A/N: Hey guys! Thanks so much for your wonderful reviews I enjoyed reading them.So sorry for not up dating in so long too but I know you all are probably ready to start reading so here ya go!


Chapter 2: Happy Birthday?

There was a tiny bird, singing on Kagome's balcony door when she harshly slammed down on her clock and scared the poor thing away. Kagome turned over in her warm comfy bed and was about to fall back to sleep when her cell phone rung and went to automatic answer.

"Little miss birthday girl!" came an aggravated voice from the phone. "I know your not still asleep. Wake up!. Kagome was so startled from the outburst of Sango that she was successfully awake and staring at her wooden floor. Oh how wonderful her day was starting out. "Kago-" Sango was cut off as Kagome took hold of her phone.

"I'm awake Sango' Kagome spoke tiredly. "Can't you think of a better way to wake me up? I mean the floor and I are getting a little bit to close for my liking" she said sarcastically. Sango laughed. "It woke you up didn't it? Besides this way is more fun." She said giggling into the receiver. "Ok knock it off." Spoke another voice. "Kagome believe me I tried to tell Sango to give you a little slack because it's your birthday, but oh no! She just had to hear you hit the floor as a start to her morning."

Kagome stood up and brushed her self off. "It's fine" she spoke rubbing her eyes. "Anyway Kag's, Happy Birthday" Kikyo sung into the phone. "Oh yes, I'm sorry happy birthday!" Sango repeated. "Thanks, but I'm gonna have to let you guys go. I have a long day ahead of me before its time for the party. " Kagome walked over to her drawer grabbing her necessities so she could get into the shower. "k, just try to enjoy today Kagome, I mean you only turn 18 once and see it this way: your finally a woman!" Kikyo said excited

"Yeah, yeah ok" Kagome blushed in embarrassment. "Ciao" Kikyo and Sango called in unison before hanging up. "Here goes nothing" Kagome went into her closet and grabbed a pair or Capri's and a white halter-top.

After Kagome took her nice hot shower she was out with a fuzzy blue towel around her thin frame. She began to hum to her self as she wiped away the mist that gathered on her mirror. Kagome stopped humming when she noticed a beautiful necklace around her neck. 'Where did this come from?' she thought. Then the memory of last night came rushing back to her.

Kagome had to take hold of the sink so that she wouldn't fall over. "That wasn't a dream?" She asked her self. Kagome picked up the pendant and blushed immediately. "He took my first kiss" she was furious now. Who did that guy think he was taking her first kiss? Even if he was a lot better looking than any of the guys she ever saw. I mean who wouldn't be freaked out in her position?

She didn't even know the guy and he was all over her calling her pet names like he's known her for years. The nerve of that guy! But…he knew her name. No! He could've just heard someone say it somewhere. But the look in his eyes when he was holding her, he had to know her some how. Right? Maybe he knew her before she lost her memory, when her adopted family found her. Maybe…no!

Kagome shook her head. She'd be damned if she let something like this ruin her birthday! So with a confident nod to herself in the mirror she began to dress.

"My Lord, you have a phone call" Sesshomaru was once again in his replica of the garden him and his lover shared. He looked up at the young maid and grabbed the phone from her hands. With a bow the young girl walked away. Sesshomaru put the phone to his ear and spoke.

"Hello" came his calm voice. "So did ya see her last night? She's grown into a full blown hottie huh bro?" "It will serve you well if you don't refrain to my future mate as a "hottie" he spoke annoyed. "Aww c'mon, is this the thanks I get for keeping watch over her after all these years? Your lucky I didn't call dibs on her.All the guys in school are after her, and I could've just-"

"Inuyasha, hold your tongue or I'll rip it out your mouth and feed it to the birds" Sesshomaru said letting his anger get the best of him. "Now this is an energetic side I haven't side in a while" Sesshomaru sighed. The boy certainly knew how to get on his bad side. "What is it that you called for"

"Oh yea I almost forgot" Sesshomaru was tempted to rolled his eyes. This boy knew no boundaries. "Kagome's having a party to celebrate her 18th birthday. It's supposed to be this real big bash and I thought that you might wanna know.' Inuyasha said. "Inuyash-. Inuyasha cut him off. "Besides think about all the guys who can't wait to get their hands on her now that she's 18."

