A/N – Here's the final part. I had been waiting for hptarot on LJ to setup Round 3 before writing this, but things got delayed and I got tired of waiting. Even though this is done, I'm certainly not finished with Harry/Padma. The two have become one of my favorite pairings.

Part 3 – Difficult Decisions

Padma sighed softly in contentment as she emerged from her bathroom, clad in a large, fluffy, blue robe that had been Harry's Christmas gift to her. Stopping to stand in front of her full length mirror, she couldn't help but laugh at herself as she saw that stupid, goofy grin of hers, reflected back to her.

Hardly can believe it's been a year. Well, it's only really been a few months, but still, if I hadn't rescued him last New Year's, none of this would've happened. Padma slowly looked around her spacious bedroom in Potter Manor. Though, in Padma's opinion, you could hardly call it her bedroom as she had never really used the bed. The bed was like a decoration for the room, having never slept a night in it. Rather, she much preferred using the king size bed in Harry's bedroom, or, simply sleeping on Harry.

Last month, Harry had finally convinced her to simply move in, as she was here most of the time anyway. While Harry had given her the second largest bedroom as her own, she simply used it as a large walk in closest. Even when all they did was actually sleep, she'd rather be in bed with him, than down the hall.

Sitting down at the vanity, Padma glanced at her wardrobe; full of expensive gowns and robes, all hung up, and underneath them, numerous types and colors of heels. Her normal clothes and shoes were in Harry's room, where she had commandeered the largest of his dresser drawers in the room. Looking at the gowns and dresses, it made her head spin when thinking of how much they cost separately. Harry was well off, but he wasn't wealthy.

Now, don't get her wrong, Padma loved being pampered and spoiled, but Harry seemed to take it to a whole new level. Harry rarely spent money on himself, usually buying his friends lavish gifts. Not because he wanted to show off, but he'd rather waste his money on them, those he cared for, than anything else. At first, Padma didn't think twice about it, but when he started to buy her things she had mentioned barely in passing, she began to feel guilty. While he had been reluctant, she was slowly weaning him off the habit. I'd rather have something small and cheap, but meaningful, than something big and expensive, and useless.

Bringing her mind back to the present, she brushed her fingertips over the black negligee that lay folded on the corner of the vanity. Later tonight, Padma thought to herself, thinking of the reward after going to the Ministry New Year's Ball. Neither wanted to go, but Padma knew they had to. Last year, Hermione rationalized why he had to go, but this year, Padma simply had to give him a small incentive to go and play nice.

Humming softly to herself, she began to apply her make up, using several Charms Lavender and Parvati had come up with over the years. It had been an adjustment getting used to living with a different person, but as she was beginning to settle in, Padma was happy about her decision. Harry will never be the perfect man. He's too scarred emotionally and physically to be perfect. And who'd want that, anyway? So he can be moody, defensive, and a mean git at times. He can also be the most caring, supportive, and loving person I've known. What he needs is a person to help him lick and heal his wounds.

Pausing her makeup Charms for a moment, this time a more natural smile crossed her lips, as she fondly thought of something. I wish more people could see how he's like with Teddy. Those two are like brothers; the younger idolizing the older and the older teaching the younger all the things he shouldn't know. Padma let out a laugh before resuming the Charms, remembering how Andromeda had lost it when Harry released a Snitch indoors and Teddy ran screaming from room to room after it, trying to catch it.

The little rascal had wormed his way into her heart too. While he did have an endless amount of energy, there were times when he could be quiet and inquisitive about learning things. Harry said it was his father's true influence in him.

Just as Padma had finished applying the last Charm, her bedroom door flew open, and in a streak of blue flashed through it, slamming it behind her. She grinned as she saw the little body sprint across the room before scrambling underneath her bed. Must be bath time, she giggled to herself.

A knock on the door confirmed her suspicion. "Come in," Padma called, and smiled as Andromeda walked in. It was a nightly ritual; whenever it was time for Teddy to take a bath, go to sleep, or anything he didn't want to do, everything turned in to a game of Hide and Seek.

