A/N: What? You want me to make you read though this? I'm not gonna be that mea, go read the chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone from Naruto

Tsmashii no tomo: Soul Mates

Something felt different… No different isn't the word, something felt peaceful and right. The air wasn't cold, instead it was warm and smelt like the forest…

Slowly Sasuke opened his eyes only to have everything blur and spin into one. Snapping his eyes shut he took a deep breath and let it out slowly. This time he opened them slowly, adjusting to the light as his eye lids opened. This time nothing blurred into one image and everything stayed in one spot, well everything other then the three foxes that blinked at him.

The foxes stared at him, and Sasuke stared right back at them. Their was a red one, a white ones and a black one, the black one was slightly smaller then the other two.

Sasuke found this fun, he never really thought that anyone could have a staring contest with foxes... and beat two of the three foxes. Black stared into dark purple eyes, both sets of eyes non-blinking.

The larger of the two foxes ran out of the room then stopped a few feet away from the door. Turning back towards the room with Sasuke, he ran.

Sasuke grinned, thinking that he would win this; the black fox looked like he was having a head time keeping his eyes open. Just when he though he would win, something came flying at his head, and pushed him off the bed.

Now on the floor he blinked at the red fox, who was grinning at him.

"How the hell dose a fox grin at someone?" Muttered Sasuke under his breath. Sitting up he rubbed his arm, which he fell on all the while glaring right back at the fox.

A few minutes later Sasuke sighed, getting off the floor he looked for the back one. Witch turned out to be no where in sight. His small smile fell as he sat back on the bed and looked around the big room in search for him.

Their was no sign of his little black fox friend, only the two other foxes that were now playing with each other. Bringing his legs up to his chest Sasuke laid his forehead onto his bent knees and closed his eyes. He was already tired.

Soft footsteps brought Sasuke's head back up, his eyes half open he stared at the person who just walked into the room. Blue eyes, sun stricken hair and tan arms held his little black friend.

Naruto watched Sasuke, he screamed so different from the little boy he new. This new Sasuke is more jaded then the little boy he once was. Taking a step into the room Naruto watched as Sasuke didn't move but his lean body tensed up, like he was expecting to get hit… or worse. Cursing under his breath he walked slowly over to the bed and looked at him, the fox in his arms started to get restless, so Naruto opened his arm. The black fox jumped onto the bed and went over to Sasuke, trying to get on top of him.

All it took for the soft smile to play on Naruto's face was the look of happiness that was on Sasuke's. "W-what are their names?" Came a soft voice from the raven sitting on the bed.

"Can I sit down… Sasuke?" Naruto asked gently, and waited for the small nod before seating himself. Sasuke had now brought his knees closer to his chest; the little black fox was making its way onto his head. Sasuke watched as the other two foxes jumped onto the bed and started to jump on the guy. His fox, much to Sasuke displeasure was making himself comfortable on top of his head. "So what are their names?" Sasuke quietly repeated, as he looked at the blond making sure not to let his little friend to fall off his head.

"Well this red one here is named, Jouka while the white one on my shoulder is named Yuki, they are both boys."

"How about him, the one on my head?" Sasuke muttered as he watched the white one, Yuki as he to bite the blonds' ear. "Oh her name is Bella." Replayed Naruto as he took Yuki off his shoulder, he forgot that Yuki was teething. He winced as he touched his chewed earlobe. Looking up he met wide eyes."He's a she?" A surprised Sasuke asked as his hand slowly brought Bella off his head, who tried to bite him for moving her.

Holding the fox and Sasuke looked at him, no not a he, he's a she repeated Sasuke's brain as his eyes stared into the little purple eyes of the fox. "You're a she?" He repeated for the third time, this time the question was directed at the fox, Bella. Bella's headed nodded, like she understood him. Bringing his knees down he sat cross legged on the bed and gently placed Bella in his lap.

"So how are you feeling Sasuke?" Naruto asked gently. Sasuke had been out for a few days. He watched as Sasuke looked back up at him, he didn't look scared anymore but Naruto was able to see the fight that was taking place in Sasuke's eyes. He just waited; now that Sasuke was up he would wait as long at it took. "Hungry…" Was the answer that Sasuke gave the blue eye blond.

A smiled grazed Naruto's lips as he watched Sasuke, he looked so cute. "Well then c'mon you can have whatever you wish." Naruto walked a few steps before he stopped and turned back to Sasuke. "By the way I'm Naruto." With that said Naruto went to get make food for them.

