WARNING: some slash, very explicit sexual content.
Chapter 15:
George watched his mother pace with a neutral face. He really didn't feel any guilt at all about sneaking Ginny out, but he felt mildly bad that his mother was worrying to this extent. The fact that Harry seemed to be more interested in the new Quidditch supplies that Hermione and Ron had given him for Christmas just solidified his belief that he had done the right thing.
"Why don't you send her an owl?" Charlie suggested gently to their mother, watching Lila who was rolling around on the carpet beside him. Bill was lounging on the couch looking exhausted, but still not as tired as Fleur who had gotten up a record eight times for feedings the night before, and who was currently trying to catch up on some much-needed sleep.
Molly turned on him with round eyes, before rushing to where Pig was hooting in the kitchen.
Percy opened a badly wrapped package carefully, and pulled out the large tub of candies that George and Fred had given him with suspicion. George grinned at him, "I picked those out specially."
Laughing to himself as Percy hastily dropped the candies, George looked around at the typical Christmas afternoon scene, despite missing some familiar, and much-loved faces. Fred had left an hour earlier, despite Molly's objections, for his future-in-laws, his face scrubbed pink, and his best shirt pressed within an inch of its life.
Ron was busy eating his own body weight in chocolate frogs, and Hermione was giving him disgusted looks between reading the updated version of 'Hogwarts: A History' that Harry had given her.
George grinned, he had always had a soft spot for the bushy haired girl who had proved a worthy opponent at Hogwarts through her efforts to thwart the Weasley twins constant mischief. Quite honestly, the only person who surpassed Hermione in the intelligence, and wits department was Padma.
Ron and Hermione had seemed to come to some sort of understanding through their travels with Harry, and the almost painful tension between the two had greatly diminished, leaving them in the familiar roles of friends, with Hermione being cast in the role of teacher and disciplinarian.
Harry had changed too, George had noted. He was quieter, more intense, his green eyes focused where there had been laughter previously. Despite his misgivings over his sister's intense relationship with not just one, but two Slytherins, George could not bring himself to hope for a reunion with Harry.
He had never ridiculed Ginny over her infatuation with the green-eyed boy, but he had certainly never promoted it, as Ron had inadvertently done. Ron tended to idealize Harry, to paint him in the best way possible, but that was done more through the flaws in Ron's own character than in any hopes for their sister and Harry to commence a relationship.
Wiping a hand over the back of his neck, George stretched, feeling muscles pull from their confinement the night before in a now too small bed, childhood bed. Ah, to be 'home' again.
He had honestly never wished for the end of Christmas so badly as this year, with the thought that Padma had finally consented to be with him. It should have been a kind of hit to his ego that it had taken so long, and so much effort, but George had to admit that any pride he had had with regards to Miss. Patil had long since been discarded. It was a mildly sobering thought.
Rifling through his modest pile of gifts, George grinned at what Fred had gotten him, before picking up the Trickster's Guide Volume XIII Ginny had so thoughtfully provided. It was quite astonishing just how many of the chapters could be applied to his everyday life…
Picking up a slight movement out of the corner of his eye, he looked up to find Charlie watching him, and nodded his head in the direction of the cloakroom as soon as he had his younger brother's attention. George got up and made his way out, wondering what the hell his older brother wanted.
"Where is she?" Charlie walked through the door, barely clearing the frame before asking the blunt question.
Years of lying, and skewing the truth for his own ends had George not even blinking an eye before answering, "Where is who?"
"Don't start with me." Charlie watched him expressionlessly, "You and Fred can bullshit almost anyone, but I work with large, intelligent beings who breathe fire. Don't get on my bad side."
George's shoulders slumped, and he replied, "Fair enough. She's with her… friends. Believe me, you really don't want to know more. It's scarring enough as it is."
"Friends?" Charlie arched a red brow at this, "What friends? What are they doing?"
"Playing tiddlywinks." George answered instantly, shuddering slightly.
"Tiddlywinks?" Charlie blinked, confusion flitting across his strong features.
