
Extra Ordinary






Heroes/KP crossover...Save the Cheerleader...Save the World. Read to find out what happens. Post-So the Drama!


I do not own the Kim Possible characters or anything referenced to Heroes, but I do own all personal characters, but am not gonna be picky if you ever do decide to use them. Just do them justice, okay?

Chapter 1: Genesis

"Everything starts from a beginning, a genesis, and the events following can make us or break us."

Monique Symone

Middleton High School

Monique Symone, friend of Kim Possible and employee at Club Banana, raced through the hallways of Middleton High. She slid across the freshly mopped floors and almost into some lockers. She quickly regained herself and was soon only a few feet away from the class she needed to get to. Unfortunately, the bell rang for all students to be in class, and she trudged into the room with a frown. Mr. Hallows, the algebra teacher, handed her a detention slip as she walked to her desk next to her friends Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable.

"Not again, Monique! Why do you keep getting here late?" asked Kim with a perplexed face.

"I don't know! I set three alarm clocks last night, but none of them went off!" said Monique as she pulled out a pencil from her pocket.

"Maybe you should see a doctor," said Ron.

Before Monique could respond, Mr. Hallows interrupted with several papers in his hands.

"Alright, today you guys have the joy of taking the Unit Test over advanced geometry, no cheating, you've got thirty minutes, good luck," said Mr. Hallows as he passed out the tests to everyone.

Monique worked through all the problems as time went by slowly. She occasionally glanced at the clock and tapped her pencil. She finally came across her last problem. She closed her eyes tightly and tried to think, but suddenly felt everything stop in time. She opened her eyes to see everything frozen in time. The clock no longer moved its small hands around the base of the clock.

Monique was about to tell Mr. Hartman's clock was broken, but gasped when she saw his non-animated body standing next his desk, eyes wide awake. Monique walked up to him and waved her hand in front of him, but he did not even flinch. Monique then ran over to Kim with a scared face.

"Kim girl, something is wrong with Mr. Hallows, he's.."

Monique stopped when she saw Kim was not moving either. Monique turned and looked at all of the students in class and she gasped. None of the people showed any signs of movement, they all just sat frozen in time. Monique screamed, but her scream went unheard. She walked frantically around and closed her eyes, trying to concentrate on how this might have happened.

Then, she heard the voice of Mr. Hallows.

"Ms. Symone, why are you out of your seat?" he asked under his dark glasses.

"Wait, but you were just..and they were..."

Monique was dumbfounded. Had all this been a trick? Or did she do something? Something amazing? She glanced at the clock and saw it was still ticking.

"Just take a seat, Ms. Symone," said Mr. Hallows as he rubbed his temples.

The rest of the class went by slowly to Monique, and she couldn't figure out what happened. The bell rang and all of the students filed out of the room. Monique walked out with Kim and Ron.

"I'm telling you guys, I seriously think time stopped or something! Nothing was moving and I think the clock stopped, too!" said the excited Monique.

"Relax, Monique, it was probably just a dream," said the casual voice of Ron Stoppable.

"Yeah, I guess, but it seemed so real, though," said Monique.

Kim was about to respond, but the ring of her Kimmunicator interrupted them and Kim answered it with her trademark phrase..

"What's the sitch?"

"We've got a problem, Kim, Drakken and Shego just stole a serum from a secret lab in Nebraska," said Wade over the Kimmunicator's screen.

"We're on our way, Wade," said Kim as turned the device off and ran off with her boyfriend.

Monique waved goodbye to them before turning and looking at her next class. She then thought for a moment and turned the other way, towards the school exit...

Yori Hashuma

Tokyo Japan

Yori entered a run down apartment, previously rented by Sensai, Yori's old master. Yori walked over to the table where all of Sensai's belongings had been placed. She stared at the computer screen and saw many documents and files on the screen's desktop. Yori frowned as she sat her stuff down on a nearby couch and looked at a picture of her and Sensai from a few years ago.

Yori had been contacted by Tokyo authorities about Sensai. He had been found in an alley, dead, a few days prior. The cause of death had been suffocation, but no marks around his neck were found. That was the unofficial story, though. The medical examiner had decided to mark it as 'natural causes', but Yori did not believe that, for she knew Sensai was a healthy man. She was sent to clean out his apartment. He had left Yamanouchi several years ago and left Yori in charge of the academy. She never got to talk with him after he left, but when he left, he had told her that one day she will know why. She had to identify his body at the morgue. Her eyes had swelled with tears when the medical examiner had raised the sheet.

She looked over at his desk and noticed a book lying on the edge. She walked over and picked it up. She read the cover and suddenly became intrigued. The cover was in Japanese, but could be translated into "The Evolution of Humans." The book had no author printed on it, so Yori had no idea who could've wrote it. She quickly scanned the first page and her eyes shot wide open...

Josh Mankey

Upperton University

"You're education is very impressive, Mr. Mankey," said the college dean.

"Thank you, sir," said Josh with a smile.

Josh Mankey had just recently moved from Middleton and was a graduate of Middleton High. He liked to paint; it was a great passion of his. And lately, things were inspiring him everywhere, even in his dreams.

"Well, it seems you'll make a fine student in our art program. Welcome to Upperton University, Mr. Mankey," said the dean as he extended his hand.

"Pleasure to be here, sir," said Josh as he shook the dean's hand.

Josh then stood up and walked out of the dean's office. He then walked outside and got inside his car. He drove out of the parking lot with a smile.

While he drove on the highway, he noticed a black SUV following him closely behind him. He then made a sharp turn, but the SUV drove off, not turning to follow Josh. Josh breathed a sigh of relief as he turned around and continued his drive to his apartment.

Meanwhile, the SUV that had been following Josh reappeared and the shadowy figure of a man with sunglasses said with a chuckle, "Well, Josh, you're smart, but like they say, sometimes you need to up your game."

The SUV then drove away in the opposite direction...

Drakken & Shego


Dr. Drakken and his sidekick, Shego, stood in his privately owned lair in the Caribbean. Drakken was working delicately with the serum he had stolen.

"With this serum, Shego, I can threaten the world's water supply, and if the world doesn't make me supreme ruler, I will infect everyone with...Chemical X! Mwhuhahaha!" Drakken said as he opened the serum carefully.

"Yeah, we'll see," said Shego with her normal sarcastic attitude.

Suddenly, Kim and Ron came crashing through the ceiling and in front of Shego and Drakken.

"KIM POSSIBLE?!?" exclaimed Drakken with surprise.

"I mean seriously, why are you so surprised?" asked Shego.

"I don't know, habit I guess," said Drakken as he tapped his chin. "It doesn't matter, get her!"

Shego then activated her claws and lunged forward at Kim. Kim and Shego were soon in a heated battle, while Ron tried to get the serum from Drakken.

Drakken and Ron fought over the serum, but Drakken had the upper hand. He finally pulled the serum from Ron's hand, but something strange happened at that moment. The serum went right through Drakken's hands. Drakken gasped as the serum broke on the floor and smoke billowed from it.

"Shego! Let's go!" Drakken yelled as he entered his hovercraft.

Shego then made a swipe that cut across Kim's face. Kim's face then started to bleed from the large scratch Shego gave. Shego quickly jumped into the hovercraft. It flew off, but not before hitting a column that was sent crashing down on Kim. Kim was hit by the impact and Ron gasped as he looked at Kim's body lying on the ground in a unusual position. Her leg was curled up in the wrong way. Ron screamed as he ran over to her.

"Kim!" he yelled...

That's all! Hope you enjoyed it! Much more to come! You all probably have theories! Post them in your reviews! I want to know what you think!