Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdoms Hearts or any of the characters.

A/N: Please read and review and enjoy! Please don't flame! Thank you!

Summary: Everything is back to normal now that Sora has defeated Organization 13 and Cid is throwing a party and everyone is having a good time. But what happens when Leon notices that he and Sora are getting a little drunk. Warnings: M/M, Slight Angst, Lemons, Anal.

Cloud Nine

Leon stood leaning against the wall watching all of his friends dancing and making conversation. He took a sip of the beer he was holding as his eyes darted from person to person, he seemed somewhat annoyed. He had been here for a few hours now. Every now and then some girl that had obviously had one to many drinks would walk over and try to talk to him but he would just half ignore them until they got the hint.

Then his eyes landed on Sora swaying a little near the punch bowl. The young brunette was wearing his usual attire. Nothing out of the ordinary other then his cheeks were totally flushed. That's when Sora's eyes lifted from the drink in his hand straight up to meet Leon's. Their eyes seemed to linger on each other and suddenly Sora started to walk across the room to Leon.

Leon tried to seem nonchalant, taking a drink of his beer and trying to look away as if he didn't care. That's when Sora walked up with a, "Leon it's good to see you!! How have you been!?", Sora wrapped his arms around Leon and gave him a hug. Leon laughed a little then wrapped his arms around the boy just in time for Leon to take in his scent. Sora smelled of soap and cheap booze. Leon stepped back and Sora gave a cheeky smile. "Sora… have you been drinking?"

Sora looked up at the older man and said, "No. I've only had punch all night, promise." Leon gave him a slight glare and then it dawned on him, someone must have spiked the punch bowl. Leon downed the rest of his beer and set the bottle down, then putting his arm around Sora he walked him to a table and sat the young boy down. "Stay here. I'm going to get you a glass of water." He then took the cup from Sora's hand just as he went for another drink. Sora whined and pouted in protest, but Leon knew he was only being so childish because of the massive amount of booze in him.

Leon walked over to the snack table and grabbed a clean cup then walked to the fridge and grabbed himself a few beers and a bottle of water for Sora. He walked back to were the teen was waiting and set all the bottles on the table, he picked up the water and poured it into the cup for his small friend. Then popped the cap off a bottle of beer and sat next to the boy.

They laughed and talked for what seemed like eternity and six beers later Leon was finally drunk.

Sora laid his head on Leon's shoulder and looked up into his eyes. Leon somewhat blushed and cupped Sora's face in his large hand, the boy was so small compared to himself and Leon couldn't drive away the thought of how sexy Sora was with his cheeks bright red and that silly smile on his face that read hello I'm plastered.

"Leon I wanna go to sleep" the teen yawned out and Leon looked up at a clock on the wall. It was four in the morning and most of the party goers had gone home. "You can crash at my place." But Sora was already sleeping on Leon's shoulder. Leon sighed and picked the boy up and carried him outside. He looked around for his motorcycle, than decided he was to drunk to risk driving home that night. He would come back in the morning for his bike. Leon cradled the young boy in his arms and started toward his apartment.

Leon unlocked the door and walked in closing it with his foot. He then flicked the light switch and set Sora down on the bed. Sora woke, instantly missing the warmth of Leon's body and sat up. "Where am I?" He looked up at Leon. "My place, you can stay the night since you're to drunk to go back to Merlin's." And that's when it happened Leon tripped over something on the floor and came down on top of Sora, their lips accidentally meeting.

Sora turned blood red, and Leon leaned up embarrassment on his face. "I…uh…it was an accident…." Leon's voice cracked and his words were jumbled. Sora looked up into the older males eyes in confusion. Why was his heart pounding like this? Was he giving himself away? Leon knew! He knew that Sora had feelings for him.

Leon couldn't guess what was going through Sora's mind but the longing look in his eyes gave a hint of innocence. Then to Leon's surprise Sora leaned up to kiss the older man on the cheek. Leon looked at him in shock. "That…was my first kiss." Sora whispered shyly. Leon was still lying on top of the boy, his breath coming in ragged, short gasps. "This is a mistake I'm sorry Sora…" Leon tried to push himself up off of the boy when a hand gripped his shirt, he his eyes turned to the teen in confusion.

Sora wore a rosy blush on his cheeks, "Wait! Don't go… I…never mind… forget it Leon." "No Sora what is it?" Sora looked away from Leon, "It's just that…I like this, I like you Leon."

