Note: Thanks again for the wonderful reviews. You guys have lifted my spirits tremendously. Computer is still looking like a lost cause, but I don't feel quite so much like banging my head against the wall. I may hate computers right now, but I LOVE you guys. Oh, for anyone interested, Nick makes a brief appearance.

Inside Connection – Chapter 3

"Jumper Three is docking," said Chuck, glancing back at Elizabeth.

She nodded, relieved that Ronon and Teyla were back and hoping they would be able to talk John into stopping his search for the night. It was already late and she suspected he'd been at it almost twenty-four hours now. He had to be exhausted. She could always order him to stop, but she liked to pick her battles and she wasn't sure that was the best course of action. She was almost to the door when the alarm began blaring.

"Unexpected off world activation," said the tech. A few seconds later, he added, "Lt. Hinton's IDC. They're transmitting."

Elizabeth rushed back to stand beside Chuck as the transmission came through. "Atlantis, this is Hinton, we're coming in hot and we have wounded." They could hear the sound of shouting and gunfire in the background.

The marines in the gateroom immediately went into action, taking up defensive positions around the gate. The technician on the other side of her called for a medical team as she responded to the Lt. "Understood. We're lowering the shield for you right now," she said as she nodded to Chuck.

Almost immediately, stunner blasts began arcing through the gateroom as people ducked behind cover. Four men came through the gate, two supporting an unconscious teammate while the fourth man limped, barely on his feet. They all four collapsed on the floor when the gate shut down. Carson and his medical team were there ten seconds later, checking their patients and shuffling them to the infirmary. Elizabeth hurried down the steps to the organized motion on the floor below.


The doctor nodded to the nurse next to him and the gurney they had been standing over was quickly on its way to the infirmary. Carson turned back to Elizabeth. "Simmons is bleeding internally and we have to get him to surgery. I don't think any of the rest of them are seriously injured, but they all need medical attention. I'm afraid your briefing will have to wait for a while." Carson turned and followed the gurney out the door.

Lt. Hinton had the soldier helping him limp to the infirmary pause beside Elizabeth. "It was Wraith, ma'am. They attacked the Necian village while we were there and we tried to fight back, but there were too many of them. Some of the villagers made it to their underground hiding places, but a lot of them were taken or killed. We were lucky to get out alive."

Elizabeth nodded to the injured man. "I'm sure you did what you could, Lt. Right now you need to get your injuries attended to and you can give me a report later. I'm just glad you were able to make it back."

The man lowered his head to look at the floor. "So many died. If we had just had a few minutes warning . . . or there had been more of us. I just wish –"

"Lt., we do what we can do. I know that's often not enough, but that isn't necessarily our fault. We can't magically predict these things so we can be ready. I wish we could, but we can't. You got your men out and that's what's important. Now get to the infirmary so you can get tended to." She couldn't help but think that Sheppard's desire to save everyone had rubbed off on his men.

The battered soldier gave a small, grateful smile. "Thank you ma'am." As the man was helped out of the room, Ronon and Teyla watched him limp away and then made their way over to Elizabeth.

"What happened?" asked Ronon.

"Wraith apparently attacked Lt. Hinton's team while they were with the Necians. I need to get to the infirmary and make sure everyone is okay."

"Where is Colonel Sheppard?" asked Teyla.

Elizabeth sighed. "That is a long story." She looked at the two teammates for several seconds, trying to decide what to do. They both looked tired and dirty. She knew they had been helping the Athosians harvest some of the fruit they had been cultivating before a big storm hit later that week and ruined the last year's work. She really hated to ask them to traipse all the way across the city just to babysit John, although she knew they would in a heartbeat.

"Elizabeth?" asked Teyla, sensing that something was going on.

"It's late and you two look really tired. Why don't we meet in the morning for breakfast and I'll fill you in. I may even need a favor by then."

Ronon and Teyla looked at one another and then back to Elizabeth. "If you are certain," said the Athosian.

Elizabeth nodded. "I'm sure. Get some rest and I'll see you in the morning." Teyla and Ronon gave a short nod and then headed down the corridor. Elizabeth tapped her radio.

