Mwahaha, okay, it's happened! I've finally decided to do my first House fic! Yay me! This is also story number 71 for me! Yes! Enjoy, and please review, bunnies!
Disclaimer: They ain't mine. At least, that's what my psychiatrist says. I'm getting a second opinion...
This first chapter is for Psycho Strider, who gave me the idea for this, and my two kittens, House and Cuddy!
Matthew giggled as he peered around the corner, delighted that he had eluded the two older men who were trying to find him. Before they could turn their heads, he ran as fast as his little legs would carry him in the direction of his father's office.
He had to stand on his tiptoes to reach the handle of the door, but he managed to open it and dart inside. The room was empty, but he was used to that. He toddled over to the desk and reached into the bottom drawer, grinning when he found the Ipod. Clutching it in his chubby hand, Matt crawled into the space under the desk and put the earphones on, leaning his head back against the cherry wood.
Soon his eyes drift shut as the familiar sound of The Who lulled him to sleep.
House twirled his cane aimlessly as he watched his ducklings hard at work. His gaze drifted to his youngest duckling, Cameron. She was staring intently at a file in front of her, her loose brown curls swept back into a messy ponytail. Her eyebrows were knitted together, and he smirked as she blew a sigh of frustration.
But before he could make a snarky remark, the double doors of the meeting room opened, and all four sets of eyes widened as three men walked in. "Which one of you is House?" the first man demanded, and House rolled his eyes and continued to twirl his cane with his hands.
His eyes widened as he saw the cold glint of metal, but he maintained his cool exterior as he said, "Why don't you guys just walk your ugly mugs right back out that door, and we can all go back to our normal lives."
The leader shook his head and motioned to the others, who all produced guns. Cameron's mouth dropped, and Chase and Foreman immediately stiffened, glares fixed on their faces.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" House growled, and the men smile.
House, shut up! Cameron thought, her hands clasped in her lap. Please, don't do anything stupid.
Foreman's hand reached subtly into his pocket, and his fingers tremble as he sent a text message for help to Cuddy. Once he hit enter, a smug grin briefly passes over his lips, only to be replaced by one of fear as one of the men comes to stand beside him, the barrel of his gun pointed at Foreman's temple.
"Get up!" he snarled, and Foreman slowly rose to his feet. As soon as he was standing, the man reached into his pocket and snatched the phone out, then threw it onto the ground and stomped on it.
"Tie them up," the first man growled as he grabbed Cameron by her arm and roughly snatched her out of her seat. The movement sent a shock of pain through her arm, but she bit her lip and ignored it. What sent a wave of pure terror coursing through her veins was the cold steel pressed against her temple, and she knew that a gun was being held to her head. She looked up, and her eyes met House's.
A look of pure hatred is evident on House's face as he ground out, "Let her go now!" The man holding Cameron captive chuckled and waited for his accomplices to finish binding the male ducklings. Once they finished, they shoved Chase and Foreman into a corner of the meeting room, then joined their leader.
House took a menacing step forward, but one of the attackers stepped forward and kicked House ruthlessly in his leg, then landed one blow to his abdomen. The force of the blows sent House reeling, and he fell to his knees.
Cameron cried out in fear for House and twisted away from her attacker's grip, scrambling to her injured boss's side. "House? Are you okay?" she demanded as she pulled his head into her lap. She knew he was unconscious, and she glared at the assailants as she cradled House's head in her lap.
The leader leveled his eyes with hers, and he smiled as he said, "Hello, Dr. Cameron. Or is it Dr. House? I can't imagine such a headstrong woman changing her last name for any man." Her eyes narrowed. "My name's Damien, and that's Henry and Jack," he said cordially as he motioned to his cohorts. "Now, I want to make this experience as pleasant and smooth for you as I can-" He had barely gotten the words out when Cameron arched back and spat in his face, and he growled and brutally slammed the butt of his gun into her jaw.
Cameron let out a low moan, and Damien smirked at her. "See? Now that was all your fault. Now, let's try that again. I want to make this experience as pleasant as you will let me, but if you force my hand, I will kill each and every one of you. Starting with your husband," he growled, and Cameron visibly shrank and tightened her hold on her unconscious husband. "Do you understand?"
"Yes," she whispered as a tear escaped her eyelash.
"Good," he smiled evilly. "Then let's not waste any more time. Let's get started, shall we?" Cameron closed her eyes and prayed to a God that she didn't believe in that they would all come out of this unscathed. Her eyes flitted to Chase and Foreman, and she bit her tongue to keep a sob from escaping her chest.
Through the glass of his father's office, Matthew watched with terror filled eyes as the bad man hit his mother, and he let out a sob as he turned and ran to his Uncle Jimmy's office.
As he was coming out of his office, a small blur came running, and he felt like he had been hit by a train when the three year old ran into him and threw his chubby arms around his legs. "Uncle Jimmy!" he cried, his tiny frame shaking. Immediately Wilson bent over and gathered the sobbing boy into his arms, rubbing his back gently. "What is it, Matt?" he murmured, and Matt threw his arms around Wilson's neck and buried his face in his shoulder.
"The bad men hurt Mommy and Daddy!" he wailed, and Wilson's stomach dropped. Keeping his arms around the toddler, he walked around the corner, and when he saw the curtains drawn over the glass windows of the meeting room, he knew something was very wrong.
As fast as he could force his legs to move, Wilson raced around the corner and into Cuddy's office, slamming the door behind himself.
A/N: Mwhaha! I know, I'm beyond help. This was originally supposed to be just a cute little oneshot, but it evolved. (shrugs shoulders) What can I say? Those damn plot bunnies are very persistant! So, review, and lemme know what ya'll think!