Title: Trapped in the Cards

Chapter 2: Cursed in the Cards

Summary: Ok, so in this chapter, it's what happened with Skyler after her duel and where she went, and will also tell a bit about her cards.

Disclaimer: T.O.F: Sweet another chappy!

Inu: Who cares?

T.O.F: I do! So there!

Yuugi: Calm down Tenshi, I'm sure he didn't mean it.

T.O.F: HA!

Inu: Feh…

T.O.F: Anyway, I don't own Inuyasha or Yu-Gi-Oh… So let's get this thing going!

Story: (Starts just as the duel ends, and we'll be with Skyler this time.)

When the duel ended and all the holograms disappeared, the girl with shoulder length brown hair and blond chunks with hazel eyes named Skyler Bearin, put her deck away. Picking up her suitcases, she quietly left fully ignoring the whispers of the crowd.

She walked through the parking lot and entered the hotel. Skyler checked in and headed towards an empty elevator. She read the slip of paper with her room number on it. She requested one by herself, and not everyone could have their own. It was a first come, first serve kind of thing.

The elevator stopped on the third floor. 'Room 3312. 3312. 3312…' she repeated in her mind as she walked down the red carpeted and cream-colored wall of the hall. Skyler then stopped in front of an oak door with the numbers 3312 in gold numbers on it. She slid her keycard through the lock. It beeped once then unlocked.

She opened the door and walked in. When you first walk in there's a living room with red carpeting, a window/door leading to a balcony with long white curtains, and the walls are a bit of a reddy color but not quite. Beside that is a TV with a red and white couch and chair with an oak coffee table in front. Attached to the living room is a kitchen with a marble counter, cupboards, drawers and sink included. Along with a stove, with a microwave above it and a fridge. The floor is a white tile. A tiled hall leads to a bedroom with a queen-sized bed, white sheets and a light red comforter with flowery designs. Pillows look the same. Beside the bed is a nightstand with a lamp on it. Across the bed is a dresser and closet. On the left side of the bed is a small window with white blinds. On the right side of the bed where the nightstand and door are is a bathroom with a marble counter, metal sink, two cupboards and two drawers. A mirror and a row of lights above it. A toilet beside it and then a bath/shower.

After looking around the place, Skyler deposited her two suitcases on her bed with her duel disk, and then went into the living room. She sat down on the couch and put her deck on the coffee table in front of her, cards face down.

A voice sounded in her head. -Hey girl! Let some of us out now will ya!- came a strong rough voice from the deck.

-Why should I?- she replied back using her mind as this is the way they communicate until she summons them from the deck.

-Just do it!- the voice shouted.

-Fine whatever!- Skyler took the deck and searched through until only the 'Brave but Stubborn Hanyou' was in her hand.

She held the card picture up out over the table. A faint white light surrounded her and the card began sparking white light. As this happened, a white ball floated out of the card. Slowly, she put the card – with the ball following it – on the table. The sphere pulsed and flew over the table and onto the other side in front of the TV. It continued to glow white, but took a form. Then the light disappeared and the pulsing stopped.

Skyler sat back down, as the figure in read appeared. "About damn time!" he exclaimed.

"Well sorry! Jeeze Inuyasha!" Sky yelled back. "It takes some energy to let you guys out."

Inuyasha feh'd and then said. "…What are you waiting for? Bring out the others!"

"I can't bring them all out!" she told him. "It's hard enough to release two or three of you."

"How about I let you choose who to bring out."

"Fine." She repeated twice more what she did the last time. Sky released a white clothed figure and a woman in modern clothing.

"Did you have to take out Sesshomaru?" asked Inuyasha pointed to the white person known as Sesshomaru.


"But I hate him."

"Like wise little brother." Said Sesshomaru.

"That's why I did it!"

"You bitch!"

"Inuyasha SIT!" shouted the woman as Inuyasha smashed into the ground. Luckily the floors seem sturdy enough not to allow Inuyasha to dent the floor so Sky won't have to explain a reason for why there's a hole in the floor.

"Damn you Kagome." he muttered.

"So this is where we're staying." Kagome stated more then asked.

"Yep." Sky replied.

"Girl-" began Sesshomaru only to get cut off.

"It's Skyler." She growled.

Ignoring her, he continued. "Have you figured out how to get us out of these cards?"

"No. I will though. Just remember our deal. I figure out how to get you three and the others out of the cards while you act as my deck."

"Isn't this like cheating?" asked Kagome.

"Well, you guys are real duel monster cards, and you did replace part of my deck…doesn't sound like it to me. Besides, you'd have to be real cards otherwise Kaiba's duel disk probably would have picked up on it if they were fake."

"Girl, just get me out of this curse." Said Sesshomaru coldly.

