Chapter 5: Complications.

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach or any of the other anime, songs, games, or other forms of media I'm takin this shit from.

Italics means thoughts

Bold means large/inner creatures speaking

Yay I actually got reviews this time: ok, so the first was the story is good thku. The other was Renkai and Zankai. Yes, I have a lot and I mean A LOT of really good concepts like that in this story and all are thought up by me. On the issue with other tv shows in it. Ok you can't do this with Naruto or full metal alchemist. Those are hybrid worlds. However, Bleach is set in modern day Japan. Modern day Japan has all the things I mentioned. Also this fic will have a good number of crossovers. I have a big one with Tenjho Tenge already.

As for the length.. well that really depends on my creative bursts and how long it takes to relay all the information I need to. I'm not really known for being a writer who rushes right into the main point I like to build it up first and give the reader an idea of what's goin on to help them immerse themselves in the world I create.

And now on with the story:

"Execute Hitsugaya Toushiro."

The assembly of captains lined up on either side slowly bowed their heads to hide their emotions from showing at this declaration. Soifon wordlessly turned around and began to walk out to carry out the order given to them by the Captain Commander.

Just then the doors burst open revealing two Shinigami wearing symbol'less white haori's being knocked back. From them emerged a disheveled young woman with a frantic look on her face. "Sotaicho! Please tell me is it true! The tenth squad is being disbanded!?"

Genryusai Yamamoto shook his head slightly waving off the two Shingami guard that appeared behind Rangiku Matsumoto. He then turned his attention on Matsumoto. "Yes. The tenth squad led by former Captain Hitsugaya is to be terminated and all members reassigned."

Matsumoto cried out. "But Sotaicho, I don't understand why is this happening? He didn't betray us he just.. just.. chased after them he's trying to return the Kingdom Stamp please!"

Yamamoto shook his head. "I understand your pain of betrayal Matsumoto-san, however as Momo Hinamori has had to cope with the betrayal of Sosuke Aizen so must you accept the facts about your Captain."

Matsumoto fell to her knees and broke down crying. Yamamoto nodded to the guards and they reached out to remove her. Kuchki Byakuya spoke. "If I may, Sotaicho." Yamamoto looked at him and nodded. Byakuya turned and spoke over his shoulder. "Abarai-fukutaicho, escort Rangiku Matsumoto to her quarters."

Abarai Renji nodded and a bit more gently than the guards would have been, helped Matsumoto to her feet and walked with hr giving a bow to the Commander and the surrounding captains. Soifon moved to exit again before the doors closed from Renji's departure when Yamamoto made another statement. "Remember Soifon-taicho, offer Hitsugaya the opportunity to turn himself in before using lethal force.. He may have valuable information concerning the thieves."

Soifon nodded respectfully before exiting.

Yamamoto lifted his wooden cane and dropped it nodding. "The meeting of the Gotei 13 protection squad captains is now concluded."

The Captains dropped their formation slightly and began to file out. Mayuri didn't stick around even a second later before he shunpo'd away off to work on his new assistant.

Kyouraku Shunsui pulled his straw hat down further on his head and sighed. "Mah, what a mess.. I wonder what Hitsugaya-kun is thinking?" Jushiro Ukitake walked close to his friend and leaned in. "My quarters in one hour we need to talk there."

Shunsui gave no visible sign he'd grasped the seriousness in Ukitake's voice but he smiled good naturedly and nodded.

Kuchki Byakuya turned around and strode calmly out the doors. Komamura narrowed his eyes. "Hitsugaya Toushiro if you have betrayed us.. know that I will see you meet justice, by my own hands if necessary."

Outside the first division building a young girl was secretly listening and had heard everything.

Momo Hinamori was leaning against the wall with her mouth covered by her palm. Her eyes were wide and tears streamed down her cheeks. "First Aizen-taicho and now Shiro-kun…" she whispered feeling her heart break even more. She didn't think she could feel more pain after Aizen had left.

She was wrong.


"Yo, long time no see King, what's up?"

Ichigo scratched his head and looked to the side. "Ehh, well, you heard all that right?"

The hollow version of him lay sprawled out on one of the blue glass boxes that seemed to make up his inner world. "Mhmmmm, and…?"

Ichigo sneered. "Well listen you bastard, I'm supposed to make you appear in the real world so come with me we don't have time for games."

The Hollow chuckled darkly. "What's the matter? You don't look too excited to see me.."

Ichigo looked to the right then the left carefully keeping his focus divided between seeking and keeping an eye on the hollow. "Where's old man Zangetsu?"

The Hollow rolled his eyes. "You're so dense King.. honestly.."

"Still haven't figured it out.. when you say Zangetsu do you mean the one you got snapped in two or."

He reached behind him and gripped a white sword with a black blade. "This one!"

The hollow laughed cruelly. "I know it's not really fair to see you weaponless against me so I'll be generous."

He tossed Ichigo a sheathed Katanna. "Remember this, partner? It's the unseated low grade training Zanpakto for standard Shinigami. The one you had the first time we danced."

Ichigo reluctantly caught it and unsheathed it looking at the thin blade. Ichigo shook his head. "Where is the old man Hollow?! What have you done with him?"

The white creature sneered. "Wanna know where Zangetsu is? The truth is.." The hollow gripped the wrapping on the swords handle and began swinging it in a wide circle . "I am Zangetsu!"

Ichigo, maybe you're not aware of it but Zangetsu and I were originally one and the same. Both Zangetsu and I are a part of your power, and I was a part of Zangetsu. When many forces influence the body its appearance changes depending upon which force is stronger."

The hollow smirked slicking his lips. "When life is in control the person is made of flesh but when death reigns he turns to bones. As my powers grew I gained the right to reign and Zangetsu became a part of me. And the more you try to draw out Zangetsu's power the easier it becomes to take over your soul."

The hollow then brought his blade down on his shoulder and walked toward Ichigo. "Well King, you'd better get ready cuz I'm going to cut you and that little crappy stick I gave you into itty bitty pieces!"

Ichigo looked at the training blade and caught his reflection in it. 'Reflection, mirror image, the vision of what is hidden inside brought to life.. What is my reflection? Is it just a wave of light bouncing off the material creating a projection of me.. or is it a gateway into my inner self.. What is my reflection..'

The hollow stopped a few feet away from him and placed his free hand on his hip. "Oiy, king, stop spacing out so much and get into stance I'm about to kill you here."

Ichigo was brought back from his musings and he gripped the handle of the sword before looking at his opponent. His eyes widened. Standing in front of him was a mirror image of himself. Ichigo had never noticed before but the creature in front of him was an exact replica of him. Every detail of his face only parallel in its color.

His mirror image.

'What is my reflection? Can I defeat my reflection? Should I defeat my reflection? If I strike a mirror it only breaks into smaller pieces and multiplies the image.. if I attack my image in a lake it will only disturb the water momentarily but… my reflection is..'

Ichigo shook himself from his musings to see an amused look on the Hollows face. "Che, Could it be that the king is afraid of his horse hah.. is that why you keep spacing out Ichigo? Or are you still trying to think of a way to defeat me with logic?"

Ichigo blinked in surprise and looked at the sword in his hands. 'Fear? Am I afraid of my reflection? Why? It's an extension of myself.. an image of who I am.. Am I afraid of myself.. What if I can't protect my friends.. what if I fail.. is this fear..'

"That's the reason you can't win Ichigo.. you try to think.. to beat your opponents with logic, it's like trying to cut them with a sheathed sword, and it doesn't work.. That's why you're naive, that's why you're weak." The Hollow stated calmly.

"You just don't get it.." He brought his sword around in front of him and gripped his wrist. "Let me show you why I will rule."

His smirk widened and he began charging reiatsu around him.


An explosion of reiatsu shot up and knocked Ichigo backwards kicking up white spirit dust, leaving the hollow now wearing a long white coat and holding a long white Nodachi. You see, this is the real Zangetsu.. this is the real Bankai.. You're a fake Ichigo.. all you've done is watch my battles and try to copy me… and you've failed miserably."

Ichigo looked at the guard on the hilt of his sword. 'That's right.. they said I couldn't use Bankai.. But.. my reflection can use it.. Why is he an enemy.. Why am I fighting him.. What is the reason for this fight.. What is the meaning of fighting?'

Ichigo shook his head."Why, what is the reason for fighting this battle.. I don't understand."

The Hollow laughed. "A reason.. You need a reason for fighting.. Why the hell do you need a reason.. who cares.. I'm going to kill you because I'm not going to serve a king that's weaker than I am and get cut to ribbons with him.. I'm not killing you in one shot because hacking you up is fun!"

