Chapter 16- The Final Battle

"I understand. I don't know what came over me." Samonie looked at the destruction she had made Fighter do. "I'm sorry; I'm just horrible as those humans."

"No, you're not." Fighter's words caused Samonie to smile sweetly. "You had the decency to apologize."

"I knew there was good in you!" Sailor Moon added.

Fighter and she just stared happily. All the cheer faded quickly when the Shi Orb began to glow lavender.

"What's happening?" Samonie gazed into it. Vines grew from the staff and connected itself to her arms, burrowing underneath the skin. Shrieks of pain echoed thorough Tokyo. She began breathing heavily.

"I need a body to host my spirit." Spoke the orb.

"That things alive!" Sailor Moon shivered while biting her nails.

Samonie's appearance began to change. Her fangs and claws grew longer. Streaks of dark shades running through her silver hair. Two dark purple lines appeared on either side of her face. Her eyes turned solid black. "I will kill you all!" Samonie's voice morphed with that of the orbs, creating an eerie sound.

"This is going to be difficult, Sailor Moon. All we have is one another. All the others are unconscious, seriously injured or dead!" Fighter prepared for combat. 'I can't let Usagi die by this creature.'

Sailor Moon looked at her. "This is hopeless, we'll never win..."

Fighter walks over to her, grabs her head, and makes her look into her eyes. "Whose the one that always says it's never over or there is good in everyone or don't ever give up, there's always hope. It's you Usagi, what happened to that girl that everybody loves, that's so carefree, dimwitted, and klutzy, but when it comes down to it is more powerful than anything I've ever seen. Usagi, you can do anything, as yourself or as Sailor Moon."

The sweet words caused her to smile. "Thank you."

"For what, you're the one's that's comforting me, just by fighting by my side." Seiya thought of the time when they were back at the hospital and she's was upset, and how good it felt to hold her in his arms. "Usagi, we can do this if we fight together. Will you take my hand and join me in this battle?"

Nodding, Sailor Moon grabs Fighters hand tightly. "Yes!"

A burst of dark energy shots towards them, separating them into two different directions. Attacks continued to blast widely from the orb.

They stand up weary. "We can't even attack this thing. Every time we try we just end up leaving ourselves vulnerable." Fighter held her side.

"Star Serious..." Fighter was attacked by a blaze of fire before she could complete her attack. "Ahhhhh!"

"Fighter!" She ran over to her. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She groaned with pain while grasping burned arm. "I just wish we could get at least one attack in."

"Can you distract it for a moment?" Sailor Moon questioned.

Fighter became the distraction while thinking, 'I wonder what she's doing. Her attacks are useless against this creature. It's a demon controlled by an orb not a phage. I hope she knows that?'

"Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss!" She shouts out.

"What are you doing? It's not going to have any affect at all!"

Before the attack could near the demon Sailor Moon was struck by Samonie's claws. She continued to be bashed, crushed, and slammed around by the horrible demon.

She watched as Sailor Moon was slung into deteriorating building and shot across the rough pavement like a child's' toy.

Fighter stood there, unable to move. "USAGI!"

Blood spilling all over the streets, a broken leg, an enormous gash on her head, and her faced scared with claw marks. Sailor Moon looked over towards Fighter. "I'm sorry I couldn't have been more helpful."

Fighter runs over to her holding her in his arms. "You were helpful; I promise I will end this for you no matter what. For you are the one girl in the universe that I put above everything."

Sliding her fingers down Sailor Moon's soft rosy cheeks a tear slides down her face. Fighter sets her gently on the ground and stands up.

She became enraged over Usagi's injuries and charged at Samonie. Fighter was blown back by a powerful blast causing to slide across the pavement. Her right arm bleeding from where the brunt skin had been ripped off. Trying again she failed but refusing to give up, she continued to try different maneuvers.

Samonie merely laughed at her attempts. Fighter tried Star Serious Lazar but had pendent shot out of her hand, yet she still continued. Her body becoming weaker with each attack.

"Why won't you give up?" The double voices echoed.

"Because..." Fighter smiled with determination. "I made a promise. And I also care about these people and can't stand to see them hurt. I must protect them with everything I have, even if it means I die."

"Their all already dead so what does it matter."

"Then why are they still breathing?" She tried attacking again only to gain more wounds. "And besides, even if they were dead, I would still fight in order to gain revenge for their lost lives."

"Whatever. If you want to die go right ahead and keep fighter me. I'm not stopping you."

With the last of her bit of her strength she charged, not at Samonie but at the orb she was holding. This caught Samonie off guard. Fighter yanked the Shi Orb off the staff and smashed it into the ground.

A bright light engulfed the area and within a flash Samonie and Fighter had disappeared.

Tokyo was restored and everyone awoke unharmed. "My leg was broken, what happened?" Usagi wondered. "Why is everything back to normal?