"I bloody well hope so."
"Ok, George," The older Weasley leveled him with a glare, "You are going to tell me what the hell is going on, and right now."
"I'm Fred." He answered automatically, trying to stall.
"Nice try." Charlie was under whelmed by the ploy he had seen way too often, "Start talking, or I tell Mum about how you helped Ginny leave, and how you are the only one who knows where she is."
George gaped, "That's blackmail!"
"Yes, I decided to lower myself to your level."
Thinking for a moment, George wiped away an imaginary tear with a smirk, "I've never been prouder."
Ginny lay with her head on Draco's chest, Blaise curled up tightly behind her on the large bed. Blaise's discarded t-shirt swamped her small form, and she sighed in contentment at the familiar warmth of the two bodies surrounding her.
They had all been talking for the last hour, and she was still floored by the revelations about Blaise's past, the pain he had been through still making her feel the wetness sliding down her cheeks.
It had taken a long time before he had even been able to talk about it, and only then he had given what Draco knew to be the barest of details, outlining his childhood in the best way possible. It had still been heartbreaking to hear for Ginny though, who had no basis for comparison with her own happy childhood spent with a family who loved her deeply.
It had been almost impossible for Blaise to talk about his mother, and Ginny had been thankful that he trusted her enough to tell her as much as he had.
She owed it to both of them to do the same, and started hesitantly, "As you both know, I had this… crush… on Harry since I was very young. Honestly, I was ten when I first decided I liked him. I can't even call it love.
Basically, I had given up on him by the beginning of fourth year, and I started doing my own thing, realizing that Mr. Potter wanted nothing to do with a little girl who he simply saw as his brother's baby sister."
"More fool he…" Blaise remarked softly, bringing a smile to Ginny's full lips, and an ironic chuckle from Draco.
"Well, you know I agree." She remarked before continuing on, "In my fifth year, though, he seemed to finally notice me, and we started dating towards the end of the year. Things happened, though, and he tried to do the noble thing by breaking up with me, to 'protect me'."
"Makes an odd sort of sense, in a typical Gryffindor noble way." Draco said noble like it was a foul word, spitting it out, making Ginny laugh delighted.
"Well, I changed his mind about that…" She grinned slyly, and Blaise hugged her close, "We dated through the end of the year, and into the summer hols.
In August… well, you both know what exactly we got up to, even though it was awkward and strange, and mildly disgusting."
"Good lord, if that's how you describe Potter, how the hell do you describe us?" Blaise wondered aloud, glancing down at the grinning redhead in his arms. Draco snorted inelegantly, and stroked his fingers through her fiery curls.
"Good." She sighed, and closed her eyes in remembered ecstasy, "Bloody brilliant." Draco grinned, showing off even white teeth, satisfied.
"One night though, after we had…" She paused, waving her hand negligently in a manner that was to indicate what she just couldn't voice in present company. Blaise watched her in consternation, "Practiced wingardium leviosa?"
Ginny reached behind her back to lightly hit his side, as Draco laughed, "No, you git. You know what I mean!
Anyway, in the middle of the night, Harry took off with Hermione and Ron. I knew it was going to happen at some point, they had been discussing it since the end of school, but he left me in the middle of the night, without saying a word." Ginny winced, knowing how that would sound to Draco, who remained mercifully silent on that point.
"Last August, after Harry left, I went a little off the rails," Ginny admitted softly, feeling Blaise squeeze her comfortingly, Draco frowned, but he remained silent. "Seamus and I went out a few times, but mainly I spent time with Lavender and Parvati, drinking, dancing, going wild. My folks were visiting my brother's family in France, and I was living at home alone for the first time."
She circled her fingers through the sparse blonde hair that trailed from Draco's bellybutton down under his pajama bottoms until he laid a gently hand over hers, "Stop that. I can't think with you touching me like that."
Ginny nodded, and continued, "I got my bellybutton pierced, got my tattoo… Well, you've both seen that." She looked over her shoulder to grin slightly at Blaise, who smiled back before laying his cheek on the top of her head.
