On March 14, 2008 after only a year in prison Jayson Hogart was killed by a fellow inmate in a brawl.

Two days later after receiving word of Jay's untimely demise Emma Christine Nelson ODed on a mixture of heroin, ecstasy, and a couple of other prescription drugs.


A cautionary tell of the effects of fallen Angels

Alexandra Nunez

Jayson Hogart

Emma Christine Nelson

Author's Note: Well I've finally finished this story and I kinda have to say it's bittersweet because I feel like I've grown a lot as a writer just by writing this story. To all of you who read my story I want to say thank you so much for inspiring me to keep it up. I ask that those of you who liked my story to review the last chapter just so I can know who you are. Again I say thank you. I really enjoyed this story :-D