As stated in the summary, we're really corbinbleuis4evasexc and ZacEfronandJohnCenaluvr together, so we're not really new to story writing, we're just new to writing a story together. Well, we hope you all enjoy!

Oh, also, this is rated T, but it has minor M in certain parts.

Disclaimer: HSM isn't ours, but we're working on it.

"Troy, wait for me!" a young ten-year old girl with shoulder length sandy-brown hair called after her twin brother.

They were racing home from school like they always did, and as usual, she was trailing a good length behind him.

"Well if you weren't so slow you would be able to keep up!" Troy called back, continuing to run down the street towards their home.

"Hello? If you haven't noticed, I AM WEARING A SKIRT!" she yelled.

"It's not my fault you were stupid enough to wear a skirt now, is it?" he retorted.

"Tr-oy!" she whined and stopped.

"C'mon, Claire, I was only kidding!" he called back without turning around for a second.

Troy arrived at the house first, as usual. When Claire never came, he started to panic. He peeked over the fence, but the street was vacant.

"Claire, where are you?" Troy called out, in fear that something happened to his sister, "Clarrissa!"

When no one responded, Troy started to really worry, "C'mon, Clarrissa, this isn't funny anymore!"

Still, no one answered his calls.

"Claire, please! I'm sorry, ok?" he tried again, not wanting to think that something bad could have happened to her, "C'mon, sis! Don't scare me like this!"

Much to Troy's dismay, his sister still did not answer.

"Ok, Claire, you win! You got me! Now please come out!" Troy tried again, but still did not receive a reply, "Clarrissa!"

"Troy, honey, wake up! It's time for school!" Mrs. Bolton called from the doorway of her son's room.

Troy groaned and looked at his alarm clock, which read six thirty, "It should be against the law to wake up at this hour."

Mrs. Bolton just laughed, "Hey, if I had to go through it, then so should you."

"Yea, but at least you weren't mobbed by a bunch of people every morning either." he replied as he walked over to his closet and grabbed whatever outfit he saw first.

"It can't be that bad. Your father went through it too, and he turned out just fine." she pointed out.

"Ok, mom, whatever you say." Troy said, for his version and his mom's version of fine were completely opposite.

Troy quickly got ready for school and ate breakfast. He walked outside and stood on the street corner and waited for the bus.

Troy's mind wondered back onto the dream he had the night before. It was not just a dream; it was a distant memory. No matter how hard he tried to shake that memory and move on, he found that to be easier said and done.

Troy's twin sister, Clarrissa, disappeared that very afternoon, never to be seen or heard from ever again. He had always blamed himself for her disappearance, for if he had been walking alongside her, she would still be with him. His parents tried to persuade him that it was not his fault that she disappeared and that if he was with her, that he could have been taken as well.

After several months of searching, the police pronounced her dead and gave up their search. Everyone, including his family had given up, every one except for Troy. He knew that she was out there somewhere, he just knew it, and one day, he was going to find her. Troy was never one to quit and give up, especially when someone he loved and cared about was in trouble.

Troy's life ever since his sister's disappearance started to go downhill. He hated life and was never happy. He started lashing out at his friends for no reason, and he rarely spoke to his parents. For years, Troy had wished that he were instead of his sister, but that was before he met her, Gabriella Montez.

Gabriella was different from any girl Troy had ever known. She was the first person who had seen past his school status and treated him like a normal person instead of some sort of celebrity. Gabriella was also the first person who had ever been able to make him forget the memories left from his sister's disappearance. On top of that, she was the first girl he had ever fallen for. She was the first girl he had ever really cared about since his sister's disappearance. He did not know what he would do if he ever lost both of them. Troy refused to lose Gabriella as easily as he lost Clarrissa, even if that meant sacrificing his own life.

Troy snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of the school bus coming to a steady halt. He boarded the bus and sat down ready for another boring day of school.

"Troy, wait for me!" a young ten-year old girl with shoulder length sandy-brown hair called after her twin brother.

They were racing home from school as they always did, and as usual, she was trailing a good length behind him.

"Well if you weren't so slow you would be able to keep up!" Troy called back as he continuing to run down the street towards their home.

"Hello? If you haven't noticed, I AM WEARING A SKIRT!" she yelled.

"It's not my fault you were stupid enough to wear a skirt now, is it?" he retorted.

"Tr-oy!" she cried, noticing the car moving slowly beside her.

"Come here, kid," the woman in the passenger seat of the car told her. Clarrissa thought the woman looked like her mother, but she shook that thought off.

"Why?" she questioned, "My mom always says not to talk to strangers."

"Because if you don't do as we say, we'll be forced to use drastic measures," the man in the driver's seat told her.

Clarrissa wanted to scream, but then she noticed the gun sitting in between the two and grew fearful. She hesitantly nodded and got in the back without another word, not knowing if she would ever see her family again.

Melanie Ramsay stared blankly at the basement ceiling, silently counting the ceiling cracks. Her and her family had just moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico from Wichita, Kansas, and already everything was the same as before they had moved. Her room was still the basement, she still did not have a mattress to sleep on, and so she had to sleep on the floor every night, which over the years has given her a bad back. Her parents still treat her like crap, but her sister has seemingly gotten worse since the move.

Melanie did not understand why her parents treated her older sister, Hailey differently than the way they treated her. Hailey was treated like royalty, where as she was treated like scum and did not belong in this family. She had never felt like she belonged in this family, and that somewhere out there, something better was awaiting her, she just had to find it.

Although Melanie did not remember much about her childhood, she was still haunted every night by the memory of a little boy who looked identical to her, but she did not know who he was. Every time she was in trouble, she could see his smiling face, telling her that everything would be ok.

"Come on, twerp, time for school." Hailey called out from the stairs, "And this time, try not to embarrass me."

"You do enough of that without my help." Melanie mumbled under her breath as she stood up.

"What was that?" she asked sharply.

"Um, nothing!" Melanie quickly covered up as she started to get ready for her first day of school.