"Has he been through here?" Andromeda asked in a breathless voice. I'm too old to be chasing a young boy around.

"Haven't seen him," Padma told her, and then mouthed the word, "Bed."

Nodding in understanding, Andromeda drew her wand. As she cast a Levitation Charm on the bed, making it rise off the floor, she quickly cast an Immobilization Jinx on Teddy, lightly pinning him to where he lay.

"You told!" Teddy barked out.

Padma smirked and Andromeda quickly picked up her grandson before putting the bed down. "Now, don't go blaming Padma. You know it's time for your bath. The quicker you take your bath, the quicker you go to bed, and that means, morning and spending all day with Harry and Padma will come even quicker."

"Ok," Teddy said softly. Leaning out from his grandmother's arms, he held out his arms.

Padma quickly hugged him. "Goodnight, Cub," she said, using Harry's nickname for him, and her smile widened when Teddy laughed. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight, Aunt Padi," Teddy's little voice spoke up as Andromeda carried him from the room and in to the hall.

I'd say that was a good start to the evening, she joked to herself before finishing getting ready.

Just as Padma was finishing, slipping her stocking feet into her heels, Harry strolled in to her room, sounding like someone was straggling. To a certain extent someone was, himself. Padma simply grinned, walked over to him, and took the bowtie out of his hands. "Turn around," she ordered, and began to properly tie it around his collar. "You're hopeless."

"It's why I have you around," Harry quipped, but then gagged when Padma tightened the bowtie a little too tight. Smiling sweetly at him, she loosened it after a moment, and properly tied it.

Turning around, Harry smiled as he let his eyes slowly wander over his girlfriend, while she made some final primps to her appearance. "Sure we couldn't just skip the Ministry's party, and just have one of our own?" he asked suggestively.

Padma rolled her eyes. "Only if you're the one who listens to Hermione's lecture," she fired back.

Faking a sigh, Harry shifted his shoulders in his dress robes. Damn thing is too tight. Who designs these things?

"Remember to congratulate Mr. Greengrass about his daughter's engagement."

Harry snickered under his breath. "Should offer my condolences," he joked. While Draco and he had become civil towards one another, they still didn't get along too well, and had reached an informal agreement to stay out of each other's way.

"Just keep your tongue in check should you actually cross paths with him, or Draco." Even if she agreed with Harry, and thought Draco was nothing more than a spoiled brat, professionally, she knew that, like Harry, Draco was another of the young power players filling the void left in the wake of the Second War. He was one of many different people Harry was going to have to deal with in order to get anything accomplished.

When Padma finished, she turned to Harry, who smiled back at her. "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be," she replied. Harry wasn't the only one who dreaded going to these stuffy events, filled with pompous, self absorbed wizards and witches. But going with Harry, made it just a little more bearable.

Shortly after arriving, Padma had stopped to talk to her father and some dignitary from someplace or another. There were so many big titles wandering around the place that Harry stopped trying to understand them all. While she talked, Harry wandered off in search of something to eat.

Failing to find anything other than the little appetizers the waiters were carrying around, Harry finished off his sixth cracker before draining his glass goblet of mead. Admiring the intricate design that had been etched into the glass of the goblet, Harry could hear a group whispering and giggling to themselves, and a quick glance to the side, confirmed his suspicion. There was a group of four or five witches a few yards away, watching him.

Sighing softly under his breath, he pretended to keep admiring the pattern as he tried to come up with an exit strategy. The only thing he could imagine worse than being cornered by one of these politicians was being cornered by one of these twittering little girls trying to flirt with him. I knew I should've waited until Padma was done. But that could've taken who knows how long, especially when she gets going.

Suddenly, hearing the tell tale click-clack of heels, Harry's eyes quickly shifted back to the side, and he saw the gaggle in motion towards him. Just as they were nearing, Harry felt someone come up from behind and pinch his butt.

