A/N: Hey everyone sorry it's taking so long to update. Writers block on top of school can do that to ya. But anyway I hope you enjoy R&R please. Also if you have any ideas feel free to let me know.

"Where is she?" Takato thought as paced back and forth in front of Guilmon's old den. Takato had forgotten that Kazu and Kenta were part of the foreign exchange program and they were in America and Jeri was visting her Grandma so Rika was the only one left besides Ryo but he hadn't been seen in a long time. Henry sat down and watched Guilmon and Terriermon running around playing tag. Henry couldn't help smiling it was so wierd seeing Takato's body running around chasing Terriermon.

Henry turned around to see Takato pacing back and forth. It was getting late in the day and the sun was starting to set. "Don't worry Takato she will be here." Henry said. Takato stopped pacing, sat down next to Henry and sighed. Takato didn't say anything he just watched the leaves blow in the wind. "There has to be a reason why they chose you Takato." Henry said. Takato nodded in agreement but he couldn't figure out why. " I wonder how Rika is going to take it." Takato said stairing at the concrete ground. Suddenly something caught Takato's nose he lifted his head and sniffed the air. "What is it?" Henry asked.

"Rika's and Renamon are close." Takato said. A minute passed by and they were in view. "This better be good." Rika said. "Hi Rika." Guilmon said smiling. "Alright goggle head what's going on?" Rika asked in an annoyed voice. Takato sat up as he explained. "Well Rika it's kinda hard to explain." Takato said. "Me and Takato switched bodies!" Guilmon said excitedly. "Is this some kind of joke?" "I wish it was Rika but I'm telling the truth." Takato said in Guilmon's old voice. "He is telling the truth." Renamon said backing Takato's statement. "Well I don't believe you. You are going to have to prove it." Rika said crossing her arms. "How can I prove it?" Takato thought. He thought for awhile then it hit him. Takato walked up to Rika and whispered something into her ear. After he was done Rika's eyes widened. "Okay your either telling the truth or your dead." Rika said pointing a finger and glaring at Takato's old body. Guilmon nervously got behind Takato.

"So what does this mean?" Rika asked. "We aren't sure yet a digimon's voice said it would contact Takato." Henry said. "Well we can't do anything about it now it's getting late. Let's all meet back here tommorow around ten and we can figure out what is going and what to do about it then." Takato said. They all said there goodbye's and headed there seperate ways. The whole walk back Takato was looking up at the sky. He had excepted the fact that he was going to be Guilmon but for how long that was a different story. They both walked in the back door of the house both Takato's parent's were upstairs. "One less thing I have to worry about." Takato thought. Having Guilmon be him was alot harder than Takato thought it would be. "I'm hungry again." Takato said. Guilmon agreed he hadn't eaten that much through out the day. Guilmon finished half his food. "I'm full Takato." Guilmon said rubbing his stomach. "I didn't think I would ever here that come from you Guilmon." Takato said laughing a little.

They cleaned up everything and headed upstairs. Takato laid on his bed and staired at the ceiling as Guilmon crawled over him to get on the other side. "What did you tell Rika to make her believe you were telling the truth?" Guilmon asked curiously. Takato smiled. "Sorry boy btu I have to keep this secret." "Oh okay." Guilmon said. An hour had passed and Takato was still staring at the ceiling he couldn't sleep and Guilmon's snoring wasn't helping. "Do I really sound like that when I sleep?" Takato thought as he got out of his bed. He walked out to his balcony and sat down staring at the stars. Then something caught his nose. "Hi Renamon." Takato said. Renamon appeared on the roof next door. "I see you have Guilmon's senses." "Yeah I have his hunger to." Takato said laughing a little. "Something is troubling you isn't it? Renamon asked. "Yeah I don't understand why they picked me." "You were chosen for a purpose Takato. What that is will be revealed soon." A gust of wind passed them Takato shivered a little. "Do you sense that in the wind?" Renamon asked. Takato nodded. "Something is coming. I'm not sure what it is but it might have something to do with why you switched." Renamon explained. "But do not dwell on it now you should get some sleep who knows what is in store for you." Renamon said as she disapeared into the night. Takato hadn't thought of that. There was so much going on in his mind he had to clear it somehow. Takato laid back down and thought of what he had told Rika. The night they had kissed. Takato smiled as he closed his eyes waiting for what was in store for tommorow.