Waking Up with Spiders
By Tasha

Rating: PG-13/T
Characters: Ronald Billius Weasley, Hermione Jane Granger, Harry James Potter
Genre: Humor/General
Summary: (Drabble) How do you wake a sleeping log?
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

A/N: Gen-fic! Hip hip huzzah! It's nice to get away from romance for a bit, don't you think?


"Ron?" Hermione sat on his bed, right next to the boy with a mop of red for hair, who was still fast asleep.

That certain boy just grunted and rolled over.

"Hermione? How'd you get here?" A dark-haired, gangly boy said, as he groggily put on his glasses.

"Honestly, Harry, have you even picked up Hogwarts: A History? I've read it and I've told you the same thing thousands of times. Boys can't enter the girl's dorm but girls and enter the boy's."

"Oh, right." Then he fell back on his bed, he was heard to mumble; "I couldn't read it let alone pick it up, that book weighs a ton!"

Hermione shook her head and focused her attentions to the boy next to her. "Ron, wake up. We have classes."

Instead of even trying to give an articulate reply, Ron mumbled and grunted even more.

With a sloppy smile, Hermione tried a new tactic. "Ron, Lavender's here to give you a big kiss…"

She heard Ron mumble; "She's not my girlfriend." But he was still in bed.

"Ron, wake up! We have classes!" She shouted. Everyone else in the dorm was fully awake then, as anyone would realize after the boys started throwing pillows at her and slowly getting up from their beds.

"5 more minutes, Mum." Ron mumbled yet again.

Frowning, she stayed silent to find another way to wake him up. With a grin, she shouted; "RON! THERE'S A SPIDER AND IT WANTS TO TAP-DANCE WITH YOU!"

"NO! NO!" Ron screamed at the top of his lungs as he jumped from his bed.

While the boys were in the bathroom brushing their teeth, they choked on the toothpaste as it was too much to see their closest friend, clinging to his four-poster as if he were a cat hanging on for life.

"Well, my work here is done." With a smug smile, Hermione took her book bag and left the dorm.