Ichigo looked up from his sword and saw the Hollow standing there in his Bankai form. My reflection.. what is my reflection.. if it's an image of me and extension of me.. then.. it's… me.'

'My reflection.. is.. Ichigo.'

Ichigo widened his eyes before slowly bringing them down again and staring at the blade in his hands. "No." he said simply."

The hollow slipped a finger through one of the chains on the end of his sword and raised an eyebrow as he began swinging the sword in a spinning arc.. "No? no what?"

Ichigo sheathed the low level Zanpakuto and dropped it to the ground. "I'm not going to fight you."

The Hollow stopped swinging the chain and grabbed his Zanpakuto by the hilt. "What's that? What did you just say?"

Ichigo shook his head. "There's no reason to fight you."

The Hollow slashed the air with his sword. "Che, there you go again with your reason crap.. Listen Ichigo let me ask you a question.. If two beings have the same form, power, ability and talent what makes the difference that one become the king and the other becomes the horse that carries him!"

The Hollow waved his hand in the air flippantly. "I don't mean the kiddy shit like one has two legs and the other four or some stupid shit like that.. There's only one real reason.."

The Hollow paused for a moment before smirking and exclaiming. "Instinct! The one with the urge to kill destroy and crush the enemy to keep looking to the next fight the one with the killer instinct will rise to take the throne.. and you don't got that Ichigo."

"I don't know about Zangetsu but I'm not going to carry a king that's weaker than I am and get cut to ribbons with him.. If you're weaker than me then me I'll just destroy you."

Ichigo nodded smirking. "You're right. To be honest you've been right about a lot of things."

Ichigo nodded and continued. "You're right, I don't have that killer instinct I want to protect my friends and as many people as I can but I doubt even that motive at times.. And that may be what separates a king from a horse.. But. I've never once thought of you as a horse.. To be honest I always considered you a disease.. I didn't want your power or your help. I just wanted you to disappear."

Ichigo shook his head. "I can't imagine what it was like for you.. To be brought into existence as a prisoner, and then have the one who was responsible treat you like a plague.. But I realized something from what Tats said.. And when I saw my reflection in that sword.. You are everything I'm missing.. The killer instinct, the will to seek new challenges, the desire to kill, the enjoyment of the battle.. I'm not saying there's no reason to fight you because I think I'm better than you."

Ichigo smiled slightly. "I'm saying it because it's pointless to fight a part of myself."

The Hollow sneered. "Screw you Ichigo, you're a peon you think you can just come in here and just.. not fight me.. what are you planning on doing to get MY Bankai.. play checkers!? You were more than willing to fight Zangetsu for his, so fight me you little bitch!"

Ichigo shook his head. "Zangetsu was a manifestation of my spirit's power.. That's true, but Bankai didn't come from fighting him.. it came from the realization that Zangetsu was a part of me.. Realizing this was what earned me Bankai."

The Hollow gripped his hilt and narrowed his eyes. "Pick up your damn stick and fight me or run like you did last time and I'll hunt you down."

Ichigo narrowed his eyes and set his jaw. "I'm not going to run away from you anymore, ever since you started manifesting I've been terrified of you.. That you would take me over, that you would destroy me.. but. I'm not afraid of you any more because, I know now that you won't destroy me.. or rather you can't."

The Hollow growled. "You got some twisted logic you little punk I'm in Bankai and you don't even got your fake ass replica to help you.. and now you say you won't even run to save your own ass.. fine stand there and get cut up if you want!"

He charged forward and flickered before appearing in front of Ichigo ready to slice down. Ichigo stood with his hands at his sides unflinching. The Hollow slashed down and created a deep trench a mere centimeter to the left from the place Ichigo stood.

He growled in frustration jumping back. "Damn you Ichigo pick up your sword and fight me!"

Ichigo looked at him amused. "What happened I thought you were going to cut me up?"

The Hollow grit his teeth. "Pick up your sword or the next time I swear I really will kill you! I'm not playing Ichigo!"

Ichigo narrowed his eyes and his dark brown eyes bore deep into the Hollow's yellow ones. "Neither am I."

The Hollow charged forwards again once again he flickered only to appear point blank in front of Ichigo's face. His white blade was only a few short inches from Ichigo's nose and the Hollow called out.

"Getsuga! Ten…sh.."

Ichigo stood his ground staring the Hollow in the eye. "You know, I never really thanked you… Ikakku, Renji, Kenpachi, Byakuya, I never would have survived any of those fights if you hadn't helped me now that I think about it.."

Ichigo began to chuckle as the red and black glow of Getsuga Tensho lit up around him casting a dark shade of color across his face. "It's pretty funny really.. I guess I really am helpless without you hahaha petty sad huh.."

The Hollow pressed into his blade and the glow of his attack grew but for all his grunting he was silent.

He roared in fury and the power of the point blank attack peaked before slowly dying down to a soft glow of red and then finally vanishing as the Hollow floated to the ground in front of Ichigo and dropped the blade to his side.

Ichigo placed a hand on the Hollows shoulder. "So. thank you."

The Hollow broke his gaze from Ichigo and turned his head to the side. He snorted before flipping his sword around gripping near the dull end of the blade presenting the handle to Ichigo. "Che, at least you realize how helpless you are now.. but I guess I can let you off this time.. here, take your sword back that's what you wanted right.."

Ichigo gripped the handle and the white handle was covered in an inky black. The ink expanded to finish covering it as the Hollow released the blade and the rest of it was restored to its proper color. Immediately Ichigo felt Zangetsu with him.

The Hollow began to break apart when Ichigo reached out and grabbed his shoulder surprising him.

Ichigo seeing the dissipation stopping released his hold and held out his hand" You heard Tats, I need you to come with me back to the real world."

The Hollow snorted. "Che, do you have any idea how many times I've tried to do that.. The closest we can get is through your body.. It don't work King been there tried it a dozen times.. Besides you're weak, naive, gullible, soft, and you're ugly too.. way too much color in your face.. Who'd wanna carry a spineless worm like you anyway?"

Ichigo raised an eyebrow but didn't retract his hand. "Yeah, maybe.. But I'm not asking you to carry me.. Only to walk with me."

The Hollow looked at the Shinigami's hand for a moment then snorted. "Well in that case.. what the hell.. I could use some fresh air."

He took Ichigo's hand and Ichigo closed his eyes feeling an immense pull before a bright light blinded him, but he never let go of the others hand.

As the light faded he noticed a dark blue canvas with shimmering dots littered across it. Turning to his side and sitting up he rubbed his head finally releasing his fellow travelers hand.

"Well Icky, how ya feelin?"

Ichigo turned to see Tatsumaki looking up and down at his right. He turned and his eyes widened. There standing next to him was his inner Hollow, however, it wasn't quite so inner anymore.

The white creature blinked a few times in disbelief. "Holy shit.. I can't believe that worked.. you mean to tell me the entire time to get free all I had to do was work together with the idiot?!"

Kiro chuckled. "Yeah, pretty much but now moving on to step two. You've materialized your inner Hollow Ichigo, good job. Now you have to attain balance. And to do this you must gain each others trust. We've prepared a little activity to further this along, assuming you both survive it you should be ready to enter Bankai extension training by morning.'

Ichigo and the Hollow both looked at Kiro with cocked heads. "What kind of activity?" Ichigo asked.

Tatsumaki held her fingers in a strange position and a portal swallowed up both Ichigo and his inner Hollow.

Tatsumaki smirked evilly.

The last thing either of them heard was

"You'll see."


The pillowy white clouds slowly rolled across the vast expanse of blue that served as the sky. One of those clouds elongated and moved with greater speed through the others as it came forward covering the surrounding area in a soft mist. On this cloud a small procession marched. A group of white clad men and women wearing long strips of white cloth to conceal their face marched in a long narrow line around a large carriage with the Royal seal stamped visibly on it.

On the top of the carriage sat several musicians playing all manner of instruments from flutes and tambourines to violins and Japanese banjos. A dancer in a white robe with a red cloak wrapped around his left half and a gold mask continued his rhythmic dance while making seals around an unlit torch.

A ceremony is solemnly held in Soul Society..

Behind this carriage another came rolling through the mist. This carriage had a long row of powerfully built men with each carrying a tall white banner. Another line of these men all carried the carriage itself. The carriage was decorated with gold and elaborate carvings rose up with the several levels of the pointed roof.

Treasure related to the Royal Family is forbidden to see by anyone outside of the Royal Family. The cargo's nature is completely top secret so no one knows neither the ability, nor the usage of the treasure.

To keep it's secrets safe the holding location is moved once every ten years.

This year the Tenth squad under Hitsugaya Toushiro was performing the important duty of guarding the transfer of the Kingdom Treasure Stamp.


