Disclaimer: These characters are property of CLAMP. I just made the story.

Broken Toy

By Vicks111

Chapter 1: Saying Goodbye

As far as good-byes go for, Yue was never one much for them; neither Yukito for that matter. However, here he was, facing the man who had created him, who had loved him, even if only as a son, but who had loved him still; him who, once upon a time, would have done anything for his sake. And he was saying good-bye.

"I am not Clow Reed, Yue. I may possess the memories of Clow but I am not him. Something that is dead cannot live again, which is why Clow entrusted the both of you to Sakura. Do you hate Sakura-san, Yue?"

"It's not that I hate her…"

"…And for Yue, that means, really likes" he paused, breathing in deeply, "It's a good thing that I came here, since I met the Yue and Kerberos Clow created, and that like Clow, Sakura loves deeply." He stopped to kneel beside Yue, and placed his right hand in the angel's long hair, "But you must know, that there are things I could not have predicted. I planned to make you fall in love with Sakura-san, after the final judgement, so you could accepted her, and take care of her forever, because that is what you yearned for…but I couldn't predict the heart of your other form. Yukito has, or better said, you have chosen Sakura's brother as your love, and I wonder whose Sakura-san's love is…"

Yue couldn't speak, he couldn't move, it was like there was a spell binding him to the floor, "I…she…"

"Shh, Yue, its of no consequence now. You can still be happy with him; you love him more than I ever expected you to love her. Be happy, and do not mind what will happen in the future, after all, your mistress is always right, everything will be alright, even if you depended on me for that future you craved for once", Eriol stood, leaving the moon guardian still on the floor and headed towards the door, "I will always be your friend if you need one, but I can no longer be more than that."

Yue kneeled there for a while still grasping at his last conversation with Clow Reed. He wanted to cry, yell, and fly away, but he just couldn't move. After a few minutes there, he felt Touya's presence approaching him, and as he opened the door to the garden, Yue stood and was ready to fly away. But his tender voice and his mystic aura stopped him faster than any order Sakura could have given him.

"Yue, are you alright? Eriol told me you wanted to talk to me…"

He is not Clow anymore; he just said so, so why the hell doesn't he mind his own business! "Touya, I must tell you, I am not fine" no need to lie to him, anyway, "This is too much for me right now, I need time alone, and who knows how much time that will be"

"What are you saying?" Touya stammered forward, and that seemed to break whatever power still keeping Yue standing on the floor. He floated two meters above Touya, and only replied, "Tell my mistress, that I will be gone for a few days, but I shall be back, I will always be back. Tell her not to worry, that I do not plan on leaving her ever, but I need time for myself. Tell Kerberos to don't look for me, I need time alone…and…" his voice broke against his statement, "Tell Fujitaka-sensei that I am sorry for not being here right now for him"

"What about me, Yue? Don't you have anything to say to me?"

Yue felt that knot in his throat again, but made his best to regain composure, "What do I have to say to you?" he said, finding sarcasm the easiest way, and maybe the only way to talk in his current state, "If you are worried about Yukito, I will be back before the start of the semester. I have nothing else of importance to say to you." And with that he flew off, heading away from all the places where he would usually go.

As if on cue, Kaho Mizuki appeared at the door, and embraced the tall man, "Let him be, Touya, the only person that is more stubborn than him right now, is Eriol. And that, is saying a lot," she said, placing a hand on his cheek, "your father is awake, you might as well explain him this whole mess". With that, both of them headed inside.

Yue kept flying away, away from everything, this house he had known once, long ago, from his own home now, away from his mistress, away from the feelings he was trying to understand. To such a logical creature, the only way to deal with everything around him was to get away, and think.

He was now outside of Tokyo, and he stopped for a moment, he didn't intend to get out of the city, and yet, he felt some sort of magical source near him. Flying towards the source, he descended upon a small glade, which seemed out of place, because it was surrounded by a thick forest. He couldn't have found it, he thought, without magic.

The glade was beautiful; surrounded by trees, there were several kinds of flowers around them, making a small barrier against them, like if they were trying to stop anyone from entering and ruining the beauty inside. In the center there was a small lagoon, with clear water, and the full moon reflected itself on it, creating an even more enchanting aura.

For the first time this evening, Yue was calm, the glade pushed all of his troubled thoughts away, making him concentrate on the peace he had in such a place. He then tried to find the source of magic, which enchanted the glade, and kept humans at bay from it. Slowly, he approached the lagoon, and he spotted the magical source; a rose bush that grew at the edge of the pond.

"Odd, roses are not grown in Japan, well, at least not naturally…" he said, mostly to himself, until he finally noticed that, in fact, every plant inside the glade was not natural of Japan. Orchids, tulips, and many other flowers that Yue couldn't recognize where among them, even the first line of trees weren't native to Japan. Somehow, this small glade reminded him of England.

"Yue..." he heard someone calling

"Who is there??" he turned around, he recognized the voice but he couldn't quite place where it came from.

"Where am I, Yue?" again, the voice asked him. A chill went down his spine as he realized who he was talking to.

"Yukito, how long have you been conscious?" Yue could feel the beginnings of a big headache as he rather thought this question.

"Ano…I guess that since you started talking with the Clow boy…" Yukito thought back to Yue.

The headache increased tenfold after Yukito thought these words, and Yue could no longer stand it. "But, how…?" he managed to think back to Yukito, before passing out from the pain.

It was a cool morning when he finally woke up. He had been asleep for what it seemed forever, and yet, his body seemed to have been awake already. He groaned, feeling still the last remnants of the terrible headache.

"Good morning, Yue" a calm voice said…hold on…said?

"Yukito, you are actually talking with me?" Yue tried to say, but nothing of the sort came out of his mouth, "how come?"

"Well, yesterday, after you passed out from the headache, I was practically forced out, and I kinda was scared for a while, so I didn't sleep, not that I could with that awful headache, mind you, and then I reached out for some water and imagine my surprise when I was there, but my reflection showed me a long-haired angel" he said, giggling.

"Hold on, are you saying me that we didn't transform before I passed out?"

"Nope…this is not good, right Yue?"

"Don't worry Yukito, we will figure this out"

A/N: This might be a bit confusing, so I will clear it up. The italics will be used only when Yue and Yukito are communicating. At this point, they can't really carry on a conversation in their mind; it's a strain to follow so many train of thoughts. The one outside will talk and the one in the mind will think back, which will be italized.