
I couldn't believe my eyes as the little mouse came out of hiding from the trees, what was she doing here? No one invited her and no one was going to...Why is she sitting by Neilissa? She had better not bother her again. I played as hard as I could until I felt my fingers begin to strain I even felt the slice begin to cut through and when the song was over. "We're gonna break for a minute so you can..." but I trailed off and got off the stage hurrying over to the two girls whom I might have to save from a fight that Neilissa surely couldn't win. "Hey what are you doing to he-?"

But I cut myself off. "So what do ya say, can we start over and be friends?" I was hearing Hasmi say so I backed off until the conversation was over.

"I don't want you to be this way," said Neilissa. "Caring about someone that deeply only gets you hurt, you have to be on the inside of love as well the outside so you know what's really being done to you, that way if a break up should occur you won't just be blinded by why you loved him but you'll know why you can't anymore."

"That makes sense." Hasmi said looking down. "But why were you two kissing?"

"I'm sorry for that if you may have thought it was anything but a play act but it really was, there was nothing in this world behind it but a line and scripted guidance...I would never kiss my students I know the contract between student teacher relationships and no matter what age you are you don't break that." She said coolly.

I finally decided to step into the conversation. "It's true, Hasmi. I was waiting for you there last night but I forgot that I invited her over to read for the next play because I wanted some practice ahead of time... I should have said meet in the library but who wants all those twips gawking at us?" I sat down between them and looked at them both.

"I better leave you two alone, thank you for the good bye but I really must be going." She stood. "Colt, Hasmi good bye."

"Bye." We said simultaneously and watched her walk away.

"So..." I managed to get out this felt a little uncomfortable I wasn't sure if she was mad at me or if I was mad at her but it felt really odd.

"So what?" Her typical answer.

"So are we mad at each other or what?" I nudged her with my elbow.

"Yeah," she said nodding.

"Oh," kinda disappointed I stood up.

"See ya then." But she pulled me back down.

"You really are a moron," she grinned beautifully at me. "Of course I'm not mad at you and I know you're not mad at me because you wouldn't have sat down over here or come over at all." That's true. "Listen-..." we said together but stopped. "You go first," we said together again.

Both of us are obviously way to stubborn to say it alone but I had to perfect answer for this- she kissed me, warmly with her tongue in it. This was the first time we had ever done this and I liked it- a lot. When she pulled away I felt kinda down I wanted it to go longer than that. "Satisfied?" She asks.

"Yeah, but to forgive you we gotta go in the woods for a minute." I laughed a little to show I was joking, she just smiled at me and stood up.

"Colt, I have to go ya know? Back home, I got the call and I can't stay anymore...I had to let you know that I'm sorry for everything I did to you; fun or not I can be a bit of a pain sometimes but don't et me wrong you're just as annoying as I am." She laughed and kissed me softly again, she's gotta stop that or she isn't going anywhere.

"I understand..." great, how could she be leaving just when we were patching things up and possibly gonna be on our way to dating.

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning, wanna bid me good bye?"

"Yeah." I said happily and stood too, without realizing it we began to walk through the woods back to campus quietly just enjoying each others company right now. Than i just remembered something "Oh! I forgot to tell you, I finally thought of a stage name for myself,"

"Lets hear it."

I paused for effect "Max Slade...huh, what do you think?"

She was thinking it over and than grinned at me again. "Shiiiit, that name is extremely fuckable karate kid."

I laughed out loud to that one. "Does that mean you like it?"

"Hell yeah I like it! A lot of people will too." We walked in silence again until- "well?" I said.

"Well what?"

"What about you?" I said with some 'duh' in my voice.

"What about me?" She responded she really doesn't know.

"What's the name of your group, your whole, what are you up there?"

She just looked at me with a laugh and ran off, with me chasing her laughing to and we didn't stop running until we got back to the dorms to say good night.

The next day. "Well, I'm off." She said turning to face me as we walked down the hill to the parking lot. "You gonna miss me?"

"Maybe" I said smiling at her.

"Most And Yes Belovedly Ever." She responded spinning back around to watch where she was walking.


"You said 'maybe' and in this case maybe means a shortened forever." She stopped and I froze in front of her a little taller though cause I was at a higher level than her.

"You dumbass." I laughed out. "But yes I'll miss you" I took her hands around my waist and kissed her.

"Mmm," she said backing away. "That was good." She had an impishly huge smile on her face as she walked down the hill the rest of the way and I just stood there watching her than she turned again to face me "By the way!" She shouted "I got a name now!"

"What is it?" I yelled down to her.

"It's GIRL!"

"Girl?!" I said trying to let that sink in.

"Yeah, just Girl!" she broke into this hysterical laughter and ran towards my car opening the door. 'What is she doing' I thought than without knowing it I felt my pockets- MY KEYS!!!

"You little- get back here!" I ran down the hill to the lot but she already started the car and was driving up the road "hasmi! hasmi!!!"

"I knew you'd get hooked!" I heard her shout over the radio when she stopped for a second than she sang out "I have him, I have him" grrrrrrrrr.

"Come back with my car!" but she got out and dangled my keys out for me to come and get and like a dummy I ran to get them from her cause this girl was worth chasing.

look what you've done to me.
and my whole world.
you brought the sun to me,
with your smile, you did it girl.

I'm telling you girl,
something unknown to me,
makes you,
what you are to me,
and what you are is all I could ask for me
it's you girl.

I'm thanking you girl,
for making the winter warmer.
for making the music softer,
for making a better world for me...