Me: Chapaca sixataca! WOOT, I'M SOOOOOOOO BORED!

En: Sorry, I can't come to the disclaimer right now. I'm being murdered by ice cream.

All ex Myra & En: WHAT… THE… HECK?!?!

Me: Neopets. She's fighting the evil ice cream factory of doom.


Me: Oh, yes! Lloyd and Ray!


Me: Eh… Let's leave her alone. Uh… Lloyd? Are you ok?

Lloyd: WHAT IS THIS JUNK?! This is weird! It's just… Random images!

Me: Ok… Now, let's check on Rayman…

Rayman: …

Me: YES! It- uh, I mean poor Ray! He's under mind control!

Doopliss: Meep meep meep meep meep?

Me: Yeah, I guess I should let him out… OH MY GO-

Rayman: …

Doopliss: Meep meep meep meep meeeeeeeeep?

Me: Yeah, I know. Don't remind me… Lloyd! Do the disclaimer.

Lloyd: Fine. Myra only owns the OCs, the plot, and whatever an Exspherus is…

Me: Oh, joy! En decided to join the story! En owns Enigma (The character) and will find out where you live if you steal her RPC!

-Chapter Sixteen: The Trance and Enigma-

There was mostly silence that day. In fact, barely anyone spoke after what happened. But even less speaking occurred after what was about to happen. As Lloyd and his father huddled around the fire, everyone else was busy. It was two days before Christmas, and Anna was making the turkey. Anna's cooking was the BEST! No one they had ever met could cook as well as she could! The others were doing the lesser tasks, such as decorating, preparing the side dishes, and finishing the wrappings. There was so much to be done, yet so little time. Then, all of a sudden, Lloyd fell over. He just sort of… Plopped down on the opposite side he was from his father. Kratos gasped.

"Lloyd-!" He laid his son on his back and… He gasped again. Lloyd's pupils were… gone. They were an endless pool of brown. Just like Yggdrasill's eyes… Lloyd never blinked. "Anna!" Kratos called, mustering all the power he could.

"What is it?" Anna asked. She gasped when she saw Lloyd. "Oh my-"

"Something's wrong. He just… fell over." Kratos bit his lip. This was definitely not a good situation.

"…I'll get the book." Anna ran off. She came back in a few minutes with the document.

"Alright…" Kratos coughed. His voice couldn't take much more, so he had to go fast. But he could barely whisper. Mithos had knocked the wind out of him.

"Kratos, hunny. You shouldn't read it. You're too weak." Anna frowned. "Is there anyone else here who knows that language?"

"Colette…" Kratos whispered. Zelos might skip parts he thought were boring, and Raine might dissect the pages to Carbon date and see what substance it was made of. Colette was the only trustworthy one. Though Kratos hoped she could handle it since Lloyd and Colette were best friends. But what he didn't know was that they were more than just friends.

"Ok, I'll go get her." Anna took the book back and rushed to the kitchen to get Colette. They both came back moments later.

"OH MY-" Colette fell on her backside. "Oww…"

"Are you okay?" Anna held out her hand and pulled Colette back to her feet.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks." Colette smiled. "Ok then… I guess I have to read that book." She took the book from Anna's hands. "Ok… Here! The next part is called 'Exspherus Toxicosis'. The Toxicosis lasts for a majority of the Exspherus and is undetectable. The symptoms are a lot like that of the Chosen's when the Cruxis Crystal fuses with the body. The host shows signs of angelic powers as well. When the halfway point of the Toxicosis is reached, the host will go into… a trance." Everyone in the room gasped, except for Lloyd. "The trance is the point where the memories of the two souls fuse together. They will see what the other has seen. When the trance is over, immediately feed the host. If the host does not eat, both souls will be in even more danger. So… We have to feed Lloyd when he wakes up?" Colette closed the book.