Jumping slightly in surprise, he quickly turned around and swore at himself for being caught off guard. What the bloody… Padma? No, a small grin appeared when he realized who it was, I guess turn around is fair play. Padma did pretend to be her last year.

"There you are, Harry. I figured you either found food or the bar?" she teased him. Slowly her eyes shifted to the group of girls that had paused in their advance, and she gave them an icy glare.

Harry snickered under his breath as the group quickly retreated away. "Can Padma do that?"

Parvati giggled softly. "Nope, that one is all me."

"And pinching my arse?" Harry asked rhetorically.

Smiling sweetly at him, Parvati shrugged. "Saw an opportunity and took advantage of it.

"How'd you know it was me anyway? Padma said you could usually tell us apart. I think she's full of it, and is just trying to brag," Parvati told him, not completely serious. She knew Padma was probably telling the truth, and boasting a little about her boyfriend, but she was intrigued, as when they dressed exactly alike, it was an almost impossible task to tell them apart.

"Well, aside from Padma's dress being dark red, with sleeves, and not having such a… revealing neckline," Harry told her sarcastically. "The more playful answer is Padma doesn't have that little mark right… there," he spoke, and dangled his finger over her chest before pointing to just above her left breast.

"And you would know that was there, how?" she teased him playfully.

"Simply having watched the prettiest girl in the Gryffindor Tower for seven plus years," Harry fired back.

"Good answer," she said, and tapped her forefinger on his nose.

Harry's grin widened, and added, "That, and I've done extensive field research on Padma."

"You're such a guy."

"Thank you." Harry laughed softly as he placed the goblet down on a nearby table. "Seriously, your face, it has more sharper angles on your nose, chin-"

"And?" Parvati asked him, pretending to be getting angry.

"I'm not saying that's a bad thing," Harry said defensively, and then realized she was just winding him up. "But Padma has softer features. Plus, she usually wears her hair up in some way. You never do unless it was something like Defense or Potions, where it'd get in your way."

"So, when are you going to make an honest witch of my sister?" Parvati asked him bluntly, and then broke out laughing when Harry's face turned red and he started sputtering. "Well, then, we should consulted the cards," she said and began reaching for the Tarot Cards in her small handbag. So convinced of their use, she tried to keep them on hand at all times.

With his Seeker reflexes, Harry quickly snatched her wrist and drew it away. "Why don't we give the cards a rest?" he said. Then, in response to her questioning look, "Padma told me about the readings you gave her. I've had enough of my life foretold for one life time."

Parvati reluctantly agreed. I do wonder, though, which card I would've drawn.

"Well, then, let's go find your girlfriend," Parvati told him, and linking her arm through his, the pair went off to find where Padma had gotten to. I never thought what it'd be like to have a brother, but Harry... he's not so bad.

Having enough of the party, and returning home, Harry stood barefoot at the large window in his bedroom, that overlooked the vast yard to the back of the manor.

Padma quietly slinked in to the room, and smiled as she watched him. Still in his trousers, which he had been wearing underneath the dress robes, and a white undershirt, she was enjoying the view.

"Harry," she tried to purr seductively, but tried not to chuckle when it came out bad. When Harry simply grunted in response, Padma frowned. She had been looking forward to the reward for going to the party just as much as he was, but now, for him to barely acknowledge her presence. Well, Mr. Potter, now you're in for it.

But just as she was about to say something, she came closer to him and noticed, the pensive, almost agitated look on his face. Something's wrong. "Harry?"

"It's something Draco said," Harry answered.

"I told you not to let-" Padma started, but Harry cut her off.

"No. For once, he actually said something with meaning." Harry lightly tapped the window sill. "There's still some Death Eaters out there.

"With the ceremony coming up, there should be a lot of chatter, the usual empty threats, but it's been quiet," Harry said, slowly turning to look at her. "Draco says they're up to something. But even his informant couldn't say what."