"I honestly didn't get that tattoo for an specific reason. We just happened to be in Muggle London and wandered past a shop. A few months later, though, Fred and George met up with me in Hogsmeade."
"At Halloween." Blaise interrupted, "I remember, you wouldn't tell us about that. I bet you a galleon you'd tell Draco."
"You still owe me that galleon." Ginny smiled as Blaise's arm crept around her waist, his fingers threading through her own slender digits on Draco's stomache. "Anyway, I worked for the twins over the summer, which you two know, and one of the… well, I wouldn't quite call it a perk, was that if you work for the twins, you test for the twins."
"You tested their experiments?" Draco's mercury eyes narrowed, his muscles tensing at the idea that Ginny might have been hurt by her brothers, however inadvertently.
"Uh huh." Ginny nodded absent-mindedly, remembering being turned into almost every animal, and a few plants at some point or other, "Anyway, this time, they had found out about the three of us spending all that time together, and threatened me with telling our mother."
Draco shuddered at the thought of the formidable Weasley matriarch, but Blaise was mildly confused, "Is that such a bad thing?"
"Yes, yes it is." Ginny nodded emphatically before continuing, "So, with that threat, they got me to agree to another of their experiments.
My brothers are incredibly smart, for all that they left Hogwarts early, and they had put together an idea of how to bond wizards together that would not recognize wards, or distance."
"What?" Draco looked down at her, "That's impossible."
"Well, you always have to remember with Fred and George… Anything is possible if you have enough nerve." Ginny smiled, remembering the last time she had said something akin to that to Harry. "They just needed to figure out a way to place the charm on the subjects that wasn't through blood bonds, which are completely permanent, but not something that could be taken off as easily as a piece of jewelry."
Stretching her legs, feeling the muscles pull slightly, Ginny continued, "They had actually been with me when I got my tattoo done by the muggle artist, and it seemed to be what they were looking for.
George went back to the shop, and he got the same tattoo on his inner elbow. That day in Hogsmeade, I went back with them to Diagon Alley, and they took a couple of hours to enchant my tattoo. It didn't hurt or anything… it kind of itched for the next couple of days if anything."
"Why didn't you tell us?" Draco spoke quietly, drawing Ginny's attention away from her story. She kissed his side softly, "I wanted to. That was part of the deal, that I didn't tell you two."
"Did you tell anyone?" Blaise spoke from behind her, and frowned as he felt her tense. "You did."
"Yes." She admitted, hating that she had kept something like that from the two of them for so long, "I told Padma a bit about it. She senses glamours and other charms to an amazing degree. She knew you used charms on your wrists, Blaise, and she could see under them. I told her enough to keep her happy, but not that much.
Another part of the deal was that I go to their place each week so that they could run some tests on me to determine how exactly I was faring with the charm, and so on, plus the reactions with George."
"So you and George are now connected like this?" Blaise asked, frowning slightly, wondering about the implications of this type of spell. "Like… can he feel what you feel? Read your mind and so on?"
"No… That's a blood bond, like what you and Draco have. This is a little bit more casual. I can contact him by placing the tip of my wand on the tattoo, and I can locate and go to him by doing the same, with the right spell. And as I said before, it doesn't matter if there are wards and so on, so I can apparate out of Hogwarts if I'd like."
Blaise reflected on what she had just said, thinking back to when Draco and he had bonded at the age of thirteen, and the seeming freedoms it gave them n regards to each other's thoughts and feelings. This seemed like more… and less than that bond in a strange way.
"That's rather… incredible." Speaking with a tone of wonderment, Draco folded his arms under his head, staring down at her red head intently, "Do you know what this kind of spell means? How much this knowledge is worth?"
"Yes, well, I found that out." Ginny took a deep breath, knowing she was about to wade into dangerous waters, "After Blaise got sick, well, that evening was one of my scheduled evenings to go to see the twins."
She clutched Draco's trim waist hard before continuing, "I did wait until you fell asleep, Draco, and then I apparated away from Blaise's room."