Leon's eyes grew in surprise, Sora was young, but he wasn't a child still…was he old enough to know what he was talking about? Leon sighed and said "Sora you don't know what you're talking about." "No! Don't say that! I'm not a little kid! I like you Leon, and if you don't like me then that's fine but don't ever tell me what I want!"

Leon tried to move away but Sora's hand held him there. The muscles in his young arms flexing showing the strength of a boy that once saved the world. "Your just drunk Sora, you'll regret this in the morning." "No Leon, I want you, I always have and that will never change! Ever since the first time I met you in Traverse Town I can't get you out of my mind."

And then Sora's lips were fighting for Leon's approval while his hands made their way under Leon's shirt caressing the soft yet scared skin, I weak moan escaping Leon's lips. At first Leon resisted Sora's innocent teasing, but when the boys hand made its way down Leon's stomach, up his strong muscled thigh and to the hardening bulge in Leon's tight pants. Leon gave a moan and with it faded all of his defenses. He had to have Sora right then and there! He pulled off his jacket and sent it flying across the floor.

At this Sora giggled and Leon was once again reminded of his innocence. That's okay he thought to himself as he locked lips with the boy again, I'll enjoy tasting that innocence.

Leon immediately started to rip Sora's clothes off his delicate yet masculine body, starting with his shirts, but taking his time unzipping his shorts and slowly sliding then and his boxers down his body to the floor. Leon gave a laugh when Sora pushed his shoes off his feet and pulled his socks off with his cute little toes. Now the teen lay naked in front of the older man. Naked and pale except for his drunken, blushing red cheeks, Sora's piercing blue eyes gazing longingly up at him.

Leon gave a sheepish grin and ran his hands down the boy's slim body stopping just above his erection. Damn he's big for his age! So that's what you've been hiding in those big baggy shorts you tease. Then Sora could feel Leon's hot breath on the tip of his hardness followed by warm lips wrapping around him. Leon sucked gently moving up and down Sora while the boy whimpered and squirmed under him.

It was too late to turn back now and Leon needed release, he wanted Sora more than ever and now he would have him. He sat up; a whine of protest could be heard for the teen. Leon unzipped his own pants and pulled them off looking up just in time to catch Sora sneaking a peek. He gave a smirk. "Like what you see?" Sora blushed as Leon came back over him, his hands gripping the young boy's hips and flipping him over, pulling him up onto his knees. Leon leaned over to the nightstand next to the bed and pulled open a drawer his fingers searching for something, then finding the right thing he reassumed his position. Sora turned his head to look at the older man in question.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" the innocent nod was all the confirmation he needed and with that he applied a large amount of the bottles contents onto his fingers. "Take a deep breath", Sora took in a deep breath and clung to a pillow. Leon pushed two fingers into the teen, his response was a weak almost scream into the pillow. Fuck I'm hurting him, Leon worked the boy until he thought he was ready. Kissing Sora's shoulder Leon braced himself for the pleasure that lay ahead. He pushed the tip of his hardness in slowly until he was fully inside the boy.

Sora was whining in pain and cursing into the pillow and his new lover held him close kissing his back for what seemed like forever. Then when Sora calmed he started too move slowly, thrusting gently in and out of the teen until Sora's protest of pain turned to pleasure fueled moans, gasps, and muffled screams. Damn he's loud in bed! Leon thought as his movements became faster and harder, pounding into his small lover. Leon pulled out slowly and turned the boy around to face him, If I don't keep him quiet the other attendants will complain, then upon pushing back he locked lips Sora to swallow his noises. He cupped Sora's hand in his, lacing their fingers and gripped his lovers manhood in his other hand to make sure they came at the same time.

The two went on like this for awhile until Sora threw his head back his hands gripping the headboard of the bed until his knuckles turned white. Sora came soon after, a warm milking stream landing allover Leon's stomach, Leon came in response, collapsing on top of his young lover. Both men were still drunk and now completely spent. They curled up under the covers and soon Sora was sleeping in Leon's arms. Leon gave a sigh thinking to himself 'I know I'll regret this in the morning'. Leon closed his eyes, cuddled to his new lover and dozed off just as the sun started to peek up from behind the clouds.

A/N: So that was it. Not bad for my first lemon I think. I may decide to continue this story, if so I will update soon. So keep checking for updates. Thank you!