
OMG I love that show! HAHAHA.

You guys must be pissed by now. That is if you are like in love with my writing. I doubt you are.

By the way, everybody, just to let you all know, I am finally starting to get back into my story (as difficult as that does not sound, it sure as hell is!) and I may continue on with this story soon! That is if I have time. I now have a whole new checklist. I have to apply for colleges and stuff, do my homework, study for the SATs and shit like that. Yeah. Fabulous. And Spring Break JUST ended. Damn. I also found out that in order to get into the college I would like to attend, I have to raise my GPA. That means I have to work even harder than I already do.

School is REALLY screwing with my enthusiasm for life and the joyful things it can bring. I don't even dance as often as I normally do. Which is weird. Not to mention it downright SUCKS!!!!! And my voice isn't as good as it used to be which also really SUCKS!!! Just not as bad.

Anyways, if any of you actually read this insignificant piece of beautiful garbage, YOU GET A BIG PAT ON THE BACK AND A HUG. THANK YOU!!!!!!

Yes. Ahem. I'll see about that brainstorm now. Should it be for my homework or this story here?

Thanks again for all your support.

Buh bye.

With Love,
