Disclaimer: I do not own Host Club

Hotel Host


" So a² - b² (a+b)(a-b) , so based on this rules here in this problem a is 24…….."

Haruhi was sitting in class trying to pay attention to her math teacher, but was having a lot of problems doing so seeing as the twins were flicking paper at each other across their desks, and Haruhi was in the middle.

Sigh, she ducked again as the piece sent by Hikaru almost hit her again.

Then there was a knock on the door. Everyone stopped and looked up. The director's secretary came in and requested for Haruhi to come with her.

Haruhi got up and followed her out to the director's office.

She sat down in front of the director's desk wondering what could be wrong.

" Miss Fujioka there is a problem, we are very sorry."

"What is the problem sir?"

"Your father is in hospital with his friend after being involved in a car accident."

Haruhi froze in shock.

Haruhi was in the waiting room, hoping for anything about her father's and his friend Misuzu's condition. She was worried about both of them. Her father was her father, and she had grown attached to Misuzu during the summer when she had worked for her at his hotel in Karuizawa.

"Miss Fujioka?" a man in doctors' attire came into the waiting room. Haruhi stopped pacing and turned to look at her.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Knudson. Well, you father is in critical condition right now. Unfortunately Misuzu Sonoda died during his operation from a blood clot in his brain. I'm sorry there was nothing we could do."

Haruhi felt tears come to her eyes but quickly blinked them back.

"I can allow you in to see your father right now. Would you like to come to his room?" the doctor asked.

Haruhi nodded and followed the doctor to her father's room. Dr. Knudson opened the door and let her in. Haruhi walked into the room towards Ranka's bedside. Her heart clenched as she saw her. She could see the stitches on the side of his head. He had an oxygen mask on his face and she could hear the heart monitor they had hooked up to her. She sat down in a chair beside her.

"Oh, daddy..." she whispered, tears in her eyes. She reached out and touched his face where he wasn't bruised or scratched. "Daddy? It's me Haruhi, please be okay, please daddy" He spoke softly. She let her hand move down to hold his. I love you, dad. Please be okay. She thought. He gripped her hand slightly. His eyes were clenched tightly for a moment before he opened them. He reached up and pulled the mask off his face and looked at her. She groaned as she reached up and touched the top of her head. He was about to open his mouth when she reached up to put her fingers to his lips.

"Misuzu?" he asked. "Daddy, …. He didn't make it. I'm so sorry." whispered Haruhi. Ranka closed his eyes, a tear sliding down his face. Haruhi wiped the tear from her cheek gently.

"It saddens me about your friend daddy, but I'm glad you are alright. " Haruhi said softly. Ranka nodded slightly, but winced. Haruhi hugged him softly. "I was so afraid... I've never been so scared in my life, Daddy. I don't know what I'd have done if... if you hadn't been okay... I couldn't have lived without you." Ranka looked up at her, a tear sliding down his face. His head was bowed so she couldn't see his eyes from under his bangs. Haruhi frowned, there was something that was wrong. She reached up and touched his face. "Daddy?"

"I love you, Haruhi," He said softly. He looked down at her, the left corner of his mouth upturned a little.

" I am proud of what you have become Haruhi. I wish I could stay with you to see you fulfil your dreams" his voice was soft. Ranka looked Haruhi, tears were filling her eyes.

"Daddy what do you mean? You'll make it I know you will. You have to." Said Haruhi starting to get scared.

"Haruhi I am dying I won't be alive for longer than a few hours. I have internal bleeding which the doctors can't stop. I wanted to talk to you and see you one last time before I died. Misuzu left everything he owned to me, and I am leaving everything I own to you my daughter. Live, live for me , live for me and your mother. We both love you so much."

Ranka's voice was getting weaker and weaker. Haruhi was shaking her head as his body started to shake and convulse.

"Daddy !! NO you can't leave me please don't ." cried Haruhi as she gripped his hand tighter .

He didn't answer her, his body suddenly stopped thrashing and he lay still. His hand went limp in hers and the heart machine was no longer beeping, the screen showed a straight line.

Haruhi collapsed crying onto the floor, leaning on his bed holding her father's hand.

The doctor and a nurse came in all looking sad. It was terrible to see the pain of family who just lost someone close to them. They felt even worse for this girl because now she had no one left. She was alone.

The nurse knelt down next to Haruhi and tried her best to comfort her. The doctor wrote down the time of death and left the room in silence.

Five hours later, Haruhi watched in the hospital funeral building as her father's body was burnt and his ashes were collected and given to her. The hospital took Haruhi back to her apartment and left her there, with a number to phone if she needed help.

Haruhi set up her father's ashes and a picture of him next to her mother's.

She sat in silence in front of them. She had no tears left to cry. She had talked to the lawyer at the hospital already and had signed all the documents for the inheritance. She now owned the apartment, the hotel in Karuizawa, and a sum of ten thousand yens. Haruhi was thinking on what to do.

Taking a big breath , she went and picked up the phone. She dialled a number she knew well.

The phone rang twice until someone picked it up.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

"Hello, my name is Haruhi Fujioka. I wish to speak urgently to Yuzuru Suo."

The next day the members of the host club except Haruhi were called to Tamaki's father's office. Once inside they were asked to sit sown.

Tamaki as ever had no patience:

"Father what is the meaning of this ?"

" I have called you all hear to tell you first before the rest of the school knows. Haruhi Fujioka contacted me yesterday and announced her resignation from our scholarship program. Miss Fujioka has decided that she no longer wishes to attend Ouran High School, and so we have respected her wishes. As of today she is no longer part of this school. Exceptionally I allow you all to take the day off from school, but I expect you all to be at school tomorrow. That is all, you are dismissed."

With that Tamaki's father left the room for them all to be alone. Even Kyoya was in shock. They were all upset.

They all sat in silence for a while until Hunny spoke up and asked if they were all going to try and find her. Everyone turned to Tamaki for an answer.

Tamaki was silent for a moment, then spoke.

" No, she wanted to leave and we will respect her wishes. We will not look for her."

All their faces showed sadness, as they all accepted the fact that they will never see Haruhi again.

At the same time :

Haruhi was sitting at the airport, holding a ticket to Karuizawa in her hands. She had already checked in and was now waiting for her flight to be announced. She looked up and stared out to the runway. The tears on her face had long dried. Just a few more minutes and she would sit in one of those planes. "I'm sorry. I'm running away. Please forgive me," she mumbled to no one special. At that moment her flight was announced. She grabbed her small backpack and went to the line that was now at the gate of her plane. "Goodbye everyone, I'll miss you…"

Okay I hope you like this one. Pairing will probably be the same as always. Tama and Haru.

Please review