"Why didn't you say anything?" He asked quietly, feeling somewhat odd that he felt little anger over something that had been such a big deal. Blaise reached up to run his fingers lightly through Draco's hair, the silky threads falling back into place perfectly.
"I wanted to. But you would have asked where I was going… and I wasn't feeling all that great to start with. I honestly thought I would go, and be back within a half hour."
"You weren't feeling great?" Blaise interrupted, pressing himself up close to her back.
Ginny explained about being admitted to St. Mungo's, and the ongoing investigation with the Ministry of Magic, which she was currently in violation of just talking about it with the two Slytherins. Draco emitted a slight hiss when he understood just how ill she had been, and he closed his eyes at his own stupidity.
"I did send a letter with Padma… I have no idea if it was even received though." Ginny looked up at Draco's shuttered face, and frowned, not liking that she was unable to read what he was thinking from his features.
Silence reigned, until Draco admitted tightly, "I burned it."
Ginny stiffened, and sat up to stare down at him, Blaise turning his head away. "Why?" She bit her full upper lip, staring into his silver eyes, "You were that angry?"
"Yes." He breathed out, sitting up to face her, his slender hands reaching out to cup her high cheekbones, "I was. I'm sorry Ginny. I should have read it."
"You really should have." Blaise remarked, "And you should probably have let me know about it as well." He rolled onto his back languidly, propping his strong arms behind his head, and stared at the ceiling.
Draco rolled his eyes, and looked back into Ginny's bright blue gaze, "I really am sorry love."
"Don't call me that." She said quietly, to the point where he could barely hear her, "I don't want to hear a word that has no meaning behind it."
Draco simply blinked at her, confused. It was Blaise who sat up, leaning back on his elbows, and asked of her, "Why would you say that?"
"And all of a sudden, no less. I've been calling you that since we got together." Draco was vastly confused, and the feeling irritated him.
Ginny looked away, unable to meet either of her lover's eyes, "You know what I mean. And it feels different now, Draco."
"Ah." Draco nodded in comprehension. "You think that I don't love you?"
"What about me?" In consternation, Blaise voiced his thoughts, "Do you have the same fear?"
Ginny thought for a moment. She had felt so strongly about these two men for so long, that she barely knew when lust and like, had turned into love for her. It was an almost physical pain. Blaise was easy for her to read though. She answered in the affirmative, "I know you love me, Blaise."
"Good stuff." Blaise closed his eyes with a grin.
Draco again rolled his eyes, "And you doubt me?" He was vaguely insulted.
"Yes." Ginny looked at him intently, "I really do."
"All you do is fight with me."
"You start it!" Now, he was just indignant.
Ginny reveled in the familiar repartee with the tall blonde who was currently lounging against the pillows like an indolent god. Sweet Circe, she had missed this.
It was actually a little remarkable just how many languages he could make fun of her in, and she recognized French and Spanish, before he launched into Latin, the flowing words concealing some very harsh language that she understood slightly with her rudimentary knowledge. She doubted he even realized he moved onto each language as he ran out of names and insults.
Blaise settled back against the fluffy pillows, and listened to the familiar sounds of Ginny and Draco verbally hash out their issues. They were so incredibly similar with the same stubbornness and fiery temper, that they clashed frequently. He rather thought they enjoyed it, however. It gave them both someone to vent to who wouldn't take offence to words spoken in anger.
Ginny's eyes sparkled as she fought with him, and Draco watched in appreciation, barely paying attention to what he was saying anymore, more focused on the expressions flitting across her stunning features. Anger, laughter, delight, love, amusement, shock… it was all there for him to see and revel in.
Leaning forward, he speared his fingers into her long hair, and tilted her face up to place a lingering kiss against her soft lips. "I'm sorry." He breathed into her mouth, feeling her breath hitch at contact.
"Me too…" Ginny leaned forward, deepening the touch, sweeping her tongue against his lower lip in contrition.
Just as Blaise was about to fall back asleep, he sensed a shift in the 'conversation', and he opened his navy eyes to see Ginny sitting on Draco's lap, kissing a line across his jaw as he strove to explain that he had missed her.