Black eyes watched as Naruto left before the owner of said eyes got out of the bed; it was warm in the room. Holding Bella; Sasuke to his chest, he slowly walked down the hall to find Naruto.When he did find him, Naruto was digging through the fridge for food to make. With no sound Sasuke walked over to the counter and looked at it. For some odd reason he really wanted to sit on it and swing his legs back and fourth. Shaking his head and glaring at the counter, Sasuke looked around.

The room was just as bright as the last one he was in. The sun peered into the room warming it up and making it homey. "So what would you like Sasuke?" Hearing the question Sasuke turned towards Naruto and shrugged. It really didn't matter; anything was bound to be better then what he was eating.

Looking at the food Naruto set out Sasuke wondered if he was able to make anything out of that. Their was a few apples, a bag of marshmallows and a few other things. Muttering a "surprise me." Sasuke went to go sit on the window seat. Being stuck in the dark for a long time Sasuke now enjoyed the warmth that the sun was able to give off. It warmed his pale skin.

Placing Bella onto the couch Sasuke brought his legs to his chest and sighed. He had no clue where he was and really couldn't bring himself to care, he felt safe with a guy that he didn't even know. His eyes drifted back to Naruto's figure, and Sasuke found himself enjoying watching him move around while getting their food ready. He sighed as he saw the light from outside hit is blond hair and make it a bright, very warm color.

Wanting to see Naruto's eyes Sasuke moved a little so he was able to see them as they looked at the food on the table. Ever since Sasuke was little he had an obsession with blue eyed blonds, it didn't matter what gender they were. The blonder the hair and the bluer the eye meant how much Sasuke liked them, but he never found the shades that he remembered from a long time ago. No matter how much he thought of those eyes and that hair, Sasuke was never able to get the face to surface from his memory...

"Oh Sasuke will you eat anything?" came Naruto's voice.

Blinking Sasuke found Naruto leaning on the counter his eyes on him, watching him. Hiding an blush Sasuke glared at the blond. "Anything that is edible and is not sugar... Why?"

"Just wanted to make sure, I've um... Kinda gave up on making edible food today. So I hope you don't mind soup or ramen your choice."

"I'm not really that hungry so it doesn't matter to me," Sasuke muttered as looked back out the window "though if I have to pick I would say a fruit salad, are you able to make that edible?"

"Sure let me just get everything together for that and ramen for myself then."

Sighing softly Sasuke felt his eyelids slowly slid shut as the warm rays of the sun landed on his face and the background sounds of Naruto moving around getting the food together. A few minutes later Sasuke found himself being shaken away by a soft gentle hand on his shoulder. Forcing his eyes open he looked up into Naruto's warm blue eyes.

"The food is ready come eat, Bella is already eating." Naruto said softly as he watched Sasuke. Moving away from the boy Naruto went over to the table, sat down and started to eat his ramen. Moaning at the taste of it Naruto licked his lips as he looked up to watch Sasuke made his way to the table.

Since a fruit salad was really only fruit cut into peaces there was no way that he was able to mess up that food. Looking up Naruto grinned at the boy. "So is it any good Sasuke?"

Not eve hearing him Sasuke took his fork and stabbed it into one of the apple slices. Most of the fruit in here was too sweet for his normal taste. But since he hadn't had his normal taste in years he found he really liked it. Looking up he gave Naruto a hesitant smile. "It's good thank you." Without saying anther word Sasuke finished the rest of his food.

Long finished his ramen Naruto watched the boy and new that he didn't remember him. Sighing softly to himself he looked down at the table. Oh he really wanted to kill Gaara for what he did to the boy; he took away so much from him. Well then I'm just going to have the find the little boy inside of him, the little boy who saved me once. Now it's my turn to save him. "Sasuke," Naruto started softly getting the boy's attention. "Would you like to stay here with me, live with Bella and everyone else who rest here?"

Blinking Sasuke stared at him with wide eyes. He never though he would ever get an choice of where he was going to live. Maybe he was joking wit him... Or worse he was going to turn out like Gaara... For some odd reason that made his heart ache. Looking into those blue eyes Sasuke blinked at them. "I would like..."


A/N: Yes I know I am evil for lots of reason's, the top one is because of my posting time but that is because lot's of stuff is going on right now. I have to get more shifts at my job so that I can pay for my trip. I am spending two weeks in China and Japan with a few other students from my school. Also there is alot of other stuff going on right now. So all I have to say is sorry and please don't send anything after me! –Hides behind the table-