Bleached Red

Chapter 1: The Summons

(This fic is an AU right after Ichigo & co. battled Grimmjaw & his cronies as well as after the training Ichigo went through in the hands of the Vaizards. So that means, Orihime does not get 'captured' by the Arrancar in the first place here. Usual disclaimer applies here: I don't own Bleach or any of it's characters, ok?)

"So exactly what does the old geezer want with us anyways?" The question came from Kurosaki Ichigo who, together with Rukia, Sado, Orihime & Ishida, were traveling through a portal from the real world going to the spirit world of Soul Society accompanied by Renji & Yoruichi (in her cat form).

Ichigo was, of course, referring to 1st Division Captain & current leader of Sereitei, Yamamoto Genryusai who had summoned them & Youroichi to Seireitei for an emergency meeting regarding the recent activity of Hollows & Arrancars in both the real world & the spirit world.

"You'll do well to remember that Yamamoto Taichou is the current leader of Soul Society as well as the oldest & the most powerful living shinigami Ichigo." Renji reminded the orange haired death god representative sternly. "He's your superior in both rank & ability buddy so be careful of what you say around him."

"Renji's right." Rukia chastied Ichigo. "You should show the proper respect to Yamamoto Taichou, Ichigo. He IS your senior & superior officer after all."

"I wouldn't take this idiot so seriously." Yoruichi states. "He'll shape up when the need arises."

"I still don't know why I have to go along here..." Ishida said adjusting his glasses. "...But they do present a valid case. Kurosaki San was never very good with authority. I'm worried about what he might say in the meeting & we'll end up getting ourselves killed."

"Aww, c,mon guys." Ichigo protested. "I know when to keep my mouth shut... At least most of the time."

"Most of the time?" Renji asked skeptically.

"Well you should." Rukia retorted. "You're an officially recognized shinigami of Soul Society so start acting like one."

"W-Well Ichigo is been doing the very best he could." Orihime defended her friend.

"Yes. Ichigo HAS been working hard lately." Sado seconded. "Considering that he's the only one looking after the town, I'd say he's doing a pretty good job so far."

"Chad! Orihime! If you 2 keep on defending Ichigo like that, then it will all go to his head." Rukia exclaimed.

"Which reminds me..." Ichigo said glancing at Renji. "Are you sure Ikakku & Yamachika will be all right by themselves back home? I mean, the last time I saw that baldy, he looked to be in pretty bad shape."

"You're worrying over nothing idiot." Renji answered, thinking about his baldheaded friend & the power he was capable of achieving. "Between him & Yamachika, I think they're more then capable of handling any problems while you're away. And I daresay that they can do a better job then your sorry ass." Renji adds with a smirk.

"What was that you tattoed freak?" Ichigo asked with a snarl.

"You heard me carrot top." Renji answered. "Wanna make something of it?"

"Cut the chatter!" Yoruichi growled. "We're already here." A door opens & the group steps through. Waiting for them was...

"Hello Soifon." Yoruichi greeted. "I assume you're the welcoming party Genryusai Dono sent us?" Yoruichi asked the woman kneeling on one knee in front of them.

"Yes Yoruichi Sama." The 2nd division captain answered as she stood up. "Yamamoto Taichou & the others are already waiting inside the meeting room." She stated as she caught the feline form of Youroichi who had vaulted up into her arms.

"Then let's not keep them waiting shall we?" Yoruichi said, nodding her thanks to Soifon. Led by Soifon, the group then proceeded to the meeting hall where the captains were scheduled to have their meeting.

Entering the room, Ichigo made a mental roll call of the people present.

1st Division Captain: Yamamoto Genryusai. Easily the oldest active Shinigami in Seireitei, Ichigo could still feel the ancient death god's power despite the fact that Yamamoto was currently suppressing his own overwhelming reiatsu. And even though he had met Yamamoto only once before, he sensed that he could trust the old-timer because he reminded Ichigo of a kindly old grandfather who always seemed to know the right answers. And it was entirely possible that he did, given his age & experience.