This was absolutely too easy, Inuyasha knew that Sesshomaru wanted to be close to Kagome so why not at her own party? "I'll be there" with that Sesshomaru hung up the phone. This was going to be fun. Inuyasha hopped off his bed and went towards his closet.

Kagome walked down the stairs stomach growling. Oh how she was hungry. "Mom" Kagome walked into the kitchen but was disappointed to see no one there. Kagome sighed. 'Yep, great way to start off the morning' she thought. Kagome scanned the kitchen when she noticed a note on the table. Kagome walked over to the table and picked it up.

Goodmorning Kagome,
Happy birthday sweetie, sorry I wasn't able to say that to you in person this morning but your brother forgot to mention to me that his old tux was to small, so I'm out buying him another. Your grandfather just sent over your dress (It's gorgeous! I left it sitting on the couch) and some money for your hair make-up, etc. Oh, and your breakfast in the oven.
, Love Mom

Kagome smiled. Maybe this day s going to be better than she thought. Kagome went to the stove and opened the oven door to reach in and grab her plate. "Wow, pancakes with chocolate chips, bacon and eggs, my fav!' Yes this day was certainly looking up. Kagome walked back over to the table and grabbed a fork and was just about to take a bite when her doorbell rung. Now who was it?

Kagome growled and got up. This had better be important or she was going to freak. No one should ever take her away from her favorite breakfast. Kagome opened the door but before she was able to say a word she was knocked to the ground.

"Kagome!" Kagome looked up and saw her two bestfriends. " Hey guys!"

"Hey Kag's!" Sango and Kikyo said in unison. "What are you guys doing here I thought you were going to meet me here at 7:00?" Kagome titled her head to the side a little.

"Well Sango and I talked it over and decided that maybe we should get ready together." Kikyo said smiling helping Kagome to her feet. "Yea and face it girl, you've been acting really weird lately" Sango said tapping Kagome on her nose.

"I have?" Kagome questioned watching the girls shake their heads.

Well whatever the case" Kikyo began. "It doesn't matter now, let's just go get fabulous!" She shouted grinning."

"But, I haven't even finished breakfast" Kagome whined.

"Well bring it with you" Sango pushed Kagome into the kitchen to grab her plate. "Bring it where? On the road while were walking down the street." Kagome said sarcastically picking her plate up.

"Aww. Now that's now way to talk to your bestfriend, who just so happens to have the keys to her moms Mercedes." Sango jingled the keys in Kagome face as if trying to hypnotize her.

"No way!" Kagome said shocked, a piece a bacon that she had but into her mouth falling out in the process. "Way!" Sango screamed.

Kagome hurried and grabbed a napkin to put over her plate and ran out side, leaving Sango and Kikyo to lock up. The two shook their heads smiling and Sango locked the door with her spare key to her house.

After Make-up and things…………….

Kagome was rushing around the house in search of her dress.

"Where is it!" Kagome screamed. Sango ran into the living room where Kagome was. Kagome looked up frantically and asked "Did you find it?"

Sango shook her head. "No, did your mom tell you where the dress was?" Sango asked rubbing Kagome's back trying to calm her. "Yes, she said in the note that it was on the couch but it's not!" Kagome said trying not to cry.

"Well why don't you call her cell, maybe she moved it" Kikyo said coming in the living room with her earrings in hand. "Great idea" Kagome said running in the kitchen and grabbing the phone, hastily dialing her mothers' number. "Damn it. She left her phone here!" Kagome cried out from the kitchen.

"Where'd she go? I'm sure it couldn't have been far" Sango asked.

