Story Title: OrangeBlueYellow
Rating: PG-13/T
Pairing: Sasuke/Naruto
Disclaimer: Naruto © Kishimoto Masashi
Summary: Sasuke denies that he might need more.
Steve's Notes: Please note that the italicized print did not actually occur. It's just Sasuke imagination—otherwise I'd be playing with a very OOC Naruto. (Although, if Naruto did really say this in the actual manga, I wouldn't give a damn. I'd be too busying doing cartwheels.)
Warnings: Denial?

I love you.

He grinds his teeth and pushes forward with his chokutou, an icy blue chakra along the razor edge. Every muscle and every ligament in his body shrieks with abuse, a chorus inside the familiar rhythms of his demanding kata. It is almost unbearable, this pain, but he likes it that way. The pain is his release; his mouth may twitch, his flesh may harden, but he denies himself the pleasure of all things because it is a distraction from what he believes he wants, what he thinks he must do.

I love you I love you I love you don't do this please-

That is why he left, of course, because of the distraction. It had little to do with the seal that burned on the juncture where his neck met his shoulder; the seal was no more than an incentive, a promise of what power he would obtain if only he left his foolishness behind. Foolishness that was loud and obnoxious and distracting and far too orange and blue and yellow and comforting like the sunshine that warms his skin.

Please I need you don't go I need you come home come home-

He strikes, and the sizzle of his chakra burning the wood of his practice dummy is satisfying. And he denies, once again, that he might need more than just that satisfaction because revenge is his ultimate goal, his only goal. Sasuke doesn't care about anything beyond that because he isn't supposed to, and caring about other things will distract him. He is an avenger and he only has capacity in his body for hate and pain.

Come with me because I love you I love you Iloveyou.

He does not feel loneliness, he does not feel longing, and he most certainly does not know anything about love other than it is orange and blue and yellow and warm and those pleading, expressive eyes want him to go back home. Home, where his entire clan was destroyed, where he is hated for his betrayal, where he is weakened by distractions, where someone loves him so desperately and wonderfully that he would forget that he is alive for one purpose: revenge.

I love you, bastard.

If Sasuke forgets that, all he'll have left is orange and blue and yellow, and it would be enough.
