End Notes
Okay, okay okay!
I hear you people loud and clear.
I was going to be all 'vague' about it, but wow!
There will be a sequel.
That is 100 percent for sure.
Come on people, you know me better then to leave an unfilled pothole!
That's why there are unanswered questions; they basically help build up the other half of the story.
So yeah, cut me a little slack, okay?
It's not like I always kill the main characters.
Dib: Yes! You always do!
Me: HEY! How did you get out of your cage?
Anyways… This means that Zim and Dib both live. I only made it like they did bite the big cheese.
(If I were really to kill them off, I would have just let them go 'boom' with the rest of the ship.)
If you are still paranoid about the ending, and think I have forgotten about some key plot (Or if you just want to suggest to add something in the sequel) just tell me in a review.
Will this be enough for the angry mob to lower their weapons?
(Insert awkward cough)
End of End Notes