"She said she was going to get some more tape for her video camera but-" Kagome was cut off as her mother walked through the door.

"Mom!" Kagome cried. "Where's my dress?"

Her mother smiled. 'I saw that you hadn't touched your dress so I hung it up in your closet." She said.

"Oh thank you" Kagome shouted sprinting up the stairs.

Kagome ran into her room and into her closet but stopped as her breath was taken away by the gorgeous dress. "Oh my goodness" Kagome walked over to the beautiful dress.

Kagome touched the dress softly as if she would rip it. It was the most breath taking dress she had seen in her life. Kagome hurried and slipped into the dress. It was perfect! It hugged her in all the right places. But what surprised her the most about the dress was how good it matched with her necklace.

The dress was astounding. It was a beautiful silver color around the halter part that hugged her breasts but slowly changed to blue as it reached her mid waist. The front bottom part of her dress was a pretty shade of blue that stopped just above her shins but in the back there was a medium length silver train trailing in the back.

Kagome went to her full view mirror and stood back to admire her self. She sighed. Kagome was never the type to think muck of her self, but how she looked now…she felt as if she were the princess among princesses.

"Hey Kagome did you…find it" Sango gasped as she looked at Kagome. Kikyo ran in Kagome's room soon after Sango and was looking at Kagome the same way Sango was.

"Oh Kagome" Kikyo said covering her mouth trying not to cry, "Your absolutely gorgeous.

"I agree 100 percent," Sago said walking over to her bestfriend hugging her. Kikyo went and hugged her as well. "Thank you" she said wrapping her arms around them both.

"Are you girls ready?" Sango and Kikyo stepped away from Kagome so they could answer her. :"Yes" the three said together.

Kagome mother stood in shock for a moment, but then begin to cry.
"Oh look at my Kagome, your so beautiful!" She squealed.

"Mom! Don't cry, you'll mess up your make-up" Kagome walked over to her mother and wiped away her tears.

"Yes right" Her mother said gathering her emotions back together.

"Let's go," She said smiling as all the girls grinned and followed Kagome's mother down the stairs and in to the limousine. (Courtesy of Kagome's grandfather)

Inuyasha stood at the entrance of the extravagant hall felling like an idiot with no date.

"Where the hell are they, they were supposed to be here15 minutes ago" Inuyasha scowled looking at his watch. Inuyasha looked up and his eyes lit up instantly. 'Finally' he thought. But was soon disappointed when he learned it was his half-brother.

"Guess not" he muttered slightly embarrassed.

Sesshomaru walked out of his limo as his driver held the door open for him. 'Of course there would be paparazzi at the party of the famous Ken Higurashi's granddaughter' he thought glumly. He just didn't feel like dealing with them today, so he did what he did best. He ignored them.

"What do you think about Mr. Higurashi's granddaughter turning 18" a woman asked waving a microphone in his face.

"Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru. Is it true that Taisho Corp is joining with Higurashi inc.?" a man yelled as Sesshomaru finally reached the top of the staircase and went in.

Sesshomaru let out an inaudible sigh he didn't know he was holding in.

"So you showed up eh? Not really surprising though. Put Kagome's name, the paparazzi, mix it all together and you've got the perfect reason for the appearance of the infamous Sesshomaru Taisho." Inuyasha said leaning on the doorframe of the entrance.

Sesshomaru turned toward Inuyasha slowly and glared coolly. " Inuyasha-"

"She's here" Inuyasha said as he watched the paparazzi flock the group of girls with questions he knew most of them couldn't answer.

"She looks gorgeous doesn't she?" Inuyasha said turning around only to find him already gone.

"Slick bastard" he said as he went down to greet the girls.

Sesshomaru took paced steps as he reached the ballroom. If he was going to spend time with Kagome tonight, he'd have to take his time and work his way to her. He already took a big chance seeing her the previous night. He was going to make sure she 'd have the perfect birthday, including him of course.

So with a slight tilt to his lips he walked in fully.

