Disclaimer: I don't own Peter Pan.

A/N: This story is based on both the original novel and the Disney movie version of Peter Pan. This meaning that the Lost Boys are still the same Lost Boys just because I'm not smart enough to make new ones.

In J.M. Barrie's version of Peter Pan he added an extra scene as an afterthought in which Peter goes back to see Wendy, not realizing twenty years have passed. When he finds out that Wendy is now an adult he breaks down and cries. His crying awakens Jane who asks him to take her to Neverland and let her be his new mother. After that Peter comes once a year to take Jane back to Neverland.


When Peter comes to take Jane to Neverland he notices something is troubling her. She's about to turn thirteen, turn into a young lady. And who is this new pirate out for revenge? Will Jane choose to grow up and forget Peter, or stay with him forever in Neverland?And is it just Jane or does Peter look…older?

Forever in Neverland

Chapter 1:

Return to Neverland

While most stories of magic and romance begin with Once upon a time ours begins with…

"Don't be ridiculous Lavender, its happy thoughts that help you fly, not just pixie dust." Jane argued with her friend Lavender as she, Lavender, and Kaley walked home from their school.

Lavender and Kaley had slept over at her house many times, and in their younger days Wendy Darlings had told them the story of the eternal youth and his magical adventures.

Although those days had long since past, it still caused debate between Jane Darlings and Lavender Lane. They were good friends but they were both equally stubborn and ended up arguing about just about everything.

"Why are you arguing" the quieter more reserved Kaley Davies asked, "You don't actually believe in Peter Pan do you?"

"Of course not!" Lavender immediately replied, sounding a little offended, "We're not nine years old anymore, Peter Pan is a thing of the past."

"Humph." Was the only noise Jane made, in addition to crossing her arms.

"Jane, dear, what are you going to do for your birthday ball?" Lavender asked, "It has to be something more impressive than that Carleigh Olsen's ball."

"You shouldn't put that much pressure on Jane," Kaley told Lavender, "It's her thirteenth birthday, it has to be something incredibly special. She's about to become a young lady."

'Thirteen huh?' Jane thought. 'Becoming a young lady means…'

"So what are you going to do?" Lavender asked. Jane's was the last thirteenth birthday in their class and the girl who had the most amazing birthday ball was, regrettably, Carleigh. Through Jane was their last chance to show Carleigh up.

"What did I just say?" Kaley scolded, "Jane, dear, pay no attention to Lavender. You just have a good time at your birthday."

"Right…" Jane said absentmindedly, she had managed to get the last bit of what Kaley said, but what exactly they were talking about, Jane had no clue.

"Jane, can we come over later?" Lavender asked.

"No!" Jane shrieked, "I mean, ahem, no. I'm going to visit my uncle Michael for a while; I'm leaving tonight so there's no reason for you to go to my house if I'm not even going to be there."

"Again?" Lavender pouted, "You sure visit your uncle frequently."

"Well we're a tight-nit family." Jane explained.

She didn't like lying to her friends, but she couldn't exactly say that she was going with Peter Pan to Neverland.

"I'll see you guys when I get back." Jane told her friends as she walked into her home.

"Is it just me or was Jane looking strange?" Lavender asked.

"If you ask me, I think she's in love." Kaley announced, she was a true romantic at heart and for that…

"You think everyone's in love." Lavender stated.

Jane paced around her room, the Darlings' old nursery, in her nightgown.

"Becoming a young lady means…" She stopped short; she didn't even want to finish that sentence.

She knew what would happen once she accepted it, becoming a young lady meant…

"Jane, dear, may I come in?" Wendy Darlings asked her only daughter.

"Yes, mum." Jane said as she sat in front of her vanity mirror.

She looked at her reflection as if it was the first time; she was surprised at how much she had changed since the last time she went to Neverland.

Instead of a boy cut her hair had grown to reach her middle back, that was held back into a half pony-tail by a lavender ribbon. She looked like her mother in so many ways.

"Why aren't you asleep yet? Are you expecting someone?" Wendy teased.

"What? Mother, don't be ridiculous. Who could I be expecting?" Jane said defensively.

"Well then, you wouldn't mind going to tell Danny a bedtime story, would you?" Wendy asked, "I've finally managed to rip him away from Nana-Two."

"Of course not," Jane gulped, "I'll be done in a second."

Jane stood and ran to her little brother's room.

Wendy couldn't help but smile, unknown to her daughter she knew fully well that Peter came for her every year. She had seen them leave the very first time. She was heart broken when she did, but as the years passed she accepted it and even covered for Jane whenever she was gone.

She looked around the old nursery; this was where she met Peter for the first time.

It had hurt her when Peter never came back for her like he promised but was glad that she managed to fall in love again. And if Peter had come back for her there was a chance she would've never met Edward or had her two wonderful children.

The only thing she feared was that maybe her daughter would make the opposite choice that she did, and decide to stay forever in Neverland.

"Now got to sleep and stay asleep." Jane said as she finished telling her little brother a story.

"That wasn't a very good story," Danny complained, "It was too rushed, and too short, you're losing your touch Jane."

"Go to sleep and I promise I'll tell you a better one next time."

"Promise?" Danny asked hopefully.

"Promise." Jane replied before she left for her own room.

Walking in, she noticed the time. Peter was late.

When was he ever late?

She was so preoccupied she failed to notice a young boy and a golden fairy enter her room.

"Hello milady," Peter said from behind her, "Your magical carriage has arrived."

"Peter—huh?" Jane asked as she turned around.

Unlike last time, she had to look up to see Peter's eyes. True he was always taller than her, but last time he was only about an inch taller than her.

"What's wrong?" Peter asked as he saw Jane's shocked expression.

"Peter…you look older."

A/N: Well there's the first chapter of my Peter Pan story.

It's my first try at a Peter Pan story so be nice.

Pls Read and Review

-Destiny's sweet melody