Title: For the LoVe of it all.

Chapter: Chapter oneThe Bonds that Never Break.

Summary: Veronica thinks she can walk away from her past and try to move forward, but will LoVe let her? In this Fiction I have taken the liberty of keeping both Meg alive and Hannah in the picture. Duncan and Veronica are together at this stage and Meg is not pregnant. The bus crash did not happen. Duncan was who arrived at Veronica's door at the end of season one.

Spoilers: I am going to say spoilers for most of season two.

Disclaimer: Alas, I do not own any part of Veronica Mars. It all belongs to the great Rob Thomas.

Author's Note:

This is my first Fanfic so please be gentle!

Also all Veronica's thoughts are in italics and flashbacks in bold.


Chapter One: The Bonds That Never Break

You know that old saying; that love changes everything, well they weren't wrong….

I woke up this morning in Duncan's arms and everything has changed. I know I am supposed to ecstatic, but I can't help feeling a little bit emptier. I have been trying so desperately to draw him closer to me, he has been so distant lately. I had to do something, and I love him so this shouldn't be a problem. 'Well congrats Veronica, you gave him all you have to give, you had better hope he takes it…'

Monday morning: Neptune High.

Veronica had just parked the Le Baron and was on he way into school when a pair of arms snaked around her waist. "Hey babe, you snuck out on me last night, where did you go?"

Turning around to face him she gave him a quick peck on the cheek, "Yeah well, you know my how dad can be, he's got the S.W.A.T team on speed dial! Besides I didn't want to wake you"

"Thanks, I was pretty tired". Veronica cringed inwardly at the statement. She didn't live in a fairy tale world, in fact she pretty much equated Neptune with the pits of hell, but she wanted fireworks from Duncan. In some small way she needed him to make her feel like they were the only two people who existed. Was that too much to ask for? By the time she snapped out of it Duncan was fighting the crowds in the hallway.

"See you later Veronica, I'm going to be late". He gave her a half wave and turned away. 'So much for fireworks' she thought.

She gathered her things and rounded the corner straight into someone. "Ouch", she cried rubbing her forehead. "Hey BFF! What's up? Sorry about the head butt!"

"Hey Wallace! How is my star player? Oh they grow up so fast" she said pinching his cheeks.

"Enough V, you'll give a man a complex!", " You know what, you're right Wallace. You are a big strong man, now off with you. Go do your manly things while I go cook you a meal!"

"Damn straight woman", he chuckled. Veronica laughed as Wallace pounded his chest in a mock King-Kong style.

Veronica walked to her journalism class and while she was happy to have seen Wallace who had been visiting his grandparents in Ohio, all she could think about was Duncan. She knew that he loved her; he had shown up on her door that night that Aaron had been arrested and told her that she was his first love but she couldn't help feel that lately he had been pulling away from her.

'Oh well, I 'll just have to go over there after school and surprise him, I'm sure I can get someone to cover my shift at the Hut'

The rest of the day dragged by and Veronica had a meeting with Miss Dumass after last period. She stopped off at home, grabbed her overnight bag and headed out the door.

'At least dad is off chasing a bail jumper tonight, that will give me a chance to spend some quality time with Duncan' she thought.

Veronica arrived at the Grand and rode the elevator up to the presidential suite. She used the key Duncan had given her a couple of months before and quietly slipped in.

Preparing to surprise him she opened the door to his room but what greeted her shocked her to the core. There, right in front of her eyes was her sweet, loyal, charming boyfriend and Meg Manning together in his bed. The tears burned the back of her eyes and escaped long before the strangled cry in her throat.

Duncan and Meg spun their heads around just in time to see Veronica dash from the room.

"Shit", Duncan yelled as he pulled his pants on and chased after her.

Veronica could barely call the elevator her hands were shaking so badly.

"Veronica! Wait!" Duncan yelled out.

Veronica spun around and glared at him with tears threatening to creep over. "Wait for what Duncan! For you to tell me how it was a mistake! For you to tell me how special last night was for you!" Veronica was so angry that she was visibly shaking.

"You do remember last night don't you Duncan! That was the night I gave you what was left of me, that was the night we slept together when I was actually conscious!"

"Veronica that is not fair!" Duncan voice was dangerously low, "You know that I was drugged to!"

"Oh I am so sorry Duncan, did I hurt you! Oh no wait, it's you who hurt me, you who took all of me and then broke my heart! Go to hell Duncan. I hope you and Meg are very happy together" she spat as she climbed into the elevator.

She watched the doors close on Duncan and on their relationship.