"I missed you, Gin… missed you so damn much. And Blaise was sodding miserable. Did you know he kicked me out of his bed for awhile?" Draco spoke stiltedly, clutching her waist as he strove to get around his emotionally repressed upbringing to give her the words she so desperately needed to hear.
"Just say it." Blaise suggested, reaching out to stroke a line down Ginny's sensitive spine, wishing there was no cloth separating her flawless, soft skin from his touch.
Ginny shivered, and looked over to Blaise, giving Draco a chance to compose himself slightly. He closed his eyes, and sighed. Why was it so difficult?
Almost giving up, believing that she would have to settle for actions instead of words, Ginny made to get off of his long legs. Instantly, his hands clamped themselves to her hips, holding her in place.
Draco opened his eyes to see Ginny looking at him with confusion and expectation. "I love you."
"I know."
"What?" Draco stared at her, taking in her self-satisfied smile, "Why did I have to say it then?"
Blaise chuckled slightly at Ginny's feline grin, "It was good for you."
Draco was completely dumbfounded, and allowed her to push herself off of him this time, to go and cuddle into Blaise's side, her head fitting comfortably into the crook of his neck. She breathed in deeply as he hugged her close, smelling his familiar sense, and giving Draco a moment to get himself together.
"Good for me?" Draco's usually languid drawl was somewhat strained, and Ginny resisted the urge to giggle, instead looking up to see Blaise smirking. "Sweet Circe, you are lucky that I love you, you crazy bird."
"I'll try to keep that in mind." Ginny thought for a moment, "Don't either of you want to know if I love you?"
Draco chuckled lightly, as Blaise gave into full laughter, "What?" Ginny looked from one to the other in confusion, and rising anger, "What is so funny?"
"We know you love us." Draco patted her on the head, grinning as she growled at the condescending gesture. Blaise nodded at her as she glanced at him for confirmation.
"Why am I not surprised?" Ginny asked no one in particular, before reaching out a small fist to punch Draco in the side, and then Blaise, "You both deserved that."
"Well, now you're definitely not getting a Christmas present, kitten."
Ginny was still giggling as she was pulled down between them. Blaise turned her head gently to face him, stroking a fingertip over her lips, tracing the contours that he had memorized so lovingly.
Draco took advantage of Ginny's distraction, and placed a long-fingered hand on her thigh, caressing her soft skin, bringing a sigh to her lips as Blaise leaned in to capture them.
Lost in Blaise's kiss, Ginny was a mass of sensations, cupping the back of his neck with one hand to bring him closer, insistent that he not stop with those wonderful strokes of his tongue.
With her other hand, Ginny guided Draco under her simple covering, shivering as she felt his fingers trace a line up her hip, tripping lightly over the elastic of her small panties to find her flat belly.
Blaise cupped Ginny's jaw, holding her in place as he slowly, languidly, explored her mouth, brushing his tongue against hers in a rhythm that had her rocking her hips slightly, wanting more.
Feeling that movement, Draco smirked and dragged the scrap of material from between her legs, watching with appreciation as she instinctively widened them to admit him. Placing each hand on her pale knees, Draco leaned forward to brush a kiss against her inner thigh, biting the spot gently when he felt her start at the touch.
Ginny moaned, tearing her mouth away from Blaise's beguiling lips to breathe heavily as she felt Draco's tongue brush against her skillfully. Blaise looked down to see the top of the silvery head, and smirked before dragging the t-shirt up and over her head, letting it fall to the floor beside the bed.
Spotting her small, hard, rosy nipples, Blaise groaned raggedly, leaning over to capture one between his lips, palming the other full breast in his hand and massaging gently.
Ginny gasped, writhing against the sheets, her skin flushing a delicate pink as she felt pleasure spread through her, almost painful in it's intensity. Draco could feel her getting close, and each time, he pulled away, never allowing her to reach the pinnacle, her body calming before he would calmly take her small clit between his lips again.