"John, are you still out there?"

"I think I may have found something, Elizabeth. I'll contact you later."

The radio went dead instantly. She didn't know whether to be worried by the cryptic message or relieved that John was all right. Elizabeth rubbed her head and realized that now she was getting a headache, no doubt initiated by a certain lieutenant colonel.. She started for the infirmary, intending to check on the injured soldiers and talk with Carson about John. The lights flickered several times, making her pause and hope that if there really was a problem, that John had found it.


Carson dropped heavily into the chair, rubbing his eyes and then moving his hand to his temple. The headache had been building for a while and was beginning to reach epic proportions. He'd managed a few hours of sleep, but it had been a restless, worried sleep.

"Here, thought you could use this." A cup of coffee appeared in front of him.

Carson looked up as he accepted the cup. "Thank you, Nick. What time is it?"

Nick Strauhan sat down beside his CO. "A little after 0530. You're supposed to be sleeping, you know. I can handle this."

"Aye, I know. I couldn't sleep any longer. I just feel all nervous and jittery. I think the colonel is starting to get to me."

Nick frowned as he looked at Carson. "You have the ATA gene, second strongest to the Colonel. You think maybe this thing is starting to affect you as well."

"I don't know. I have no idea if there is actually anything going on with the city. Rodney keeps saying everything is fine, but the colonel . . . I've never seen him like this and he doesn't go off on wild hairs like certain other members of this expedition. It gives reason for pause."

An approaching figure got the attention of both men and they watched as Elizabeth sat down beside Carson. "You look exhausted, Carson. Won't Nick let you go to bed?" she asked with a smirk.

Nick shrugged his shoulders. "I sent him to bed a few hours ago and he's back. Just can't get rid of him. Must be my charming personality."

"Yes, that's it," said Carson sarcastically. "No, I was just worried, felt like I needed to be here."

Elizabeth nodded. "How's Simmons?"

Carson turned back to Nick. "I just got here myself. How is Simmons?"

"He should make a full recovery. It was close there for a while, but he managed to hang on. He's finally stable and his pressure is up to a more acceptable level. What are you doing up?" Nick nodded his head toward Elizabeth.

"I couldn't sleep," she admitted. "Combination of worry for these men and for John. I've been trying to check in with him every couple of hours to make sure he's okay. He's got to be exhausted. He said he found something earlier, but he won't say what. Said he was still gathering information."

Carson's eyes widened. "He's still out there? When was the last time you talked to him?"

"About an hour and a half ago. I was just about to check with him again."

Carson nodded. "Check with him, then. This is starting to concern me."

"John, it's Elizabeth. How's it going?" They waited for a minute before she tried again. "John, please respond." She looked worriedly up to Carson when the radio stayed silent.

"Could he have sat down to rest and dozed off? I know he's bound to be exhausted," said Nick. It was obvious from his expression and tone of voice that he was hopeful that was what happened, but didn't really believe it.

"I know, but what if that's not it? What if he collapsed or something happened to him? I'm calling Ronon and Teyla to go get him," said Elizabeth.

"Aye, if he's awake, he's more likely to come with them than anyone. If he argues, tell Ronon to bring him back anyway. Enough is enough. He's running himself into the ground with this obsession." Carson bent over and squeezed his eyes shut against the sudden flare up of his headache.

"Carson, what's wrong?" asked Elizabeth, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Carson, tell me what's going on," said Nick as he knelt in front of the doctor.

Carson rubbed the side of his head until the pain receded and then sat up. "It's all right, just a headache. It's been building since yesterday and all this nonsense with the city and the Wraith attack hasn't helped any. I'll be fine."

"You don't think it has anything to do with what John's been saying about the city, do you? He's had a headache since this whole thing began," said Elizabeth.

Carson sighed, rubbing the side of his head again. "I don't know. I suppose it's possible. If there really is something wrong, I wish it would just get to the crisis and be done with it, one way or another. Either way, the Colonel has got to get some rest or he won't be in any shape to deal with anything."