"Ahh, Sesshomaru how nice it is to see you" Ken said warmly making his way over to him.

Kagome sat in the back of the limo and wrung her hands until they were red. She was so nervous! First she'd have to get pass the obstacle that was the paparazzi, and then the entrance with a million people (that she probably didn't even know) staring at her.

She was sure if they didn't get there soon, she was going to die from a heart attack.

"Kagome" Kagome looked up and into the warm eyes of her mother. "There's no need to be nervous," her mother said pushing a stray curl out of her daughters' face. Your friends and I will be there the whole time, and just think how much fun you'll have. Try to calm down okay sweetie?" Kagome nodded and begin to breathe normally.

"Were here, and look at all the camera's and flashing" Sango squealed.

The driver of the limo got out and opened the door for the girls. As they stepped out they were bombarded with questions and flashing of cameras. The girls slowly made there way through the group of cameramen and women, and through the doors of the beautiful hall.

Ey gilrsldfkdef "Hello ladies, you're all looking beautiful this evening" The girls looked up to see Miroku and Inuyasha looking quite handsome at the entrance.

"Hey guys" Kagome said cheerfully (if only for the moment) hugging the two.

"Happy birthday Kagome" The two said in unison taking in her beautiful appearance.

"Kagome you look astonishing" Miroku said trying to creep his hand to her backside. ""Keep it to yourself pervert" Sango said grabbing his hand just in time.

"Why Sango you look like a jewel, yet ten times better," hae said in his charmingly masculine voice. "Is it so wrong that a man, who appreciates the finer beauty in life, wishes to peruse said jewel?" Miroku said smiling laying a soft kiss on her cheek.

Sango face lit up like a red Christmas light. "Uh, I um" she stuttered as everyone began to laugh. But before she was able to answer his question, Kagome's grandfather entered the hall and told them it was time to enter.

Taking a breath Kagome latched onto her grandfathers' arm and they all proceeded forward.

Sesshomaru stood impatiently as he waited the entrance of his betrothed. Where could she be? He saw her grandfather leave about 15 minutes ago. He was sure he was going to get her so what could be-

Sesshomaru was silenced as he noticed the lights dim and the spot light being placed on different couples who were descending the stairs. Sesshomaru watched the different couples walk down the stairs boredly until he saw the most gorgeous girl he'd seen all day.


She looked liked a goddess as she descended the stairs more gracefully than any of the girls had tried to attempt. His heart pounded quickly against his chest as she finally stepped off the last stair smiling brightly with that beautiful smile of hers as everybody clapped.

He didn't notice before last night but she wasn't the same girl he had fell in love with, oh no. She had blossomed into a full-blown woman. With a smirk on his lips he turned to sit down and let her get a little time to get aquatinted with the party before he approached her.

Kagome sighed. The worst was over and now all she was ready to do was let loose and party. But something had her on edge every sense she entered the doors. Kagome smiled and shook her head. It was probably nothing, she was always known to over react. With a smile she headed towards her bestfriends as the DJ began to play soft music.

Kagome walked up to Sango and tapped her back making her jump in the process.

"Heya Sango" Kagome said smiling innocently at her,

Sango turned and smiled at her bestfriend. "Kagome this party is amazing" she gushed turning wide eyes, this way and that.

"Yep sure is, makes you think anything can happen, Huh Sango?" She teased motioning toward Miroku.

"Ha, ha, whatever Kagome" Sango blushed.

"Hey girls, I know I have a boyfriend and everything, that I'm very committed to, mind you but…' Kikyo spoke pausing as her eyes drifted behind them.

"But what?" Kagome asked turning around. Her voice hitched in her throat as her eyes landed on the gorgeous man from the previous night. 'Oh Kami! This cannot be happening, and it so doesn't help that he's with ji-chan. He's going to try and introduce me!' And Kami knows I've had a hell of an introduction with that guy!' She panicked.