Blaise stroked sure fingers over Ginny's ribs, pulling back from her now glistening, and swollen nipples, tweaking them to the point of soreness, where the line of pleasure and pain met, and was surpassed.
Looking up to meet Blaise's navy eyes, Draco nodded shortly, his lips and chin glistening with wetness, as Ginny went wild beneath their skilled ministrations. As sleek as a feline, Draco moved up her body to capture her lips, Ginny clutching his hair even as she tasted herself on him.
Blaise watched Draco and Ginny kiss with a savage intensity, desire surging through him. Flipping Ginny over, Draco guided her knees to either side of his hips, settling her on top of his erection, guiding her down it's length, as they both moaned at the feeling. Ginny moaned at the fullness, feeling him stretching her sensitive tissues.
He held her still, his hands controlling her movements by clamping onto her hips, waiting. Ginny moaned, and her fingers clutched at his hands, trying to move, desperate to move. Draco gritted his teeth at the sensations of her tightening around him, her hips wildly trying to grind into him despite the restraint.
Blaise grabbed his wand from the bedside table, and had to take a few deep breaths to calm himself before casting a quick spell over himself and Ginny, before moving behind her, straddling Draco's long legs.
Spotting Blaise over Ginny's shoulder, Draco placed his hand behind her neck, and pulled her down to brush his lips against her again, as she tingled in anticipation.
"Gods, I love you…" Draco murmured against her lips, feeling her quivering smile, rather than seeing it, as she gasped against his mouth.
Blaise pushed into the small pink hole slowly, feeling her adjust to admit him, feeling her stretch. He threw back his head, groaning loudly, and stilled for a moment as he became seated deeply within her, feeling Draco through the barrier separating them.
"Merlin…" Blaise breathed, his muscles shaking.
Ginny panted as her two lovers set up a gentle rhythm, feeling the familiar fullness that she had missed so much. Perspiration beaded on Draco's forehead, his abdomen muscles clenching as he sought some semblance of control, trying to delay the inevitable just for a few more minutes of pleasure.
The moment Ginny felt Blaise's fingers edge around to stroke her at the point where she was joined so deeply with Draco, she exploded. Screaming at the sensations running through her, she vaguely sensed the increased urgency in Draco and Blaise's movements within her.
Groaning as he felt the increased slickness, Draco came followed shortly by Blaise with a roar, his hands reaching over his head to grasp the pillow firmly. Blaise trembled as he aimed to fall to his side to avoid crushing Ginny between himself and Draco.
Ginny gasped at the sudden loss, and collapsed on top of Draco's chest, feeling his rapidly beating heart against her cheek. She fell asleep there, Blaise's fingers languidly reaching out to stroke her back, the air cool against her sweat-slicked skin, but Draco almost too hot against her, warming her.
Boxing Day morning was spent in bed between two incredibly warm Slytherins, who were both incredibly grabby even in their sleep. Ginny couldn't remember the last time she had been this happy.
Stretching her toes against the soft linen of the sheets, she tried to get up the energy to get out of bed, but it just didn't seem to be happening.
"What are you doing?" Blaise asked blearily as he felt Ginny poking him in the side.
"Trying to get you to wake up."
Groaning, he threw his leg over her thighs to hold her in place, and wrapped his arms around her securely, "No. Go back to sleep."
"I can't." She pouted up at him, even though he stubbornly refused to open his eyes, "Too hungry."
"And you woke me because…?" He inquired with a drawl.
"Draco's an even worse morning person than you." Ginny admitted with an astonishing lack of shame over her somewhat cowardly actions.
"Huh." Blaise turned his head to the side to check the clock that was on the table beside the bed, "It's way too sodding early for this, kitten."
"I'm hungry!" She announced a little bit louder, hopefully.
Draco groaned suddenly, and rolled onto his stomache, "Will you both shut up? I need a solid ten hours of sleep, or my day will be shot."
Instantly, Ginny shoved away from Blaise to poke at Draco's side, "Come on! Hungry! Food!"
