Sabrina: New story. Re-mastered, redone, new plot. Same Oc's as the one I deleted, different coupling, and different character development stories. Yeaup this ones a keeper.
I looked up to the sky to see nothing. Nothing but miles and miles of clear blue. Maybe it even seemed nicer than Pre-Armageddon. No. Nothing can replace what I remember then.
People don't know who I am. They look at me. Some even fear me. Am I dangerous? Or is it something greater than that?
I padded along as my black fur shifted and swayed in the breeze, making me feel cool under this thick layer of warmth. I don't know how I am like this or why, all I know is one minute, the world I knew existed and now, it doesn't.
My Yellow eyes turn and look around the area. The people here aren't as jumpy as the other people. Do I not scare these people here?
Like I said, ive always been feared ever since I woke up like this, very long ago. This feeling. Walking on all fours, Wagging my tail to say I was enjoying something, Trying to speak, but when I spoke, and when my words came out, people ran from me.
"Talking wolf! Demon wolf!" They would say and run around. If I could only get my word out, and if only people could understand what ive seen and been through, then they would probably respect me.
I want to find someone who could recall the memory of pain and loss, and who could share that with me. Who could tell me stories, like the ones that I have told others. I want to find someone who would help me fight against the demons of this world, the evil, the nasty, and the unjust. If only I could find one person to lead me.
'But that will never happen." I thought to myself lying under the shade of a park tree, thinking about the things that have always seem to cross my mind. Of course, I always doubted myself, even if it was something small. I used to think of it as, 'No opposable Thumbs, No fighting.' Saying that now made me laugh, as I grinned and bared my huge canines.
I looked around again to look at the people. They seem to have seen lots of things for a three-foot tall wolf not to scare them.
I'm not a werewolf, that's to be certain. If I was a werewolf I would be able to change back. But sadly, I'll remain like this forever. Never going back to my human form. I don't have anyone to blame for this. No one truly caused it, not that I know of though.
I am Angel Whitewater. I'm a wolf, and its going to stay that way till I leave this earth.
I sighed and lifted myself up, and continued walking when I heard a scream. Its sounded like the scream of a young man, about 10.
I ran through the streets, my feet making a patting noise as I let each foot down. The scent increased. It wasn't vampire from the way I could tell it. Oh, it was just some strange mangy rabid mutt out to pick a fight with a little human boy? Not on my watch.
I ran to the scene. The other rabid dog glaring at the boy, I had to quickly get his attention.
"Hey! You! The mutt with the Red rabid eyes!" The dog looked at me. "Yeah I'm talking you! Picking fights with young human's eh?"
The boy stared at me. I knew he didn't know what to think of me. He probably thought I was a monster too. I then noticed he had cuts and scratches marks from the dog. This increased my anger to a point, which I couldn't bare any longer. I could understand what the rabid dog was saying to me as it stared at me with its blood red eyes.
"Who do you think you are, picking a fight with a street dog like me you wolf? You don't scare me one bit. I'm going to crush you!" He then charged at me and I quickly dodged it allowing my quick speed to help me win this. He unfortunately was pretty fast for a street dog, and he quickly bit into my leg. 'He did have rabies. Shit!' The pain shot up my leg as I went for the final blow.
It was over in a mater of seconds. I grabbed the neck of the dog in my mouth and bit down hard, breaking his neck. The blood pooled down from my leg and from the injured dog. I managed to limp over to the scared boy.
"Are you alright?" I said weakly. 'Don't pass out, don't pass out…' I thought as my vision became blurred, I suddenly began to topple over just enough for the boy to help me. 'He helped me? But why…' Everything began to go black.
The last thing I smelled and heard was a man walking into the ally, and the sound of the boys voice.
"Please help this dog, she saved me…"
And then I blacked out.
I woke up to the scent of old musty books. It was so strong that I sneezed in the process.
"God bless you." Said a voice I have never heard before.
I looked before me to see a man with short brown hair and a pipe. His scent told me he was friendly, but he reeked of his pipe tobacco.