Two Shinigami were lazily swaying back and forth on their feet as thy tried to stay awake. The one on the left yawned loudly then grumbled. "Mah.. yo, for being so important this is so boring.. Honestly who in their right mind would try to steal something this highly guarded and with the Taicho here there's really no level of danger whatsoever.."

Suddenly a blur fazed in behind them an they immediately snapped to attention and turned to face what was revealed to be Rangiku Matsumoto. "Is there a problem?" she asked.

"Matsumoto-fukutaicho." The same man replied straightening up and opening his eyes wide. "No problem at all."

Matsumoto nodded briefly before turning to the other man. "Don't get too comfortable or drop your guard this is a very important duty."

The surrounding men nodded in affirmation before she blurred out again.

The man from before sighed and then slouched down. "Bah, I'll tell ya what every time the lieutenant talks to me I really have to struggle not to stare at those melons." He got a dreamy look in his face. His companion smiled. "Yeah, me too, mmm I tell ya if I was Taicho I could definitely think up some personal orders for her hehe.."

The Shinigami continued on like this.


Hitsugaya Toushiro stood on an invisible floor of air overlooking the transport as Matsumoto fazed in beside him.

"Taicho." she called out.

"Matsumoto-ka" he acknowledged without ever turning around.

Matsumoto nodded before continuing. "Every position. No problem." She sighed. "The formation could use a little adjustment though, there's a few holes that an enemy could use to slip through."

Hitsugaya snorted. "The higher ups.. could use some adjustment.."

Matsumoto shook her head. "Really Taicho you shouldn't say such things.. you should be careful, you will be punished if you say things like that too many times you know." Matsumoto chided playfully.

Hitsugaya closed his eyes. "I don't care, it's ludicrous.. Sending such and absurd portion of the squad and then recalling the entire response team.. just because Aizen has lain low for a few weeks." Matsumoto titled her head to the side. "But we defeated them didn't we?"

Hitsugaya shook his head. "I told you those were just Gillians.. and they forced me into my limit release Bankai.. the number of hollows appearing in the real world is increasing as well.. there's something going on.. we need to be there not here.."

Hitsugaya opened his eyes and looked up at the immense blue sky. "Also.. I'm worried about Kurosaki.."

Matsumoto smiled wide. "Ah Taicho, I didn't realize your feelings for the human girl were so strong.. I'll have to send a message to Karin-chan at once to tell her how you miss her."

Hitsugaya immediately turned a shade of crimson and in a rare moment of emotion and lost self control he yelled. "Not that Kurosaki!! It's just.. Kurosaki Ichigo defeated Byakuya.. and yet the Arrancar he fought.. said he was an Espada.. but the boy wasn't just beaten.. he was embarrassed."

Matsumoto stopped laughing and turned to look at Hitsugaya. He continued bowing his head. "Now is not the time for this.. the level of these Espada is something that we've never encountered before.. and now we've left Kurosaki to deal with it all on his own.. It's already been proved he's no match for even one of them.. what happens when Aizen sends 2 or more."

Matsumotot sighed. "You know Taicho, you're a real mood killer."

Hitsugaya grinned and said "Well then.. what the!?"

He snapped his head to side and watched as a blue light smashed into the carriage upturning all of the guards and holders.

Hitsugaya narrowed his eyes and called out "Matsumoto!" They blurred out in shunpo.

The carriage burst into flames as a ball of the blue light formed and began bouncing all around smashing into the assembled guards and dancers. The ball broke into two balls that then came together to form a small ring that exploded outwards knocking the men away.

As Matsumoto converged on the balls of light 4 Shinigami came rushing past her and she nodded to them as they drew their Zanpakutos. The 2 balls of light split up and formed a field of electricity shocking the Shinigami and dropping them to the ground. Out of the smoke a line of white wire shot out and Matsumoto deflected it with her Zanpakuto.

The smoke cleared and revealed a grinning young girl with blue hair wearing a jacket and a short blue skirt. On the top of her head she had a row of teeth from a broken mask and bone extensions on the tips of her long bangs. "Die" she said.

Matsumoto narrowed her eyes and called out: "Growl up Haineko!"

the surge of electricity ran into the rushing dust of Matsumoto's Zanpakuto release canceling out. Matsumoto reformed her sword and charged at the attacking woman and tied to slash her but the blue haired girl smiled and hopped away.

Near the priests another ball made of fire appeared and began crashing through the assembly. A figure blurred in front of the flaming orb and Hitsugaya drew his sword and stopped the attack head on. He glared icily at the similar red clad girl as his blade grinded against her bone sword. "Who are you?" he asked calmly.

She widened her eyes as his blade began to ice up and jumped back springing off the ground several times. Hitsugaya chased after her calling out "Freeze!"

She just giggled. Hitsugaya had a hard time keeping track of her in the smoke from the flames dancing around them. Suddenly his eyes went wide and he lookd down to see the tip of a Zanpakuto embedded in his stomach.

He jumped back. A man in a yellow cloak and a large white mask walked up slowly. Te flames around them seemed to give him an otherworldly glow.

Hitsugaya widened his eyes "What.. is he?" he whispered. Suddenly the man drew his sword again and rushed forward attacking Hitsugaya. The two of them slashed back and forth neither gaining or losing ground and blocking the others attack successfully each time.

Matsumoto jumped over a burning banner and asked one of the guards. "Where is the "Kingdom Stamp?"

The guard shook his head coughing from the rampant smoke filling the area. "I don't know.."

Hitsugaya continued slashing and dodging around his older and taller opponent. As Matsumoto caught sight of them she called out "Taicho!"

The strange man slashed down and Hitsugaya blocked head on leaving them in a power struggle. The man bared his weight down and chuckled before saying "Brings back old memories."

Hitsugaya threw him blade off and reached out with his hand making a swipe at the man's mask. "Show your face!" he called out.

The man evaded it and jumped back. Hitsugaya gave chase saying "Wait!"

Hitsugaya heard Matsumoto call out Taicho to him so he turned around and looked somberly at the ground. He then looked up at Matsumoto and bowed slightly as her eyes widened.

Hitsugaya then jumped off to give pursuit to the attackers before the platform he was standing on exploded.

A Shinigami knelt behind her. "Matsumoto fukutaicho I'm afraid that they've escaped and the casualties are tremendous."

Matsumoto just kept looking at where Hitsugaya had disappeared from.

"Matsumoto-san.." a voice called out softly to her. "Matsumoto-san.. MATSUMOTO-SAN!" Matsumoto bolted up from her resting position on the table knocking over a half empty bottle of sake. She turned wide eyes to face Abarai Renji and Unohana Retsu standing in her doorway. She slowly lowered her eyelids to their appropriate height and took a deep breath. "Ano.. Sorry for not answering my door I was eh.. sleeping."

Unohana nodded all the while noting the mental stress that was stamped on Matsumoto's strained and taught features. Matsumoto's Shinigami uniform was disheveled and tearstained while her pink sash hung loosely threatening to fall off at any moment.

Unohana bowed slightly and stepped forward. "Matsumoto-fukutaicho, please come with me I've been asked to examine you for any post trauma as a result of the ordeal."

Matsumoto snorted unladylike. "Che, in other words Yamamoto-Sotaicho doesn't trust me with the operation and wants me out of the way. Lemme, guess, the tests will come in saying that I'm unstable and need to be under supervision until Taicho has been murdered and then I'll miraculously be all better!"

Unohana closed her eyes as Renji stepped forward but she lifted a hand to stop him. "I understand your feelings Matsumoto-san, which is why I will overlook your disrespect in that last statement. I have been ordered to evaluate your mental state and to be perfectly honest you're correct in the desires of the Commander."

She opened her eyes and proudly lifted her chin. "However, as a medical specialist I take pride in my work and I have no intention of forging anything, If I find you are capable of functioning as a Shinigami then I will write that on my report, so please do not insult me in assuming I would simply follow orders mindlessly, if not for my rank as a Captain then for my pride as a healer."

Matsumoto looked down and grimaced. "I see.. forgive me Unohana-taicho I just.."

Unohana knelt down next to the shaking woman. "It's alright, I understand Matsumoto-san.. Please come with me, at the very least I can give you some sedatives to help you sleep better without the nightmares."

Matsumoto wiped her eyes on sleeve of her uniform and stood gripping a bottle of sake sitting on a dining table before chugging it in a set of gulps and placing a fake smile on her face.

"Okydoky, Taicho.. let's go prove to everyone I'm my normal self hehehe." She smiled sweetly and with her usual sway in her step she sauntered out the door accompanied by Renji.

Unohana sighed. "Rangiku-san.. I'm afraid it will take more than sake to overcome this pain.. Ichimaru was obvious to most but Hitsugaya-kun.. What could you be thinking? If only you could see what you're doing to this poor girl."

