Title: Naruto Kurenai Drabbles Etc.
Author: Smurf
Summary: A series of drabbles surrounding Naruto and Kurenai. No set limit. Updated sporadically.
Disclaimer: Serialhugger does not own Naruto or any of the licenses or trademarks related thereof.
Drabble Etc 76; Love and Respect (a prompt from Rem)
When Naruto was young, he had been brash, loud, and clumsy in his desire to be respected – to be loved. When Kurenai was young, respect and love had been givens she had taken (perhaps) for granted.
As Kurenai grew older, she maintained the love and respect of those that mattered to her. As Naruto grew older he earned the love and respect of those who mattered to him (and those who's esteem he didn't managed to earn… Well, their opinions weren't worth much in the end anyway).
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