"You," Draco lifted his head up to glare at her, his voice rough with sleep, "Are a pain in my arse."
"I'm ok with that."
With a chuckle, deciding that he had tortured Ginny enough, Blaise sat up to lean over and brush a kiss across her lips, "What would you like?"
An hour later, with Ginny's stomache happy with her decision of pancakes, she sighed in contentment, and sipped her tea, watching Blaise over the rim of the mug. Draco, was still dead to the world in the large bed.
"Happy?" He asked quietly, placing on the table with slow, deliberate movements.
"Yes." She spoke without thinking, spoke through feeling.
"Amazing what a quart of maple syrup will do for one's disposition, hmm." Ginny laughed at Blaise's dryly delivered observation, and shook her head, "Oh, I was happy at the knock of room service."
Blaise raised his glass of juice in a salute before taking an experimental sip, "This stuff isn't bad, you know. Not pumpkin juice, but I got a very strange reaction from the muggles on the other end of the tellyfone when I tried ordering that earlier."
"Telephone." Ginny corrected absent-mindedly as she wrapped both hands around her warm mug, and tucked her long legs beneath her on the large chair, wrapping the thick material that she was wearing more securely around against her skin.
Grinning at her childlike position, Blaise leaned back in his chair, crossing his legs at the ankles, seemingly unaware, or rather unconcerned that he was clothed only in a white, terrycloth dressing gown that matched the one worn by Ginny.
They both grinned as they heard Draco stumble out of bed, and make his way to the water closet, cursing as he tripped over an unfortunately place piece of furniture. The blonde Slytherin really was not a morning person.
Making his way to the dining area where his lovers were firmly ensconced with the remnants of a gourmet breakfast, Draco ran a hand through his silken hair, tugging out the few knots that dared to entangle the locks. He paused briefly beside Ginny to kiss her lightly, before doing the same to Blaise.
"Good morning." Ginny grinned at his still rough tone, and leaned forward to place her tea on the table in order to pour him some juice.
"And to you." Blaise watched the scene of domesticity with a smirk. It generally took awhile for Draco to fully become his usual charming self upon waking.
The remainder of the morning was spent in relative peace, with laughter sounding from each of them at different intervals, and heading back to bed soon after to lounge in the large, downy, depths.
Blaise found himself nestled between his two lovers, feeling such an incredible respite that he was sure he would be unable to move until they had to untangle him to leave for Hogwarts in a week's time.
Leaning forward to kiss his chest, Draco agreed with the sentiment, forming an idea in both of their minds that they shared wordlessly.
Ginny could feel them conversing, but she could not quite make out the conversation other than the most general idea that it was about her. She was content to let them speak through their bond, one of them would talk to her about it later, she was sure.
Agreeing with Draco's thoughts, Blaise pushed the idea that they should wait for Ginny's graduation, for her to be completely sure.
Ginny fell asleep hearing Blaise and Draco's mingled thought. What was the span of a few months when compared to a lifetime?
A/N: Finished.
Again, thank you VERY VERY much to all that faithfully reviewed… it was so incredibly helpful, and great, and…. I don't know what else to say to convey the depths of my appreciation.
Extra special thanks to Airmid, Julie, Toxic, and so on… honestly, your reviews made me laugh, and take the plot in a very different way from what I had originally intended.
Now, I promised a sequel, and for updates on that, check my profile. The first chapter is almost ready, but I also wanted to give the description and title here… so here goes…
Catch You
Brief Summary:
What happens next? With Blaise, Draco, the Patil twins, and most of Ginny's friends leaving Hogwarts, what will her last year of school hold?
Draco and Blaise both have their futures mapped out, though when their families and Death Eaters interfere, they will have some tough choices to make. Luna and Ginny each have some decisions in store for their futures, which may, or may not keep them close to those they love. Though reaching a tentative peace, George and Padma both have some issues to work out that include Fred's new marriage, careers, and different ambitions.
And, a very fateful mistake from 'Complicate You' will play a large part for Ginny, Blaise, and Draco in the sequel.