Elizabeth nodded and reached for her radio. "Ronon, Teyla, this is Elizabeth. We have a problem and I need you to meet me in my office as soon as you can."


John realized he was lying on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. He had no idea how long he'd been there or even where he was for a few moments. The intense headache made him wonder briefly if he'd suffered a head injury. Lifting his head a few inches to look around, he recognized the room and the memory of his frantic search fell into place. He sat up, a little too quickly, and closed his eyes against the dizziness. There was something he had to do, but he couldn't remember what. Using the dark console next to him for leverage, he pulled himself to his feet and began to stagger from the room. He made it to the hall before he had to stop and lean against the wall, waiting on the spinning to stop.

"Colonel Sheppard?" He startled at the sound of Teyla's voice calling him. The next thing he knew, she and Ronon were standing on either side of him.

"Sheppard, are you okay?"

John looked up at Ronon. "Yeah, I'm good. What are you doing here?"

The large man grinned down at the pilot. "Dr. Weir and Dr. Beckett sent us. They got worried when you wouldn't answer your radio."

John put his hand to the side of his head and found his radio missing. "I must have dropped it. Sorry."

Teyla took him by the arm, watching him carefully. "John, you are to come back with us."

John looked confused a moment, looking back toward the lab. "No, wait . . . I think there's something I have to do. Something's wrong with Atlantis and I have to help her." He put his hand to the side of his head, the screeching noise in his head making him wince. "I just need to remember . . . I have to help her and I can't remember how."

Teyla and Ronon exchanged a worried look. "Let's go back and you can explain it to Dr. Weir. Maybe that will help you remember."

"Yeah, okay . . . maybe . . . " John's face was tight with pain and he swayed as if dizzy.

Teyla tightened her grip as she touched her radio. "Dr. Weir, we have found John and we are taking him to the infirmary. He is conscious, but seems a bit disoriented."

"I'm not disoriented," argued John to no one in particular.

"Thank you Teyla, we'll meet you in the infirmary. Call if you need help."

"We should be fine. John is not happy, but he is coming with us." She lurched forward to tighten her grip on John when his legs briefly gave way. Ronon caught most of John's weight and pulled him back up, where the Colonel seemed to regain his footing.

"I'm tired," John mumbled as he shuffled along.

The walk to the nearest transporter took almost half an hour, with John moving slowly and occasionally losing his balance. Teyla and Ronon kept a guiding and sometimes supporting hand on each arm. A few minutes after exiting the transporter, they led Sheppard into the infirmary to a waiting Dr. Beckett.

"Colonel, if you could just hop up here for me," said Carson, patting one of the beds.

John pulled away from Ronon and sat on the side of the bed. "I have to fix Atlantis. I know how, now, I just need to remember," he said as he rubbed his head.

"All in good time, Colonel. Let's just get your vital signs here and see how you're doing." John sat still and let Carson check his pulse, blood pressure, and temperature, as well as listen with his stethoscope while the others looked on.

"Well?" asked Elizabeth as Carson made some notes on John's chart.

"His pulse is much too rapid and his blood pressure is approaching stroke levels. He's not going anywhere for a while. Colonel, I'm afraid you're going to get some rest and let us monitor you. If your pressure doesn't come down soon, we'll have to have some medical intervention."

John surprised them all by jumping down off the bed. "No, I have to go fix Atlantis." He pushed by Carson and headed for the door. Ronon grabbed him from behind in a bear hug around the chest, pinning his arms to his sides.

"No! Let me go!" John yelled as he struggled to get free. Ronon leaned back a little and John's feet came up off the floor, kicking out but not making any contact. With all leverage gone, John's efforts to get away were futile. A nurse gave Carson a prepared syringe, which he quickly injected into the Colonel's shoulder from behind.

"No, you don't understand . . . you don't . . . understand . . . " John's struggles slowed and then stopped as his body went limp in Ronon's arms. Ronon leaned over to sweep the Colonel's legs up and carry him back to the bed.

"Thank you lad," said Carson. "This is for his own good." The lights went off for several seconds before finally flickering back on. "I just hope it's for our good too."


