I Fall Every TimeChapter 1By: Sakura's Shadows
Disclaimers-I don't own Rurouni Kenshin.
I had intended to post this on New Year's, but I rewrote it... I hope you guys like it because I love it!
Once again it's New Years Eve. All my friends are all at a party, having fun, and I'm here in my apartment all alone with my tub of ice cream and television. Of course they had invited me to come. They said it would be fun. I turned that offer down because I was still hurt from what happened. I just wanted to be alone this New Years Eve. All I wanted to do was just sort out my thoughts and cry...
How is it that you can love someone so much? You give them your everything and they give nothing. You trust them with your heart and they break it. Why is love so cruel?
Enishi I poured out my heart to you... Everything was perfect. It was a fairy tale. At least it was until you started staying out later and then broke me. You told me all that you had been doing. You packed your things kissed me on the forehead and left me there, a torn person. I couldn't stop crying. I still can't. I loved you with my everything, and you didn't return those feelings...
My cell phone rang, making me drop my spoon that was half way in my mouth. I was dripping with chocolate ice cream. I picked up my cell phone and saw that it was just Misao.
"Yeah?" I answered.
"Kaoru? You sound different? You okay?" Misao inquired. I heard the party in the background. She must have been having a great time.
"I'm fine, great actually," I mumbled while I was trying to swallow the last bit of ice cream.
Misao sighed, "Let me guess you're pigging out on ice cream and watching old reruns on TV?"
"You got me..." I murmured. I looked down at my sleeping shirt cursing myself for being so clumsy with the ice cream. Now I was going to have to wash this thing right away...
"Why don't you come down here and be with us?" she paused," There sure are some really... cute guys."
I rolled my eyes. Typical of Misao to just be looking at all the guys. I grinned.
"Come on. I bet you it'll make you feel all better from you-know-who." Misao pleaded.
"I'd rather stay home." I replied.
"Sano is here." She said, sighing.
That was all that she had to say. It cheered up right away. Sanosuke Sagara was like my brother. We teased each other a lot. To most people, we would seem like the worst of enemies, but we're the exact opposite. He helped me through every hardship I've ever had, like when my mom dyed in the car accident a few years back. Sano was with me through everything. He even let me stay at his place until I could find my own.
"So?" I heard Misao ask impatiently.
"Let me get dressed." I replied and hung up the phone. I glanced at the clock. It was two hours until the near came along with the chance to start anew. I closed my eyes and sighed. Maybe this year I'll find Mr. Right. I went into my bedroom and threw off my sleeping shirt and walked to my closet. I grabbed the first thing I saw, which was a simple black dress that went to my knees. I slipped it on. Then, I just remembered I still had ice cream all over me. I ran to the bathroom and cleaned my face. I didn't bother with any make-up. I really had no incentive to look pretty for anyone, so I tied my hair back after brushing it. Then I was off.
Pulling the door shut as I walked out, I could hear my phone ringing again. I fumbled in my purse and realized it was still inside the house along with my keys! It was too late... The door shut. I was locked out because of my stupid messed up head.
"Just great." I grumbled. I walked away, still digging in my purse for money for a cab. I walked down the hallway, not paying attention to anything around me. My heels were to high for me, so I stumbled in them as I walked to the elevator at the end of the hall. Eventually, I fell hard onto the wood floor. I was flabbergasted for a moment, trying to figure out what just happened. I kept hearing a voice. It was a man's voice, but it was delicate.
"Hey are you alright?" The voice asked.
"Um," was my response. The clouds in my head cleared, and I realized I was sitting on the floor with the contents of my purse scattered around me. I heard a soft chuckle. I looked in front of me. All I saw was a pair of worn sneakers. Farther up, I saw jeans. Even farther, I saw a hand reached out to me.
"Let me help you up," The voice said again. I took the man's hand, and he lifted me up with ease. I didn't let go of his hand; it was warm. I liked it. He bent down and handed me my purse. I knelt and we both started picking up the items. Then we both must have went the same item because our hands bumped into each other. We both looked up at the same time. I blinked and he just smiled at me, obviously holding back a chuckle. I blushed and stood up. He handed me the tube of lip gloss that we had reached for.
"Thanks," I muttered as I stuffed it into my bag.
"No problem," he replied.
I looked at him and I was drawn immediately to his red hair. I liked it. Oh, and his eyes, they were violet, so exotic. Then I wondered if he was taken or...you know. All the good ones usually are.
He turned to walk away.
Thirty minutes later I had finally made it to the party. My cab got stuck in a traffic jam, so I walked the rest of the way. As I was walking, it started pouring rain, which soaked me to the bone. It stopped right as I was walking into the building of the party. What great timing! As soon as I walked in, someone grabbed me by the arm.
"What the?" I looked at the person who grabbed me. It was Misao. She blinked a few times, puzzled.
"What happened to you?" She asked, inspecting me. I pulled my dress from her hand.
"Don't ask." I replied. She just shrugged. We went inside to where the party was. There was quite a few people on the dance floor. Some were howling like the drunken idiots they were. Others were sitting by the bar or just chatting at the tables.
"See what you were missing out on?" Misao said. Behind her came a really tall man with black hair and baby blue eyes.
"Who's that?" I asked pointing to the man behind her. She looked behind her and then back at me.
"Oh, that's just Aoshi. I met him while Sano and I were dancing!" She yelled over the music.
We moved through all the people to where the tables were. Once we sat down I caught my breath.
"So where's Sano?" I asked.
Misao looked at me, "What?" she yelled.
The music was too loud, so I practically had to scream at her for her to understand me.
