A thousand thanks for Qualerei, a fabulous One piece fic author, who translated my french fiction. Now english people can read it too. Thus read it and review.

The 20 reasons why...

Zoro wears his bandana for serious fights

1 - It's hard otherwise to attack your foe by coming from an unexpected side, when your green hair makes him locate you for certain.

2 - The smell of the bandana (because of all the sweat accumulated after numerous fights) surprises the opponents when they are about to strike a close blow, and that leaves Zoro time to react.

3 - This black shadow gives him a killer's look.

4 - It was Kuina's favourite handkerchief, she used it the evening they made their famous oath and he'd never part from it. That way, it's a bit as if she was fighting with him.

5 - He's been told that if he didn't wear it, he'd lose, so he isn't superstitious, but well, better to have all the chances on his side just in case.

6 - That way he diverts the foes' attention to the top of his head, otherwise they'd realize how much holding a sword between one's teeth and speaking at the same time is ridiculous.

7 - If the fight drags on too much, it protects him from sunburns.

8 - It allows him to be taken seriously. Especially if his opponent saw him lost or made a fool of himself right before the fight. That way, he doesn't recognize him.

9 - He saw some people tie their hair in a ponytail so as not to be hampered, but his hair is too short to be tied together, so he had to find something else not to be bothered by it, idiots.

10 - A bet is a bet. They told him he wouldn't dare, but they'll see he'll hold it to the day of his death.

11 - Better to be known as the guy with the bandana rather than the guy who has horrible green hair.

12 - He can sell it for a nice sum of money when he's famous.
13 - It prevents his hair from being bloodstained, else they become brown, and it's pretty ugly.
14 - When he fights seriously, his hair become spotted red and yellow... You can't even fancy how ridiculous it is.
15 - He needs a distinguishing mark to be known as the greatest swordsman in the world. But these morons didn't even understand.
16 - Bald people are more frightening, but he'd never shave his hair.
17 - It has STYLE, like a BAD-BOY.
18 - That way we know when he gives everything he has.
19 - It's a way to grade his foes. With the bandana good, or even excellent, without the bandana, poor. He had also set a gradation of colours with different bandanas, to make the mark more accurate, and be able to compare them, but it was too cumbersome to carry with him.
20 - Eiichiro Oda decided, what do you want to do. There's nothing to understand.
If you find other reasons, you can write them down in a review. Any comment or criticism is welcome.