A.N: Woo Hoo I finally got it back!

Girl, Look what you've done to me,
Me, And my whole world...


I changed the station on my radio; I hate those ridiculous old fashioned song, all that mush and kiss and hug and blah blah blah worthless. NO ONE would have me feeling like that. Here comes Rocky; he's been acting really wierd ever since the fiasco with the abduction. Now he acts like- life just isn't worth it so he's become bored or something I don't know I'm not to worried about him, as long as he's still in there. What do I care about other peoples problems y'know? "What's up Rocky?" He shrugged at me. That was the usual response any one ever got with him now. I don't know what him and his therapist talked about, but, it hit him hard I guess. Well back to me- I am now a college man, take a look at me now because this is the face of freedom. 'Course I share a room with Rocky in the dorms we're not in a frat or anything like that- just a room; things are peaceful except on Friday when we have a get together and we go to bars and stuff.

"Rocky, what class do you have first again?" I asked catching up to him.

"Theatre, same as you." He said tightly.

"Look Rock-o don't let this whole 'I've had crush on myself ' thing get you down, it was funny, everyone thought it was hillarious..." I grinned at him than studied his face. Nothing. Not that I was any good at reading them in the first place I worked more on verbal response or actions not gestures and shit. Truthfuly Rocky's been weird since that whole Maria thing went down- Damn look at her ass, I spun a circle to get a better look when she rushed by me, wonder who she is? No time for that...yet. I had to be early to this class cause I kinda got in a little trouble with the teacher in it, so as punishment I had to 'be there early and clean the board' what a waste. Me and Rocky were walking along quietly so I thought I'd liven things up. "So brother Rocky- we allowed to talk or have we taken a vow of silence rather than shaving our heads? Ha ha ha." Okay he didn't get it, infact he picked up his pace and left me behind. I ran the rest of the way because the bell was gonna ring I had to make this look real, you know like I'd been at the board the whole time, I tossed my books on my seat and ran down the stairs to the board and began to wipe it down quickly as the bell rang. Shit work faster I tried coaching myself.

"Nice to see someone eager to impress the new teacher." I spun around to the sudden voice to see a goodess if there ever was one. She had everything: hips, thighs, buttucks, bre- okay so I sound to much like a fitness program but it was true. "You may take your seat though Jeffrey, I don't believe I'll be using the board but once today, I'll clean it." She said very punctiated.

"Right." I stagerred to my seat unable to take my eyes off her, that honey brown hair in a tight bun with two thick long strands almost in her face, those big bre- eyes, that were a fiery sequia, those beautiful lips crying to be kissed- I needed this woman.

"Class, your teacher had an accident and, well, apparently he quit." She laughed a little at her private joke. "So I will be taking his place-..."

"Hey Rocky?" I leaned over to talk to him. "She's pretty cute, huh?"

"I guess." He whispered, mostly it sounded like he wanted me to be quiet altogether.

"My name is-.." She turned to write it on the board and whistles went flying from the guys lips. "Instructer Neilissa Paularus, I will not be like your other teachers I will help all my students to succeed."

I leaned over to Rocky again, "She can help me succeed- but not in theatre, you know what I mean?" I said wriggling my eye brows giving him the hint. He glanced at me with a 'what?' type expression. I merely shrugged. It was true!

"So if any of you need help after class I will give it to you, you can also see me in the library on Thursday, any questions?" A pause. "Good. Than let's start class- open your books to page 425 and Samuel, please come up here and read the passage to us."

"Sure." He walked down the stairs to the front of the room and began to read the story from the book. "I wanted more than anything not to let her go, but...she left me-how? How could I find her again? No use, I might as well try a new way to begin." He stopped and looked at her for more instructions.

"Thank you, Samuel. Take your seat. Would anyone else like to read a few lines?"

"I'll read!" I didn't mean to sound so eager but this woman was hot! Anything she wanted- hey, I'd provide it. I rushed down to the stool next to her desk and sat, this was gonna really impress her.

I choked like an idiot. I thought as I stomped out of class, when the bell rang. "Hey Colt; man what the fuck was that?" Ryan said smacking me in the back of the head.

"What?" Knowing I knew very well what he was talking about.

"It was the breast of times it was the waist of times?" Sean laughed like a maniac and I shoved him into a tree.

"Whatever, you would have said it to if she suddenly got up and stood next to you." I was gonna go to my next class but I made a bee-line towards the parking lot for my guitar that I left in the car, might as well get some practice in. It's not like allied health was important right? All I need from that were two credits and I think I already got them.

"Seriously though, Ms.- Mrs.- Miss.- hey is she married?" Sean asked scratching his head. "I don't know, I couldn't tell she had gloves on"

I opened the door to my car when I heard this shouting from behind us. I didn't make out the words at first than it came in as they got closer.

"HEY YOU PUNKS!!" There was a girl running up on us fast "GET AWAY FROM MY CAR!!!" She shouted as she reached us but she stayed her distance, I guess cause there was more of us than there was of her.

"What are you talking about, this is my car. pyscho" the guys laughed at that and we continued to get our things but she wouldn't let up "yeah right, back away from my car and you won't get hurt!"

"What are you gonna do to us?" Matt snorted at her.

Her face got serious and she stuck her hand into her purse. "I got a gun and I'm not the least bit afraid to use it, that's 'what!'" We all gave each other worried glances but figured there was no threat...until "get away!" she pulled it out of her purse aiming at us!

"Come on guys, lets go!" Ryan shouted and well-..we ran.