"Oh he's some where around here. Go look for him," She said. Aoshi poked her on her shoulder and whispered something in her ear. She pointed to the dance floor, and I nodded. Aoshi wanted her to dance with him. They went. I watched as they got lost in the sea of people. I gazed around the dance floor, looking for Sano. Finally I spotted him making a not so sly move on a girl and getting slapped for it. He happened to look at me and waved me to come over to his area. I nodded, getting up. I finally got to where he was at.
"Hey!" I said to him.
"Hey there Missy," he looked at me, "Why are you so wet?"
"I got stuck in rain on my way here," I replied.
He nodded and grabbed me. He took me to get a towel in a back room, away form all the people. I was relieved to get away; I never really liked crowds like that. I could still hear the music thumping, but it wasn't as loud in the tiny room. At least I could talk in a normal voice.
"I can't believe you came," He said as he gave me a towel.
"I can't believe I did either. I had a time getting here," I sighed. I took the towel and dried off a bit.
"What happened?" He asked.
"Well I locked myself out of my apartment, got stuck in a traffic jam, fell, and got soaked in rain," I explained.
"Sounds like you had fun," He said sarcastically.
"Loads," I said sarcastically, hitting him with the towel.
We both laughed a bit.
"So there's this guy I want you to meet--" He started saying.
"I knew it. You guys only wanted me to come here for some guy you found roaming around the bar," I buried my face in the towel and screamed from frustration. I thought this was such a waste of time. Besides, I didn't want to meet some random guy that Misao found roaming around. That's how we found Enishi, and I don't want to go through that same drama all over again.
"He not just 'some guy'. He's one of my good friends. Trust me; he's a nice guy," Sano explained, patting me on the back.
I shook my head, "I think I'm just going to go home," I said.
Sano looked at me, "Come on, just meet and exchange names. You can at least do that can't you?"
I thought for a second, scratching my head a bit to just bug Sano. Then he put his hands together, "Please."
"I don't want to. I'm going to go," I said and threw the towel on the floor.
"Why?" He inquired.
"Because," I replied. He sighed annoyed at my stubbornness.
"Because I'm just not ready," I yelled, frustrated with him. Sano leaned against the wall, crossing his arms.
"Kaoru, it's been a month," He said.
"Well you may be able to spring back from a serious relationship, but I can't. So stop bugging me about it!" I argued.
He looked at me. He was a little shocked at my outburst. I never usually yelled at him like that. Right now, I just wanted to be left alone. I mean, anyone knows that after being in a serious relationship it takes time to recover from the heartbreak. Sano just doesn't get it!
"I'm leaving," I said to him.
He nodded his head, "Okay. See you later." I was surprised he let me go so easily.
As I walked back out to the bar, I saw Misao in the darkest corner with her new 'friend'. The music was going and so was everyone else. The lights flashed and the music boomed in my ears. This was not a place I wanted to be, so I walked out as fast as I could. I'd taken off me heels so it would be easier for me to walk. I really didn't care for getting my feet dirty. Like I said, I wasn't trying to look special for anyone.
I walked out to the front of the building. There was a secluded spot behind a concrete wall where I could just sit. I headed there. My feet were starting to get a bit cold from the cold water on the ground. A slight wind blew, which made me even colder. I just knew I was going to get sick...
Later I had returned home, thanks to some gracious taxi driver that took me home for free. He probably just felt sorry for me. I sighed and fumbled in my purse for my keys. Then I just remembered that I had locked myself out.
"Crap," I mumbled, plopping myself onto the floor.
"You locked out again Kamiya."
My eyes widened, "What are you doing here?"
I had asked it bitterly. He just laughed and crouched down so he could be at eye level with me. I saw those eyes I had once loved so much and the white hair. His trademark glasses were absent from his face. I had broken them in the last fight we had got in. He never hit me back, but still he hated me for it. I smirked, "Have you just come here to laugh at me?"
He smirked as well, "Nope. I just want back my ring."
"Well I can't get in. I don't have a key, so I guess you're out of luck."
He sighed and reached in his pocket and pulled out a small key. "Well here you go."
I stared at it for moment, disgusted. Why did he still have that? I snatched from his hand and unlocked the door.
"Stay here," I told him. He nodded his head. I went to my room and looked on my dresser where my jewelry box was. I opened it and there was that stupid ring. Taking it out, I looked at with a slight smile. He had given it to me when we first started dating. It was a Promise Ring. My smile had turned bitter then. He had broken that promise many times. I couldn't believe I forgave him. I don't even know why I'm still in love with him. I couldn't help it. But the love I have for him now isn't pure; it's bitter and tainted.
I walked back to him and put the ring in his hand. "That's the last I'll being seeing of you, I hope." I said to him.
"Why are you so bitter Kaoru?" He said, grinning.
"Just leave." I said, closing my door.
"Jerk," I whispered.
The next day I woke up with a really bad headache. My stomach hurt and my head felt as hot as the sun. I grabbed my thermometer out of the drawer by my couch in the living room and took my temperature. It was up to 102 degrees. My body was shivering from being so cold, but my head felt like it would burn to ashes.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Now who is it," I muttered. Walking to the door with a big wool blanket over my shoulders, I answered it.
"Yeah?" I said groggily, rubbing my eyes.
"I'm sorry to bother you, but... Are you okay?" A man asked.
I looked up it was the man I had saw the other last night. He was the one that helped me with my purse.
"Hey you're that one guy that picked my stuff last night, "I said.
"Oh, I remember you. You fell..." Before he could finish I had fallen again. I was too dizzy to stand. The man leaned over a bit and I saw a blurred image of his face and that red mane of hair.
"Hey, you're kind of cute," I said. I suddenly realized what I had said. It must have been the fever talking. The man just laughed, and I felt myself being pulled up into the air.