Disclaimer: I do not own Host Club

Host Hotel


At the first light of dawn, Haruhi climbed from beneath the cool sheets, groped for her dressing robe in the dark, then settled into a chair at the window to watch the sun rise over her room on her wedding day.

The wedding was not to begin until three o'clock, and that seemed like an eternity from now.

For hours, time scarcely seemed to move, and then, just after noon, time leaped forward, picking up extraordinary speed. People scurried in and out of her bed chamber, while Kaoru brushed Haruhi's thick brown tresses until they shone. Hunny came into the room wearing a suit, ready to go, and Mori as ever was right on his heels. "Hello," Haruhi said in quiet, joyous tone.

"Nervous or just not talkative?" Hunny asked gaily.

"Neither. Just happy."

"Aren't you the tiniest bit nervous?" Kaoru persevered hopefully, darting a conspiratorial wink at the others. "I hope our valiant King hasn't changed his mind."

"He hasn't," Haruhi assured him with her perfect serenity.

"Well" Kyoya said, coming into the room, "I can see things are not much different than they are in the other side of the house this afternoon. Hikaru is driving Tamaki to the brink of madness."

"Is Tamaki nervous?" Haruhi asked incredulously.

"More than you would ever think." answered Kyoya, smiling and sat himself on the bed beside Hunny.

"Why?" Haruhi asked in alarm.

"Why? There are at least a dozen reasons why, and all of them are either directly or indirectly related to Hikaru. At nine o'clock this morning, Hikaru arrived to get Tamaki ready and he told Tamaki that as he passes by the main hall, a car was being loaded and he was quite, quite certain he saw you getting into it. Tamaki was already bounding down the stairs to come after you before Hikaru shouted that he was joking."

Haruhi smothered a laugh and her friend said, "You may find that amusing, my dear, but Tamaki did not. And that is only the beginning."

"Poor Tamaki."

"Poor Hikaru," Kyoya corrected dryly. "I came here because I couldn't bear to watch my best friend killing Hikaru, which is what Tamaki was threatening—rather seriously—to do if Hikaru came within arm's reach of him again."

Time flew on rapid, beating wings, and suddenly Haruhi was fully dressed, walking into the bedroom for her friends' inspection.

"Oh my …" Hunny gasped, his eyes shining with wonder. Mori smiled, Kyoya did the same and Kaoru was beaming.

"I have never seen anything as perfect and beautiful in all my life!" exclaimed Kaoru. He surveyed Haruhi's ivory, pearl-encrusted gown. Its low, square-cut bodice hugged Haruhi's bosom, then tapered to a narrow waistline. The under sleeves were tightly fitted satin tubes terminating in deep points at the tops of her hands, with wide bells at her elbows. She wore a long silvery veil. Her long hair was pulled back off her forehead. It cascaded over he shoulders in curving waves, ending in soft thick curls, midway down her back. On top of her head there was a silver tiara with small incrusted diamonds.

Kyoya finally spoke, and pride thickened his voice. "We should leave early for the church. Hikaru said there were crowds of spectators already gathering when he passed there hours ago, and he said that traffic was dreadfully bogged down."

In the large anteroom of the church Hikaru came in from a side door and walked over to Tamaki who was leaning against a table. Hikaru, however, was calmly cheerful as he approached him. "The bride is here."

Candles illuminated the aisles and the altar of the church. The organ pipes gave forth an expectant note, and then music rose majestically, filling the echoing church from its marble floor to the high-vaulted ceilings.

One by one, Haruhi watched her bridesmaids drift down the aisle. She noticed that on her side a group of people had just come in quietly through the doors obviously hoping that they would go unnoticed after the fiasco from yesterday.

Haruhi turned to the twins who were going to walk her down the aisle. She could already see Kyoya next to Tamaki, acting as his best man; and behind her she could sense Mori and Hunny coming up behind them. Mori looked stern and gruff. "They are you families." she said softly, watching him.

The twins looked at her and Haruhi saw their eyes were moist as they asked, "You don't mind then even after what they said to you, what they did to your father?" he asked. "I don't hold much respect for them but this is my special day and Tamaki's; it would mean the world to him and to you and the others if your families were here to assist it. In fact you don't get a say in this. Hunny, Mori go show them to the front row seats on Tamaki's side that were left empty on my order." Mori and Hunny smiled at her before going to comply with her demand. Kaoru looked down at her, a ghost of a smile on his face. "You knew they were going to turn up, didn't you?" "I had a feeling, that's all and it turns out I was right."

The organ music suddenly stopped, followed by a long moment of suspenseful silence, then it gave forth tow expectant blasts, and Haruhi laid her one of her trembling hands upon both Hikaru's and Kaoru's arm.

With the music soaring through the eaves, hushed silence as she took each step, Haruhi stared down the long aisle.

Tamaki had carried a picture in his mind of how she would look at this moment—a picture of a beautiful bride in a veil and flowing white gown. But the vision he saw coming toward him snatched his breath away.

"Oh my God," Tamaki whispered in his heart.

The crowd watched as in anticipation as Tamaki stepped forward, his tall frame resplendent in rich black velvet. They saw him take her hand and smile into her eyes—and they knew he said something to her. But only Haruhi heard his softly spoken, "Hello, my princess." The sight of the handsome man gazing upon his beautiful bride with such gentle pride brought handkerchiefs to eyes before the couple ever began to say their vows. All of the host club's families were amazed; and Tamaki's grandmother along with everyone else was regretting what they had done. This girl would have only done good for their sons and no harm whatsoever.

Tamaki led her to the altar, to take her place beside him, the place that would be hers for eternity.

Haruhi stood with her hand in his strong, reassuring grasp. When the priest asked her to repeat her vows, she returned to Tamaki and lifted her eyes to meet his warm, reassuring gaze. She made her voice sound firm and sure, but when she was promising to obey him, Tamaki's expression changed. He lifted one brow in a look of such humorous doubt that Haruhi almost missed a word she choked back a stunned giggle.

At last they were pronounced man and wife; the organ music rose and swelled; and Tamaki claimed his right to kiss his bride. Haruhi closed her eyes as she felt his soft lips against hers. Amidst the loud applause of the people around her, she let out a surprised cry when she felt Tamaki's arms tightening about her to lift her an inch or two from the floor. At that moment, Haruhi without thinking, wrapped her arms about his neck and deepened the kiss. She gave a soft whimper of pleasure upon feeling Tamaki kissing her with the same feeling of hunger and urgency.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the minister suddenly said. "Mr. and Mrs. Tamaki Fujioka!"

At that, the crowd began to clap again, much louder than before. When Tamaki finally let go of Haruhi, they turned and smiled at the huge crowds of people all waiting to congratulate them as they began walking arm in arm. Immediately, the orchestra started playing something lively; and the entire crowd watched as Haruhi and Tamaki ran down the aisle hand in hand , out of the door into their new lives as Mr and Mrs Fujioka.


A/N: finished sorry this fic took so long I had major writers block……..