In a few days, the Minister of Magic would be officially dedicating a new monument in Diagon Alley to honor those that had lost their life to Voldermort's Reign of Terror.

"It could mean nothing," Padma stated, trying to calm him down.

Harry shook his head. "I've learned to listen to my gut. While it's gotten me in to trouble before, there's always been a ring of truth. I should tell Kingsley to increase security."

Padma nodded. "If you feel that strongly, than Firecall him tomorrow. I'd rather you be wrong and have the extra security in place, than right and not have it."

Smiling at her, Harry wrapped her in a hug and pulled her in to his chest. "Would you mind if we put off our personal celebration? I'm just too distracted tonight."

"You owe me," Padma mumbled softly, playfully nipping at his throat.

Harry laughed softly. "I'll pay you back, with interest."

The day of the ceremony had been beautiful. The morning clouds had burned off by mid-day, and while it was a bit cold, it was still a beautiful winter day. At Harry's request, Minister Kingsley had assigned some extra Aurors to the security detail. Still, Harry was agitated all morning. In hindsight, they should've trusted Harry's instincts.

Kingsley had just finished his speech when the monument exploded into a hale of stone, metal, and fire.

Standing on stage, Padma had just turned away from the monument at the moment it exploded. The resulting shock wave knocked her off her feet and disoriented her. As her head stopped ringing, her brain quickly began to process everything. Everyone was in a panic, either screaming in pain or fear. She could hear muffled yelling of the Aurors as they tried to contain the situation.

Picking up her head, it felt like her whole body was slow in responding to her. Raising her arm to cover her face to block the remaining falling debris that was trickling down around her, she began to take in her new surroundings.

What had been the monument now resembled a blown out piece of twisted and jagged metal. All of the elaborate displays were destroyed, either obliterated or shattered in to many little pieces. The stores that were immediately near them had their windows blown out, and many of them were beginning to catch fire. Even the stores a ways off, showed signs of damage to various degrees.

Harry! Where's Harry?

Scrambling to her knees, unsure of what was going to happen next, she didn't find her boyfriend but found someone just as important to both of them. Padma reached out and quickly snatch Teddy, pulling him to her as she engaged her emergency Portkey. With a shaking and whimper Teddy in her arms, she felt the familiar tug and the pair quickly disappeared as they Portkeyed back to the safety of Potter Manor.

Reemerging in the parlor of Potter Manor, Padma fiercely hugged Teddy to her chest. In turn, the boy desperately clung to her, his crying muffled by her shoulder. Slowly, the world around her sprang back to life. She could hear others, and knowing she was home, realized that the others had used the emergency Portkeys as well. Cautiously, keeping Teddy in her arms, Padma slowly stood up.

A little wobbly, Padma started to look around before being smothered in another woman's fierce hug. "Teddy! Padma!" came Andromeda's voice in her ear.

Andromeda let go, and started to rub Teddy's back. "I feared the worst. I think I aged another fifty years."

Tentatively, handing Teddy over to his Grandmother, Padma hoarsely whispered, "Harry?"

The older woman looked sadly at her, and shook her head no. "Don't worry dear. It'll take more than that to keep the boy down."


Hearing her name, she turned to where it came from and found herself wrapped in another fierce motherly hug, this time from her own mother. As her mother rambled on in half-Hindi, half-English, Padma looked up at her father.

"Are you alright, Princess?"

"Yes, father. What happened?"

Her father sighed softly and gently stroked her cheek. "The monument was destroyed by an explosion. Too many people were hurt, some killed."

"Those poor souls," Mrs. Patil muttered as she loosened her grasp on her daughter.

A wave of panic hit Padma as he desperately began to look around. Mr. Patil understood what she was looking for. "He hasn't shown up yet. He'll be here. If there's one thing I've learned over the past year, is that man is annoyingly resilient and resourceful."

Suddenly a cry interrupted everyone's conversation.

"Shh, Victoré," Fleur soothed and gently rocked Bill and hers young daughter in her arms.