"I see you've finally woken up. Interesting enough to say ive never heard a dog sneeze like a woman before." He smiled at me and that's when I became nervous. The cats out of the bag as you would say, even though the cat probably deserved to be in the bag.
"Yes, well, I am no ordinary wolf." I looked down to see my leg bandaged up, and I felt sore in a few places where they probably stuck needles. "Did you fix my leg sir?"
"Why yes I did!" He looked upon me proudly. "My name is William Walter Wordsworth Milady. I may also be called Professor if you wish so."
"It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Angel Whitewater. I cant thank you enough for helping me with my wounds."
"It was not a trouble at all! You saved that boy in the ally, you know." He looked at me with caring eyes. I took notice to it and smiled.
"So he is safe?"
"All thanks to you of course." I let out a sigh of relief and got up and tried to walk. My leg was still a bit of a mess though, so it indeed was really hard to move. "I wouldn't try to walk if I were you, your leg needs time to heal. All that torn tissue."
"No need to worry about me professor, I've handled wooden steaks and silver bullets to the chest. This is nothing."
"So if your still alive from a silver bullet, than that must mean.." I cut him off mid sentence.
"No. I am not a werewolf."
"Interesting. Well, if you insist on walking around, and you feel like it doesn't cause you pain, then I guess you'll be fine."
"Well than, Thank you Professor, I bid you- OOF!" I ran into something warm and soft, and by accident I knocked it to the ground. It was of course unintentional, but its still must have hurt non-the less.
It was the boy whom I saved earlier. His big blue eye stared at me, as if waiting for something. What did he want me to do.
"Hello boy." I said warmly, hoping not to scare him off. It had the opposite affect I had in mind though…
He hugged me. The warmest hug ive felt in a thousand years.
"Are you ok…m-miss w-wolf?" He stuttered out as I wagged my tail happily.
"Yes, I am fine. I'm glad your ok yourself boy."
"My name's… Adrian maim." He said, turning his head slightly as if he was embarrassed.
"Well my name is Angel, and I hope to see you soon. Good day." I was about to limp myself out of the office when the professor blocked my path.
"And where do you think your going?" he said, raising his right eyebrow slightly.
"I'm leaving, I feel good, I don't feel the need to stay longer Professor."
"I said you could walk around, I didn't say you may leave." He puffed his pipe, and crossed his arms over his chest. "Once I take a patient, I feel the need to take them under my wing and care for them, that includes you Ms. Whitewater." He looked down at me. "Understood?"
I didn't feel the need to argue. I'd end up leaving soon enough. "Am I at least allowed to have the right to take a walk around…wherever we may be."
"Why Miss," He began, "Your in the Vatican."
"The Vatican? Oh dear. That must mean I'm in Rome, which by the way is way off course…" I mumble the last part to myself.
"Well, you may walk around. But be careful, some of the guards may mistake you for a werewolf."
"Good advice Professor." I said as I began to walk out the doorway, which he so kindly cleared. My feet padded the ground slowly as I slumped out of the room. Adrian suddenly then began to follow me. "Following me?"
"I-I wanted to keep you c-company."
"Well that's fine with me, but you must speak up for me to hear you Adrian."
"Yes maim." He said louder than before, and saluted me, I laughed and we continued our walk from there.
It seemed as though we walked on for ages, non-stop. The halls were like a labyrinth, twisting and turning till no end. I suddenly became tired and decided that me and Adrian boy, should find a bench to rest on.
We found the garden, and found the bench. I hopped on the bench and sat right next to Adrian, who had helped me up so kindly due to my bad leg.
"So, are you alone boy?" I said, looking over to the boy who looked at me with wide eyes and turned his head.
"Yes. I have no family."
"How old are you?"
"I-I'm, fourteen maim."
"Fourteen? You look smaller." I looked over the boy. He was indeed very small, small enough to be confused with an eight year-old. I was also hoping I did not offend him with what I had said. "Oh no boy! Don't take it the wrong way, your small for your age, but in time, and with a little help of the right nutrition, you'll grow."
"You think so?" he looked up, and then turned his head, as I did too. I thought it was yelling. It was yelling, but not the kind of help yelling. It sounded more like arguing.
