Inspired by my friends birthday party and other fanfics regarding team nights (they're my favourites to read) hopefully funny it depends whether or not you share my sense of humour. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything because believe me if I did Sam and Jack would be married Pete would have never existed , Janet would still be alive and Jack would never have left.

Ok this is set in season 7 when Sam's dating Pete and Janet hasn't died yet.


Pete's bad day

After a long day, sg-1 were in the briefing room discussing their previous mission.

"Originally, the planet was ruled by lord Yu for twenty years. The villagers rebelled and were able to advance technologically. They built a device that shoots down anything that indicates goa'uld life sins." Daniel summed up after a very long speech.

"It sounds like they would make good allies." Hammond said

"Yes sir. I would say so."Jack answered.

"Sg-5 can handle the diplomatic mission. In the meantime, you're all on some well deserved downtime until Monday. Dismissed." Hammond said getting up from his chair and heeding of to the gate room since sg-2 were about to leave for their next mission.

"We still good for tonight?" Daniel asked.

"Yup.""Indeed.""Yes."The rest of the team answered.

"Good I'll go see if Janet can come." Daniel said getting up to leaving the room followed by Teal'c.

"About tonight sir, I was wondering if Pete could come along. He's been wanting to meet the team for a while now and I figured this could be a good opportunity."

No! Not a chance in hell! Thought Jack but said: "Sure. The more the merrier."

"Thank you sir. See you at seven." Sam said leaving the room.

¤¤¤¤¤¤Stargate sg-1¤¤¤¤¤¤

A little before seven, Jack was sitting in his living room watching the Simpsons when a nock at his door forced him off his couch.

"Hey!" Daniel said entering Jack's house followed by Teal'c. "Janet said she could come but she could be a little late if sg-2 comes in injured."

"Good. Sam and Pete haven't arrived yet..." Jack started saying.

"Wowowo. Did you say Sam andPete?" Daniel asked.

"Yes I did."

"And you're ok with that."

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well because..." Daniel said waving his hand around.

"Teal'c! What do you have there?" Jack said pointing to the white plastic bag Teal'c was holding. He was eggar to change the subject especially since Pete could arrive any minute now. And the last thing he wanted was Pete finding out about his hidden feelings for his 2IC.

"Star wars." Teal'c answered.

"Again!" Jack complained.


"Fine but we're not watching the whole trilogy this time!"

"We will see."

Knock Knoc Knoc

"That's probably Sam and Pete now." Jack said opening the door. "Hey Carter...and Pete."

"Hi sir." Sam said entering the room followed by Pete who left the door open.

"Since only Janet's missing, I'll order the pizzas. Teal'c why don't you start the movie."

"Should we not wait for Doctor Fraiser to arrive?" Teal'c asked.

"I'm sure she won't mind." Jack said disappearing into the kitchen.

"Star wars." Sam guessed.

"Yup!" Daniel replied.

"Cool, witch one?" Pete asked.

"Episode six, return of the Jedi." Teal'c answered.

"Is that the one with the little bears?" Pete asked.

"Ewoks." Teal'c corrected already disliking the man.

"Pizza should be here in thirty minutes. Can I get anybody anything? Guiness or...guiness." Jack asked.

"I'll get it!" Daniel said heeding of to the kitchen.

"Don't you have anything else in that fridge of yours?" Janet said from the doorway that Pete forgot to close. "You can't live on just beer."

"Hey Janet." Daniel said balancing six bottles of beer.

"I'm sure my hallway is very fascinating but why don't we all sit down." Jack said entering the livingroom. "You're letting all the cold air in."

Everybody sat down. Teal'c on the lazy boy, Janet and Daniel on the love seat and Pete and Jack on the couch with Sam in the middle. Teal'c started the movie and Daniel passed the beers around.


So what do you think? Why not press that little button and tell me and if you have Ideas, I'm all hears. I have a few ideas already but I know I'm gona hit a writers block eventually.

Out of nowhere:

I've recently watched the episode touchstone and I've noticed that the first time the trip to antarctica was mentioned, Sam liked her lips and the second time it was mentioned, Jack liked his lips. I wonder why :P