Disclaimer: I do not own Companions of the Night. As much as I'd like to, I don't.

A/N IMPORTANT: I am revising this story. I have decided to delete all the chapters but I am in the process of a wonderful revising. If you haven't read my story, I hope you enjoy the new revised edition; if you have, you're welcome to read it again. Things will be changed. And I'm hoping it will be a better read. ENJOY :-)

Chapter 1: A Three Year Anniversary

Kerry sighed to herself while she looked out the window on this rainy afternoon. She thought about Michel as she pulled closer his leather jacket. Tears sprang from her eyes. Everything had gone so wrong. She had an ordinary life. She was an ordinary girl. That was, until three years ago today.

She loved him.

She missed him.

She would do anything to find him.

That's why she decided three months ago to go into vampire hunting. She sort of had it planned out. They had yet to come across a vampire. But when they did, she would be ready, she hoped.

She had deceived the leader of the vampire group she stumbled upon when looking for a group to join. She of course, lied about why she wanted to become a vampire hunter. She believed to have mentioned something about revenge. Not sure. A wonderful lie just oozed out of her mouth. She's horrible at lying, but just this once, she got a break, and the leader dude, luckily, believed her. It's almost as if fate was going to play out. I mean, it was pure luck she found a group. It's not exactly in your daily classified ads:


Would it say something like that? 'Let's go get 'em?' Alarm all the vampires that way…

But anyways, so far so good for Kerry. Things were okee-dokee at the moment. So fate was pretty much playing out for her.


Later that night, around midnight, she went out to the park where she was supposed to meet the vampire group. Arriving ten minutes late, she took her sweet time walking the dark passage with few streetlamps. The sidewalk was damp from the long rain, but at least it wasn't raining now, thankfully. She pulled the jacket she was wearing closer to herself. It was his jacket. She could still almost smell his scent on it. She could still see those piercing cold, blue eyes looking right through her.

Is it at all hypocritical to be wearing a vampires jacket while vampire hunting?

She got up to the group surprised to see that they had someone down on the ground. One of the hunters was wielding a bat. Her guess was that they were beating him. Of course they were. They're cold-hearted like that. As her eyes adjusted to the lighting, she could see that it wasn't Michel. Of course, that just wasn't her kind of luck nowadays. She had gotten this far, why should the universe do her anymore favors? "Kerry!" she heard one of them call out, "You're late!"

She looked down at the vampire, keeping her distance. His expression was emotionless. He showed no signs of fear or pain. She looked back up at the group, "I'm here, aren't I?" her voice had a harshness in it.

She put on an act, afraid of letting her guard down only a little. That was another little gift the universe gave her, not that she could ever pull it off with vampires, but her act. Though, her heart pounded the whole time and she was afraid she would slip eventually, she tried and was doing a good job of not showing her fear and sweating on the inside. That sounds kind of gross, 'sweating on the inside.'

One of the men gave her a piercing stare and she just turned away. She looked back down at the vampire again, "So where did you find him?" she asked detached.

The leader replied with pride, "Finally tracked the bastard down."

"Hm…Was he the one you had been tracking for 6 months?"

"Yep, that's the one," he answered.

She nodded as she held her hand out in front of another guy. He handed her a gun equipped with silver bullets. She still hated guns. But, it was all part of the act.

The vampire was dragged into the dark navy blue van, almost dark enough just to be said that it was black, especially in this lighting. It had been parked on the curb less then half a mile away. As they walked to the van, she contemplated what her next move would be. It certainly wouldn't be what those stupid vampire hunters had planned. She wondered if it was going to be deja vo again from back at the laundry mat exactly three years ago.

She hopped into the back with two others. The other two were up front. Only they were in seats. Back here, it was just floor and a bench up against the right side of the van. The two others took up that seat. She sat on the floor, closest to the vampire. She looked behind herself to the two others loading their guns. She looked back over at the vampire. He was shoved into the back corner, tied up, of course. She wasn't in his reach. She looked at him in his eyes. She tried to send a message to him through her eyes. His eyes pierced back at her. His eyes flickered with confusion, but immediately changed back to being emotionless. He looked at her, gauging her to give him something at what she was trying to say; whether she was just a foolish vampire hunter…or maybe something more.

He had listened to her heartbeats earlier. He noticed when she was lying, and she had lied quite a bit. He could taste her fear as her heartbeat pounded as she spoke. But, when she looked at him, she was calm and her heartbeat slowed, just like now. Was it satisfaction? Or was it something else?

One of the men up front loaded his gun and she jumped. The two men in the back mumbled to themselves. The leader, who was the one driving, called out, "Kerry?"

She jumped a little. She was in a jumpy mood. "Yes?" she replied a little weak.

"You ready for this?"

She still looked at the vampire, and he returned the stare, "I hope so."

"Well, this is going to be an experience you'll never forget. There's nothing better, then the feeling of watching evil die in the pure light of God."

She jerked her head up, "You mean…" she whispered only loud enough for the vampire to hear, and that was because of his extremely good hearing. She spoke up, "You mean, the sunlight?"


She could hear in his voice that he was grinning a wide grin, and he was. She cringed. No one noticed but the vampire. He studied her closely. She never diverted eye contact from him. She was unafraid of him. She was afraid of all that was going on around her, but she was most certainly not afraid of him Could he sense that? She thought he could because of her heartbeats that were now slow and steady. She thought that that confused him.

It made him curious.

© Copyright Nicole Pierce