"Teddy!" Andromeda scolded her grandson.

"She pulled my hair!" the little boy whined, and his hair quickly changed a dark, almost crimson, red. When he realized trying to defend himself was useless, he glared up at the little blonde girl in annoyance.

The little girl had quieted down, and her blue eyes were now staring back at Teddy, holding almost a hint of amusement in them.

"Kreacher," Padma called out.

"Yes, Mistress?" the House Elf muttered softly.

"Would you please bring some tea for everyone?"

Kreacher nodded in obedience. "Yes, Mistress." With a soft grumble under his breath, he disappeared with a pop.

After a few hours, mostly everyone had gone. Leaving Padma to pace around the pallor, and her parents sitting off to the side, watching her. Hearing the front door slam open, Padma rushed out in to the front hall, her parents quickly following.

"Harry!" Padma cried in relief before launching at him.

Harry tiredly wrapped her arms around her, and held her close. "Are you alright?" he asked softly. Padma could tell by his voice that something was wrong.

"Yes." Standing at arm's length from him, she saw the blood that covered his dress robes. "You're bleeding!" Before Padma could panic any further, Harry grabbed her wrists tightly, stopping her.

"It's not mine."

Having watched the reunion quietly from the sidelines, Mr. Patil silently motioned to his wife that they should leave. Mrs. Patil nodded in agreement, and the pair quietly retreated back to the parlor to use the Floo connection.

"It's… It's Hermione," Harry choked out.

"No. Harry?"

"The baby," Harry told her. Padma gently guided them towards the master bedroom upstairs. "Hermione was struck by a large piece of rubble."

"Harry," Padma tried to soothe him. Merlin, please don't let Ron and Hermione loose that baby. They were so happy when they told everyone at Halloween.

"I knew I should've cancelled that stupid ceremony!" Harry yelled in frustration. Clenching his hands into fists, "I let down my guard, and my friends pay the price."

"So it was the Death Eaters?" Padma asked softly, to which Harry nodded slightly.

Reaching the bedroom, Padma took Harry's hands in her own and fought against him to uncurl them. "It's not your fault, honey. You convinced the Minister to increase security. You'd never have known that this would've happened."


"But, nothing," Padma told him as she began to take the bloody clothes off of him. "You're taking a nice hot bath, and then you're holding me until I stop shaking." Stopping undoing the buttons of his shirt, she couldn't take it anymore, and snuggled up against his chest, and sighed tiredly when Harry's arms wrapped around her waist and he rested his check against her head.

Padma smiled sadly as she sat in Hermione's room at St. Mungo's, and watched Ron fuss over her. It had been a long couple of days for everyone, especially Hermione. The injuries she had sustained from the blast, had lead to complications, and she lost the baby.

Hermione and Ron were both upset, but seemed to be handling it as well as could be expected. It was Harry who seemed to be taking it the hardest; he had become almost impossible to deal with, locking himself in his study for hours on end. Since Ron and he had brought her to St. Mungo's, Harry hadn't been back since. After a second, explosive argument that day, Padma had decided to get out of the house for awhile and visit her friend.

In school, Hermione and Padma had a friendly rivalry going as the top two students in their class, but rarely interacted outside of class. In the year Padma had been with Harry, the two girls quickly began developing the friendship that probably would've been there if they had gone to school during normal times.

"Ronald," Hermione finally barked at him, having enough of him trying to rearrange her pillows. "Why don't you go get something to eat, you haven't had anything all day."

"I'm not hungry," Ron countered. Hermione looked at him with an arched eyebrow, and Padma smirked as she watched the two. Ron's voracious appetite was legendary, the man never saw a meal he didn't like, and it was rare that he even missed a meal.

"Fine," he said sarcastically. Kissing her forehead, "I love you."

"I love you too," Hermione said back. "Now, get out."

When Ron finally left, Hermione turned her full attention to Padma. "Where's Harry?"

