Thank you to all our lovely reveiwers!!! You all rock!

We don't own anything you're about to witness.

"Hello, my Tallest!" She used the word as though it were a curse. "Remember me? From Devastes?"

The twin tallest stared into the vaguely familiar eyes of an ex-invader-in-training.

"Oh yeah." Purple replied, the tenseness of the situation suddenly falling away, leaving him bored, as though it were just another report call. Or something. "Uh… 'Tak', was it?"


"You're a defective." Red narrowed his eyes at the defective scum. "You're the other who escaped, aren't you?"

"I am." She replied. "I am not, however, a filthy defective." She spat. "You thought I was so promising back when I was in training…"

The two tallest looked at each other, as if to ask each other for confirmation on the claim. Neither could recall.

"And now, I intend to clear my name." She clenched her fists in anger. "I shall prove to you that I am no 'defective'. I will do so by recovering Zim and his alien."

"You really think you can catch him?" Purple giggled.

"Do you have any idea how many others are already hunting him?" Red asked. "They'll soon be hunting you, as well."

Tak began to chuckle a deep, low, chuckle, which soon sprouted into insane laughter. Again, the two taller ones looked at each other, trying to understand the humor in the situation.

"We'll see, Tallest. We'll see." She said finally, with a smirk. "Invader Tak, out." She whispered as the transmission ended.

"We need to get some resources, I'll have to stop back at Earth, besides, you and your… human-self will be just fine there on Earth. I'll drop you off there."

"No way! They'll know to look there! That's my home planet!" Dib protested. "I'm sticking with you."

Zim emitted a growl out of frustration. "Fine."

Zim landed at his home base, rushing to his lab. "We don't have much time! If you need anything, you'd better find it! Now hurry up!" Zim shouted, as if all the words were one. With that said, Zim entered his lab through the garbage can.

"HIYA, MASTER!" Gir cheerfully greeted his master as he popped out of seemingly nowhere.

He'd almost forgotten about the idiotic device. "Gir, quit playing around! We have to get out of here!" He demanded, while making his way to the storage 'room'.

"What for?" He almost seemed like he understood. "I like home!" He smiled.

Zim wondered for a moment if Gir could even understand the terribleness of the situation. "We're being hunted, Gir."

"Like the fish on TV!?" He asked enthusiastically.

Zim stared at him for a moment. "We're going on vacation."

"WOOOOOOO!" Gir threw his little metal arms into the air and ran off, presumably to pack up.

Zim shook his head. He didn't even know why he felt the need to bring his little henchmen along. Honestly, he was growing on him, like some kind of parasite, but Zim would never admit to it.

He sighed as he stuffed two space-suits into his bag, which looked suspiciously like a garbage bag. He stopped himself.

Two space suits?

He shook his head again. He also had no idea why he felt Dib deserved any more help then he managed to threaten out of him.

Zim continued to shove things into his bag. He hadn't the time to pack up the entire base, nor did he have a place to set his lovely base back up. More likely then not, they'd be running for a long while. There was no time to set up an immobile base.

"Gaz!?" Dib called as he shot through the front door. He stood a moment, waiting for her response and trying to catch his breath.

"What?" She never took her eyes off her GameSlave.

"I'm being hunted by an alien race, and I need to leave Earth!" He hoped to spark at least a small bit of recognition from his demented little sibling.

"Uh-huh." Was the closest thing he got. She obviously didn't believe him. Or maybe she just didn't care.

"I'm serious!" He cried.

She let out a sound resembling the death-growl that an attack-dog would make.

Dib just sighed and darted up the steps. He didn't even know how long he would be gone. Or if he'd ever come back.

Pushing that thought out of his mind, he began packing.

"Hurry it up, Dib-stink!" Zim called out, shaking his fist.

Gir looked around the room for a moment, as though looking for him. "He's not here." He sounded deep in his confusion.

"Gir, shut-up." Zim snorted.

Gir just smiled at him, as though it were a compliment.

It was then that Dib charged through the door, obviously rushed by the fact that at any moment, some kind of Doom-Cannon could shoot from the sky and end his life in a few, painful milliseconds.

"It's about time, human!" He hissed. "Do you know how long I've been waiting?"

Without thinking, Dib looked to his watch. "About six minutes?" He replied breathlessly.

"Yes! Now hurry up!" Zim snapped. "The armada could show up any minute, and they'll break down that door, and they'll take me and you, and your filthy head, and-"

"Okay!" Dib interjected. "I get it!"

"Good!" Zim shouted, a bit louder then necessary. "Enough idle chatter! We must get to the cruiser!" The floor beneath him began to raise, and Dib had to jump and climb up onto the floating platform. Zim was obviously not in a waiting mood.

Gir hovered up next to him, a tiny suit-case in hand, and gave a stupid smile. "We're going on vacation!"

"I've set the base to self-destruct on my command." Zim narrated, as he often did. "We can't leave any evidence."

"Evidence of what?" Dib asked. "They already know you used to live here, an-"

"You dare question me at such a crucial moment!?" Zim cut in suddenly. "I have no time to explain my reasonings!"