Unohana shook her head and followed Renji and Matsumoto out and closing the door.


She snuggled deeper into her soft fluffy pillow and gave a contented sigh. A soft buzzing noise forced her to slightly open one eye to observe the cause. Through her blurry vision she could just make out a flash of red and white. The buzzing began to resemble a voice but she was still unable to make out the words. She considered the pro's and con's of attempting to decipher it but finally decided that the amount of brainpower it would take to focus in and decode the message was more than she was willing to exert so she closed the eye and tried to go back to sleep.


Juka Misami frantically tried to tuck in her white top robe while yelling at her roommates. "Ryoko stop eating that dango and help me get Asta-chan up. Her blonde haired roommate roller her eyes and waved Misami off with a shooing motion. "You get her up, I'm eating breakfast."

Misami slumped her shoulders and ran a hand through her short black hair in exasperation. "Oiy, Asta-chan geeet uppp we're gonna be late!!"

The purple haired girl opened one eye then looked slightly contemplative. Finally, she decided on a course of action and closed her eye and rolled over.

Misami closed her eyes and looked around for something to throw in frustration. She caught sight of a stress ball and chucked it at her sleeping roommate. Asta was forcefully awakened when a rubber gum stress ball connected with the back of her head.

She groggily sat up. "Ow.. what the heck was that for?"

Misami grabbed the red and white uniform pieces and tossed them at Asta letting them drape around her head canceling her visibility. Misami ran to her dresser and grabbed her hairband. "Hurry up and get dressed Astsa-chan we're gonna be late and we have a test in Hadou theory."

Asta snorted and ripped the uniform off her head and dropped it on the floor next to her bed. She yawned loudly and flopped back on the bed stretching out. "Mmm yall go ahead. I think I'mma skip today anyway."

Misami's jaw hit the floor. "N-nani!! Asta-chan we have TEST in Hadou theory class it's gigantic cuz Odaiba-Sensei let us put it off for a week since everyone was coming back from vacation.. It's covering chapters 2 to 7!"

Asta rolled over, buried her face in her pillow, and was about to get back to sleep when a loud ringing jolted her awake. She shifted her weight and snorted. Without rolling over she began murmuring incoherently.

Misami tilted her head to the side and scratched her head looking at the ringing alarm clock.

Asta finally lifted a limp hand and pointed two fingers at the clock. "Byakurai." She mumbled finishing her inaudible incantation.

A bolt of white lighting shot out and pierced through the clock silencing its annoying ringing. Ryoko chuckled. "Well, it looks like she's pretty caught up on Hadou huh" Misami turned her glare on the blonde who ignored the stare and gulped down the last of her orange juice.

"Mah. In any case if Asta-chan wants to slack off and skip let her.. She's a big girl she can make her own choices."

Misami shook her head furiously. "I can't believe you two.. Asta get up now!"

Asta wrapped her fingers around the fabric of her blanket and pulled it over her head curling up like a turtle and tried to ignore her roommate's nagging."

Misami picked the discarded uniform up and tossed it on the bed before grabbing her wooden bokken practice sword. She rolled her eyes and whacked the balled up lump under the blankets causing Asta to come out with a scowl on her face.

This look dropped off into an expression of defeated irritation. Asta sighed and grabbed the top white robe of her uniform and opened it up before starting to pull off her sleeping robe.

Misami suddenly looked around her and asked "Wait a second.. where's Ryoko?"

Asta slipped her other arm through the sleeve of her top and pointed with her free hand toward the door. "Ryoko-chan left a few minutes ago, something about being late or something."

Misami's eyes widened and with a look of horror she slipped her wooden sword into her back strap and darted out the door.

Asta smirked, whispered "PWNed." and without bothering to close the halves of her robe she flopped back into bed. She reached down near the foot of her bed and picked up a sandal to throw at the light shade rattling the creepers and effectively turning off the light before snuggling back into her pillow.

Mitsubishi Asta liked her sleep.

Later that day…

Ryoko rolled to the side and rose up on her feet immediately launching into a jump bringing her wooden sword down on her opponent. At the last second the boy turned around and blocked the attack and using his tremendous strength he overpowered the attack and sent her skidding on her butt.

He walked over to her before she could get up and kicked the sword away. He smirked as he placed a foot on her chest above her cleavage and let his wooden blade rest at the side of her neck. "Yield." He said with superiority.

"Yeah Goku, goo kick that little second year's ass!" came the voice of his fellow fourth termers.

Goku slowly removed his foot and twirled his sword. "Stick to sewing, little girls shouldn't try to play with swords." he said chuckling.

"Excuse me" came the voice of several girls as they rose up and leveled their blades at him. Goku was surrounded on all sides by angry girls and a few of their boyfriends. His friends moved in to help him hut the smirking boy waved them off.

"Mah, quite a number of flies out today, it seems as though they want to be swatted all at once."

A red haired girl thrust forward with her sword only to have Goku kick up knocking the sword form her hands. The wooden sword flew into the air spinning.

2 more girls charged at him from behind but he spun to the right avoiding both of the downward strikes and finishing his spin with a horizontal blow to the first attacker's neck dropping her. The second tried to turn around to attack again but as soon as she was once again facing him the sword smashed down on her sternum dropping her to her knees and the boy kicked forward sending her sliding across the slick wooden floor to smash into 3 other students toppling them.

As soon as he brought back in his leg from the kick he reached his left hand out and caught the sword he'd kicked out of the first girl's hand before it dropped and used it to block a long black haired boy's attack by moving his arm in a circle and throwing the younger boy off balance. He ducked down to avoid a sideways swipe and spun from his crouched position attacking the legs of the circle around him.

All but 2 of the girls were dropped to their knees from the sudden numbness in their ankles.

The two that escaped jumped high into the air to avoid the attack and brought their swords down on the spot the boy had just been in.

He had jumped back from his spinning attack and vanished in a blur of motion.

One of the amazed boys cried out "S-shunpo!? He can use advanced moves like that.. oh we are so outclassed!"

The boy reappeared behind the crouched girls with both swords outstretched. The two girls doubled over in pain before crumpling to the floor. One of the girls from his previous attack recovered some feeling in her ankle and she rose preparing to slash at him but he threw his left handed sword at her. It sailed past her right shoulder surprising her and she heard a grunt from behind her.

The sword had slammed point first into hr boyfriend who had been coming to back her up. He dropped to the floor holding his stomach. Before she could react he used his now free hand to push the side of her head sending her crashing on her side.

Two girls jumped over the downed boy and brought their swords in preparing to thrust.

Goku kicked the girl he pushed and sent her skidding across the slick floor right as the two attacking girls landed and started to thrust. They were toppled over and over extended they lost their swords. One of them clattered to Goku's feet and he kicked it to the side sending it into a recovering girl foiling her attempts at getting back up.

All around him lay groaning students, the majority of which being girls.

He chuckled at the entire defeated class and bowled mockingly. "A good warm up.. I personally think each and every one of you has a future as punching bags."

A friend of his stepped forwards sneering. "Now you second termers get out.. This is fourth year's personal training dojo, you only got to use it because your instructor needed the extra space for class but until you can play with the big boys go back to your playground for practice drills."

Unable to argue the second year students tried to gather themselves up and rise to their feet.

Behind the group of fourth year boys a smooth voice called out. "Oiy, what's goin on I musta missed the call I didn't know we were having a party."

Ryoko turned on her side just in time to see her friend. "Asta! Where have you been?! You missed both theory classes and sword training."

The purple haired girl yawned. "Meh, class is overrated, I needed to catch some Z's anyway." She grinned like a Cheshire cat but now that I see how much fun you've been having with the big strong fourth year kids.. I can't help but feel a little jealous."

A borwn haired boy that looked like a body builder walked up behind her and folded his arms. "Listen you, your friends were stupid enough to think they could mess with us, don't be a moron and repeat their mistake.. so you and your little brat friends scram."

Asta snorted. "And miss all the fun.. I mean look at these guys.. Obviously you wore all my friends out from the looks of things.." she motioned to all the girls that lay groaning on the ground. "And besides." She moved one of her spike hair clumps out of her eye. "I just looove playing with big boys.." she let her other hand rest on the wooden bokken sword she kept in her pink sash on the left side.

The boys all surrounded her and the bodybuilder behind her chuckled before laying a hand on her shoulder. "Well maybe you need some help getting ou-"

His eyes went wide and he dropped to the ground holding onto his crotch as the others looked down to see Asta's hand casually pushing her handle down and forcing the wooden blade to shoot up. Asta looked over her shoulder at the downed boy squealing in pain. "Oh, by the way steroids make your package smaller dude."