4th Division Captain: Unohana Retsu. The mild mannered captain of the medical division was someone whom Ichigo was familiar with because he & his friends had spent time in the medical ward under her care. But though her gentle, caring nature made her the ideal physician, Ichigo had also heard talks of Unohona's terrifying side which made even the tough members of the 11th division shiver with fright. Not surprising since she was still, technically, a Captain level Shinigami in both rank & ability.

6th Division Captain: Kuchiki Byakuya. Of course he knew the ice cold brother of Rukia & captain of the 6th Division. A member of the nobility, Ichigo had fought Byakuya to almost a standstill & knew firsthand how much power he possessed. And also, despite his standoffish demeanor towards Rukia, Ichigo knew that deep inside, he cared a great deal about his sister & would willingly sacrifice his own body in order to protect her.

7th Division Captain: Komomura Sajin. Ichigo knew very little of the massive fox-like captain of the 7th division except for the fact that he was extremely loyal to Yamamoto. He had also heard from Ikkaku that Komomura & the traitorous Tousen had also fought Kenpachi which led to Tousen's eventual defeat at the hands of the battle hungry 11th Division Captain & a draw with Komomura.

8th Division Captain: Shunsui Kyoraku. Ichigo had also seen the seemingly happy-go-lucky, always drunk Captain of the 8th Division together with his somewhat stiff Vice Captain only once before. He seemed pleasent enough but Ichigo knew that looks can be decieving. Chad had fought the Shinigami once before & had been beaten quite handily. Shunsui was easily one of the strongest captains in Seireitei.

10th Division Captain: Hitsugaya Toshiro. In Ichigo's opinion, he was the little runt of the lot though he wouldn't say it out loud lest he wanted to get frostbite. Despite wielding the most powerful ice Zanpaktou there is, Hitsugaya is quite hotheaded & quick to anger especially when the topic is about his height. The kid was as cold as an iceberg but could rage like an active volcano in a span of seconds. A lethal combination for someone with his ability.

11th Division Captain: Zaraki Kenpachi. Ichigo knew the bloodthirsty 11th Division Captain all too well. As a matter of fact, had it been any other circumstance, he'd stay as far away as possible from him. His near fatal 1st encounter with Zaraki had instilled into him grudging respect & righteous fear of the Shinigami's near limitless power & toughness. But unfortunately, the fact that he had survived his encounter only made him a worthy opponent in Zaraki's eyes who took every opportunity to challenge him again.

12th Division Captain: Kurotsuchi Mayuri. The sinister Captain of the scientific division was a monster according to Uryuu both literally & figuratively. And looking at the evil looking individual, he could believe the story. Ichigo didn't know exactly what happened between the Shinigami & his friend but something told him that he didn't really want to find out all about the incident if it was THAT bad.

13th Division Captain:Ukitate Jushiro. The Captain of Rukia's Division was a sickly man. But that didn't make him any less formidable then any other captains in the room. Rukia herself could attest that many hollows & shinigami had found out this fact the hard way. He also seemed like a likable guy & Ichigo would always be gratefuly for his assistance in rescuing Rukia.

2 of the 13 Divisions were unrepresented because of the betrayal of 3 captains. But wearing the Captaincy cloak of the traitorous Aizen's old division, the 5th division, was a plain looking male Shinigami with closed smiling eyes with his hair tied in bun & wore small rectangular glasses as well as a long robe under his captain's jacket. He looked more like a chinese scholar rather then a death god if it weren't for the sheathed Zanpaktou with the unusual turtle shell shaped tsuba (handguard) he held resting in front of him like a cane.

"Thank you all for coming." Yamamoto's voice booms out, addressing the visitors from the living world.. "I wish we could've met under more pleasant circumstances, but that is simply impossible at the moment."

"It's understandable Genryusai Dono given our current situation." Yoruichi answered for the group. "So why have you summoned us here?"