"He… had some stuff… he needed to take care off it," Padma lied, and badly.

Hermione scowled. "Try again, and remember that I know Harry."

Sighing, Padma slumped in her chair dejectedly. "He's barricaded himself in his study."

"Snapping at any one who dares to interrupt him," Hermione said aloud.

"He's up to something."

"Naturally," Hermione told her. "If something happened to him, he'd grumble a little, but let it slide off his back in a day or two. But, that it happened to a close friend… Harry's not going to take it lying down."

Padma felt a knot forming in her stomach. "What do you think he'll do?"

Hermione stared off in to space, thinking. "I don't know, too many possibilities. Harry is very protective of his family. I wouldn't let him out of sight."

"I have Kreacher keeping tabs on him."

Hermione looked both shocked and impressed all in one look. She still felt strongly for freedom and equal rights, but was impressed that Padma had thought of the idea. Like Harry was with her, Hermione was very protective of Harry. They were the brother and sister neither ever had, and while it had taken awhile to get use to the feeling of being replaced, Hermione had to praise Harry on his choice of company.

"You may know this already, but I want to make sure you understand it," Hermione said softly. "Harry is going to try and push you away, and you have to push back. It's not going to be pretty, Merlin knows Harry and I don't fight much, but when we do, its spectacular rows. You two are too good for each other, and you've guys come too far. Who else, outside the Inner Circle, knows as much about the real Harry as you do?" With a small grin, Hermione finished with a sarcastic comment. "I'm expecting to be an Aunt soon."

Padma smirked. In an odd sort of way, this was like getting the approval of Harry's mother. With due consideration to Mrs. Weasley, for better and for worse, Hermione had been the primary female influence in Harry's life; a role that's usually reserved for someone's mother.

"How can you be so upbeat, after… everything?" Padma asked cautiously.

Shrugging, Hermione struggled for a moment to sit up a little. "I've done enough crying."

The conversation was interrupted by loud pop, and Kreacher suddenly appearing. "Mistress," Kreacher's gravely voice spoke up.

"Master, he's preparing to leave."

Hermione and Padma shared a look before Padma stood up. "Kreacher, return back to Grimmauld Place. If Harry goes anywhere, it'll be there first. Stop him, and make sure he doesn't leave."

With an icy glare, Kreacher slowly nodded. "Yes, Mistress," he muttered before Apparating away.

Padma was about to say something to Hermione, but Hermione gave her a simple command before Padma could utter a word. "Go!"

Nodding quickly, Padma apparated away with a soft pop.

The second her feet touched solid ground again, on the Apparition point for Potter Manor, Padma broke out in to a run across the lawn towards the manor. As she finally reached the main door, she silently cursed Harry, telling herself there was no doubt he would pick a day she was wearing heels to try and pull something.

Moving in to the main hall, she yelled out his name. "Harry!" In addition to wanting to know where he was, sneaking up and surprising Harry wasn't the best of moves, even when he wasn't up to something.

With her feet hurting, Padma quickly kicked off the offending heels, and took the stairway two stairs at a time. Where the bloody hell is he? Better search from the top down. Start with our room.

Reaching the top floor, Padma walked rapidly down the hall towards the master bedroom. Finding the door open and a light emitting from inside, "Harry?"

Opening the door, she let out a soft breath, finding Harry sitting on the edge of the bed. Now came the more complicated part, getting him to open up. Why are men so resistant to talking about anything deep or complicated?

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Harry was dressed like he was going out on another adventure. The tell tale sign Harry was readying himself for battle was the dragon hide gauntlets that adorned both wrists and covered the tops of his hands.

"I see what Kreacher was up to," Harry spoke very softly as he stood up.

As Padma entered the room, she asked, "Harry, what are you doing?"

"No one else is going to get hurt," he told her. "I'm going to end this," and he finished by pounding and then grinding his fist in to his other palm.

Unaware of where this sudden anger came from, Padma just let it flow out. "Damn it, Harry, you're going to get hurt," she said rapidly while stepping up to him.

