A/N: Hello everyone! I am back into chaptered stories, with this one. Inspired by the discovery of Queer as Folk, and helped along by the song 'You Think You're a Man', by Full Frontal. This one is going to be less smutty and more fun. Maybe.


Sparkle and Magnificence

Chapter One

"Everyone is so…sparkly!" shouted Harry over the pulsing dance music.

Seamus Finnegan grinned, his white shirt buttoned only halfway, revealing his toned chest. The boy was prepared, tonight, for a manhunt. He turned his smile on Harry. No, the hunt hadn't resulted in Harry, it had begun with him.

"Harry love, look at this. Look at this sea of sparkling, shimmering, magnificent men," he cried, gesturing widely with his arms. "They are all looking for other sparkling shimmering magnificent men. That could be you, hm?"

Harry Potter, accidentally resplendent, adorably unaware, the definition of a charming disaster, smiled. He swept his eyes over the club, hoping that HE, (the one), would be in some sort of definitive glowing beam, or some other measure of obvious revelation. He, who's he? Harry wished he knew. He was leaning against the bar, a drink in hand, observing the scene and shouting to his friend Seamus. The only one who'd offered a solution to Harry's aloneness. Not loneliness.

Harry hadn't ever really had a boyfriend. He'd barely had girlfriends. He was alone, and he couldn't stay that way! Not to mention he hadn't been laid in a very, very long time. All of his friends wanted him to find someone, but who'd helped? Seamus Finnegan. Well, that wasn't so unexpected, Harry supposed. After all, who else went to gay clubs? And if any of his other friends had been the gay club sort, nobody would be more frequent than Seamus. Nobody could be.


"Harry, we're going out. We're going out, right now. Okay, in, like, half an hour. GOT IT?" Seamus had yelled over the phone, before abruptly hanging up. It had taken the brunette by surprise, and he'd stood stupefied for a moment before racing to find something decent to wear.


Now, in the swirling bright colours and sweaty male gleam, Harry stood. There was something about every one of these men, something that was different from people in what Harry dubbed 'the real world'. The people here, they were rude, they were judgemental, they were insensitive, they were only in it for the sex. And they were amazing. The thing which they had, was confidence. Each of these men had more confidence than three real world people. They were empowered, they were infused with the sound, the sights, the incredible high of being yourself, with abandon. Most of them couldn't release themselves in the real world. So they went at it here with a passion.

A tall blonde presently approached Seamus, and after a nod from Harry, the two left. Harry sipped his drink and ate up the tight hardnesses around him. He noticed someone cruising him. He smirked. (Is that what he was supposed to do?) The boy made his way over. (Yeah, it was.) Harry studied him on his way. He was pretty cute. Certainly an intriguing possibility. Brown hair, slim build, approachable face.

They grinned at each other once the cruiser got near enough. Harry put his drink down and pulled the boy to the dance floor. They squeezed their way into the crowd, and began to move. The boy put his hands on Harry's hips and brought them closer as they danced.

The music was too loud to talk, and the floor seemed to vibrate with the weight of boys trying hard, boys seducing, boys giving the go-ahead. Harry was a boy too. He was a boy, and he hadn't had sex in months, damn it! His dance partner had gotten very, very close.

They were both so warm, and so full of air, and so alive. They were nose to nose now. Harry went for it. He captured the other's mouth with his own, and captured his body with his hands. Harry pulled the hot hard body into his own, and felt the boy return his kiss, with enthusiasm. Heavy breathing and slippery foreheads, and still the floor vibrated and still the music pounded, and still the men judged.

The boy in his hands spoke into his ear, and they retreated from the dance floor.

But then Harry saw something beautiful across the room. Something which was sparkling and shimmering and magnificent.

At that moment, a rolling spot of one of the green lights illuminated the most intensely stunning creature Harry had ever seen. Slender, and graceful, with the very face of couture, a face exquisite, even with eyes half-closed. He was dressed in black and white, showing enough skin to prove his perfection, but not enough to indulge anyone. He was incredible. Harry stopped for a moment, stopped everything, stopped his heart from beating. But then he felt a tug on his shirt, and his brunette was watching him, waiting for him. Harry turned away from the God, knowing he was too good for him, and put an arm around his dance partner, smiling at him.

A/N: I would love it oh so much if you reviewed. Wait up for the next installment, hm?