Goku walked over to her and looked her up and down. Asra raised an eyebrow. "I appreciate the interest but I got a guy sorry."

Goku snorted and lifted his sword letting it rest on his shoulder. "You should know they call me Goku king of flash.. As an academy student I can use up to 3 consecutive flashsteps.. not even most sixth years can do that."

A red haired boy laughed and cheered his raven haired friend on. "Yeah Goku take this bitch out!"

Asta placed her right hand on the handle of her Bokken and smirked. "Bring it."

Ryoko widened her eyes. "Be careful Asta.. this guy's tough he took out all of us single-handedly."

Asta's eyes widened and she turned to look at Ryoko just as Goku charged forward and slashed horizontally.

She ducked her head back just enough so the swipe missed her and she kicked on the back of Goku's knee forcing him to kneel. "Wow you guys must suck then." Asta stepped off and Goku shot up and rolled into a thrusting stance. He shot forward and began thrusting rapidly. Asta moved around each one dancing from side to side never losing her amused look.

Murmurs of wow this girls not like the others and she's good began to emanate from the crowd of fourth year students.

Goku growled and jumped back taking up a defensive stance. "I'll admit you're better than the other worms in your class but you'd better start taking me seriously, now draw your sword girl."

Asta rasied an eyebrow. "Mm ok. Whatever you say big guy.' She reached out and gingerly wrapped her fingers around the handle of her sword and blew him a kiss.

Goku, enraged, charged forward and brought his sword down in a powerful downward slash Asta pulled her sword out and batted the blow to the side deflecting it but before she could counterattack Goku rolled his sword in his hands and came in for another slash. Asta blocked it head on and felt the power force her backwards a few inches.

Feeling herself slip backwards her posture became less relaxed and she placed a second hand on the handle of her sword to block the next attack. Goku continued hammering down on her and finally blocking a downward slash forced her to one knee.

He jumped up to deliver a final crushing blow but the agile girl sprung off her back foot and rolled underneath him as he jumped up. He slashed the space she'd been standing and twisted around to slash again only to see her spin out of her roll and spring up attacking his wrist.

Her sword smashed into his wrist forcing him to drop the sword and putting him on the defensive. Asta yelled and charged forward slashing left and right in a furious assault never once overextending or losing her center of balance.

Goku was forced back several feet before a classmate tossed him a sword and he blocked a side slash that sent him into the crown of fourth year students surrounding them in a circle. Asta charged and thrusted forward and he moved his head around the attack just in time. The attack smashed into a student in the crowd and he topped over causing the rest of them to back up further giving them more room.

Goku pushed forwards again and Asta blocked all the attacks before parrying one and jumping to the side to switch positions. Now able to counter attack she landed a strong blow to Goku's back The spiky black haired bow reeled and she slammed in another blow to his lower back He turned and tackled her to the ground. Asta used her sword to pry him off her but as she was getting up he stomped her in the face knocking her back down. As he vision cleared she saw the point of a wooden sword coming at her and fast. She rolled to the side avoiding the continuous stabs and continued rolling until she saw an opening and grabbed the sword as it stabbed down.

She kicked up and her sandaled foot connected with his nose spraying blood everywhere. He blasted backwards losing his grip on the sword and Asta flipped up and held the two blades in a scissor like guard.

Goku snorted. "I've already used shunpo twice already today.. I wanted to try to avoid using it on a single opponent but… for you.. I'll make an exception."

He held out his hand and another classmate threw him a sword. Leveling the sword in front of him and pointing it at her he smirked. "This will be the last move of this little battle.. you put up a good show kid.. but this will be the last thing you're gonna see."

He crouched down and flickered. Only to appear next to Asta with his sword extended. His eyes went wide. "H-how.. y-you.. couldn't have." Asta twisted her blades digging them deeper into his ribs. "You really aren't that smart are you big guy.. you don't announce to an opponent if your planning on using a move like shunpo.. Besides when your moving at that speed your a lot easier to damage.. all I gotta do is stand there and you'll run into my swords."

Goku shook his head as the sword dropped form his hands and clattered on the floor. "Man.. girl, you're something.." he dropped to the floor in a heap.

As Asta turned around she saw his class running up to her and they roared in outrage. "Goku! Damn you, you bitch I'll kill you!" The red haired boy changed in and thrust his sword aiming for her head. Asta stepped around him and slammed her sword on his wrist disarming him and then kicked the sword directly back up into his face breaking his nose and forcing him to stagger back.

Before she could turn around the body builder from before firmly gripped the ends of his sword and wrapped his arms around her smaller arms locking them in place. He pulled his sword tight against her chest to cut off her breathing and her own class called out in concern but were far too weak and damaged to react.

Asta used her wrist to stab her sword point into the large boy's feet loosening his grip then she lifted her right hand up and with a loud cry she chopped down smashing through the sword and sending the large boy gripping both ends of a now broken sword off balance. To her left a group of 5 students rushed at her.

She pushed outward with her left hand and knocked the nearest one onto his back and then in the same movement she jumped into and kicked off the large body builder's solid chest and landed grinding her wooden sword into the downed student's chest before switching to her left hand to grip her sword and centering her weight.

Standing on her hand on top of her wooden sword still embedded in the students chest she began to kick the opponents in front of her running in a circle off their chests.

On the 6th person she kicked over she bounced off the sword and used her free right hand to grab the nearest opponent's face and slammed it into the dojo floor. Behind her a large student rushed in to stab her in the back of the head but before he could connect 2 instructors fazed in and gripped the sword solidly stopping it from connecting with Asta.

"What is the meaning of this?! You fourth year students how dare you try to kill your lower classmen what's wrong with you! All of you to the Deans office now!"

Asta stood slowly an finally as adrenaline began to wear she struggled to catch her breath. The instructor turned to her. "You Mitsubishi-san with me now." He then motioned the medic team over to help the injured girls, some of which still lay groaning on the floor.

Asta snorted. "Che, figures oh well seeya guys alter.. I'll let ya know how much detention I get this time.. heehe" she gave a peace sign as she walked off following the Zan-jutsu instructor. The large man was balding on the center of his head. He turned to look at her as she walked alongside him. "Mitsubishi-san that was an incredible display of swordsmanship and tactical battle prowess…I notice you were not in class today, why is that?"

Asta snorted rolling her eyes. "Cuz I was comfy in bed." The instructor sighed. "You have exceptional talent in swordsmanship, your midterm cumulative application test resorts were above average.. and yet your overall grade is tarnished because of your blatant truancy, poor theory scores, and lack of respect for formal learning. It's such a shame to see talent like your wasted in such a manner for such a trivial reason."

He shook his head looking at her longingly. "Don't you understand Mitsubishi-san the level you are at in most of your skills is such that it's conceivable you might even attain your Shikai before you graduate, you could possibly be assigned a ranked squad position upon graduation and maybe even a seated position within as little as 2 years!"

Asta shrugged. "Yeah, but classes are so boring.. When I get to be a real Shinigami I'll be kicking serious Hollow ass so I won't be so bored outta my mind."

The instructor sighed and opened the door. "Wait here in the Dean's office once he's finished with the testimonials of the other students you will be called in."

Asta rolled her eyes and slumped across the bench crossing her legs and closing her eyes.

"Whatever.." she muttered.

With that the Zan-jutsu instructor returned to clean up the mess in the dojo.


Rangiku Matsumoto exited the fourth division feeling better. She had to give it to Unoihana she knew shat she was doing. She actually felt like going home and working on some of her poems. Suddenly as she was thinking of the next few lines her spirit phone went off.

She absentmindedly answered with a standard Matsumoto-fukutaicho speaking forgetting that her rank no longer held any weight as the10th squad had been disbanded.


Her eyes shot open and her hand quivered. She frantically looked around and spotted an alley before launching into shunpo and crouching low near a dumpster. "Taicho!? What's going on? Do you realize what they're saying.. the tenth squad has been disbanded they're hunting you down saying you betrayed us please Taicho tell me what you're doing!"

Hitsugaya's voice sounded as cold and distant as ever,. "Sou-ka… I expected as much,. Listen to me Matsumoto I'm calling you for one reason.. Under no circumstances are you to come looking for me. This is something that I must do alone. I am aware that you want to help but none of you can do anything for this.. I will return the royal stamp once I have accomplished my objective.

Listen to me Matsumoto you have been an excellent lieutenant and I thank you for all your years of service.. I know that you will work your way up in the ranks again and I wish you all the best.."

A sound like a screeching or wailing came from the phone.

"My time is short I have to finish this up.. One final thing.. I know it seems like I have betrayed you but to separate myself from Ichimaru I will swallow my pride and do the one thing I know he wished he could do.. Sumaisen.. Please forgive me Matsumoto.. Do not come after me, no matter what do not try to find me."