Carson had shuffled Elizabeth, Ronon, and Teyla to a waiting area while he examined Sheppard and got him settled. It was over an hour before he returned to give them a report. He dropped into a chair next to Elizabeth, more tired than he'd been in a long time and his head still throbbing with a vengeance.

"He's exhausted and dehydrated, but we've got his blood pressure down a little. It's like he's still trying to run on adrenalin and has been for quite a while. The blood tests might tell us more. Even as sedated as he is, he's still restless, fighting it all the way. I've never seen anything like this."

Elizabeth nodded. "Maybe after he gets some rest, he'll be more coherent and can tell us about what's been happening."

"Aye, I hope so," said Carson, rubbing his eyes.

"Carson, you look like you could use some more sleep." Elizabeth gave a small smile.

"That's what Nick keeps trying to tell me. I think all I really need is one of what the Colonel calls my good ibuprofens and another cup of coffee. You need to get some sleep too."

"Sounds like we should have stayed on Atlantis," said Ronon. "I think you needed help."

The lights went out and the emergency lights came on a few seconds later. "Actually, we might still need help," said Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth, we've got trouble," came Rodney's frantic voice over the radio.

Elizabeth sighed. "I'm on my way." She stood and nodded to Carson. "I guess I'll see what's going on now."

"Is Sheppard going to sleep a while?" asked Ronon.

"Aye, I hope for several hours," said Carson.

Ronon and Teyla stood. "Then we'll go with Dr. Weir in case she needs help," said the runner.

"Luck with that," said the tired doctor to their backs as they left the infirmary.


John opened his eyes, suddenly wide awake and scared. It took a minute for the reason for his anxiety to return to him. Sitting up, he looked around the room. He was in the infirmary. He rubbed his head, giving himself a few moments to catch up to what had happened, but even then he wasn't sure it was accurate. Everything seemed hazy and uncertain, like a dream you could only partially remember. Wincing at a spike of pain in his head, he remembered with frightening clarity what was wrong with Atlantis and how he could fix it.

Throwing the covers back, he glanced around. He could hear voices, but see no one. They had put him in a smaller room with only three beds, no doubt so he would sleep. The room was semi-dark, with what looked like emergency lighting on. John shuddered, realizing the big problems had already begun and he needed to work quickly. A tug on his hand brought his attention to the IV there. Smiling at how expected that was, he carefully peeled back the tape and slid the IV catheter from the vein.

Being barefoot made it easy to slip quietly from the infirmary, but it also made his feet cold. John was wishing he had some shoes or socks as he jogged down the hall. He had to squint, the light from the windows aggravating his headache as he headed for the chair room. The halls were remarkably empty for it to be daylight outside and he was grateful for that. The white scrubs were a dead giveaway that he wasn't supposed to be roaming the corridors.

Relief filled him when he finally reached his destination. He had passed a few people who gave him odd looks and made him afraid that someone would stop him. Time was critical now and he knew it. Sitting down, he concentrated on connecting with Atlantis. The same shocking pain as before filled him, but this time he pushed through it, understanding his quest. Unconsciously gritting his teeth, he moved through the wall of agony until he found her, struggling to repair her damaged systems.

I'm here, he thought. We can do this together. Atlantis accepted his comfort and joined with him in a way he'd never experienced. Pain and ecstasy vied for the top position as he and the city became one in their efforts to repair everything before it was too late.


"Ohcrapohcrapohcrap, we're so screwed!" rambled Rodney as his hands danced over the computer keyboard.

"Rodney, what is it?" asked Elizabeth over the blare of the gate alarm. In the background, the stargate could be heard dialing. "Who's dialing the gate?"

"No one," said Rodney. "It's the system malfunctioning. It's dialing itself." As he finished speaking, the gate shut down, but the alarm continued. A few seconds later, the gate began dialing again.

"Rodney, do something!" yelled Elizabeth.

Rodney stopped typing and turned, his face red with both fear and anger. "Look, I do not work faster when yelled at, I don't care what Sheppard's told you. Now lay off if you want me to have any chance of fixing this before the ZPM overloads and we're blown into the next solar system."

