Disclaimer: I'm just a poor, pennyless writer, whose only aim in life is to put her thoguhts to paper...In other words, I own nothing.

Summary: My first non-oneshot fic! Probably not great, but it was in demand, and I do what I'm told...(sometimes lol). Title pretty much says it all. CS, you have been warned. And yes, I know it's a crap title, but you can't have it all. Either you get a longer story, or a better title. Take your pick.

Author's Note: Takes deep breath: Ok, firstly, thanks to all the people who have been reviewing my other stories. Special thanks to Desireux, for the kick in the butt! My first longer fic that I have ever published. I was going to attempt homour, but I really can't write that, so it will be random CSI characters acting, well, out of character, with CS romance thrown in for good measure. Tell me what you think. I'm writing this as I go along, so updates could take a while... This is just a taster of what's to come. Tell me if you like it, please.

We need a cliché!

Chapter 1

Warrick groaned loudly, and let himself fall into a seat next to Greg.

"That's it, Grissom. You are not putting me on another case like that with them and me stuck in a confined space together ever again!"

Greg and Nick smirked, while Grissom shook his head.

"Interesting, how everyone else picks up on it, but they don't."

"Interesting my ass. Do you know how frustrating it is to be stuck in a car for 2 hours with so much sexual tension that you can practically touch it, and the two of them being completely oblivious?"

Greg shook his head. "Don't you guys think it was time we did something?"

"Like what, lock them in a cupboard and leave them to it?"

Grissom's eyebrows shot up.

"Think about it. What do people in movies do when their friends are in denial?"

"Lock them in a cupboard?", Warrick suggested impatiently.


"Spit it out Greg, or you're on paperwork for a month."

"That's hardly your decision," Greg smirked at the frustrated CSI.

"Yeah, but it's mine. Spit it out, Greg," Grissom seconded Warrick.

Greg's smile dropped slightly. "You guys need to learn to be patient. Alright, it's a classic. Stuck in the elevator."

He looked around like someone who just told an amazing joke, but nobody understood the punch line.

"Alright, let me get this straight. Your 'amazing plan' is to lock Catherine and Sara in an elevator."

"Told you it was great."

"Alright, point number one. We have no elevator in the lab," Nick interjected.

"That point is so minor, it's not even worth mentioning."

"Point two," Warrick began. "How the hell do we get Catherine and Sara into this elevator that we don't have, without anyone else in it, and then get it to stop, and then leave them stuck there?"

"I think Greg spent too long watching Speed!", Nick teased.

"You guys have no imagination. All we need is a plan, and this could work."

"You're crazy," Warrick muttered, but in the end, he joined Grissom, Nick and Greg in planning their slightly crazy plan…

TBC... All right, let me have it. note: this story is not going where you think it might be going (yes, I can totally read your thoughts. You are thinking 'I must review Amelie's story!') Till next time...