She looked around noticing that everything wasn't normal. "Setsuna? What happened to her? Haruka, Michiru? Why haven't they come back?... Seiya?"

Mamoru walked over to Usagi. She looked up at him. "If you're alive again then does this mean Chibi Usa is back?"

He nodded as she appeared from behind him. "I thought I was never going to be born and that I would never have the best mom in the world."

Usagi grinned. Looking up she noticed Luna was a cat again. Artamis and she walked over to her. "I need to tell you something that I realized." Luna looked kind of depressed.

"I'm afraid to say some things will never be normal again. For the lose our beloved friends will stay with us forever. If you wondering why some of them didn't come back to life is because of these reasons: Setsuna became engulfed in a black hole, but she let herself be pulled into it., which caused her die. Which means she gave her life willing and that's why she can't come back. Haruka and Michiru died, but willing gave their souls to Samonie after their death so they can live on and as for Seiya..." Luna was interrupted as Samonie's human spirit appeared in front of them.

"I'm sorry to have to say this, but Seiya's never coming back. He may have killed the demon when he destroyed the orb, but it caused him to sacrifice his own life. This is for you."

She handed Usagi a tiny box tied by a single ribbon before she vanished.

Usagi pulled on the red ribbon and peered inside the box. She pulled out a piece of paper and read it silently to herself.


I just wanted to let you know that I still love you and respect your decision to be with Mamoru. He's not so bad and I finally understand why Chibi Usa resembles you. I guess this was also one of those things that I knew all along, but just never wanted to realize. I'm having Samonie deliver this to you since I can't. Who knows, maybe someday we'll be together in another place, another world, another time. But for now I will still keep hoping for there to be a you and me. I hope you like the gift from me to you and Mamoru.

Love always,


She held the paper to her heart. She then noticed a locket inside. "Huh?"

Usagi opened only to see a picture of her and Mamoru. "This is the locket that I gave back to Seiya. It's made of the same structure as the Shi Orb, but how?"

She noticed Mamoru's picture wasn't held in tightly. Pulling it out for a moment she noticed the words, Hoping that one day you'll place my picture besides your's. I'll always be waiting, Seiya.

With a smile she put Mamoru's picture in her pocket. 'I'm sure Mamoru wouldn't mind if I gave Seiya his last wish, Usagi thought, I'll find a picture of him at my house.

Yaten and Taiki held back their tears of the lose of a Star Light. "It's time for us to go back home, to our princess."

Yaten scanned the city when his eyes rested upon a small black cat. The feline walked over to him.

"Yaten," Luna's eyes glistened. "Did what I think happened between us while I was a human really happen? You know, like where we had a relationship together or was it all just a dream."

He lifted Luna while Artamis silently watched. "Yes, we did. And I don't think it was a waste of time either. Even though you're only a cat, you're more of a human to me than any animal or actually person could ever be. You also taught me to have compassion for someone beside my own."

Inside Yaten was hurt that he couldn't be with Luna as he once knew her, but he would eventually move on. She licked his face with her sand paper tongue. He placed her beside Artamis. "Your one lucky cat. Don't let this one go."

Minako dashed beside Yaten. "You know you could stay here with me and eventually get married. I'm just as good as Luna."

He rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to deny your offer."

"Awwwww!" Her eyes grew large. "But you know you want to!"

"No, I know I really don't." He walked towards Taiki who was talking to Ami.

Makoto walked over to them. "Come back and visit us sometime. I'll make you a dessert of your choice."

"We'll keep that in mind." Taiki smiled.

"Don't think I was going to let you go without showing me some love." Rei wrapped her arm around them.

"I've never seen you like this before, Rei." Yaten commented.

"I just wanted to show you my more energetic side when I'm not all serious." Rei smiled.

"You're acting just like Usagi." Ami looked at Rei.

"Shut up! I can act however I want to. After all we might never see these guys again." Rei grinned at Yaten and Taiki. "Well, I guess this is time for goodbye."

They transform into Healer and Maker and headed towards the light in front of them.

"We'll all miss you very much." Minako chimed.

Makoto yelled, "Come back soon."

Ami and Hotaru silently waved.

Rei stared as they rose higher and higher along with Mamoru.

Chibi Usa and Usagi simultaneously shouted. "Promise to come back and visit."

"We promise." They both shouted back.

After they had floated out of their lives, they stood quietly for a moment.

All the girls soon walked ahead to go home and rest. Usagi held the locket and note close to her heart as she turned her head back with sorrow in her eyes as she walked away with Mamoru. 'Maybe, there could have been a you and me.'

Well here it is, the final chapter. I hope you all have enjoyed reading my story from the beginning to the end. I would also like to know if anyone thinks I should make a sequel to this story or not since I already have some ideas for a sequal. Well I hope to know what you all think about it. Till next time,