Elizabeth felt the blood drain from her face. "The ZPM is overloading?"

"I think I just said that. You might try listening next time. Now be quiet." Rodney continued his frantic work at the keyboard, trying to ignore the bead of sweat beginning to roll down the side of his face. He suddenly stopped and sat back, his eyes wide. "What the . . . "

Elizabeth dared to take a step closer. "What? What's happening?"

Rodney stared in disbelief. "It's . . . it's fixing itself. I don't know how, but . . . oh, I would never have done that. Okay, I see what . . . but how is this happening?" Rodney suddenly sighed and looked around at Elizabeth. "Where's Sheppard?"

"The infirmary. Carson has him knocked out for several hours."

Rodney smirked. "I think I'd have him look again." The scientist turned back to the screen and watched for a moment. "Oh, I see what they're doing. I can help with that." He quickly began pecking on the keyboard again. The alarm suddenly shut off, making the control room seem freakishly quiet.

"Thank God," muttered Elizabeth as she stepped a few feet away and hit her radio. "Carson, it's Elizabeth. Is John still there?"

"I'm sure he is, but I'll check." The sound of shuffling and movement briefly filled the radio. Oh, bloody heck, the bugger's gone."

Elizabeth smiled. "Rodney thinks he's fixing Atlantis. I'm guessing the chair room."

"Tell Carson to let him finish if he doesn't want to die today," suggested Rodney.

"Rodney says you'd better let him finish if you don't want to die today."

"When this is over, I'm sedating him for three days and putting him in restraints so the rest of us can get some rest."


"All right, I'm not, but I'll be tempted. I'm taking a team to check on him and bring him back here the minute he's done."

"Understood. We'll meet you there as soon as this mess is over." Elizabeth turned to find Teyla and Ronon grinning at her.


John relaxed. The last system was repaired. He and Atlantis comforted one another as the pain finally began sliding away. In its wake was exhaustion, but also a peace he hadn't felt in a long time. The screaming in his head had been replaced with a tired, but melodic hum. The separation left an ache inside him and he reached out for her. But he was tired and didn't have the energy to join with her again.


John opened his eyes to find Beckett hovering over him. "She's okay now," he whispered, a smile spreading across his tired face.

"Carson, I think he's done now. All systems seem to be back on and functioning."

"Aye, lad, you did it."

"No, we did it . . . together. I'm tired." John's eyes drifted closed.

"I've no doubt you are," said Carson. He turned to the two medics he'd brought with him. "Let's get him on the gurney."


Carson stood with Elizabeth, Ronon, Teyla, and Rodney around the foot of John's bed watching Nick adjust the IV drip and check the monitors. Although the Colonel was pale, his features were relaxed, his expression almost peaceful. His chest rose and fell with his even breaths, the only movement he made.

"You're sure he's okay?" asked Elizabeth. "He's so still."

Carson nodded. "As near as we can tell, he's simply sleeping. I'm just glad to see his blood pressure and heart rate down to normal for the first time in days."

Ronon grunted. "That's a lot of machines for someone who's just sleeping."

Nick had to choke back a laugh. "It's just a precaution. We don't actually know what his session in the chair did and he was apparently on an adrenalin high for over two days. We just want to monitor things for a while to be certain he's really okay."

Ronon nodded, appearing to approve of the extra attention given to Sheppard. "Never hurts to be careful."

Rodney snorted. "No joke, especially with Colonel Trouble."

Teyla arched one eyebrow at the scientist. "I know that we were not here for all that has happened, but was the Colonel not correct with his insistence that something was wrong with the city?"

Rodney grimaced and crossed his arms. "Okay, he was right. But it's not like it was fair. He had an inside connection. How was I supposed to know what was wrong with Atlantis when it wasn't showing up on any of her systems? And all Sheppard would tell me is that something was wrong. What the heck does that mean, something is wrong? That could be anything or it could be nothing."

Elizabeth cleared her throat. "Rodney, no one is blaming you for not finding the problem earlier. The important thing is that John found it and fixed it . . . the two of you fixed it before things got critical. We should probably let John get some rest now."