"That is my final order as your Taicho."

Matsumoto broke down crying. "Taicho!?"

A soft silence and a gentle rhythmic breathing then "Arigatou Matsumoto.. Sayonara."

The line went dead.

Matsumoto fell to her knees and dropped the phone on her lap. Her shoulders shuddered and she shook gently. "Taicho.." She whispered softly. "Baka.. didn't you listen.. The tenth division has been disbanded You're not my captain any more. Which means.."

Matsumoto lifted her head revealing determination blazing in her brown orbs. "I don't have to follow that order." She flipped the phone open and verified the trace signal.

It had come from the Human world.

The human world?!

Matsumoto nodded. "It was her only hope."

She muttered a single name.

"Kurosaki Ichigo."


Hitsugaya Toushiro jumped from branch to branch never ceasing his shunpo. He caught a small sliver of light coming from the dim fading daylight at the end of the treeline. The light slowly got larger and larger as he moved toward it in constant shunpo. The light finally got blinding as he squinted and shot into it.

Through the trees Hitsugaya shot out dragging branches and leaves behind him. He landed on a grassy clearing and noted the two girls leaning against a tree each with a maniacal grin on their face.

Standing in the center of the clearing was the masked man from before. His back to Hitsugaya, he lifted his head and looked at the evening sky. "It's peaceful here.. ne Hitsugaya-kun."

Toushiro narrowed his eyes. "Who are you and how do you know me! What is your plan?"

"So many questions, Hitsugaya-kun.. after all this time apart you'd think we'd have a lot to catch up on."

HItsugaya growled and pulled his sword out of his sheathe melting it into nothing as he charged it with reiatsu and vanished in a shunpo. He appeared next to the right side of the still stationary masked man. Hitsugaya slammed his sword into the mask attempting to cleave through it. He managed to embed his sword in the cartilage-like material but found it didn't fully slice through. He grunted and pulled back ripping his long blade from the mask and jumped back.

The mask cracked outwards from the fracture he'd made. It slowly broke before finally dropping from the mans face. Hitsugaya finally got sa good look at his opponent.

"It's not possible.. K-kuso.." he whispered."

"Actually, it's Kusaka, Kusaka Sojiro Hitsugaya-kun.. Did you forget me already?" the man said with a grin.

Hitsugaya's reaitsu dropped around him as he stared wide eyed at the man. "H-how I don't understand you're dead I saw you with my own eyes!"

Kusaka shook his head letting his long black bangs sway in the gentle breeze created from Hitsugaya's dropped reiatsu. "No, I'm afraid not.. Hitsugaya-kun.. I'm very much alive the hollow didn't kill me.. in fact.. it wasn't the Hollow that was after me at all.. that beast was simple a pawn in a greater game."

Hitsugaya shook his head and gripped his sword tighter. "What are you talking about Kusaka.. why did you steal the Kindgom stamp?"

Kusaka ignored the interruption. "Did you know they used to throw criminals into pits to be killed by hollows as a spectator event… such a barbaric practice. Do you know who first instituted that practice?"

Hitsgaya took a step back and his mouth opened wide.

Kusaka chuckled. "Why our dear Royal Family of course, they've been experimenting with Hollows for quite some time.. Though, they didn't have the brains of that Urahara Kisuke behind them so they didn't get as far. But, as you can see with me they've made some advancements."

Hitsugaya closed his eyes and opened them again as if expecting the image in front of him to vanish. His mind told him this was an enemy and he should be attacking or defending but his body refused to move still caught in the shock of seeing his long thought dead friend alive again. "Kusaka what do you mean.. Experimenting with Hollows.. the Royal Family.. what are you talking about.. and why the hell did you steal the Royal Treasure!"

Kusaka sighed. "So impatient, you always were Hitsugaya-kun.. mah it can't be helped.. what is my plan you ask?"

He reached into a pocket inside of his Shinigami uniform and pulled out a small black bean. "This."

Hitsugaya gasped. "W-what is that thing? It's giving off it's own reiatsu!"

Kusaka flicked it up and caught it dropping it back into his pocket. "Mmm, what is it? Hm hm.. well that is something you'll have to find out for yourself."

Hitsugaya roared. "Kusaka damn you! stop speaking riddles this isn't some game and we aren't in the academy any more!" His reiatsu exploded around him sending a shockwave across the grassy clearing and freezing the blades of grass in a light coat of ice. The wave of frigid air seemed to bend around Kusaka as the man stood there chuckling.

Hitsugaya snorted and charged forward again. He thrust forward and Kusaka moved his head around the blade expertly drawing his own Zanpakuto in the same motion. The hilt of his Zanpakuto smashed into Hitsugaya's solar plexis. The white haired boy dropped to the ground and backed a few steps away coughing slightly.

His eyes blazed with fury.

Kusaka stood smirking and leveled his sword at Hitsugaya. "Come now, is that the power of a Taicho?"

Hitsugaya's eye's blazed with a blue glow and the freezing air around him shot up in a pillar of reiatsu swirling around him. He jumped up and slashed down Kusaka flipped his sword around so he was holding it backwards and blocked the attack sending a gust of wind bending around him and rolling across the now frozen solid ground and creating a small trail of icebergs.

Hitsugaya pushed against Kusaka forcing him back and slightly embedding his opponent into the ground. He screamed out in fury and lifted his sword up again before slamming it down only to have it blocked sending a shower of sparks scattering into the air. He pushed forward slashing down in a diagonal path left then right in continuous strikes. Kusaka remained on the defensive but he was smirking the entire time.

Hitsugaya narrowed his eyes and he spun around whipping the chain in an arcing motion. Kusaka leaned back and avoided it. As Hitsugaya came back around he crouched and slashed sideways trying to cutt off Kusaka at the legs.

Kusaka jumped up and used his leaning back position to back flip a foot backwards. Hitsugaya having missed his target slowly rose up and placed his sword in a defending position.

Kusaka grinned. "My my.. Hitsugaya-kun.. If I didn't know better I'd say you were holding back, trying to incapacitate me without killing me. I must say I'm flattered you still hold me in such high regard."

Hitsugaya grit his teeth. "Damn you.. Kusaka.. why are you doing this!"

Kusaka looked around him and raised his eyebrows. "Tell me Taicho.. Where are your little friends?"

Hisugaya shook his head. "I wanted to have a chance to see who you were before they intercepted you.. and now that I know who you are I'm absolutely certain that was the right move.. this is my mess and I will be the one to clean it up."

Kusaka broke into a full out laugh before finally he calmed. "Are you going to stop me alone? I who was once your friend?"

Hitsugaya looked down and gripped his sword tighter. "That… was a long time ago, you have become an enemy of Soul Society.. I am duty bound to stop you!"

Kusaka lifted his head and sneered. "In case you forgot Toushiro-kun.. so are you."

Hitsugaya growled. "You're pushing me farther and farther Kusaka.. if you push me past my limit I will kill you… friend or not."

The raven haired man gave a mock look of fear. "Oh no anything but that Hitsugaya-taicho.. please don't hurt me.. Ha-ha you always were full of hot air, quite the contrary to your natural freezing element."

Hitsugaya began to shake as blazing fury fueled his freezing reiatsu.

Kusaka tilted his head to the side and lifted his Zanpakuto. 'fool so easy to manipulate.. you always were.. and I know just what buttons to push to make you jump.'

Kusaka twirled his blade in his hand before vanishing in a shunpo.

Hitsugaya turned around just in time to deflect a diagonal slash that knocked him back shattering the small icebergs of grass. Kusaka thrusted forward before the white haired boy could ready his blade again and the blade nicked the side of his neck as he desperately tried to dodge.

Hitsugaya's eyes went wide. "Y-you seriously tried to kill me just now!?"

Kusaka looked at him coldly. "Of course, I warned you to fight me seriously.. You were the one who said this wasn't the academy… so show me how much you've grown Taicho-kun."

Hitsugaya's roared in fury and reiatsu exploded around him. He jumped into the air and gripped the top half of his sword with his left hand.

"Sit upon the frozen heavens.. Hyorinmaru!!"

Kusaka's grin widened. Yes, power up.. keep giving me access to Hyorinmaru's material form..'

Hitsugaya's blade frosted over and two streams of water rose up around it finally meeting and fusing at the tip to create a giagantic Chinese dragon of ice. Hitsugaya swung the blade down and out rushed a gigantic dragon blast at Kusaka. He flashed out before it could hit him.

Hitsugaya tracked the super fast motion with trained eyes and he sent another wave of water and ice at the tree line causing the two girls watching the battle to jump up and into a higher branch to avoid the incredible body of water crashing at the base of the tree.

