Disclaimer: I don't own ER or any of its characters, WB does. "Rated "T" for language.

Author's Note: Sorry I took so long to update, I've been really busy with college stuff. Thanks to all those that actually stuck around to read this next chapter. I worked really hard, and I hope you enjoy! Please review!!!


The elevator door shut, closing Dubenko, Neela and Sam inside with Carter. There was an uncertain silence hanging in the air as the dull roar of the elevator sound as it began to move. Sam looked down at her Carter as she continued to squeeze the bag that was giving his lungs the oxygen to survive. She slowly tried to piece together what happen in the last horrific minutes as her stomach churned from the thought of the blood that was forever stained in her mind. She gripped the side rails of the gurney with her free hand to steady herself as she dazed of into the elevator wall. She closed her eyes trying to get the images out of her mind. She's seen it all before, but it was so different when it was somebody you knew. Sam opened her eyes to see Carter's eyes slowly start to flicker open.

"Hey," she exclaimed, "he's opening his eyes."

He blinked a few times to get use to the light. Carter looked up and saw a face from the past staring back at him. His mind swirled in confusion when he heard "John" coming from the face of Dr. Benton. "John?" came the voice again uncertainly, "John can you hear me?" Carter blinked and looked up at the face again when an excruciating pain flooded into his chest. He tried to scream, but the tube in his throat stopped him. His eyes widen in pain as he heard the voice calling his name again. "John? John, where does it hurt?" He looked up at the face that looked like Benton, but his mind told him it wasn't him. Carter tried to fight the pain, but he couldn't. Benton never called him John, he always called him Carter he thought as his world turned dark with pain.

"Dammit, John, John?" Dubenko said panicky as Carter went unconscious.

"BP dropping!" Sam exclaimed as the elevator door open. They quickly pushed Carter out of the elevator and into the hallway.

Neela, running on her instincts, pulled out the portable ultrasound as Dubenko squeezed some gel on Carter's chest. "There's blood in the pericardium." Neela said gravely.

"Damn," Dubenko cursed as he quickly moved to the edge of the bed. "Set me up for a pericardiocenticis."

"Here?" Sam exclaimed as she continued bagging Carter.

"Yes dammit here." He replied bluntly, "we shouldn't have moved him till we found the source of the bleeding." He added more softly as fumbled with the med case and retrieved a large syringe. Neela and Sam stared unsurely at the large needle as Dubenko wiped down area an area of Carter's chest. A crowd of people formed as Dubenko hand shook slightly as he stuck the needle in, piercing Carter's skin. As the needle went in, the alarm on the monitor started screeching.

"Pull back," Neela warned, "You've gone too far." She watch as the sweat form around Dubenko brow as he slowly pulled back, drawing back a large amount of blood along with it.

"BP coming up." Sam announced as they started wheeling him toward the OR "Nice work."

Dubenko breathed a sigh of relief as he wiped the sweat off his brow. "Prep him up for a laparotomy and a thorocotomy." He paused taking in a breath, regaining his composure, "I want him ready in two minutes." He ordered as he walked through the double door to the scrubbing room.


"Hold him still dammit!"

"Get your hands off me you bastard!"

Luka's mind fell numb as he stared through the double doors that held the man that dealt so much damage upon Carter. Abruptly, the crazed man somehow broke through his restraint, knocking Ray against a tray of suture kits before he hit the ground with a thud. Luka stormed into the room, grappling the man backed onto the gurney with a violent vengeance. He tightened his grip on the man as he continued to struggle. No words came to his lips as he stared the gunman in the eyes, trying to find some remorse in them, but saw nothing but blind hatred staring back at him.

"Fuck you, you freaking' scum." The gunman spat at Luka, scoring a bull's eye straight into Luka's left eye. Luka stumbled back in shock only to have a boot to the chin for his sympathy.

"HA take that you freaking Jew!" The gunman cried triumphantly, mocking Luka on the ground. Luka rolled to his side, feeling his chin and saw Ray on the ground with Haleh attending the cut on his face. Malik jumped on the man, struggling to hold him back down.

Luka felt the last of his sympathy fly out the window as the feeling of calm rage took its place. He stood up and forcefully knocked the still nameless gunman back down onto the gurney.

"I'm Catholic you dumb shit."

"Luka!" Came a voice from the doorway, "What do you think you're doing?"

Kerry stood there, an anomaly among the chaos. "I don't think you're fit to work the rest of today, you should get that chin checked out and just go home" She said sympathetically. "I'll take care of this."

"Yea," the gunman retorted, "Get your sorry ass out of here"

Luka reluctantly let go of the gunman and walked out of the room without saying another word. He heard someone saying his name behind him as he walked rapidly to the door. He didn't care who was calling him. He didn't care about his chin. Yesterday, one of his closes friends saved his baby's life, the same man that saved his very own from the jaws of the Congo. Today, he might not have his own because of one ignorant fool. He heard his name called again, but he didn't care who it was – he just kept on walking toward the ambulance doors.

He pushed the door open, freeing himself from the hell hole that he was in. He looked up into the sky and the water bearing clouds that threatened rain. Luka took a few strides away from the door when he heard a familiar voice calling his name.

He turned around to see Abby looking back at him. The look on her face told him that she already knew of the events of this morning. All of the sudden, as rain drops started to fall on his face, the expression on her change from sadness to absolute fear. Luka heard the roar of a monster and Abby screaming his name as he turned around and saw the headlights of the beast, coming straight for him.


-This was kind of a transition chapter – I've haven't written in a while and this will hopefully get me back into the swing of writing so I can finish what I've started. Thanks for reading and don't forget to review!