She sits there crying and all that can be heard are her deep sobs and shortness of breath.

She continues to cry with no attempts at stopping. Sitting in the corner of the small room she's finally hit her braking point. This is where it ends. The pain is just too much. She just can't take it anymore.

"Okay, 1, 2….."

Someone begins banging on the door like a crazy person.

"What the hell are you doing in there? Have you completely lost it? Get the hell out of there this minute! I swear to GOD…"

"Shut up, just shut up! I can't take it anymore. No more pain, no more pain. Please just let me go, PLEASE."

"Babe, you need to come out. We can fix this. Just me and you…Okay"


"NO!... It's too late for us to fix it. Too much, just too much."


"I can't… I just can't."

He begins to bang harder onto the door trying to break it down.

As he does this she slowly picks up a gun from under the sink and draws back the trigger and aims it ready to shot.

"Did you get her out of that room yet" says a friend of the two

"No" faces the door "Cuz she won't OPEN THE DAMN DOOR."

He tries one more time to break down the door and it swings open.