"I've heard the report from Hitsugaya Taichou about the attacks that the Arrancar initiated in the real world." Genryusai said, stroking his beard. "And even though they had been dealt with, the boldness of their actions concern me. Could it be the start of an all out war against Seireitei? As the former head of the covert corp. Yoruichi, what is your analysis of their actions?"

Yoruichi chose her words carefully. "If you want to ask my opinion, I think this attack by this group of Arrancar is an isolated incident brought about by one Espada's eagerness to kill." She stated thinking of Grimjoww. "But that doesn't mean they don't worry me. Aizen DOES have something big planned. That much I'm sure of & I don't think this attack is part of it nor do I believe that it will affect his plans in any way."

"I agree with Yoruichi." Ichigo spoke up. "While we were fighting, Grimmjow kept on jabbering about how Ulquiorra should've done the job. It was like he was fighting for the sake of proving someone wrong & not because someone ordered him to. Come to think of it, he didn't seem like the type of guy who likes to follow orders in the first place."

"Dissension in the ranks perhaps?" Komomura mused out loud.

"I don't think so." Hitsugaya answered. "You have to remember that they operate on an entirely different set of rules from us. As far as I can tell, Aizen neither approved nor stopped Grimmjow's actions. He only acted when Grimmjow was in danger & sent Tousen to rescue him."

At the mention of his old friend, Komomura's brow furrowed. It seemed like Tousen's betrayal was still fresh in the fox captain's mind.

"Not to change the subject, but surely you didn't ask us to come all this way from our home to chitchat about the Arrancars didn't you?" Ishida stated.

Genryusai gazed at the young Quincy & chuckled lightly. "You're absolutely right young man. I didn't just call you here to merely discuss the problem of the Arrancar."

The 1st Division captain faced the outsiders & spoke. "The real reason why I called you here is because, in light of the recent flurry of Hollow/Arrancar activity, I would like to offer all of you assistance in training for the inevitable battle we will be having with them. You will be free to seek the expertise of our officers as well as make use of our training facilities within reason for the duration. That is, if you're willing to accept our help."

Immediately, Ishida answered. "As much as I would like to take you up on your generous offer Yamamoto Taichou, I'm afraid I will have to decline." He stated flatly then explained before anyone can say anything. "I am currently undergoing my own training regiment. Another problem is that I'm still a Quincy & wether you'll agree with me or not, I'm not exactly welcome here in Soul Society. Besides..." Ishida glares at Mayuri who leers back. "I still can't bring myself to trust ANY Shinigami after what happened between you & my clan."

"Such insolence." Mayuri sneered at the Quincy. "You do NOT talk to the Commander General & expect to get away with it." He then grips the hilt of his Zanpaktou. "Perhaps it is best if I finally made the Quincys extinct, once & for all." Mayuri stated, aware that Uryuu was incapable of defending himself. But he stopped short when he saw Ichigo, Chad & Orihime position themselves in front of Ishida.

"Try drawing that sword freak & it'll be the last thing you'll ever do." Ichigo warned, gripping the hilt of his own Zanpaktou.

"Yare yare. What a tense atmosphere. Everyone is so hotheaded today." Shunsui comments.

"Better not let the old man hear you or we'll get in trouble." Ukitate stated, noticing that the old 1st Division Captain seemed annoyed at the bickering.

THUMP!! "Enough!" Yamamoto stated sternly, thumping his cane loudly then glares at the 12th Division Captain. "You will do no such thing Kurotsuchi Taichou. The boy was simply speaking his mind & he has every right to be distrustful of us."

Yamamoto then turns to Ishida & nods sagely. "Very well young man. We will respect your wishes. But as I've said, our facilities & services will be made available to you should you decide to change your mind."

"Thank you." Ishida replied simply then watched as Orihime meekly raised her hand. "Ano, I'd like to take you up on yout offer & get some training here sir."