Dib simply shrugged. "Whatever you say."

"Good. Now get in the ship." Zim commanded as he climbed in.

Dib and Gir quickly followed.

"They wouldn't destroy this planet if we weren't here, would they?" Dib asked as Zim began warm-up procedures.

"Eh?" Zim glanced at him and shrugged.

Dib glanced wearily out the wind-shield as the roof of Zim's house began to open, showing the small neighborhood that he'd lived in all his life. Suddenly, thoughts of doubt filled his mind, but were dashed as soon as the ship lurched off into the sky.

Dib reassured himself, telling himself that the Armada surly wouldn't waste fire-power on this planet. He recalled Tak mentioning that they never thought the planet was valuable.

But then why send an invader?

He pushed the doubt out of his mind as he turned to Zim, who simply stared at the controls, a lost look on his face.

"I want a soda."

"What?" Dib cocked an eyebrow at Zim's sudden declaration.

"Hm? Huh?" Zim looked up, remembering the Dib's presence. "I want a soda, but I didn't bring any." He leaned back and sighed, as though it were such a depressing thought.

Dib stared at him, fascinated at how any creature could be so oblivious.

"I want one too!" Gir called in agreement.

"We don't have any!" Zim shouted angrily.

Dib just shook his head. Suddenly, as he often did in such moments of clarity, he wondered why he ever thought Zim was a threat.

"Maybe you are defective…" Dib mumbled.

Zim's eyes widened as he suddenly began to scream, a wall of babbling gibberish and anger. Dib cowered in his seat as he watched Zim's little breakdown. And then suddenly he stopped. The picture of calm.

"You know, Dib." He began. "It's ironically funny how similar we are. But it's not funny." Dib cocked an eyebrow at the contradiction. "On your planet, you are considered 'defective', when you are not. And on my planet, I am considered defective, when I am not. NOT!!!"

"That's a double negative…" Dib pondered out loud.

"NOT!!!" Zim added once more. He then cleared his throat nonchalantly. "You just keep your thoughts of my insanity to yourself, and I'll keep my thoughts of your insanity to myself."

Dib was almost frightened to speak again.

"Well, Dib-stink," Zim began again suddenly, after a moment of awkward quiet. "I need to think of some things UNINTERUPTED, so I'd prefer you were silent for a while." He turned to Gir. "Gir, sleep mode."

On command, the robot felt and began to snore, as though actually sleeping.

Hours passed as they silently drifted through space. It was almost a chilling silence. A silence that Dib wasn't used to. It seemed to have opened up the void that he normally filled by talking to himself, or some by-stander. However, he knew how unstable Zim was at the moment, and didn't feel like pushing his luck today.

Actually, he almost felt bad for Zim at this point. His whole race had betrayed him, called him crazy, and left him to fend for himself. This description seemed eerily familiar to Dib.

"Dib-human!" Zim suddenly interrupted his thoughts, causing him to jump slightly in surprise. "Why haven't you said anything!?"

"You told me to be quiet." Dib quietly replied.

"Oh. I did?" Zim pondered for a moment. "Well, you can talk now."


But what were the two to say? They'd been arch-rivals since Zim had arrived on Earth, and now, all the sudden, they were sharing a cockpit to avoid the same fate.

"SPEAK!" Zim commanded. The silence was beginning to bother him, as well.

"Er… About what?" Was all Dib could think to say.

"Hm…" Zim eventually dropped the subject, and turned his attention back to his piloting. (Which he probably should have been paying attention to in the first place.)

More hours of dreary silence slipped by, the two simply watching the stars slowly pass.

"You know what?" Zim finally asked, after seemingly countless hours.

"Hm?" Dib replied. Not the most wordy response.

"I want a soda." Zim said once more. "Do you want a soda? I think I'll stop on that planet and get me a soda." He glanced at Dib. "You want one?"

"You're on the run, and the only thing you can think about is a soda?" Dib asked, cocking an eyebrow yet again.

"Yes." Zim said, as though it made perfect sense. "Is that a 'no'?"

Dib simply sighed. "Yes, it is." He crossed his arms and turned away.

Zim paused for a moment. "Okay." Was all he said.

"I wanna soda, toooooooo!" Gir cried, instantly waking from his 'nap'.

"Fine! I'll get you a soda!" Zim growled, as though it would be some great inconvenience. "Just be patient!"

It took only a few minutes to land, and as soon as the wind-shield came up to let them out, Dib let out a choked cough as the polluted air filled his lungs.

"Stay here, Dib-worm." Zim commanded as he and Gir climbed out of the ship. "I don't want your horrible, alien-ness to draw attention." He marched off without waiting for a reply.

As soon as Zim had left, Dib simply sighed and made himself comfortable. He leaned back in his seat, deep in thought about Earth. His home. The things he was giving up, all because of some stupid mistake. Zim's stupid mistake.

He pondered bitterly for a while, before unnoticingly drifting off to sleep. It has been a bad week.

Woo! Stick around and you'll see Zim do something really foolish... Hee hee hee... Thanks for reading, Now I command all you Earth-Monkeys to reveiw!!!