Adrian Boy and I hopped off the bench and slowly approached the Building from which we first came. Approaching the sound closer, I became wary of two scents. One, smelled of clean linens and fine clothes, while the other reeked of Cologne and Hair gel.
We looked around the corner to find a Teenage boy, and an Older man, both wearing clothes only bestowed upon to the highest form of church authority. The older man was screaming at the boy, and the boy was trying to keep his composure.
When the man finally left, the boy slumped down and cried. We stood there for at least five minutes before me and Adrian Boy tried went to console the teenager.
"Excuse me?" I said to the Teenager. He screamed and jumped back a few feet. Oh im sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you."
"W-who are you?" Said the teenager to Adrian boy and I.
"I am Angel Whitewater, and this is Adrian." I used my nose to point him out and introduce ourselves, to make the boy less frightened of us. Soon he settled down, and slumped back to the ground, wiping his face.
"I'm sorry I'm so jumpy. I'm Alessandro."
"Pleasure to meet you Al." said Adrian Boy to Al.
"Not to be rude or anything, but who was that man, and why was he screaming at you so violently?" I asked him in an attempt to comfort him. Me and Adrian sat down next to Alessandro, and waited for his response.
"That was my brother… he says I don't do a good enough job running the church." He sighed and dug his face into his arm sleeve wiping away the new-coming tears.
"Running the church?" Adrian whispered in my ear.
"Adrian, I believe Alessandro's the Pope."
"Oh, Wait!? You're the pope?! But you look as old as me!" He said shockingly. I decided to myself that when this was through, I would talk to Adrian about people emotions and why you shouldn't jump the rope so quickly.
"Yes. I am the pope." He sighed and looked at me. "And what are you two?"
"Well," I began, "I am just your simple common talking wolf." I grinned at Alessandro, making him chuckle a little.
"And I'm just a common traveling boy. Wandering around aimlessly, and then I ran into her, and she saved me from this big ugly street dog with rabies!" he made an interpretation of the dog, which frightened Alessandro a bit, but then he noticed it was all in good fun, and we laughed.
Then all of a sudden, my mind wandered back to this morning, when I saved Adrian Boy. I knew he couldn't have taken me here himself. I'm way too heavy for him to drag, let alone carry.
"Adrian? I don't mean to get off topic here but this morning when I came here, who took me here? I know you are very incapable of carrying me."
"Umm… Oh Yeah! This nice priest carried you here. Uh, I forgot his name, but he had long tied back silver hair and glasses, do you know who I am talking about?" He looked to Alessandro, as did I.
"Oh yes! Father Abel Nightroad. He's one of the nicest people ive ever met, it doesn't surprise me he carried you here." He smiled at me and began to get up, as did Adrian and me.
"Well, I must be going. It was lovely to meet you, maybe I'll see you tomorrow, yes?"
"Sure thing Alessandro, and by the way, don't let anyone put you down, and don't let them tell you what to do if you truly don't want to. If you need to do something, and you feel it is right, go for it. Someone like your brother shouldn't judge you for how you run this church. Be yourself and be confident, and you'll do fine." His eyes lit up like a lamp being turned on after years of dust and shade.
"Thank you Miss Whitewater! I'll take that advice!" And with that, he grabbed his hat, and ran off.
"Adrian Boy, I was hoping we could find that priest so I may thank him. Lets head back to the Professor's office and ask him where we might find him." I smiled at the boy, who smiled back.
"And by the way, when we are out in public, you are my master."
"Master?" He looked at me shocked.
"Yes this may not be Pre-Armageddon, but dog pounds do still exist." And with that we laughed and walked back to the office.
Sabrina: Took me a LONG time to right, longer than ive ever written before, I'm going to try and work on chapter 2 tonight, and I'm hoping it works out. Note to self: Don't try writing 3 stories at once. –sighs-
No flames, Burns, or Evil comments.
And I don't want your Critique. This is my story. It may not fully go along with the anime/book/manga, but that's my own thought of it. If you don't like it, then please refrain yourself from reading the next chapter.
Thank you D