"If that's the case then I'd like her to train with my division Yamamoto Taichou." Came the soft spoken voice of Unohana who steps forward & looks at Orihime kindly then adds. "...That is if that's all right with you young lady. From what I've seen, you have shown promise as a healer & I'd like to help you realize your full potential."

Orihime smiles widely & bows low at Unohana. "Thank you very much. I look forward to working with you ma'am."

Yamamoto nods his approval then looks at Sado. Yoruichi spoke up on his behalf. "I have already started training Chad Yamamoto Dono. But if it's not too much trouble, I would like to borrow Soifon & Renji for the duration. That is, if Kuchiki Taichou doesn't mind me borrowing his Vice Captain."

"I don't see any problem in that." Byakuya replies simply.

"Approved." Yamamoto stated simply then finally looks at Ichigo who glances at Rukia then steps forward. "I accept Yamamoto Taichou. My lack of know-how always got me, my friends & my family in trouble before. There is still so much that I want to... No, HAVE to learn as a Shinigami. That's why I want to attend classes in your academy to learn other skills in order for me to become more effective."

Yamamoto raised an eyebrow as Rukia looks at Ichigo in mild surprise. Though from her expression seemed rather pleased.

But Zaraki seemed to have a differing opinion & had no problems voicing his displeasure. "I diagree. Ichigo's fighting prowess is enough to get him through most missions. And rather then sticking him in some stuffy old classroom, I say we hone his combat skills through constant training. I volunteer to personally train him." Zaraki said and giving Ichigo a predatory grin, much to the orange haired Shinigami's dismay..

"And have him become a bloodthirsty warfreak like you? I don't think so." Hitsugaya counters with a sigh then turns to Yamamoto. "For once, I concur with Kurosaki San. All he has going for him right now is his sheer power, but that's it. He lacks the academic skills needed to be an effective Shinigami."

"That's crap." Zaraki snorted derisively. "I never needed anything more then my Zanpaktou to do my job. I see no reason for Ichigo to improve on anything else but his swordsmanship."

"That's exactly the reason why you're never good for anything else except fighting, Zaraki." Hitsugaya answers. "At least Ichigo has the good sense to try & learn something new for his own betterment. Unlike you."

"What's that supposed to mean, shortstuff?" Zaraki growled angrily, fingering the hilt of his sword.

"Who are you calling shortstuff, one eye?" Hitsugaya demanded, feeling his own short temper rising.

"Both of you stop this childish bickering this instance." Yamamoto ordered. "Both of you have valid points but I will settle this." Yamamoto turns to Ichigo. "I shall grant your request Kurosaki Ichigo. You shall attend special classes in the Shinigami Academy & helping you with your lessons will be our new 5th Division Captain, Lee Fang.

The previously silent new 5th Division Captain steps forward & politely bows to Ichigo. "Pleased to meet you Ichigo San. I heard a lot about you. My name is Lee Fang. I hope we can work well together."

"...In addition..." Yamamoto continues. "You will also be undergoing combat training with the 11th Division under Zaraki." At Yamamoto's orders, Zaraki gives Ichigo an even wider grin. He was, no doubt, already looking forward to his sparring sessions. Ichigo could only groan unhappily.

"Kurosaki San. It is also my understanding that you have been in contact with the Vizards on earth?" Yamamoto asks.

Ichigo stiffens at the mention of the Vizards. He was aware that they were considered as criminals in Soul Society. "With all due respect Yamamoto Taichou, but if you're gonna ask me to reveal their location so that you can…."

"…..I wish for you to contact them & offer them amnesty in exchange for an alliance with us." Yamamoto finished his statement. The room fell deathly (pardon the pun) silent as each individual took in the 1st Division Captain's request.

"You may be wondering why I am asking this of you." Yamamoto stated, noting the confused look on Ichigo's & everybody else's faces. "I want to fortify our forces because, in a year's time, I intend to launch a pre-emptive strike on Hueca Mundo against Aizen & his Arrancars."

Author's Notes: Ok, guys. I present to you, my 1st Bleach fanfic. Enjoy everyone.