"Well, the Ministry sure as hell isn't going to clean up the mess. As usual, I'm being forced to do what no one else wants to do."

"Oh, get off your high horse," Padma snapped and poked him in the chest. "The Ministry is barely up to half strength now after Voldermort's coupe, which isn't saying much considering the condition it was in before. But they're making progress. It may not be as quick as we want it to be, but we're building a new future, and that takes time."

"We don't have time," Harry fired back. "Every day they're out there, they get stronger. You talk about future; I'm not going to have our children live in fear and constantly looking over their shoulders."

Padma was thrown off key for a moment. Our children? Does Harry mean… Focus Padma. Now is not the time to daydream.

"You're not a vigilante, Harry. The Ministry is doing its best with what it has. While you're more experienced then most, you're still not an Auror. Please, let them do their job and don't go out half cocked and get hurt."

Harry scowled, but instead of fighting back sank back down onto the bed. Padma quickly slipped herself onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his chest, and pressed her forehead against his. She wanted to make Harry think twice about doing something stupid; if he tried to Apparate away, he have to take her with him. But a small part of her just wanted to be close to him.

"Harry," she called softly, and sighed when she looked into his tired eyes.

"You should not be worried about fixing the problem, but fixing the damage that it's caused," she told him, trying to not sound like she was lecturing him. "Have you visited Hermione at all since you brought her to St. Mungo's?" She knew the answer, but wanted Harry to realize it for himself.

The guilty, and sad, look on his face spoke volumes to her. "Hermione needs you, Ron needs you. They just lost their baby, and while they have each other, they still need their best friend to make sure they don't forget that it'll get better.

"More importantly, I need you. If you went off and got yourself killed, you know I'd be right behind you, cutting a path of indiscriminate wrath." Padma giggled softly when Harry gave her a weak smile.

This was far from over, tonight wasn't even over, but at the very least, she had made progress. So many scars, so much damage, Padma mused as she playfully nuzzled Harry's chin. Merlin protect his aunt and uncle, because if I ever find them, I will repay them what they've done to Harry, ten fold.

A few days later, Harry still hadn't gone to visit Hermione, and was currently sitting at his desk in his study, starring blankly at a piece of parchment unrolled in front of him. While he sat in thought, his right hand toyed with Rememberball. A gag gift from Neville for his birthday a few years ago, Harry was currently rolling it around his desk as it stayed a dark red color inside.

To say he was conflicted was putting it mildly. Part of him felt like repaying the bastards who had done this, but another part understood what Padma was trying to tell him, and wanted to stay. Closing his fingers around the ball, Harry picked it up as he leaned back in his chair. Starring out into space, Harry just wanted some peace and quiet, but his mind was too busy spinning.

There has to be some answer that will satisfy everything. I'm not sure what I'm more afraid off, the Death Eaters or Padma? Harry mused.

Padma's right, you know, a little voice in the back of his head told him. You don't want to fight anyone; you've seen enough killing for more than one lifetime. You're just angry, angrier at yourself that you couldn't protect her.

Harry tightened his grip on the ball as an image of an injured Hermione flashed before him. Quickly, forcing himself to push it away, Harry leaned forward and dropped his head to his desk.

Suddenly, the quiet room was spoiled by heavy banging on the door, followed by a muffled shout.

Closing his eyes, Harry wished whoever it was would give up and go away. For a moment the pounding and shouting increased, but then stopped. Harry sighed softly.

Unfortunately, they hadn't given up or gone away. Seconds after they had stopped, the doors to the study were blasted off their hinges.

"Hermione!" Ron's voice squeaked, surprise evident in his voice.

"Harry!" Hermione snarled as she charged through the now open doorway. Harry quickly scrambled to his feet, the Rememberball dropping to the floor, and came around to the front of the desk.

