new personality of yours...) What happens when Sango becomes... bold, to say the least? Written in Miroku's POV!
This is all written in Miroku's point of view!

Disclaimer: It's sad that I must put this here, since I'm writing this on But I'll say it anyway, I don't own Inuyasha, if I did, Inuyasha would be one sad puppy.

I have updated this page, hopefully it's a bit more understandable for those who didn't quite the POV that I was using. Sorry for the confusion, enjoy!

Chapter 1:
Men Suck


"Great, he's at it again." Kagome sighed as she heard my screams coming from the middle of the village. "When will he ever learn?"

"Feh! Never." Inuyasha laughs as he walks over to Kagome's side.

"Though I have to admit, it's fun to watch him get beat up by women other than Sango!" Shippou chirps, sitting on Kagome's shoulder.

It was a beautiful summer day in Kaedes village, the sky was clear and Sango looked as beautiful as ever! Ahem, anyway, Kagome had just gotten back from her time and no one, except for Inuyasha, of course was in a rush to leave, so we relaxed. Kagome and Inuyasha fought, Shippou finally had the chance to play with other children, Sango spent time with Kirara, and I well... enjoyed the sights.

Kagome scanned the village. "Inuyasha, where is Sango? I haven't seen her for a while."

"Uh, hold on." Inuyasha sniffed the air, one of his many dog-like habits. "She's somewhere over there." He pointed in the direction of the well leading back to Kagome's era.

"Really?" Kagome inquired, "At the well?"

Inuyasha sniffed again. "Yup, it's her..." Inuyasha's voice softened as a new smell intruded his nostrils. "Kagome, I smell salt too... I think that she's crying."

"Oh no... Miroku, you baka!" She exclaimed, as if I could hear her. "You don't know how much pain she goes through!" She collected herself and turned to the half demon sitting next to her. "Inuyasha, I'm going to talk to her, we'll be back soon, but don't tell Miroku. He usually makes it worse when he tries to comfort her." With that, she was off to the well, and off to comfort Sango yet again.


"Lucky Kagome... she can just run off any time she wants! All she has to do is go down this well and bam, she's back in her own time where no one else can follow her." Sango let more tear drops fall into the deep well, splashing in the dirt creating a tiny puddle just below.

"That's not true." A comforting voice rung from behind her, causing her to jump at the suddenness. "Inuyasha follows me... not at first, but he most likely counts down the seconds as soon as I leave. You know how he sneaks off to get me if I'm late."

Sango swings around, almost falling into the well; Kagome grabs her hand keeping her on the ground. "I'm sorry Kagome..." Sango quietly begins. "I... shouldn't have said that."

Kagome bends down and puts her hand on Sango's shoulder. "There's nothing to be sorry about. You're just upset; I would be too if Inuyasha were to..." She trails off, remembering all the times that Inuyasha snuck off with Kikyou.

Sango returns the attempt of comfort by placing her hand on Kagome's, which was still resting on her shoulder. "He still loves you."

"Well Miroku still loves you!" Kagome declared. Why couldn't either of them see this? Each realizing the others silver lining, yet she couldn't see that the man she loved actually did love her back.

The two girls sat by the well, now next to each other, both moping about how their love life was going. "Men suck." They finally said, simultaneously.


It wasn't until early sunset when both girls came back, both were sad, confused, and grumpy.

"Where've 'ya been?!" Inuyasha yelled when they walked into the hut. "You said you'd be..."

"OSUWARI!" Kagome didn't feel like hearing his complaints today.

"If only Miroku had one of those..." Sango moaned as she watched me chase after the girls in the village. "Baka." She added under her breath.

Both girls moaned heavily and walked into the hut in silence.

"What's wrong?" Shippou asked as they walked into the hut that they were staying at.

"Men suck." They both said again.

"... I kind of take that offensively, 'ya know!" Shippou said, rather than complained, puffing his chest out and lifting his nose to the air with his eyes closed. He placed his hands on his hips as if he were a muscular man.

"Oh Shippou, you're so cute." Kagome said as she pat his head. "Don't hurt yourself, kay?"

"She's right." Sango bent down to look Shippou in the eye. "You're adorable!" She kissed him on the forehead and followed Kagome into the hut.

"... Cute? Adorable? Great, I'm Kirara." He moped. Kirara transformed into her fierce version and growled at Shippou, causing the little kitsune to jump. After she transformed back and went after her owner, he added. "I'm not EVEN Kirara."


That night, I returned late and received menacing glares from the two females. "H... hello, ladies. Nice evening, isn't it?"

Kagome huffed and crossed her arms. Sango simply stared at me with her beautiful eyes, but I wished that they held anything but what they were holding at that moment. Sango's eyes were holding sadness and a hint of regret. Our eyes locked for a moment, before she turned her head as Kagome had.

Inuyasha had been scolded about five times that night by the two women, so he had slept in a near by tree and mumbled about a certain girl from the future. Shippou seemed to be avoiding the two girls as well and slept in a tiny futon under the tree where Inuyasha was residing.

Okay, there you go! That's chapter one! Chapter two is coming up right now, so review or just wait until you read the next chapter, as long as you review:D