Hitsugaya landed standing on the now frozen pond of ice. Behind him Kusaka fazed into view only to have the chain and crescent blade about to smash into his face. He dodged to the side and slammed his palm into the ice pond releasing a kido causing the ice to crack and break off before before sinking into the shallow but freezing water.

Hitsugaya jumped up and the water from the now open hole in the pond shot up with him. It froze creating a platform of ice for him to stand on and Kusaka jumped up in front of him. Hitsugaya sreamed out and released another blast of ice straight out Kusaka outran the freezing ice dragon before releasing his own ice dragon and the blue and purple beats collided together exploding and creating a giant bridge of frozen water high in the air.

Hitsugaya growled and charged forward. "So you've mastered your Hyorinmaru's Shikai as well.. however, it won't be nearly enough Kusaka!"

Kusaka flashed forward and met Hitsugaya's sword head on before sliding off and beginning to trade sword attacks both giving and gaining ground on the large bridge of ice. Kusaka stepped back and gripped his own chain and blade slinging it at Hitsugaya's feet.

The white haired boy slammed Hyorinmaru into the ice bridge an braced himself on his right hand jumping up to avoid the chain and blade and kicking Kusaka square in the chest sending him skidding back until he dug his own blade into the ice bridge halting his backslide.

Hitsugaya pushed off the handle of his sword and flipped backwards onto his feet grabbing the chain. He pulled the sword back into his grip and slashed the air to free it of the frost and water that had accumulated on the tip.

Kusaka chuckled standing up. "Most impressive Hitsugaya-kun.. but that's not all there is to it is there? You can go one step further if you really want to can't you? hmm, why don't you show me that power you've attained.. if you really want to know my plan."

Hitsugaya narrowed his eyes. "My shikai is vastly superior to yours, there's no need for-"

He was interrupted as a dragon of ice shot up out of the bridge floor and encased him in a block of ice. From his prison of freezing water he saw finally that Kusaka still had his blade stuck in the bridge floor and had channeled the Hyorimaru attack directly through the ice in the bridge.

Hitsugaya was rapidly freezing in his prison. He needed to escape and quickly. He gripped Hyorinmaru as best he could with numbed hands.

His eyes focused in on Kusaka.

The older man plucked his sword from the bridge and drew his arm back as if to throw his blade. "What was that about you being superior to me now Hitsuhaya-kun.. what did I tell you about your boasting.."

Hitsugaya was beginning to lose the feeling in his limbs. He closed his eyes and channeled his reaiatsu to momentarily warm his hands enough to solidly grip Hyorinmaru. "Sou ka.. I should have expected this.. So be it then.. I'll bring you back to Soul Society if I have to drag you back with my own hands.. Kusaka!"


The ice entombing him cracked and shattered as the entire bridge began to rumble under the sheer spiritual pressure. It began to break into chunks and fly upward gathering around Hitsugaya in two large wings. His own reiatsu ice formed a long sweeping tail and 3 flowers of ice.

Kusaka jumped back and as he surveyed the transformation before vanishing .

The entombment finally shattered totally with the exception of around his feet. They were left in what resembled dragon claws and his right arm encased itself as well.

Hitsugaya lifted his head and called out "Daiguren Hyorinmaru!"

Behind him a head of a draon fromed from the ice and it rose up above Hitsugaya's body. Hitsugaya fazed out in a shunpo.

Kusaka standing with his back to the tree line looked to up to make certain his two girls were still on their branches. They were carefully observing the battle. Just then in front of him Hitsugaya reappeared and jumped up using his wings to hover. "I'm not done with you! Kusaka!!!!"

He thrust his sword forward and The head of the dragon opened it's mouth wide and shot forward smashing into Kusaka and crashing into the tree line tearing through it like rice paper. It blasted through the forest uprooting tree after tree and knocking Kusaka back nearly 70 feet before finally exploding around him.

Hitsugaya landed and surveyed that a 70 foot tunnel of pure ice stretched into the destroyed forest. Busted tree's and upturned roots were embedded in ice and frozen in time as they had been about to fall when they'd been entombed.

Behind him one of the flowers at Hitsugaya's back disappeared. He walked forward intent on dragging the imprisoned Kusaka back to Soul Society when he noticed at the far end was a swirling form of water. "Nani!"

Kuskaka grinned from behind his purple dragon of ice water swirling around him and acting as a shield. "you should have guessed better than that Toushiro-kun.. I can't be beaten with ice.. however, I have to thank you.. You've played your part magnificently."

Hitsugaya widened his eyes as the form at the end of the tunnel blurred momentarily only to reappear right in front of him and throw the black bean from before at Hyorinmaru's dragon head. The head seemed to absorb the black bean and immediately Hitsugaya dropped to his knees screaming in pain.

Burning. It felt like his insides were on fire melting all of his freezing reiatsu away. Hyrorinmaru began to take on a strange transformation. The head began slamming back and forth caovering the area in ice.

Kusaka stepped back and stood still with a wide grin on his face. "Now it really begins Hitsugaya-kun."

The white haired boy screamed in agony as Hyorinmaru continued wildly thrashing around the blue ice dragon slowly began to change to dark blue and then a black and the red glowing eyes slit to become more primal before everything shattered.

Hitsugaya was left without his bankai and his sword pulsing with a foreign reiatsu. He slowly rose as the pain became bearable. "Kusaka.. w-what have you done to me!?"

Kusaka replaced his Zanpakuto in his sheathe. "You asked before what my goal was didn't you.. I showed you the seed but I didn't say what it was.. well now that it's too late I'll go ahead and tell you. that bean is really a developed bio parasite called a hollow seed. It's designed as a artificial hollow by the royal family scientists.. The project was originally for the purpose of maintaining the balance of positive and negative energy without the natural hollows around.

However these ended up a bio parasite.. it's designed to create what I have become and what you my friend have now become."

Hitsugaya grimaced and stepped backwards. "What are you saying!?"

Kusaka laughed. "Congratulations Hitsugaya-kun, you are now a false Vizard. Unlike the natural Vizard the process is simply a fusion of the hollow seed and the actual spirit of your Zanpakuto. But since Hyorinmaru resides inside of you that means you now have a hollow living off your spirit energy now too and soon.. it will begin to grow in power and influence. Every time you channel the power of Hyorinmaru."

"Try getting help from your friends now… hm. Hmm.. you could always ask those still loyal to you but do you really want to risk exposing yourself to them in such a state? Who knows what you might do."

Hitsugaya's eyes widened. "You bastard! Kusaka how could you do this to me!"

Kuska shrugged it's simple really, you see the stamp requires a certain key to unlock it and it just so Happens that the most powerful of a certain type of element Zanpakuto is the key. The problem is my Zanpakuto like yours is incomplete due to the split when we first attained them.. so in order for me to unlock the power of the Kingdom Treasure Stamp I need you to fuse your sword with mine so I can use ti as a key. But before that your sword had to match my own.. and since I am a false Vizard so must you become one."

Hitsugaya shook his head in disgust. "But.. why.. why are you doing this. Why do you need the stamp in the first place!?"

Kusaka smiled deviously. "Well that's simple. I told you didn't I. the Hollow seeds.. Maybe you're not aware of it but the Kingdom Stamp is the royal seal of approval for anything.. And that includes clearance for access to the storage where items that might otherwise be considered too dangerous to ever see. As a False Vizard I have been shunned and an outcast.."

"But I intend to change that, on the stroke of midnight tomorrow I will release the hollow seeds on Seiritei leaving every Shinigami in the Gotei 13 a false Vizard.. You see I've modified them to look to me as the leader so once they have taken complete control of you, you will all bow to me."

Hitsugaya shook his head and collapsed to one knee. "You're insane! Planting Hollows into every Shinigami in Seiritei.. The balance will crumble! You can't!"

Kusaka moved some hair behind his ear. "Oh, but I can Hitsugaya-kun.. and you're going to help me.. Because every time you use your Zanpakuto.. you're losing more and more of your ability to refuse."

Hitsugaya narrowed his eyes. "If that's the case.. then.."

"I will discard Hyorinmaru!"

Kusaka looked surprised for a moment then he calmed and chuckled. "Isn't that an obvious bluff Hitsugaya-kun.. after all the source of a Shinigami's power is their Zanpakuto.. Without it you're nothing.. If all the Shinigami simply throw out their Zanpakuto then they'll be crippled and powerless and I'll take them over the old fashioned way."

Hitsugaya growled. He knew it was true. He was in trouble.. But he had to get away for now. If he hadn't wanted the others getting involved before, it had just become murder to let them associate with him. 'As long as this creature is inside of me.. I must push everyone away before I hurt or kill them unintentionally.. I must stop him on my own.. but without Hyorinmaru can I?'

