Well, I honestly thought I was going to abandon this story but well….I want to finish what I start. See Mr. Holland!! I try!! Darn it!!!

Also does anyone have any ideas for future stories or pairings? PM me or whatever because I'd really like to know.

For Gaara, the word disgust didn't quite convey the way he felt watching Hinata and Sasuke embrace. It appalled, repulsed, revolted, and over all sickened him. He couldn't even fathom how to put his hatred into words, as he looked in on the couple with sick intentions.

One thing Gaara did know for sure was that he loathed the Uchiha and he would have a fun time fucking with him and ultimately ending his twisted life.

As Sasuke kissed Hinata; said his goodbye and moved to take his leave she felt the depressing feeling of dread settle in her stomach. The same feeling she got often, when Sasuke was around her at all. She got the feeling of being trapped with no where to go. A feeling that came hand and hand with the feeling of hate and betrayal.

As she shifted slightly in her seat to watch Sasuke's retreating form, she became increasingly aware of the pair of icy sea foam green eyes that had yet to take their gaze from her.

As she recalled their last encounter and the words said; she felt a wave of shame cover her and she felt her body become stiff.

She knew the truth about her life and so did Gaara, but she was still saddened when faced with the truth: she was just too damned pathetic to walk away from their relationship even if she tried. But this was her problem and she was the one going to deal with it.

Turning her attention back onto present Hinata found the red-head take taking a seat next to her. She drew in a sharp breath out of surprise as she turned her head slightly, more out of reflex than anything, to get a better look at him.

When she shifted slightly to look at him and saw that he was completely facing her in his seat simply watching her. She inwardly shuddered and shifted under his gaze uncomfortably. She couldn't really understand it herself but there was something deeply penetrating and troubling about his gaze and she couldn't help but squirm, though she tried not to.

After a couple of moments of sitting there together; one extremely amused and the other feeling exceptionally awkward Hinata decided that it was getting late and that she should probably be getting home.

As she rose from her seat and proceeded to walk away she could still feel his eyes on the back of her head. It took all she had not to break into a run and get out of his site as fast as she could; he had thoroughly creped her out.

As the Sasuke sat brooding in Hinata's home he could feel himself slowly losing his patience. The way he saw it was that it shouldn't take her this long to get home. He didn't like waiting; no matter who or what it was for; it was never worth the wait in his mind.

As Hinata walked into her home she tried not to finch when Sasuke stood from his seat and approached her slowly. She tried not to gasp when Sasuke pushed her roughly against the wall and invaded her mouth with his tongue, but no matter how many times he did it before she never quite got used to it.

As his groping hands became more aggressive she couldn't help but wish that their relationship wasn't this way. She didn't like the way that she was afraid of the very person that was supposed to protect her. She didn't like the way he touched her; so harsh and rough leaving marks and scratches. But in her mind it was better than being alone and not having anyone at all.

Gaara watched from the distance as Hinata was shoved up her wall and violated. A smile once again graced his lips as he reminded himself that very soon he would be the one having his way with her. He closed his eyes as he chuckled quietly; visualizing fucking the life out of Hinata; covered in the Uchiha's blood.

Wow, very kinky. XD

Feedback is greatly appreciated.

Has anyone ever noticed how awesome Hidan is? I mean, he makes me want to convert to Jashin and have his crazy little heathen - sacrificing babies.