A/N: hello you! Before you read this I'll give you a little information on it so you're not confused later. Okay so first of all this story starts out at the Weasly's house over the summer (in case you didn't get that) and it's in Harry, Ron and Hermione's seventh year, (Ginny's sixth year) Going along with the books, Dumbledore is dead, not going along with the books Draco is not gone. I'll try to clarify more of the story as it progresses and if you still don't understand what's going on then ask me and I will answer it. Mmmmmmkay?? Well enjoy and review!

"Wake up Harry." Hermione's voice echoed loudly in Harry's ear, he put on his glasses and sat up.

"Hello Hermione, when'd you get in?" he asked sleepily.

"This morning, you?" she asked as she walked over to a snoring Ron,

"Last night." he answered.

"Ron Wake up!" Hermione said. Ron rolled over and jumped.

"Bloody hell Hermione, why are you here so early?" he looked at his Chuddly Cannons clock next to him and saw that it was 7:30 in the morning and groaned.

"Honestly Ron, you don't remember your own brother's wedding?" she said turning on the light in Ron's small room. "Your mother says you need to be downstairs for breakfast in 15 minutes." and with that Hermione left. Ron layed back down in his bed and drifted of to sleep until Harry threw a pillow at him.

"What the bloody hell was that for?" Ron said grumpily as he rubbed his eyes and finally got out of bed. Harry laughed and put on a t-shirt of the weird sisters. When they headed downstairs they saw Mrs. Weasly frantically serving Hermione, Ginny and Fleur their breakfast. Fleur looked up and jumped out of her seat giving Harry a kiss on the cheek

"Harry, you are getting so big zince last zummer, when I saw you." Mrs. Weasly rolled her eyes.

"Thanks." Harry said.

"Hello Harry dear. Did you sleep well?" she placed a plate of eggs and sausage down in front of him and whipped up another breakfast for Ron.

"Yes Mrs. Weasly." he replied eating his eggs.

"Good, good." She said and began cleaning the plates of others.

"Let me help you vith zat." Fleur said grabbing Ginny's plate. Mrs. Weasly grabbed it back, the truth of the matter was she really didn't want her to help because Mrs. Weasly couldn't stand her, but obviously she wasn't going to tell Fleur that.

"No, it's you special day you shouldn't do any work." Fleur smiled and realized again that today was the day she was getting married. Suddenly Fred and George walked in.

"Hey everyone!" they said

"Sorry mum. We would've been home sooner but there was this man who bought like a million galleons worth of stuff and we had to restock everything." George said giving his mom a kiss on the cheek, then he turned towards Harry. "Hiya Harry."

"Hi George, hi Fred, how is the shop doing by the way." Harry asked the twins, Fred answered.

"Brilliant and it's all thanks to you my friend." Fred said proudly patting Harry on the back.

"And we wanted to thank you with a gift, now be careful with this, it can be used in many maniacal ways and we are trusting you with it so don't do...um anything we would do." George explained and handed Harry a small box, he was scared to open it after the twins' explanation of it. But he opened it any ways. When he finished unwrapping the present everyone gathered around to see what it was. Harry held in his hand a glass diamond shaped object.

"What is it?" asked Fleur. The others nodded, including Harry. Fred and George smiled and began their explanation.

"We call it the peeker, our own invention just for you and only you because it only works for you." George said

"It lets you see anything, through clothing, a person's feelings or thoughts. It's quite marvelous, all you have to do is think of what you want to see and look through the glass and bam, you'll see it." Fred concluded.

"Well, go on Harry, give it a go." Ron said eagerly. Harry thought for a moment and then looked through the glass at Hermione. She quickly covered her chest.

"Harry, you better not be doing what I think you're doing." she said angrily.

"Oh no Hermione I was seeing your future, and you're going to marry Ron." Harry laughed. Both Hermione and Ron blushed.

"Man that would be a huge help in Divination!" Ginny said

"Too bad I'm not taking that class." Harry said sarcastically. Mrs. Weasly looked at her watch.

"Oh goodness, where has the time gone girls we are leaving to get our hair and nails done in twenty minutes, the rest of you go upstairs and get your suits on." Everyone got up and headed for their rooms. Twenty minutes later Hermione, Ginny, Fleur and Mrs. Weasly were walking out the door.

"Wait mum, I forgot my purse. I'll be right back." Ginny said turning and running up the stairs.

"Allright dear but make it quick we're supposed to be at Julio's in ten minutes." Mrs. Weasly called after her. Ginny ran into her room grabbed her bag and began running down the stairs but as she ran out of her bedroom she bumped into Harry, who had just gotten out of the shower and was wearing a towel.

"Oh sorry Harry." she said coolly, but inside she wished that she had one of Fred and George's peekers.