Thinking quick Kagome made up an excuse to lead them away. "Hey guys I heard the punch is delicious, I think we should go try some!" Kagome mentally slapped her self. 'Oh yea, sure let's go get some punch! It's so the talk of the night!' she thought sarcastically trying to push them.

"Kagome my dear, I have some one I want you all to meet" Kagome moaned. So much for punch. Might as well get it over with. Kagome plastered a fake smile on her face and turned around.

"Yes Ji-chan?" she said trying not to meet eye contact with the man's beautiful eyes, half afraid she might get lost in them.

"Everyone this is Taisho, Sesshomaru. Head of Taisho Corp." He said as everyone looked at him.

"And Sesshomaru, this is my lovely granddaughter I was telling you about. Kagome" Sesshomaru stepped forward and took Kagome's hand in his.

"How wonderful it is to meet you, my dear Kagome. I just wish your grandfathers words would've have matched up to how beautiful you actually are," He said kissing her hand, holding her gaze the whole time.

Kagome flushed all thoughts of anger toward the man gone. "Oh, I, thank you" Kagome said smiling.

Sesshomaru nodded admiring her appearance more that she was up close. Oh how he loved this girl. Sesshomaru looked behind Kagome, not wanting to be rude so he spoke.

"I am very pleased to meet you all" Sesshomaru spoke smoothly bowing slightly. Sango and Kikyo blushed and nodded dumbly as Kagome's grandfather lead him to some of his other guests.

"Oh.My.Goodness!" Sango screamed. "He was so…ahhh, is it even a word for how attractive was?" Sango squealed watching the man interact.

"I mean I guess he was attractive" Kagome lied trying to clear the blush on her face.

"Are you kidding me!" Sango yelled. 'And what was with you two, I swear if I didn't know better I'd say you two were-"

"Lovers?" Kikyo added. Sango nodded her head. "Kagome wasn't that man a perfect description of the man in your dreams? I mean I know it sounds a little far fetched but he seemed to fit it perfectly "Kikyo explained.

Now that she thought about it. Nah. "Uh Kikyo, I couldn't see his face that well but I know it wasn't him" she half lied. She wasn't about to think about this now. It was time to dance.

"But anyway let's dance"She sung as the DJ began to play her favorite song.

Kikyo and Sango smiled, grabbed their boyfriends and headed to the dance floor.

Sesshomaru watched Kagome dance with her friends happily. He sighed. How he wanted to dance with her, but he really didn't find it the right songs so he waited. As if the DJ heard his prayers, the songs slowed and it gave him the perfect opportunity to dance with Kagome.

Sesshomaru glided slowly over to Kagome just as she was about to leave the dance floor, for lack of a partner. "May I have this dance?" He spoke smoothly as he looked into her beautiful blue-gray eyes.

Kagome's heart fluttered. She wasn't expecting to see him again tonight. But sadly in the back of her mind. She knew she would. Kagome was about to answer but suddenly remembered why she was mad at this man in the first place.

"No" she said stubbornly.

"Oh? And why not?" Sesshomaru said, eyes glistening with amusement.

Kagome blushed. She didn't know she'd be giving an explanation. But nonetheless she told him anyway.

"B-because,you,you stole my first kiss!" Kagome whispered to him embarrassed.

Sesshomaru chuckled lightly, and bent down to speak into her ear."Trust me love" he said seductively. "No it wasn't" Sesshomaru grabbed her hand and to his happiness she complied.

Sesshomaru put his hand on the small of her back and pushed her lightly into his chest, where she in turn wrapped her arms around his neck.

Kagome was still wary of this attractive man. What were his intentions? Did he really know her like he said he did or was he after something else?

Before Kagome could put up anymore explanations on this mans' behavior. He bent down and whispered.

"Happy Birthday my love" then he kissed her lips softly, tasting them lightly.

Well, there ya go! Again, I am so sorry for updating SO late! I have no excuse but to say that I was being lazy. But I promise the next chapter will come sooner. To say sorry, I even made this chappy longer than intended.

Any whoo!

