Web (4/25/05)

From the moment, our eyes first met
I knew we were tangled in destiny's net
You struggle to get away
I struggle to get you to stay

You're the fly, and I'm the spider
Destiny holds us, but you fight harder
Frightened or not, you thrash and turn
With every movement, I get burned

You are calm, your body is still
I touch your skin, and feel a slight chill
I realize then, to my great despair
That I have smothered you, here in mid-air

I let you fall
You're name, I still call
Till fate brings us together
Next time we'll do better

Krayla Pipher

Please tell me what you think. If you haven't read my profile, then you will not know this, but I'm published for poems, and this is one that was published. However, I would still love feedback. I like my poems (especially this one), but I want to get better. Please read my stories too, and help me become a better fictionist as well. Thanks.

PS. The characters that I based this off of (Sanzo and Goku) do NOT belong to me. However, this poem does belong to me. Please do not steal. I worked VERY hard on this, and it's one of my favorites. Thank you!