"I will. Give me some time sheesh."

"But it's your fault that we're in this mess!" retorted Inuyasha.

"Be quiet. No one's suppose to know. And I know that it's my fault." Sky sighed.

Kagome glared at Inuyasha, her eyes threatening one hundred sits if he said anything else on the matter. He wisely decided to be quiet. Kagome then went over and sat down beside Skyler. "Don't worry Sky. Take as long as you need."

"Thanks Kagome."

"Yes well, do try to hurry. I have lands to rule and look after." Sated the dog demon.

"Shut up Sesshomaru. I have other things to worry abou-" Sky was cut off when Sesshomaru lifted her by the neck and pinned her to a wall, her back will surely be sore and bruised when this is over.

"I don't care how you do it. Just get me and mine out of these blasted cursed cards." He growled, his grip on her neck still firm, but still allowing her to breathe but not loose enough for her to escape.

"I said I was trying. But I have other things to worry about Sesshomaru."

"That's Sesshomaru-sama. Show some respect in my presence." He hissed.

"Respect you? HA! Like I'll respect someone who grabs me by the neck and throws me against a wall."

Inuyasha and Kagome were about to interfere when they heard someone at the door. "Are you ok?" they heard a guy ask as he knocked on the door.

"Shit…he must have heard us." Then she whispered. "…but who wouldn't?" she grumbled the last part then added. "Sesshomaru let go so I can put you guys back."

Grudgingly he did. Skyler quickly grabbed their cards, putting 'Lord of the West' face up on the ground in front of Sesshomaru and did the same thing to Inuyasha and Kagome. Standing in front of them, Sky closed her eyes and began glowing white. The cards and the three occupants also glowed a pale white; they turned into white balls and flew back into their cards. The glowing and lights ceased to exist.

Skyler gathered the cards and put them with the rest of her deck on the table. And then she went to the door. Opening it, she saw a short boy with spiky tri-colored hair and amethyst eyes and a taller boy with brown eyes and blond hair.

"Can I help you?" she asked calmly.

"Uh, yeah," started the shorter boy. "We're just down the hall from here but we heard a lot of noises coming from here and decided to check it out."

"It was nothing."

The shorter boy nodded, then the taller blond said "What happened to your neck?"

Sky's hand flew to her neck. She saw concern on the faces of these teens. Sighing, she let them in and shut the door, looking it.

'Maybe they won't notice the small dent in the wall.' She thought but had her doubts.

She sat in the chair, while they sat in the loveseat. "I got in a fight on the way here that's all." She told them. 'Not a complete lie.'

"Well it's bruising. I'll get some ice." The blond said and went into the kitchen and into the freezer. He took an ice pack out and returned to the room. He handed it to Skyler and she held it to her sore and bruised neck, knowing her back would no doubt look the same.

"Thank you. My name is Skyler."

"This is Jou and I'm Yuugi." Said the tri-color haired boy.

"I know. You're Yuugi Motou King of Games. I saw you watching my duel." She said knowingly.

"Oh, yeah, my friends and I saw your duel. Though I must say, I've never seen cards like yours."

"They're from my home island." 'Still not a complete lie.'

"Your cards are pretty good. Do you want to trade with me?" asked Jou.

"Trade? No thanks. I've never traded any of my cards. My brother taught me that the deck you build would have a piece of you in it. To trade a card with another player would be like trading a piece of yourself." She told them. That was true. Her older brother had taught her that and she strongly believed in it. But she also couldn't let anyone else have these cards, as they were not normal ones.

"You seem to believe strongly in that." Stated Yuugi.

Skyler nodded. "I do."

//Hm, something about her is odd.// said Yami as he appeared beside Yuugi in spirit form.

/I know./

Skyler's eyes flickered over to Yuugi and she spotted another who looked similar to him standing transparent beside the King of Games. She could see spirits. Skyler has always had that ability.

Yami then looked in her direction and their eyes met. //Can she see me?//

Yuugi blinked and looked at the girl and saw her looking directly at them.

"In answer to your question spirit…yes, I can see you. As well as hear you." She said with a bit of a grin. The three boys gasped. How, when only Yuugi and those with Millennium items was able to see and hear Yami. So how could this girl?

To Be Continued…

T.O.F: Sorry for taking so long to update. I only just finished this chapter and I have slight writers block. Please forgive me! bows to readers

Inu: Um…Tenshi just really wants you to review…and…

T.O.F: Please review! I need support!

Inu: I thought I was doing this 'please review' crap!

T.O.F: Sorry. Anywho, I'll try to be as quick as I can but I'm still working out the plot of the story. The whole last bit where Skyler could see spirits; therefore able to see Yami was just something that I came up with at the last moment to tell you the truth. I'll try really hard just REVIEW! Please.