"I suppose…" Anna bit her lip. "Oh Lloyd…"

Lloyd was seeing himself as Mithos, and Mithos as… himself. The point where Mithos knocked him into the pillar in the tower of Salvation, the time they met in Ozette… Everything that included Lloyd and Mithos within eye sight… was switched. Lloyd's heart began to race. He heard what Mithos had thought, things he said… His breathing became heavy, and his heart was beating faster and faster. There seemed to be no hope. All of the healers combined couldn't stop the tension in his lungs.

A strange boy with very, VERY long mahogany hair was sitting in the Gaorrichira (still no idea of how to spell it --U) forest, high in a tree. He wore a tannish-white long sleeve turtle neck with reddish-brown pants and a lavender glove on his left arm that wrapped around his middle finger and went up his arm (but you couldn't see since the shirt was long sleeved) and black shoes. He could hear cries… Cries of the soul. They were painful, the kind only a true terror could make. He sprang into action. With a wave of his staff, he called forth a 'Destiny Gate' (also owned by En). The gate whirled and created a portal. It led him directly to the front of the Inn where Lloyd and the others were staying. He opened the door and quickly made his way to the fire.

"Who are you?!" Ivan snapped, hand outstretched.

"Out of the way, boy! If you value your life…" He hissed. Ivan snarled, but let the boy through. He leaned over Lloyd. "You've been afflicted with a terrible curse, haven't you…?" He frowned at the pools of brown that used to be Lloyd's eyes. He grabbed Lloyd's arm and closed his eyes. Mana surrounded them and engulfed the room. Lloyd's heart rate decreased, as the nightmares flooded away. Lloyd… Can you hear me? A voice rang through his thoughts. You're safe now… Though you won't cease to fuse memories with Mithos, it will be without pain now. Be careful, Mithos is doing this to confuse you. If you truly fall victim to his torments, he may be able to arise in your body. Farewell… The voice faded. So many questions popped up in his head, but he couldn't ask. The visions continued.

The room turned back to its normal color. Anna and Kratos gasped and looked around the room. Even in all of Kratos' years of life, he had never seen such powerful Mana as the Mana that had been used… This boy could be even more powerful than he himself…

"What did you do?!" Ivan hissed.

"Relax. I just saved your friend's life. And this is how you repay me?" The boy gave a little snicker.

"Wow! That was amazing!" Colette chirped. "How did you do that?"

"Don't… Ask me that." The boy looked down.

"Oh… Ok. I'm sorry." The Chosen apologized.

"Well… At least Lloyd's safe. Thank you very much… Who were you again?" Anna blinked.

"My name… is not important." The boy said coolly. He walked off, then twirled his staff. Another Destiny Gate appeared and took him far away.

"Who was that guy?" Anna tilted her head.

"That's… An Enigma for now." Kratos smiled slightly. He'd seen the boy before, and now he recognized him. There was no doubt, that boy truly is an Enigma… And they would definitely meet again. His attention immediately shifted back to Lloyd. The boy was sleeping soundly, though his eyes were wide open. Kratos couldn't bear to look at his son in this state. A deafening silence came over the room. The glow of the fire reflected the sorrowful mood that echoed through the hearts of everyone within the room. Anna spoke up to break the silence.

"I should get going. That Turkey's not gonna cook itself." She smiled slightly as she ran to the kitchen.

"I need to go, too." Colette nodded. "I have to help with the decorations." She hurried off to another room.

"I guess that leaves you, me, and Lloyd." Ivan chuckled slightly.

"Yes…" Kratos looked down. "I suppose it does. But tell me… What was it like, living without parents?"

"You know, huh?" Ivan looked down, his bangs covering his eyes. "Well… I left home when I was four… That means I've lived on my own for six years."

"That makes you ten…" Kratos whispered hoarsely. "You're awfully young to be on your own."

"I've been like this for all my life. I haven't been happy for six years." Ivan frowned. "Everyone calls me a monster… Some terrible… thing or something. I can't control it… that thing that just… takes lives for no reason. It's almost… like my… my hate is fueling it." He bit his lip, trying to suppress his rage.

"It… kills?" Kratos blinked. "Then how…?"

"I don't know…" Ivan shook his head. "Sometimes… people come after me. And for no reason… they just… die. With blood spurting everywhere…"

"You're a dark magic user." Kratos nodded slightly. "There's no doubt."