Carson nodded. "Aye, I think that's a right good idea. I think maybe we could all use some down time right about now."

Ronon looked down at Teyla. "I'm good. You want to spar?"

Teyla nodded and looked at Ronon smugly. "I feel well enough to spar. Sticks?"

Ronon answered as the group turned to walk away. "No sticks, you know I'm not as skilled as you . . . yet."

"Chicken?" goaded Teyla.

Elizabeth and Carson chuckled at the Earth reference. "I think we're corrupting them," commented Elizabeth.

"Aye, I have no doubt of that."


John opened his eyes and blinked, his mind fuzzy with sleep. Lifting his head a moment, he gazed around the dark, quiet infirmary. Shifting in the bed, he stretched and smiled. He could feel the gentle, almost happy thrum of Atlantis. Everything was still okay. Although he was still tired beyond words, the pain was gone, as was the nervous energy from before. He lay there for several minutes, waiting to go back to sleep. Something was missing. Smiling, he realized what it was.

Sitting up, he was happy to discover no IV, although he did find a fresh bandage on his forearm where one had undoubtedly been. Monitoring equipment sat around his bed, indicating he'd probably been connected to it at one point and making John wonder how long he'd been out of it. He stood, leaning heavily against the bed for a moment, before grabbing the blanket and slipping quietly from the infirmary. Smiling, he wondered just how much trouble he'd be in this time.


Rodney sat in Carson's office, his feet propped up on a second chair. "Anyway, apparently the information Radek and I got off that Ancient console was so corrupted that it not only messed up my computer, but got out into the main systems of the city and began trying to override them. It was meant to improve the city's operating systems, but the program was so degraded, not to mention unfinished, that all it did was eat away at the regular programming."

"Why did it take so long to show up?" asked Carson.

Rodney shrugged his shoulders. "I guess it took that long to corrupt enough systems to be detectable. Plus, I suspect Atlantis was trying to heal itself as the damage was done, she just couldn't keep up."

"And she was calling to Colonel Sheppard for help," said Carson.

"Obviously. How long is he going to sleep, by the way? What's it been, nearly forty hours?"

"We've had him up a few times to visit the facilities, and he managed to get a few bites of soup down earlier. Although he was so out of it, I doubt he'll remember any of that. He was exhausted, Rodney. That little session in the chair drained him completely, on top of two days with practically no sleep."

"Yeah, well, enough is enough. I say let's wake him up and find out exactly what did happen in the chair."


Carson looked up at the nurse in the doorway. "Yes, Amy?"

"He's gone again, sir."

"Bloody heck," mumbled Carson as he got to his feet. He walked out of his office with Rodney and the two of them followed the nurse to the empty bed, missing its blanket. "Where's he gone this time?"

Rodney snapped his fingers and grinned. "I'll bet I know. Stay here and I'll radio you in a few minutes."

Several minutes later, Rodney approached the chair room. Easing into the doorway, he stood looking at Sheppard, curled up in the chair and partially wrapped in a blanket. He quietly moved in closer, smiling at the peaceful, almost childlike expression on the Colonel's face. Well, with a couple days growth of beard, childlike probably wasn't the right description.

Rodney leaned over and pulled some of the blanket so that it covered the rest of the pilot's legs. As he straightened, John's eyelids fluttered and he looked up at Rodney.

"Go back to sleep, Sheppard," he said softly.

John just smiled and closed his eyes, snuggling a little deeper into the chair and pulling the blanket closer. Rodney tiptoed out of the room, stopping just outside the door to activate his radio.

"Carson," he whispered. "I found him."

"Where are you? And why are we whispering?"

"He's curled up asleep in the chair and I'm trying not to wake him."

"What's he doing there? I'll send a gurney to fetch him."

"No, I think I'd leave him for a while. He's okay. He's safe and happy, just like a child in his mother's arms."


Yeah, I know, cheesy. You know by now I can't help it. Would you believe this was originally going to be short, as in barely one chapter? Anyway, hugs and kisses to you all!