
"Elemental right now has been found guilty of robbery and attempting to murder both of you." Rick Dicker said to Elastigirl and Invisigirl in Rick's NSA Executive Office, a few days later. "Gamsby, one of Metroville's most trusted and most brilliant crime solvers, will also be imprisoned."

"Why did Gamsby choose to work with Elemental?" inquired Invisigirl.

"It was a simple trade of power for money, Violet." Rick answered. "Elemental wanted power. Gamsby was willing to help her at a really huge price."

Elastigirl said, "I can't help but feel sorry for them. They crossed the line for money and power. It blinds them to see the truth."

"Gamsby blinded us to see the truth." said Rick. "We all believed him. Even though you two are the NSA's best Female Supers, and my personal friends, my judgment was clouded by deceit and lies. Helen, Violet, I speak for everyone when I say, I am sorry for not trusting you. And I apologize for you having to go through all of this."

"It's not your fault Rick. The important thing is that Elemental and Gamsby are locked up, we're safe, and we recovered every piece of the Power Suit."

Rick beamed. "I know. I want to congratulate the both of you for accomplishing this. Many people have tried over the years to find it. This is indeed a most memorable moment. Thanks to you two, the most treasured Super Suit has been found."

Invisigirl giggled. "Thanks Rick. But I have a question. Exactly what is the NSA going to do with the Power Suit? I think it is too dangerous to put it in a museum. We might have someone else try to steal it."

"I was thinking the same thing Vi. So what I decided to do is place the Power Suit in the NSA Supers Hall Of Fame, next to Amber Crombie's shrine. However, we're going to seal it in the most indestructible glass case so that no one can get into it. The NSA will take extreme measures to make sure that this rare, powerful and dangerous Super Suit is perfectly secured."

"Thank you Rick." Said Elastigirl.

"You two should be rewarded for a job well done. So how about you and your family take a nice long week vacation to Hawaii, paid for by the NSA?"

Elastigirl and Invisigirl's eyes shot wide opened. They were speechless.

"I'll take that as a yes. No need to thank us. You two deserved it."

"Hey honey! The water is great! Come on! Jump in!" Bob Parr cried on a beach in Hawaii. He, Dash and Jack-Jack were all splashing around in the blue sea with Helen and Violet tanning themselves on the sand.

"No thanks Bob. Violet and I have had enough activity for one day. We're just going to relax and enjoy our vacation."

The End