"Hermione," Ron said again. "You shouldn't be casting spells, especially something like that! The Healer said you need to relax-"

Hermione paid no attention to Ron, instead casting the familiar canary Hex at Harry. Quickly putting up a shield as the canaries flew towards him, the birds circled him, trying to peck their way through his shield. Giving up after a few tries, they slowly dissipated.

By the time Harry dropped his shield, Hermione was in front of him.

"What was so important that you couldn't visit me?" she growled through clenched teeth. "I've been holed up in that damn place for a week, with Ron and Molly mothering me to death."

"Hey," Ron said, offended. But a quick glance from Hermione silenced any other protest.

"I refuse to let you use me as an excuse to do something stupid. If you go after those morons, don't come back. We need you here, not off-"

Harry held up his hands, stopping Hermione's rant. "I'm not going anywhere. Padma helped me… screw my head on straight."

He couldn't help grinning at Hermione. She looked cute when she was caught off guard by something good, like when she was going to nag them about homework, only to find out they had finished it already.

"Oh," was all she could manage.

"I'm… sorry for not visiting. I just needed-"

This time Hermione stopped Harry. Wrapping her arms around his chest, she buried her face in to his chest. Harry sighed softly as he hugged her back tightly. He felt like a heel for making her cry, but he needed some time to clear his head. Feeling Hermione slipping a little, Harry guided her towards one of this desk chairs.

Settling her in to it, Ron took the other chair and sat next to her.

"Just when you thought one mother hen was enough, now you've two," Padma's voice came from the doorway.

Hermione was too tired for a comeback, and simply shrugged as Padma walked towards them. As Ron moved to stand up, so Padma could have his chair, she shook her head. "See, one of the perks about being the girlfriend of Harry Potter," she said, and then pushed Harry into his chair behind the desk. "Is that you have the best seat in the house." She finished by dropping in to Harry's lap and turning to face them.

"Damn, you're heavy," Harry joked, and then grunted as Padma elbowed him in the ribs.

Hermione smiled as she watched the two of them. They're as close to perfect for each other as he's going to get. He better not screw up.

When Hermione began falling asleep in her chair, Harry convinced Ron and her to take one of the many empty guest rooms. She was exhausted, and even if the Healers hadn't told her to not use magic for the next few days, she was in no condition to Apparated. They could've Flooed, but neither Ron or Harry thought Hermione was up to it. So after not putting up much of a fight, they agreed to spend the night.

After checking on Ron and Hermione, to make sure they were settled, Harry returned to his own room. He tried to hide a smile as he saw Padma lounging on top of the bed, reading. It's amazing that she can drive me this crazy without even trying.

Flopping down beside her, Padma smirked at him. Closing her book, "How are they?"

"Alright," Harry answered. "She's already back to nagging me.

"If it's alright with you, I'd like for her to stick around for awhile. Until she gets back on her feet."

"Harry, it's your home," Padma answered. "You don't have to ask me."

Harry shook his head no, reached out, and pulled her closer. "No, it's our home, and you have just as much say as I do."

"You're a sap," she teased. "A sweet sap, but still."

"Well, if you don't believe me, I could always ask Parvati what the cards say."

"You wouldn't," Padma wasn't sure if Harry was joking or would he actually go to her sister just to annoy her. It was bad enough that Parvati believed she had foretold Harry and her getting together, Padma still believed it was just blind luck of the draw.

Pushing Harry on to his back, she straddled his waist and looked down at him with a smile. "We don't need the cards to foretell the future. In fact, I think I can convince you that our future is looking pretty good."

Laughing softly, Harry looked up at her. "And how's that, oh seer of the stars?"

Pinch his sides in retaliation, "I believe you owe me something, and I intend to collect on it now. With full interest." She then leaned down, and lightly brushed her lips against his.

Whether it was just the luck of the draw or the cards actually did foresee this, Padma didn't care. She didn't care how it happened, simply, that it did happen.

For tonight, and however long it lasted, she was going to enjoy being in love with Harry. Not because it was foretold, but because she knew without any aid, that he loved her back.