Kuska nodded knowingly. "I can see it in your eyes Hitsugaya-kun.. you're wondering what you can do to keep in control. "Well there is one option.. if you join me willingly I can teach you how to suppress the monster.. Even better to feed off its power and take it for your own. Join me and I will have the world bowing at your feet."

Hitsugaya looked at him venomously. "I would never join you in such a detestable goal.. the Kusaka I knew would never try something like this.."

Kusaka sighed turning around. "Well, I suppose it can't be helped.. However, you will never be in total control again.. And even if you did find people to help you.. You'd be putting them in far too much danger to make any progress.. The only option you have is to join me.. I am the only one who can keep you sane. Or refuse and lose yourself in the darkness. A mindless slave that fuses his Zanpakuto with my own is just as useful as a comrade who shares my dreams. The choice is yours Hitsugaya-kun."

Hitsugaya noticed Kusaka look directly in his eyes. He made his move.

"Way of Binding 59: Blinding flash!"

Hitsugaya's eye's exploded a brilliant white light taking Kusaka by surprise.

While the other man was blinded and trying to rub his burning eyes Hitsugaya put his sword in it's sheathe and shot off to the side vanishing in a flashstep.

By the time Kusaka was able to open his eyes Hitsugaya was long gone and covering his reiatsu. "Che, you can run if you'd like Hitsugaya-kun but it doesn't matter it's only delaying the inevitable, you will be my pawn one way or the other."

He turned around and walked into the tunnel of ice finally beginning to melt. After 30 or so feet in he noticed his two girls still trying to free themselves from the walls curving upward. He chuckled. "You two stop playing around and let's go."

The red head pouted. "That white haired Shinigami has a scary attack.. couldn't even dodge."

Her blue haired friend just looked pleadingly at their master. Kusaka sighed and waved his hand shattering the ice wall and letting them drop to their feet. The red head smiled. "Ah Kusaka-sama.. Are you going to follow that Shinigami?"

Kusaka shook his head. "There's no need to.. He's already mine, we can let him try to think his way out of this.. When he realizes there's no escape he'll be back. For now we should report back to the Quincy. He'll want to hear of our progress."


Sado Yasutora stalked the lonely night walking along a chain linked fence. He kicked a pebble and watched it bounce across the ground in front of him. Urahara had refused him. he didn't know where to turnt o now. He was unable to protect Ichigo. So now his fists that had been so powerful before had become useless. He was a failure and felt terribly ashamed of his inability to even defend against the basic Arrancar.

As he walked past he noted a boy leaning against a fence. The boy had white spike hair and a black bandanna tied backwards. With a black t shirt and army camouflage pants. As Sado passed he heard a voice. "you're Chad right?"

He turned around and faced the strange boy. "Met ya in class the other day I'm Ichigo's friend. So what's got you so bummed?"

Sado looked down. "It's nothing.. There's no need to concern yourself with it."

The boy came off the wall and walked along side him. "Well, ya know Tats has Ichigo under pretty good supervision so I had some free time to blow and I noticed that that Shinigami turned you down when you asked for help."

Sado stopped and turned to face the new kid with a new look of caution. "What was your name again?"

"Kagesama Kiro, nice to meetya again." He held out his hand and Sado took it in a shake. Kiro pointed at the nearby construction site. "walk with me a few minutes.. got some stuff I wanna tell ya."

Sado followed alongside Kiro. The whie haired boy held out a stick of pocky. "Want some?" Sado shook his head. Kiro nodded and popped a stick in his mouth. "So I heard you don't fight for yourself.. even if your about to die you still only fight for others. Icky said yall had some kinda deal for watching the others back."

Sado nodded. Kiro swallowed his pocky before taking another stick out of the package. "Thas tight man, I respect that."

"Ya know.."

Kiro looked over across the bridge at the glittering water as a few ducks congregated. "Nocturnal ducks.. damn Japan is weird.." He shook his head. "What was I saying again? Oh yeah your powers.. right so like you know why he turned you down right?"

Sado shook his head.

Kiro nodded. and put his hands behind his head, "You're a really quiet guy Chad.. But anyway.. he turned ya down cuz he a lazy mafucka.. but I'm sure it didn't help that your powers are very reminiscent of a Hollows powers."

Sado widened his eyes and turned to look at him. "What do you mean?"

Kiro stretched and yawned. "Just what I said dude, the way you fire your attacks is nearly the exact same theory as Bala. And your only a hairs breath from being able to start blasting cero's. see the thing is though.. even though you got some power locked up inside of you got no technique. I've seen some of your archival fights and you're so big you never learned the skills most people learn to win street fights."

Kiro cracked his neck as they approached the construction site. "Lemme give ya a little history lesson. Any idea why everything in Hurco Mundo is Spanish? Well see the thing is Heuco Mundo is big.. a lot bigger than you realize the Las Noches is just a single base in one quadrant. The whole of the surface is actually ruled by this one Vasto Lorde."

Kiro cracked his knuckles. "Now to tell where he came from. Being that you lived in Mexico I'm sure you heard a version of this story but I'll tell the big parts.. Way back in the day there was this fortress in Texas called the Alamo. A very small group of people defended the fort from General Santa Anna and his Mexican army. Well the Alamo lost but they had some incredible fighters in there. The reiatsu of some of the fighters there actually attracted a large group of hollows.

One captain named Salvador Pandejo from the Mexican army got eaten like the instant he died. Well he would go on to eventually become the ruler of Hueco Mundo surface world. And his influence basically turned all of Hueco Mundo Spanish."

Kiro moved his head under a steel girder and continued talking "Well turns out a very large portion of hollows going to Hueco Mundo are Mexicans.. and a lot of these Mexicans were semi pro to pro boxers." Sado was now listening attentatively. For example, one of the Hueco Mundo big timers is named Gantenbainnet.. So what I can do for you is I got connections both in Hueco Mundo and in Long beach CA Western Boxing is one of the simplest fighting arts but the principles are solid. Considering the time you got before Ichigo is gonna need your help it's a pretty good fit. Also training your arms in Hueco Mundo will make you a lot stronger and a lot more effective. Soo you interested?"

Sado nodded without hesitation.

Kiro snapped his fingers opening a Garganta. "Let's take a walk."

He and Chad entered before it closed off and vanished into thin air.


Rangiku Matsumoto sat down indian style. Urahara yawned and fanned himself. "From what you're telling me you traced the call to the Human world but you have no idea where it could have come from?"

Matsumoto nodded. "I know it's not much to go on but.."

Urahara sighed. "Hmm well, I can't say this will be easy but I'll do what I can Matsumoto-san. By the way, you also asked about Kurosaki Ichigo.. to be honest he disappeared since this morning. His father called me asking if I knew where he was just before you got here."

Tessai walked out of a storage room. "Manager, where are the children? I can't seem to find them and I could use their help with all the inventory."

Urahara tilted his head to the side and sighed. "I'm not sure they haven't come in since this afternoon might be out playing or something."

Matsumoto interjected. "So how long before a tracer for his reiatsu might be ready?'

Urahara stroked his chin. "Well now, it's hard to say but I would estimate at least-"

Suddenly, a thump at the door casued Urahara to look up. He came out from behind the counter and pulled his bucket hate lower. "I'm sorry we're closed for tonight."

He turned to walk back to the counter when the door opened anyway.

Urahara turned around now interested in who could unlock a sealed door so easily.

He did not expect to see a bleeding and bruised silver-purple haired man with a grin plastered on his face. "Eh well, I know yer closed but we was wonderin if we could jes borrow a cupa sugar?"

Behind him a tall man with spiked slicked back brown hair walked in. "Urahara-san." He said in a smooth but commanding voice.

"I have.. a proposition."

He coughed and blood flowed from his mouth before he fell forward to his knees and fell flat on his face losing consciousness.

Note: ok well this chapter is kinda long but not 20,000 words so lets rejoice in that lol.

Next chapter is The Diamond Dust Alliance. It will contain some spoilers for the movie as I have scoured the web for as much info and scraps and pieces of movie concepts as I can find. However, I can almost guarantee you the way I carry things out will not occur in the actual movie so don't worry too much about that.

Also there may be an issue with continuity in this chapter. It doesn't mesh well together. To make it easier for ya, several things are happening at the same time. The most advanced in the story would be rangiku followed closely by Ichigo. Ex.) Asta's timeframe hasn't reached Hitsugaya's betrayal yet. But Sado's timeframe is already night so the fight with Hitsugaya and Kusaka is already over for him.

Sorry if that confused anyone. Anyway next chap will be my version of how the movie plays out and of course more unfolding of my own story.