"But… I never used to be… so full of hate." Ivan bit his lip. "I used to be so happy… Then everyone shunned me. That's when I started to… enjoy… that thing…" He shook his head. "I found happiness in other's death… That was the only thing that kept me from dying… There was some sort of impassable barrier that killed everything in range… and I grew to like it."

"So… You're trying to tell me that you regret what you've done?" Kratos raised an eyebrow.

"One-hundred and seventy-five have died because of me…" Ivan frowned. "Most innocent. Passer Byers who just wanted to see their families… I'm…" Ivan began to feel a lump in his throat. "I really am a monster…" He squeaked in a high pitched voice. So high that Kratos was wondering if Ivan had somehow swallowed helium.

"It's not your fault." Kratos looked down. "I know how it feels to be betrayed by ones you trust. It hurts… bad. I didn't think anyone so young could even carry this kind of burden without going suicidal."

"Believe me, I'm past suicidal." Ivan frowned. "I tried to kill myself with swords and guns, but the… thing repels every weapon that tries to touch my body. That's why I'm homicidal… I imagine myself dying as I watch the lifeless bodies fall limp to the ground."

"So that's it…" Kratos looked at the boy. "You don't want to live like this, do you?"

"No…" Ivan looked at his now interesting feet. "I'd rather rest eternally than live in a real Hell."

"And there's no way to escape… is there?" Kratos mumbled. "You've lived a terrible life… I pity you, honestly."

"I need no pity." Ivan frowned. "It will just be wasted. My Mana won't last forever, and when it runs out, I'm a goner. After all, I have the whole army after me…"

"YOU WHA-" Kratos' gasps were cut off by a terrible pain… in his arms and legs. He screamed, blood dripping from wounds on his right arm and left leg.

"KRATOS!" Ivan screeched. He gently placed his fingers over the wound, but that only made Kratos scream louder. "Your bones are broken…" Ivan bit his lip. Anna came rushing over.

"What happened?!" Anna gasped for breath, having run through the hallway. "Is he alright?"

"Yeah, luckily, it's only a minor fracture. If it had been too badly fractured, he'd be in the hospital." Ivan sighed with relief. "I should have him walking in a day."

"That's good…" Anna sighed with relief too. "Do you need any help with the recovery?"

"Well, help would make it go faster. Sure." Ivan nodded. "I've got some bandages. I knew they'd come in handy."

"Then let's get working." Anna kneeled over by her husband and discussed with Ivan how to heal it up. Then, a knock came on the door...

Me: Yes, I know, very short chapter. But anyways, it has been brought to my attention that some people think Kratos has Exspherus. There are two problems with that. Number uno: Kratos already has a Cruxis Crystal. Number dos: Kratos never knew the person who was turned into his Cruxis Crystal. Feel better? He only has normal hypothermia! Although Mithos was mean to him and broke his leg...

Kratos: I hate you. I sincerely do.

Me: Join the club! Geez, all my muses hate me! Except Ray. He's not feeling any emotion right now.

Rayman: ...

Me: Geez Lloyd, you think I overdid it?

Lloyd: Yeah, maybe just a LITTLE. And man, what was up with that cliff hanger! Geez, you're gonna have a lot of people on the edge of their seats...

Me: Yeah. Wutevahs. I should get a manual or something on how to hypnotize...

Lloyd: You're SURE he's not just giving you the silent treatment?

Me: Dude, look at his eyes!

Lloyd: What? I don't see- OH MY GODDESS!!!!

Rayman: ...

Me: Told yas.

Lloyd: My goddess...

Me: Well, anyways, I have noticed there are probably 30 people on constant lookout for my story, and I only get one review per chapter! ONE! I could do with only three, ok... BUT ONE?! You people need to review! I may not write as fast if you don't review!

Lloyd: Why are you so OCDed on reviews?

Me: I want to see what I did wrong! What I did right! PLEASE REVIEW MORE IF YOU AREN'T ALREADY DOING SO!!!